• 제목/요약/키워드: Work-Life Integration

검색결과 76건 처리시간 0.025초

작목반의 실태조사를 통한 발전모형 개발 연구 (A Study on the Development Paradigm of Cooperative Unit)

  • 김성수;김현수;최창욱
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to explore a paradigm for the development agricultural cooperative unit in Korea. To fulfill the purpose of the study, both a review of literature and case studies was used. The agricultural cooperative units selected for the survey were Doduram Swine, Songtan Cooperative Organization, Okyung Cooperative Farms, and Harim Poultry Company. To identify major factors and limitations associated with effective management of agricultural cooperative units, selected cooperative units for production, processing and marking were surveyed and analyzed. This study identified four major factors to be included in a development paradigm of effective agricultural cooperative units which were: 1) active participation of farmers, 2) techniques end attitude of participants, 3) horizontal integration of a high technology enterprise with agricultural production, and 4) increasing cooperative work on production and marking within the unit. Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations were made for further improvement and development of agricultural cooperative units : First, farmers should be encouraged and motivated to participate actively in agricultural cooperative units. Second, participants of the agricultural cooperative units should be equipped with both technical knowledge and skills on agricultural production, processing and marking. Third, a national net-work system should be established for the agricultural cooperative units throughout the country. Fourth, agricultural cooperative units should be expanded to various agricultural sectors covering wider area. Finally, agricultural cooperative units should be supported by farmers, agricultural organizations and the government for more effective management and further development.

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사생관 척도의 개발 (A Study on Development of a View of Life and Death Scale)

  • 이누미야 요시유키;한성열
    • 한국심리학회지 : 문화 및 사회문제
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.31-82
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 일반 대학생을 대상으로 청년기 사생관의 전체적 구조를 밝히기 위한 도구를 개발하고자 하였다. 즉, 자살, 임신중절, 장기기증 등의 청년기와 관련이 깊은 생명윤리문제에 대한 태도는 죽음에 대한 태도와 그 배경에 있는 내세관의 영향을 받아 형성될 것이라는 가정 하에 이들 사이의 구조적 관계를 밝혀 현상을 이해하기 위한 하나의 종합적인 모형을 구축하기 위해 우선 선행 연구들에 대한 검토 결과를 토대로 하여 종합적인 새로운 사생관 척도 제작을 시도하고 신뢰도와 타당도를 확인하였다. 본 연구를 통해, 내세관 특성(내세지향성, 현세회귀성), 죽음의 의미(해방, 자연, 집대성, 좌절, 충격, 허무), 죽음불안, 죽음관여도(죽음수용, 죽음관심), 생명존중의지(자살억제의지, 중절억제의지, 장기기증의도) 등의 개념적 정의 및 조작적 정의를 재정립하였다. 이로써 개인이 가지고 있는 사생관을 전체적으로 이해할 수 있게 되었으며 사생관의 내부구조를 밝힐 수 있는 도구가 마련된 것이다. 또한 그 동안 일부 요소(예컨대 죽음불안, 죽음관여도 등)와의 관계만이 연구가 가능했던 정신건강이나 심리적 적응 및 심리 사회적 발달과 죽음에 대한 태도의 관계를 사생관 전반에 걸쳐서 보다 체계적으로 검토할 수 있게 되었다.

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Activities and Planning for KRS Coordinates Maintenance

  • Kang, Hee Won;Cho, Sunglyong;Kim, Heesung;Yun, Youngsun;Lee, ByungSeok
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 2022
  • The Korea Augmentation Satellite System (KASS) is the Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) under development in Korea. KASS navigation service support navigation Safety of Life (SoL) service. KASS signal provides corrections to Global Positioning System (GPS) data received from KASS Reference Stations (KRS) and is broadcast form Geostationary Earth Orbiting (GEO) satellites to KASS users and is used by GPS/SBAS user equipment to improve the accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity of the navigation solution. Seven KRS's collect the satellite data and send them to the KASS Processing Stations (KPS) for the generation of the corrections and the monitoring the integrity. For performing its computation the KPS needs to know accurate and reliable KRS antennas coordinates. These coordinates are provided as configuration parameters to the KPS. This means that the reference frame in which the KPS work is the one represented by the set of coordinates provided as input. Therefore, the activity to maintain the accuracy of the KRS antenna coordinates is necessary, knowing that coordinates can evolve due to earth plates movements or earthquakes. In this paper, we analyzed the geodetic survey results for KRS antenna coordinates from Site Acceptance Test (SAT) #1 in December 2020 to August 2022. In the future, it is expected that these activities and planning for KRS coordinates maintenance will be produced and provided to KASS system operators for KPS configuration updates during the KASS lifetime of 15 years. Through these maintenance activities, it is expected that monitoring and analysis of unpredictable events such as earthquakes and seism will be possible in the future.

