• Title/Summary/Keyword: Women-Farmers′ Center

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An Analysis of Economic Effect for Women-farmer's Center (여성농업인센터 운영사업의 사회적 편익 추정)

  • 최윤지;김경미;강경하;이진영
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to calculate the economic effect of Women-Farmer's Center. Since 2001, The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has run Women-Farmer's Centers in which women-farmers can receive the care for their pre-schooling children, after-school learning service, and city-farm exchange, education, and counseling. In other words, Women Farmer's Center provides not only improvement of ease and quality of life of women-farmer's, but also spreading economic effect to community and country. By calculation based on business plan of 14 centers that run centers, total economic income effects are 2,784 million won, which consist of 1,265 million won for counseling, 146 million won for the care of infants and children, 139 million won after-school learning, 1,020 million won for education, and 214 million won for city-farm exchange program. The Women-Farmer's Center should be managed reasonably with government support so that Women-Farmer's Center will become as a base camp for young women farmers to participate in agriculture and rural community and increase its economic effect for the nation in the future.

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The Effects of Family Management Agreement on the Increase of Participation in Farm Management among Women Farmers (가족경영협약이 여성농업인의 경영참여 확대에 미치는 효과)

  • Kang, Kyeong-Ha;Huh, Mee-Young;Lee, Jin-Young;Choi, Yoon-Ji;Gim, Kyung-Mee;Whang, Dae-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.353-363
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    • 2008
  • Recently some Korean feminists have reported the family management agreement (FMA) can contribute to enhance the women farmers' legal status and to improve their farm management. The FMA is a formal document written each rights and responsibilities on the farm management, income allocation, and labor condition such as working time and work-off days agreed among family members. Since 2004, 161 farmer couples have signed and practiced the FMA after two-day workshop scheduled for the agreement. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of FMA on the increase of participation in (am management among women farmers. Data were collected from 204 FMA couples through the structured questionnaires. Also interview and participating observation were carried out. Paired t-test were conducted using SPSS 12.0 for Windows program. Major findings were as follows. Women farmers' participation in decision making of farming activities has significantly increased after than before the FMA. However, husbands' participation in decision making is higher than women farmers even after the FMA. After the FMA, labor compensation, regularly or irregularly, for women farmers has increased to 53.3%, 35.3% higher than 18% of the previous study and women farmers' ownership of their farm assets has increased to 48.1% from 29.1%. Also, there is a tendency women farmers' role as a representative of their farm has increased. In conclusion the FMA makes women farmers participate more in farm management as decision maker, income beneficiary, farm asset owner, and farm representative, which encourage them to get the legal status as a farmer and to control their farm management risk. It is suggested that the FMA be selected as a program in order to strengthen the agricultural competitiveness.

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Effect of Back-Strengthening Exercise Program in Rural Community-Dwelling Women with Mild Low Back Pain (허리통증이 있는 농촌지역 여성들에 대한 허리 강화 운동 프로그램의 효과)

  • Baek, Sora;Kim, Boram;Kim, Gowun;Park, Hee-won
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2021
  • 목적: 농촌 지역사회 기반의 허리 근력 강화 운동 프로그램이 운동과 허리 건강에 대한 개인의 태도 및 믿음에 미치는 효과를 평가하고자 하였다. 방법: 강원도 지역 네 개의 농촌 마을에서 가벼운 허리 통증이 있는 79명의 여성 자원자(42-76세)들을 운동군(n=40)과 대조군(n=39)으로 마을단위로 배정하였다. 운동군에서는 지역사회 기반의 허리강화 운동 프로그램(주당 3회, 8주간)이 시행되었고 대조군에는 일반적인 건강 관리에 대한 강의가 제공되었다. 등척성 허리 신전 근력과 허리 통증 관련 장애, 운동에 대한 태도, 허리 질환에 대한 위협인지, 운동의 자기 효능감을 중재전과 중재후 1, 2개월째 측정하였다. 결과: 운동군에서 2개월후 허리 신전근력은 뚜렷이 증가하였으며 허리 통증 관련 장애도 유의미하게 감소하였다. 운동에 대한 태도와 허리 질환에 대한 위협 인지는 운동군에서 증가하였으나 대조군에서는 변화가 없었다. 운동의 자기효능감은 양군에서 같이 증가하였으나 운동군에서 그 정도가 더 뚜렷했다. 결론: 농촌 지역 여성들을 대상으로 한 허리 근력 강화 운동 프로그램은 허리 통증으로 인한 장애를 감소시켰고 운동의 효과에 대한 태도와 믿음을 변화시켰다.

