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A Study on the perception of epidemic febrile disease[瘟疫] in the Sinchanbyeokonbang(新纂辟瘟方) and its significance as prevention contents - Based on comparison with Dong-uibogam(東醫寶鑑) - (『신찬피온방(新纂辟瘟方)』의 온역(瘟疫) 인식 및 피역서(辟疫書)로서의 의의에 대한 고찰 - 『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)·온역문(瘟疫門)』과의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Hun;Baik, You-Sang;Jeong, Chang-Hyun;Jang, Woo-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.355-366
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    • 2013
  • Based on analysis of the organization and listed formulas of the Sinchanbyeokonbang(新纂辟瘟方), it is clear that it has been published based on the Dong-uibogam(東醫寶鑑). This study was carried out under this premise, with focus on the differences between Sinchanbyeokonbang and the epidemic febrile disease[瘟疫] chapter of the Dong-uibogam. In short, Sinchanbyeokonbang reflected a changed view on the epidemic febrile disease, improving its professionalism by supplementing formulas from previous texts and folk prescriptions. At the same time, it improved clinical practicality rather than medical, academic facts, which shows its objective in improving public health and medicine.

Reasonable Hardware Design Methods for 2-Wheeled Mobile Robots : Based on Segway Type Mobile Robots (2륜 이동로봇의 합리적인 하드웨어 설계 노하우 : 세그웨이를 중심으로)

  • Joh, Jung-Woo;Park, Gwi-Tae
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.109-111
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we discuss how to design 2-wheeled mobile robot hard wares as reasonable and practical as possible. A segway type mobile robot consists of 2 wheels only, placed in parallel rather than horizon. 2-wheeled mobile robots make you overcome high cost and time consuming maintenance procedures of the robot by reducing the number of robot hardwares. The most challenging thing in a 2-wheeled mobile robot that has many more valid virtues than the traditional mobile robots is to make it balance itself whenever it stands still or goes forward. But balancing itself is not an easy matter and there are many researches and experiments on this issue. When researchers test theories on 2-wheeled mobile robots to improve its self balancing performance, they should consider how to design hard wares of that mobile robot. No matter how great those new theories are, if a testbed for those theories is not suitable, performance output would be poor and meaningless. In this point of view, to design a proper 2-wheeled mobile robot as a testbed is a very important issue with development of new theories. So we define 4 guide lines to design segway type mobile robots reasonably; about motor, battery, and MCU selection and shock-proof design with robust motor setting.

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Modeling and Control of Welding Mobile Robot for the Tracking of Lattice Type Welding Seam (격자형 용접선 추적을 위한 용접 이동로봇의 모델링 및 제어)

  • Lee, Gun-You;Suh, Jin-Ho;Oh, Myung-Suk;Kim, Sang-Bong
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.923-928
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the motion control of a mobile robot with arc sensor for lattice type welding. Its dynamic equation and motion control method for welding speed and seam tracking are described. The motion control is realized in the view of keeping constant welding speed and precise target line even though the robot is driven along a straight line or comer. The mobile robot is modeled based on Lagrange equation under nonholonomic constraints and the model is represented in state space form. The motion control of the mobile robot is separated into three driving motions of straight locomotion, turning locomotion and torch slider controls. For the torch slider control, the proportional integral derivative (PID) control method is used. For the straight locomotion, a concept of decoupling method between input and output is adopted and for the turning locomotion, the turning speed is controlled according to the angular velocity value at each point of the comer with range of $90^{\circ}$ constrained to the welding speed. The proposed control methods are proved through simulation results and the results have proved that the mobile robot has enough ability to apply the lattice type welding line.

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A Study on the Vicarious Liability of Employers in China - Focus on Article 35 of Tort Liability Law - (중국의 사용자책임에 관한 연구 - 불법행위책임법 제35조를 중심으로 -)

  • SONG, Soo-Ryun
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    • v.77
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    • pp.285-304
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    • 2018
  • With the development of market economy, it has been a legislative trend to establish a system for vicarious liability of employers. China also established Tort Liability Law of People's Republic of China in 2009 and ruled responsibility of the employers for the acts for their employees through Art. 35. First, the employer's right to indemnity to an employee should be recognized, because employer's superintendence is much weak and economic power is similar between them. Second, an employer should take a responsibility for an unpaid employee as vicarious liability, because the Law did not exclude them from employees. Lastly, in case the Law conflicts with Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Certain Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Trying Cases Involving Compensation for Personal Damage, the Law should be regarded it has priority based on several related Principles. Regarding these matters, this study guides you to an analysis of vicarious liability of employers in China, benefits with a view to the perfection of the vicarious liability regime.

