• 제목/요약/키워드: YZ generation

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YZ세대의 취업을 위한 분전역투기(奮戰力鬪記) (The Story of Struggle for Employment of YZ Generation: Focused on Novel Collection <Call Center>)

  • 박치완
    • 글로벌문화콘텐츠
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    • 제41호
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    • pp.69-97
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    • 2019
  • 김의경의 『콜센터』는 제6회 수림문학상 수상작으로, 콜센터에서 일하는 다섯 명의 YZ세대를 등장시켜 이들이 겪는 비정규직의 설움, 상담사로서 겪는 인격 모독, 노동 착취 등을 폭로하고 있는 작품이다. "감정 노동이 일구어낸 소중한 문학적 진실", "우리 시대의 젊음의 진실에 가닿으려 한 작가의 진정성 어린 수고"라는 심사평에서도 잘 드러나듯, 이 소설은 소위 '88만원 세대'가 겪고 있는 우리 사회의 한 단면을 작가적 현미경으로 해부해 보여주고 있다. 본고에서 우리는 이들의 분전역투기(奮戰力鬪記)를 순수문학적 관점이 아닌 사회학적 관점을 통해 접근함으로써 세대론적 함의를 조명해보고자 한다. '을'을 사회적으로 방치(放置)하는 국가, 기득권의 갑질을 묵인하는 사회는 건강하고 정의로운 사회일 수 없다. 청년세대가 '사회적 부담'이 아니라 '새로운 시대의 주체(주역)'로 자리매김 될 때, 바로 그런 사회여야 희망이 있고, 미래가 보장된 사회라 할 수 있다. 우리가 『콜센터』에 주목한 이유가 바로 이것이며, 『콜센터』가 던지는 궁극적 메시지 또한 여기에 있다.


  • Darafsheh, M.R.;Ashrafi, A.R.
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • 제12권1_2호
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2003
  • A finite group G is called (l, m, n)-generated, if it is a quotient group of the triangle group T(l, m, n) = 〈$\chi$, y, z│$\chi$$\^$l/ = y$\^$m/ = z$^n$ = $\chi$yz = 1〉. In [19], the question of finding all triples (l, m, n) such that non-abelian finite simple group are (l, m, n)-generated was posed. In this paper we partially answer this question for the sporadic group Ru. In fact, we prove that if p, q and r are prime divisors of │Ru│, where p < q < r and$.$(p, q) $\neq$ (2, 3), then Ru is (p, q, r)-generated.

Generation YZ's E-Healthcare Use Factors Distribution in COVID-19's Third Year: A UTAUT Modeling

    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제21권7호
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: With the number of COVID-19 cases declining and generational differences among how people use mobile apps, including health service apps, the goal of this research is to identify and analyze the factors that affect people's attitudes when using the Halodoc health service app during the third year of the pandemic. Research design, data, and methodology: This study proposes a quantitative analysis method based on PLS-SEM modeling. This study has used a questionnaire survey to collect randomized data from 268 Halodoc users from generations Y and Z in Jakarta. Results: Both the Y and Z generations believe there is a significant usefulness factor in the attitude toward using the application. The start of the pandemic period demonstrates that the urgency of using health service applications is no longer determined by performance expectations, effort, or social panic, but rather by these applications' usability. Conclusions: Even though a health service application is no longer considered an urgent service or a priority need, attitudes, and behaviors in using it emphasize the aspect of long-term benefits. These findings supplement other considerations and understandings in application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model in explaining attitudes and intention behaviors.

Theoretical Investigation on Collinear Phase Matching Stimulated Polariton Scattering Generating THz Waves with a KTP Crystal

  • Tan, Lian;Yuan, Bin;Li, Yongjun;Wang, Silei;Zhang, Hongtao;Bing, Pibin;Yao, Jianquan;Li, Zhongyang
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2019
  • We present a theoretical research concerning terahertz (THz) wave generation with $KTiOPO_4$ (KTP) by collinear phase matching (CPM) stimulated polariton scattering (SPS). Both CPM and corresponding nonzero nonlinear coefficients can be simultaneously realized with $s{\rightarrow}f+f$ in yz plane, $s{\rightarrow}f+s$ with ${\theta}$ < ${\Omega}$ in xz plane and $s{\rightarrow}f+f$ with ${\theta}$ < ${\Omega}$ in xz plane. The effective nonlinear coefficients including electronic nonlinearities and ionic nonlinearities are calculated. Based on the parameter values of refractive indices, absorption coefficients and effective nonlinear coefficients, we simulate THz wave intensities generated with CPM SPS by solving coupled wave equations and give the relationship among the maximum THz wave intensity, optimal crystal length and the angle ${\theta}$. The calculation results demonstrate that CPM SPS with KTP can generate THz waves with high intensities and quantum conversion efficiencies.