• Title/Summary/Keyword: Worldview education

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The Contents Organization and Description Style of World Geography Textbook "小學萬國地誌" in the Period of Modern Enlightenment (근대계몽기 세계지리 교과서 "소학만국지지(小學萬國地誌)"의 내용체계와 서술방식)

  • Kang, Chang-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.747-763
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    • 2013
  • Books on world geography, so called "萬國地誌" had an important influence on changing Koreans' views of the world and the nation through the introduction of new world geographical knowledge during the period of modern enlightenment(1894~1910). "小學萬國地誌" was published in 1895 by Hakbu as an early world geography textbook. This study sought to discuss the significance and influence of "小學萬國地誌" by focusing on its contents organization and description style. The findings are as follows. The six regional contents organization adopted the modern regional geographical method by regional scale classification, describing the human geography based on the physical geography, comparing regional characteristics or studying the relationship between human and the nature. In addition, this textbook was written using the kukhanmun style that displays several characteristics of modern printing culture. Many geographical names were written in Korean characters and geographical knowledge was accepted actively from the modern world, subsequently contributing to the generalization of geographical knowledge. This textbook led to the transition of the Koreans' worldview from a China-centric focus by providing practical and specific knowledge about the world, toward the Korean modernization based on the multiple ideologies of social Darwinism and the advent of enlightenment, imperialism and nationalism.

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A Study of Ethnomusicological Elements in Modern Chinese Clarinet focus on 『the Shepherd Horse』 and 『the Voice of the Pamir』 (중국 현대 클라리넷 작품 중 민족음악 요소 연구 『목마의 노래』와 『파미이지음』을 중심으로)

  • Zeng, Guang;Ahn, Sung-Hie
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2022
  • During the China's long history, many ethnic groups have developed their own traditions of local music which is an important part of their precious cultures. Meanwhile, each ethnic group developed its own worldview and music culture according to its unique living environment, special lifestyle and mode of production. The clarinet is a Western instrument, and has been influenced to some extent by Chinese minority culture while being introduced to China. Therefore, musicians tried to find ways of using Western musical instruments to express various elements of Chinese minority music. Focusing on two clarinet works 'The Song of Grazing Horses' by Wang Yan and 'The Sound of Pamir Clarinet Concerto' by Hu Bijing, this paper aims to analyze the musical characteristics of minority groups expressed by the clarinet in two aspects: the formation of the music style, the artistic characteristics conveyed through the works. Specifically, it consists of five parts: ethnic mode and tonality, rhythm, time signature, melody making, and imitation of animals. It also analyzes the cultural characteristics of Tajik and Mongolian music reflected in the two works in combination with living environment, mode of production, life style, and ethnic emotions. This study aims to provide a theoretical basis for composers and performers who want to understand and acquire the musical style of modern Chinese clarinet works. It also helps to find a better way to play traditional Chinese music with Western instruments.