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  • Kwon Tae-Sig;Gu Byung-Su
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 1998
  • After we looked back on the process western psychotherapy, and consider current meaning and necessity of buddhism. we concluded as follows 1. We can apply buddhism to psychotherapy in terms of oriental medicine. Especially buddhism with long history in the orient has similarity with oriental medicine and common cultural background. therefore it will be useful especially to koreans 2. Whereas buddhism's object is Nirvana, that of medicine is to return to the above view. to apply various methodologies of buddhism to psychology of oriental medicine you must select useful parts and drop others 3. Whereas buddhism centers on human mind, oriental medicine wholly describes body and mind without separation, buddhism put stress on inside of consciousness and oriental medicine put stress on revealing process 4. It is difficult to combine buddhism to oriental medicine theoretically. In combining it is easier to accept buddhism practically rather than theoretically 5. To apply buddhism clinically we have to modify buddhism to modern societies and to research and discussion to combine it to the system of oriental medicine

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The Experience of Tai Chi in Women with Osteoarthritis (골관절염 여성의 타이치 경험)

  • Lee, Sun-Woo;Kim, Yun-Ju;Seo, Kwon;Lee, Hea-Young
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.288-297
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of Tai Chi in women with osteoarthritis. Methods: Data were collected by face-to-face interview from 14 participants. Theoretical sampling was performed until the concepts were saturated. The main question was "How do you describe your experience of Tai Chi?" Data were analyzed using a grounded theory methodology. All interviews were audio taped and transcribed verbatim. Results: The Phenomenon is 'QI flowing'. The core category was identified with 'inspiring one's life with strength'. This series of processes was categorized into four stages: 'Challenging Tai chi', 'Doing one's best', 'Deplenishing (the word used in English and Tai chi is emptying one's mind) one's mind', 'Taking a Positive view of life'. Conclusion: The finding of this study will offer profound understanding about the reported tai chi's experience. Additional research should be done as to the role of Tai chi as a nursing intervention strategy for osteoarthritis patients.

Arrangement of narrative events and background in the contents of VR 360 video (VR 360 영상 콘텐츠에서의 서사적 사건 및 배경의 배치)

  • Lee, You-Na;Park, Jin-Wan
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.1631-1639
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    • 2018
  • VR 360 video contents requires new visual language research in that the viewer inevitably makes partial appreciation unlike traditional video contents. In this study, we paid attention to the fact that arrangement of events and background elements in the 360-degree extended background of VR 360 video contents will play a major role in guiding the audience. Therefore, this study focuses on the arrangement of events and background elements from a narrative point of view, and analyzed the aspects of VR 360 video contents cases.

Appetite control: worm's-eye-view

  • You, Young-Jai;Avery, Leon
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2012
  • Food is important to any animal, and a large part of the behavioral repertoire is concerned with ensuring adequate nutrition. Two main nutritional sensations, hunger and satiety, produce opposite behaviors. Hungry animals seek food, increase exploratory behavior and continue feeding once they encounter food. Satiated animals decrease exploratory behavior, take rest, and stop feeding. The signals of hunger or satiety and their effects on physiology and behavior will depend not only on the animal's current nutritional status, but also on its experience and the environment in which the animal evolved. In our novel, nutritionally rich environment, improper control of appetite contributes to diseases from anorexia to the current epidemic of obesity. Despite extraordinary recent advances, genetic contribution to appetite control is still poorly understood partly due to lack of simple genetic model systems. In this review, we will discuss current understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms by which animals regulate food intake depending on their nutritional status. Then, focusing on relatively less known muscarinic and cGMP signals, we will discuss how the molecular and behavioral aspects of hunger and satiety are conserved in a simple invertebrate model system, Caenorhabditis elegans so as for us to use it to understand the genetics of appetite control.

Subject, Structure, Discourse, and the Learning of Mathematics (주체, 구조, 담론, 그리고 수학 학습)

  • Jin Kon, Hong
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.459-475
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    • 2012
  • Epistemology in which only subject and object of cognition exist can't play a role well in the society. In this paper we analyze structuralism which discusses linguistic and social conditions that make subject of cognition possible and semiologic epistemology's philosophical base with three keywords: subject, structure and discourse. Signification by the signs' relation not object of cognition and construct of subject make meaning of sign in network of signs. The construct exists before subject and subject can exist in the structural order. In understanding and analyzing learning of mathematics, this point of view makes you consider the other problems besides construction by subject.

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  • You Dong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 1980
  • The author analysed the routine radiographic changes and clinical symptoms of 205 cases of temporomandibular joint arthrosis. The clinical symptoms of the patients were classified and the morphological ylar head, articular eminence, and articular fossa were analized and discussed view point. The positional changes of condylar head and articular fossa relatation in TMJ arthrosis were observed. The frequencies of coincidence between the site of complaints and the site of the abnormal images which could be detected were examined. The results were obtained as follows; 1. Bone erosion, deformity, marginal proliferation and sclerosis were selected from many abnormal images as the radiographic diagnostic criteria of TMJ arthrotic lesions. 2. Abnormal radiographic findings were revealed in 150 cases (73.9%) of 205 total TMJ arthrosis cases and site with abnormal findings coincided with the site of complaints in 106 cases (70.7%) of 150 cases and coincidence rates were higher above fourth decades than below third decades. 3. Sclerosis of the abnormal radiographic findings could be found more often below third decades than above fourth decades. 4. The positional changes of condylar head were revealed in 176 cases (85.9%) of 205 total cases. 5. Pain complaints were revealed in 170 cases(82.9%) and clicking sounds were revealed in 120 cases (58.6%) of clinical symptoms of TMJ arthrosis. 6. No tendency was found so far the differential diagnosis between pain dysfunction syndrom and osteoarthrosis of TMJ.

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