• 제목/요약/키워드: Wind resistance

검색결과 355건 처리시간 0.02초

UAV-based bridge crack discovery via deep learning and tensor voting

  • Xiong Peng;Bingxu Duan;Kun Zhou;Xingu Zhong;Qianxi Li;Chao Zhao
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2024
  • In order to realize tiny bridge crack discovery by UAV-based machine vision, a novel method combining deep learning and tensor voting is proposed. Firstly, the grid images of crack are detected and descripted based on SE-ResNet50 to generate feature points. Then, the probability significance map of crack image is calculated by tensor voting with feature points, which can define the direction and region of crack. Further, the crack detection anchor box is formed by non-maximum suppression from the probability significance map, which can improve the robustness of tiny crack detection. Finally, a case study is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the Xiangjiang-River bridge inspection. Compared with the original tensor voting algorithm, the proposed method has higher accuracy in the situation of only 1-2 pixels width crack and the existence of edge blur, crack discontinuity, which is suitable for UAV-based bridge crack discovery.

Nonlinear aerostatic stability analysis of Hutong cable-stayed rail-cum-road bridge

  • Xu, Man;Guo, Weiwei;Xia, He;Li, Kebing
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.485-503
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    • 2016
  • To investigate the nonlinear aerostatic stability of the Hutong cable-stayed rail-cum-road bridge with ultra-kilometer main span, a FEM bridge model is established. The tri-component wind loads and geometric nonlinearity are taken into consideration and discussed for the influence of nonlinear parameters and factors on bridge resistant capacity of aerostatic instability. The results show that the effect of initial wind attack-angle is significant for the aerostatic stability analysis of the bridge. The geometric nonlinearities of the bridge are of considerable importance in the analysis, especially the effect of cable sag. The instable mechanism of the Hutong Bridge with a steel truss girder is the spatial combination of vertical bending and torsion with large lateral bending displacement. The design wind velocity is much lower than the static instability wind velocity, and the structural aerostatic resistance capacity can meet the requirement.

Prediction of downburst-induced wind pressure coefficients on high-rise building surfaces using BP neural network

  • Fang, Zhiyuan;Wang, Zhisong;Li, Zhengliang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2020
  • Gusts generated by downburst have caused a great variety of structural damages in many regions around the world. It is of great significance to accurately evaluate the downburst-induced wind load on high-rise building for the wind resistance design. The main objective of this paper is to propose a computational modeling approach which can satisfactorily predict the mean and fluctuating wind pressure coefficients induced by downburst on high-rise building surfaces. In this study, using an impinging jet to simulate downburst-like wind, and simultaneous pressure measurements are obtained on a high-rise building model at different radial locations. The model test data are used as the database for developing back propagation neural network (BPNN) models. Comparisons between the BPNN prediction results and those from impinging jet test demonstrate that the BPNN-based method can satisfactorily and efficiently predict the downburst-induced wind pressure coefficients on single and overall surfaces of high-rise building at various radial locations.

풍하중을 받는 송전 시스템의 동적해석 (Dynamic Analysis of Electrical Power Transmission System under Wind Load)

  • 정형조;김영훈;박지훈;민경원
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2006년도 정기 학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.667-674
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    • 2006
  • Dynamic analysis of the electrical transmission system including transmission towers and cables is carried out by a general purpose structural analysis computer program for examining the wind-resistance of the system The spectral representation method is introduced to generate dynamic wind loads by using the Kaimal's spectrum and the measured wind velocities from wind tunnel tests, respectively. The numerical simulation results show that the responses in the case of the measured wind velocities is slightly larger than those in the case of the code.

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TMD effectiveness for steel high-rise building subjected to wind or earthquake including soil-structure interaction

  • Kontoni, Denise-Penelope N.;Farghaly, Ahmed Abdelraheem
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2020
  • A steel high-rise building (HRB) with 15 stories was analyzed under the dynamic load of wind or four different earthquakes taking into consideration the effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI) and using tuned mass damper (TMD) devices to resist these types of dynamic loads. The behavior of the steel HRB as a lightweight structure subjected to dynamic loads is critical especially for wind load with effect maximum at the top of the building and reduced until the base of the building, while on the contrary for seismic load with effect maximum at the base and reduced until the top of the building. The TMDs as a successful passive resistance method against the effect of wind or earthquakes is used to mitigate their effects on the steel high-rise building. Lateral displacements, top accelerations and straining actions were computed to judge the effectiveness of the TMDs on the response of the steel HRB subjected to wind or earthquakes.

Machine learning tool to assess the earthquake structural safety of systems designed for wind: In application of noise barriers

  • Ali, Tabish;Lee, Jehyeong;Kim, Robin Eunju
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.315-328
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    • 2022
  • Structures designed for wind have an opposite design approach to those designed for earthquakes. These structures are usually reliable if they are constructed in an area where there is almost no or less severe earthquake. However, as seismic activity is unpredictable and it can occur anytime and anywhere, the seismic safety of structures designed for wind must be assessed. Moreover, the design approaches of wind and earthquake systems are opposite where wind design considers higher stiffness but earthquake designs demand a more flexible structure. For this reason, a novel Machine learning framework is proposed that is used to assess and classify the seismic safety of the structures designed for wind load. Moreover, suitable criteria is defined for the design of wind resistance structures considering seismic behavior. Furthermore, the structural behavior as a result of dynamic interaction between superstructure and substructure during seismic events is also studied. The proposed framework achieved an accuracy of more than 90% for classification and prediction as well, when applied to new structures and unknown ground motions.