A Study on the Case Analysis and Health Management of Patients with Pesticide Poisoning from Spraying Pesticide in Hospitals in the Chungnam, Korea (충남 일부 지역 병의원의 농약살포 중 중독 사례 분석 및 보건관리방안 연구)

  • Moon, Sun-In;Choi, Jihee;Roh, Sangchul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.541-549
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study aims to examine patients who developed acute pesticide poisoning while spraying or using pesticide and presented to the emergency department in hospitals in Chungcheongnam-do Province. Based on the findings, this study will provide implications for safety and health management pertaining to the use of pesticides. Methods: Pesticide poisoning data collected by the Chungnam Center for Farmers' Safety and Health from 2014 to 2018 was cross-sectionally analyzed. A total of 331 patients with pesticide poisoning presented to one of hospitals and four of medical centers in the region(Dankuk University Hospital, Gongju and Hongsung, Cheongyang, Cheonan Medical Center). Seventeen of these patients (15 men and two women) developed poisoning while spraying pesticide. The patients' charts were reviewed to collect data on pesticide poisoning, namely currently working in farming-related occupation, means of transportation to the hospital, place of poisoning, symptoms of acute pesticide poisoning, treatment, pesticide used when poisoning occurred, and classification by technical ingredients. Results: Fifteen out of 17 patients who developed poisoning while spraying pesticide were men. Insecticide was used in 35.3% of the cases, and herbicide was used in 29.4% of the cases, which was different from cases of poisoning from ingestion poisoning. The major symptoms were vomiting (35.3%), nausea (29.4%), dizziness (29.4%), and headache (23.5%). A total 11 ingredients were identified in 12 patients, and the most common ingredient was glyphosate, which is an herbicide. Most patients showed a state of mild toxicity, but two patients showed a state of severe toxicity. These patients respectively used glyphosate and paraquat. Conclusions: Our findings can be useful for suggesting the need for a national healthcare system to manage occupational pesticide poisoning among farmers. Further, these findings can be used to increase the awareness of the risk of acute poisoning during pesticide spraying and suggest the need for a safety health education to increase farmers' awareness of pesticide poisoning.

Melanoma in Iran: a Retrospective 10-Year Study

  • Ferdosi, Samira;Saffari, Mojtaba;Eskandarieh, Sharareh;Alishahi, Raziyeh;Moghaddam, Mahsa Ghaffari;Ghanadan, Alireza;Shirkoohi, Reza
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.2751-2755
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    • 2016
  • Background: Melanoma, the most life-threatening type of skin cancer, is a malignant tumor initiating in melanocytes that rapidly metastasizes and causes death. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, samples were selected from patients' information files in our Cancer Institute in Tehran with a designed checklist. A total of 322 files were found from 2003 until 2012. Then the raw data were transferred to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 16 and additional analysis was performed by Students t-test. The important variables were considered according to the available information from history of pathology including age, gender, occupation, stage and location of tumor. Results: Our data showed that incidence of melanoma has been different in the studied 10-year period according to age. Also, incidence of melanoma was higher in men than women. It was more common in lower limbs. More commonly housewives among women and farmers among men were affected by melanoma. Conclusions: Taken together the descriptive data clarified general aspects of this disease for further screening and interventions.

The Effects of the Thera-band Exercise Program on Lower Extremities Muscle Strength and Balance in Rural Female Farmers (세라밴드 운동프로그램이 농촌 여성의 하지근력과 균형에 미치는 효과)

  • Jeong, Mi-Gyung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate the effects of **the Thera-band exercise program on the lower extremities muscle strength and balance in rural female farmers. Method: The participants were 19 rural women age of 40 or over who were living in the area within the jurisdiction of a public health center in North Chung Province and who agreed to participate in the study. The Thera-band exercise program was implemented for 10 weeks from Jan 17. to Mar 31. 2005. Total time was 60 minutes, 5 times a week. Paired t-test was used to analyze the data using the SPSS program. Result: The results of study showed that thigh muscle strength(t= 6.718, p <.001) and the dynamic balance(t=4.934, p <.001) decreased significantly. Ankle muscle strength(t=-6.739, pp <.001) and static balance (t=-2.395, p=.025) increased significantly. Conclusion: The results suggest that the Thera-band exercise program could be effective in improving thigh muscle strength, ankle muscle strength, the static balance, and the dynamic balance of rural female farmers. Further study is needed to compare strength and balance before and after the exercise program and to use a control group for comparison. Also it is needed to do more study on the appropriate length of time that the intervention should be given in order to achieve maximum results.