현대 패션에 표현된 움직임의 미적 특성에 관한 연구 (Aesthetic Characteristics of 'Movement' Expressed in Modern Fashion)

  • 박운경
    • 복식
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    • 제55권8호
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    • pp.112-126
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of 'movement' expression in modern fashion(1910-2004) based on a study of modern fine arts which adopted 'movement' element in their work. In this study the meaning of movement was defined as motion, changing position and transformation. Literature survey through books and research papers and demonstrative study with fashion collection photos were undertaken. The results wert as follows ; 1) Kinetic art, optical an, light kinetic art and technology art such as video and computer art have adopted 'movement' element in their work. 2) The plasticities of 'movement' fine arts were identified as mutual penetration, increase of visibility, use of non-traditional materials and dynamism. The internal meanings were identified as expansion of aesthetic experience and the concept of fine art, optimistic attitude on technology, spectator participation and integration of art and life. 3) The 'movement' expression in modern fashion was distinctively found in 1910s-20s(avant-garde fashion), 1960s (kinetic and optical art fashion) and mid 1990s to 2004 (techno-cyber fashion). 4) The plasticities of the 'movement' expression in modern fashion were identified as non-definition, use of non-traditional materials, dynamism. The internal meanings were identified as expansion of aesthetic experience and the concept of dress, optimistic attitude on technology, playfulness through participation. In conclusion, the expression of 'movement' in modern fashion has optimistic viewpoint on the development of modern society and is one of the interesting design points which will be pursued in the fellowing years.

복합재료 표면안테나 구조의 굽힘 피로특성 연구 (Bending Fatigue Characteristics of Surface-Antenna-Structure)

  • 김동현;황운봉;박현철;박위상
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2003년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.108-111
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    • 2003
  • The Objective of this work was to design Surface Antenna Structure (SAS) and investigate fatigue behavior of SAS that was asymmetric sandwich structure. This term, SAS, indicates that structural surface becomes antenna. Constituent materials were selected considering electrical properties, dielectric constant and tangent loss as well as mechanical properties. For the antenna performance, SSFIP elements inserted into structural layers were designed for satellite communication at a resonant frequency of 12.5 GHz and final demonstration article was $16\;{\times}\;8$ array antenna. From electrical measurements, it was shown that antenna performances were in good agreement with design requirements. In cyclic 4-point bending, flexure behavior was investigated by static and fatigue test. Fatigue life curve of SAS was obtained. The fatigue load was determined experimentally at a 0.75(1.875kN) load level. SAS concept is the first serious attempt at integration for both antenna and composite engineers and promises innovative future communication technology.

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탈북인을 통해 본 북한의 시간생활 실태 및 남한과의 차이점 분석 (Analysis of Time Life in North Korean with the perspectives of Defectors)

  • 이기영;이기춘;이은영;이순형;김대년;박영숙;최연실
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2000
  • The Purpose of this study is to scrutinize the time structure and time use pattern of North Korean and to identify the differences of time use patterns between South and North Korean Societies. To carry out this Purpose in-depth interviews with ten people who escaped from North Korea after 1990 and empirical survey with 158 subjects were conducted. The findings are as follows. The characteristics of time life of North Korean are uniform time use pattern in tightly scheduled daily life and shortage of disposable time and constraint of free time due to job related labor, extra job activities including learning, meeting and evaluation, and labor mobilization. Women are faced with heavy burden of doing job and housework in the continuing patriarchal way of thinking and in the circumstances of poor housing environment. In North, Leisure time is constraint and leisure facilities are poor and the concept of leisure is totally different as that of South. North Korean think leisure as connecting with work and education and as public sphere, not private sphere. I this context leisure is considered as means for the strengthening of the communist society. Differences in the perception of time life through defectors are as follows. In South, there are plenty of leisure time and man can control his own time. Man spend his free time for various activities, especially for cultural activities such as sports, recreation, eating out with families and spend time till late in the outdoors. This study revealed differences in many aspects of time life between South and North Korean societies. These results will provide useful informations for the overcome of differences of cultural life of South and North Korean societies and accomplishment of the real integration of two societies.

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R&D Policy of the Korean Government for Aging Society

  • Suh, Jiyoung
    • STI Policy Review
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.14-26
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    • 2013
  • The $1^{st}$ National Plan for Aging Society with Low Fertility, which the Korean government announced in 2006, caused the gradual increase of R&D investment in order to prepare for an aging society in Korea. This study explores if the directions and strategies of R&D projects related to aging are suitable to improve the quality of life for elderly people and establish a sustainable aging society by analyzing the features of R&D investment from 2004 to 2010. The results show that most R&D projects conducted by departments focus on the development of assistive devices for the elderly to support everyday lives. The Korean government's R&D policy to prepare for an aging society is based on the narrow interpretation of Quality of Life (QoL) in an aging society that tries to resolve the socioeconomic problems of the elderly; however, the policies have ignored the independence of active elderly individuals and the social integration of the young and elderly generations. The research shows that a paradigm shift is required from a 'Senior' to 'Aging Society' because almost 1/3 of the Korean population is over 65 years old and the expansion of the research embraces from assistive technologies for the elderly to the design of social infrastructure such as transportation, education and work.