Non-uniform wind environment in mountainous terrain and aerostatic stability of a bridge

  • Chen, Xingyu;Guo, Junjie;Tang, Haojun;Li, Yongle;Wang, Lei
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.649-662
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    • 2020
  • The existence of a dam has potential effects on the surrounding wind environment especially when it is located in mountainous areas. In this situation, the long-span bridge over the reservoir can easily be exposed to non-uniform incoming flows, affecting its wind-resistance performance. This paper presents a study on the aerostatic stability of such a bridge. Wind tunnel tests were first carried out to investigate the wind environment above a mountainous reservoir. The results show that the angle of attack and the wind speed along the bridge axis show obvious non-uniform characteristics, which is related to the inflow direction. When winds come from the south where the river is winding, the angle of attack varies along the span direction significantly. The finite element model for the bridge was established using ANSYS software, and effects of non-uniform wind loads on the aerostatic stability were computed. Non-uniform angle of attack and wind speed are unfavorable to the aerostatic stability of the bridge, especially the former. When the combined action of non-uniform angle of attack and wind speed is considered, the critical wind speed of aerostatic instability is further reduced. Moreover, the aerostatic stability of the bridge is closely related to the dam height.

Wind loads and wind-resistant behaviour of large cylindrical tanks in square-arrangement group. Part 2: CFD simulation and finite element analysis

  • Liu, Qing;Zhao, Yang;Cai, Shuqi;Dong, Shilin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.495-508
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    • 2020
  • To investigate the structural behaviour of grouped tanks under wind loads, 2 problems need to be figured out, wind pressures on tank shells and critical loads of the shell under these pressure distribution patterns. Following the wind tunnel tests described in the companion paper, this paper firstly seeks to obtain wind loads on the external wall in a squarely-arranged cylindrical tank group by numerical simulation, considering various layouts. The outcomes demonstrate that the numerical method can provide similar results on wind pressures and better insights on grouping effects through extracted streamlines. Then, geometrically nonlinear analyses are performed using several selected potentially unfavourable wind pressure distributions. It is found that the critical load is controlled by limit point buckling when the tank is empty while excessive deformations when the tank is full. In particular, significant reductions of wind resistance are found on grouped full tanks compared to the isolated tank, considering both serviceability and ultimate limit state, which should receive special attention if the tank is expected to resist severe wind loads with the increase of liquid level.

An assessing framework for the structural functional states of transmission lines under wind loads

  • Cong Yan;Qiang Xie
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제39권5호
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2024
  • To quantitative analyze the structural function of transmission lines under wind and provide a research basis for the wind resistance resilient of them, an assessing framework is established. This framework includes four effects that wind has on the structural function of transmission lines and is applicable to the state parameters obtained under various wind conditions. Firstly, for each case, the performance function is established according to its critical parameter and safety factor. Then, the probabilistic density analysis is conducted on the acquired states parameters of transmission lines. Finally, the index values of functional state are calculated by the quantitative calculation method proposed based on performance functions and probability densities. To ensure accuracy in the analysis, plenty of dynamic wind fields should be applied to the investigated lines. The wind with long-duration can be divided into multiple wind with unit duration, which can improve the computational efficiency when transmission lines encounter various wind conditions. Based on the state results, weak positions of transmission lines can be identified. In this paper, a section of one 110 kV transmission line is selected for analysis. From the case study, it is evident that applying at least 50 random dynamic wind fields to this line is necessary for convergence of the results when the unit duration is 10 minutes and the time interval for obtaining state parameters is 0.1 seconds. Additionally, the span distances should be reasonably determined based on tower categories and wind-resistant capacity.

변동풍력의 연직분포를 고려한 건축물의 풍하중 평가 (The Wind Load Evaluation on Building Considering Vertical Profile of Fluctuating Wind Force)

  • 류혜진;신동현;하영철
    • 대한건축학회논문집:구조계
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    • 제35권7호
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2019
  • The wind tunnel test makes it possible to predict the wind loads for the wind resistant design. There are many methods to evaluate wind loads from data obtained from the wind tunnel test and these methods have advantages and disadvantages. In this study, two of these methods were analyzed and compared. One is the wind load evaluation method by fluctuating displacement and the other is the wind load evaluation method considering vertical profile of fluctuating wind force. The former method is evaluated as the sum of the mean wind load of the average wind force and the maximum value of the fluctuating wind load. The latter method is evaluated as the sum of the mean wind load and maximum value of the background wind load, and the maximum value of the resonant wind load. Two methods were applied to the wind tunnel test to compare the evaluated wind loads according to the two methods, with a maximum difference of about 1.2 times. The wind load evaluated by the method considering vertical profile of the fluctuating wind force (VPFWF) was larger than the wind load evaluated by the method by fluctuating displacement (FD). Especially, the difference of the wind load according to the two methods is large in the lower part of the building and the wind load is reversed at a specific height of the building. VPFWF of evaluating resonant wind loads and background wind loads separately is more reasonable.