Psychiatric Factors Associated with Farmers' Syndrome (농부중의 정신적 원인에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Tae-Jin;Lee, Ka-Young
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 1997
  • Backgrounds : There has been many studies investigating the causes of farmers' syndrome. In some studies, psychologic stress is related to farmer's syndrome. And the diagnostic criteria of farmer's syndrome is similar to those of generalized anxiety disorder. So we carried out this study to investigate the psychiatric causes of farmers' syndrome. Methods : This study was done in some rural and urban areas of Kyoungsangnam Province, July, August, October and November of 1996. Those who came to free medical service and completed interview, medical examination and laboratory examination and 20-59 years old were 150 persons. And those who came to health center for health examination and completed only interview and 20-59 years old were 94 persons. The questionnaire was composed of sociodemographic factors, health risk factors, farmer's syndrome, work load, BEPSI(inventory to measure stress), Spielberger's state-trait anxiety inventory, self-rating depression scale. To examine statistical significance, we used X2-test, Mantel-Haenszel test for linear association, t-test, ANCOVA, correlation, multiple regression, logistic regression. Results : The prevalence of farmer's syndrome, adjusted for age and sex with population of Kyungsangnam Province of 1993 was 208 per 1,000(90 per 1,000 in men and 329 per 1,000 in women). In bivariate analysis, farmer's syndrome was significantly related to age, sex, job, income, smoking, alcohol drinking, work load, BEPSI, state anxiety, trait anxiety, depression, body mass index, Hwa-Byung, hypertension, anemia. However, when age and sex were adjusted, job was not significantly related to farmer's syndrome. The score of farmer's syndrome was significantly related to age, sex, work load, BEPSI, trait anxiety by multiple regression. Farmer's syndrome was significantly related to increasing age(odd ratio 1.079, 95% C.I. 1.060 - 1.099), sex(odds ratio of male 0.434, 95% C.I. 0.349 - 0.540), and BEPSI(odds ratio 1.231, 95% C.I. 1.148 - 1.320) by logistic regression. Results of logistic regression analysis of the component symptoms of farmer's syndrome were as follows. Shoulder stiffness was significantly related to increasing age, female sex and BEPSI. Lumbago was significantly related to increasing age, female sex and trait anxiety. Numb limbs and nocturia was significantly related to increasing age and female sex. Breathlessness was significantly related to work load, sleeplessness was significantly related to depression, dizziness was significantly related to job and state anxiety, and abdominal fullness was significantly related to female sex. Conclusion : Farmers' syndrome was related to work load, but was more related to psychiatric factors such as BEPSI and trait anxiety. And the occupation was not risk factor of farmers' syndrome in this study, so further study is needed to investigate the cause of farmers' syndrome.

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Knowledge and Pattern of Dental Health Care of the Community People (일부지역주민의 구강보건인식도 및 치과의료 이용양상)

  • 김일준;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.34-60
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    • 1993
  • This study was done for the improvement of dental health of rural villagers and the dental health education, through finding of the types of brushing teeth and dental treatment of 812 people in Sunsan, Kyungpook province for 35days from March 27 to April 30 in 1992. Summaries are as follows ; 1. 58.5 percent of respondents were women, 56.3 percent were 40′s, 28.0 percent were 30′s, 12.3 percent were 50′s, and the over 60′s were 3.4 percent Elementary school graduates were 36.1 percent and most of them were middle school graduates, 33.5 percent. In view of the occupation, farmers were 56.5 percent, factory workers were 17.9 percent, the middle class (monthly pay amounting to 500,000∼990,000 won) were 49 percent and the lower class(less than 500,000 won) were 30.9 percent. In the standpoint of religion, Buddhists were 42.5 percent. 2. In the number and times of respondents brushing, 35.5 percent is "after dinner", 25.6 percent is "Before going to bed", 15.8 percent is "After breakfast", 13.3 percent is "After every meal", 5.2 percent is "Before breakfast" and 4.7 percent is "The sometimes it occurs to them". 3. The acquirement process of knowledge on the dental health were clinics or health center dentists (27.6%), TV(24.5%), magazine(9.2%), school(7.8%), relatives(5.3%). and 25.6 percent has never acquired. 28.3 percent of the farmers learned something by clinics and 28.1 percent of them haven′t heard about dental health. 4. The rate of persons who experienced oral diseases during 1 year period was 76.1 percent, and that of the educated was 19.9 percent and that of the uneducated 80.1 percent. The authorities concerned with treatment were dentist′s(41.6%), health center(30.3%), and the unlicensed person(2.9%). The rate of negligence was 6.3 percent, farmers experienced oral disease was 75.2 percent and they utilized the health center most often(36.2%). 5. The rate of person who had experienced dental prosthesis during ten year period was 71.9 percent, and the final place or man for dental prosthesis was dental clinic(59.4%), the unlicensed person(27.1%), and health center(13.5%). The rate of farmers experienced dental prosthesis was 70.4 percent. They utilized the dental clinic, the unlicensed person and the health center with the rates of 51.5 percent, 32.2 percent, and 16.7 percent respectively. 6. As to the results of dental prosthesis using the dental clinic, "being satisfied now" was 72.4 percent, "being dissatisfied" 14.4 percent, "being unable to use it" 3.1 percent, "its being somewhat usable" 10.1 percent, "having some problem" 38.7 percent, and "there being no problems" 61.3 percent. About utilizing the unlicensed person, "being satisfied now" was 65.8 percent, "being dissatisfied" was 10.7 percent, "being unable to use it" 5.1 percent and "its being some what usable" was 18.4 percent. 7. The rate of missing teeth holders amounted to 89.8 percent, the rate of the educated to the uneducated was 19.2 percent to 80.8 percent The reasons of neglecting that illness were due to "Endurable"(28.3%), and "No money" (24.3%). In the case of farmers 89.1 percent of them were the missing-teeth holders, the "Endurable" were 29.8 7. percent, and "No money" lay in 27.4 percent. 8. Their hopeful centers for dental prosthesis were the dental clinics(76.6%), and the health center(16.9%).