북한이탈주민의 간호대학생활 경험 (Nursing College Life Experiences of North Korean Defectors)

  • 박정숙;조은주;최은정;조현미;배지현
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.324-335
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand nursing college life experiences of North Korean Defectors and identify their meanings. Methods: The study collected data through individual in-depth interviews among six undergraduates or graduates from nursing colleges, using phenomenological research methodology of Colaizzi-one of qualitative research approaches. Results: Six categories drawn as a result of research include 'Be bumped against hard reality wall', 'Bondage of discrimination and prejudice', 'Endure and stand with strength of faith', 'Myself grown up along with work', 'Becoming one amid differences', and 'Stepping towards unification'. Conclusion: The result of this study would contribute to understanding academic and interpersonal difficulties North Korean defectors might experience at nursing colleges. And it may also help people to learn that they would play an important role in integration of the nursing fields of South and North Korea as well as the nation's unification. Along the way, the results of the study could be basic data to establish national policy helping North Korean defectors adapt to nursing college life, and develop the supporting system of colleges as well as setting up appropriate supports and measures from the perspective of the nursing field.

Development of transgenic disease-resistance root stock for growth of watermelon.(oral)

  • S.M. Cho;Kim, J.Y.;J.E. Jung;S.J. Mun;S.J. Jung;Kim, K.S.;Kim, Y.C.;B.H. Cho
    • 한국식물병리학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국식물병리학회 2003년도 정기총회 및 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.65.2-65
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    • 2003
  • To protect the plant against several soil-borne pathogens, we are currently constructing disease-resistant transgenic root stock for the growth of cucurbitaceae vegetable plants, watermelon and gourd. We made a watermelon cDNA library from Cladosporium cucumerinum-Infected leaves for substractive hybriazation and differential screening. We isolated the several pathogen inducible cDNA clones, such as caffeoyl-CoA-methyltransferase, LAA induced protein, receptor-like kinase homolog, hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein, catalase, calmodulin binding protein, mitochondrial ATPase beta subunit, methyl tRNA synthetase and WRKY transcription factors. We previously obtained CaMADS in pepper and galactinol synthase ( CsGolS) in cucumber that were confirmed to be related with disease-resistance. CaMADS and CsGolS2 were transformed into the inbred line 'GO701-2' gourd, the inbred line '6-2-2' watermelon and the Kong-dye watermelon by Agrobacterium tumerfaciens LBA4404. Plant growth regulators (zeatin, BAP and IAA) were used for shoot regeneration and root induction for optimal condition. Putative transgenic plants were selected in medium containing 100mg/L kanamycin and integration of the CaMADS and CsGO/S2 into the genomic DNA were demonstrated by the PCR analysis. We isolated major soil-borne pathogens, such as Monosporascus cannonballus, Didymella bryoniae, Cladosporium cuvumerinum from the cultivation area of watermelon or root stock, and successfully established artificial inoculation method for each pathogen. This work was supported by a grant from BioGreen 21 program, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

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앙리 마티스 회화 이미지를 응용한 캐쥬얼 룩 디자인 연구 (A Study on Design for Casual Look Applying Painting Images of Henri Matisse)

  • 심미정;유금화
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.612-625
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    • 2010
  • People have more expectations for arts and design and accordingly, various artworks were combined with fashion to meet the consumer needs. As people live a decent life, the development of leisure activities and industry has a much effect on apparel. With this phenomenon, a free and active casual look is making progress centering around the practical apparel, pursuing diversified efficiency irrespective of a season and considering sensibility not formality. In this study, paintings of Henri Matisse were analyzed in every respect and were applied in apparel design with diverse color arrangement and a motif originating in the phenomenon of modern fashion design which leads to the integration of arts and design. Painting image and color of Henri Matisse were used. Sportive casual and cultural casual was used in design as well. Originality of its color in the paintings which were used an a motif is coming from Gauguin and Gogh. Henri had influenced to the next generation with pursuit of violent color. The following conclusions were drawn from this study. First, the color of Henri Matisse's paintings has a strong contrast effect. It combines notable violent color with a simple yet decorative motif. Therefore color from Matisse's paintings suit for apparel of marked individuality with its free color arrangement. Second, free and active image in Henri Matisse's paintings is easy to express efficiency and popularity. It accords with the feature of casual wear. Third, through adding a flowing curved line in Henri Matisse's paintings to materials and applying various colors putting into a curved line image to a rib section, a decorative effect which goes with the whole shape is obtained. This study presents possibility of emergence of unique design using free color arrangement and motif from the image of paintings and aims development of modern fashion design in accordance with modern fashion giving importance to the difference and sensibility by integration of modern garments and artworks.