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Dietary Patterns and Prevalence Odds Ratio in Middle-aged Adults of Rural and Mid-size City in Korean Genome Epidemiology Study (40대 이상 농촌 및 중소도시 성인의 식품섭취 패턴 (Pattern)과 질환별 유병위험도 - 한국인유전체역학조사사업 일부 대상자에 대해 -)

  • Ahn, Youn-Jhin;Park, Yun-Ju;Park, Seon-Joo;Min, Hae-Sook;Kwak, Hye-Kyoung;Oh, Kyung-Soo;Park, Chan
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2007
  • Recently, dietary pattern analysis was emerged as an approach to examine the relationships between diet and risk of chronic diseases. This study was to identify groups with population who report similar dietary pattern in Korean genome epidemiology study (KoGES) and association with several chronic diseases. The cohort participants living in Ansung and Ansan (Gyeonggi province) were totally 10,038. Among those, 6,873 subjects with no missing values in food frequency questionnaire were included in this analysis. After combining 103 food items into 17 food groups, 4 dietary factors were obtained by factor analysis based on their weights. Factor 1 showed high factor loadings in vegetables, mushrooms, meats, fish, beverages, and oriental-cereals. Factor 2 had high factor loadings in vegetables, fruits, fish, and factor 3 had high factor loadings in cereal-oriental, cerial-western and snacks. Factor 4 showed positive high factor loadings in rice and Kimchi and negative factor loadings in mushrooms and milk and dairy products. Using factor scores of four factors, subjects were classified into 3 clusters by K-means clustering. We named those 'Rice and Kimchi eating' group, 'Contented eating' group, and 'Healthy and light eating' group depending on their eating characteristics. 'Rice and Kimchi eating' group showed high prevalence in men, farmers and 60s. 'Contented eating' group and 'Healthy and light eating' group had high prevalence in women, people living in urban area (Ansan Citizen), with high-school education and above, and a monthly income of one million won and more. 'Contented eating' group appeared lower distribution proportion in the sixties and 'Healthy and light eating' group does higher in the fifties. 'Contented eating' versus 'Rice and Kimchi eating', odds ratio for hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity significantly decreased after adjusting age and sex (OR=0.64, 0.73, and 0.85 respectively, 95% CI). Although our results were from a cross-sectional study, these imply that the dietary patterns were related to diseases.

Physical disability, perceived dependence and depression in women with osteoarthritis (관절염을 앓고 있는 여성들의 신체활동 장애와 우울감 사이 의존성의 매개효과)

  • Park, Ki-Soo;Yang, Hyeon-Su;Kim, Bokyoung;Jeon, Hye-Ji
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2015
  • Objective: This study assessed whether both physical disability and perceived dependence relate to depression or whether perceived dependence in personal care activities, household activities, community mobility and recreational activities is an intermediate step in the relationship between physical disability and depressive symptoms. Methods: Data come from a cross-sectional survey of 209 women, aged 55 or older, with osteoarthritis (OA). Mediation analyses occurred in four step and included logistic regression analyses as outlined by Baron & Kenny. Results: The results from step 1 showed that greater difficulty with each domain of physical disabilities was significantly related to greater perceived dependence. In step 2, greater perceived dependence was significantly associated with greater depressive symptoms in all domains. Step 3 analyses showed that greater physical disabilities in each domain were significantly associated with depression. The final step testing mediation indicated that personal care activities, household activities and community mobility were fully mediated by perceived dependence. That was, once dependence was taken into account, the relationship between physical disabilities and depression was no longer significant. Partial mediation was found for dependence and recreational activity limitations. Conclusion: It is important to take into account the experience of perceived dependence as a mediator in understanding the relationship between disability and depression in the domains of personal care, household, and community mobility. To conclude, these findings point to the importance of taking into account an individual's reaction to their disability rather than just focusing on the severity of disability.