• 제목/요약/키워드: Welding power supply

검색결과 43건 처리시간 0.018초

Deposition of Super Hydrophobic a-C:F Films by Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure

  • Kim, Duk-Jae;Kim, Yoon-Kee;Han, Jeon-Geon
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.50-54
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    • 2011
  • Hydrophobic a-C:F film was coated on polycarbonate film with $CF_4$, $C_2F_6$ and HFC ($C_2F_4H_2$) gas in helium discharge generated by 5~100 kHz AC power supply at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The highest water contact angle of the a-C:F film formed with $He/C_2F_6$ mixed gas is $155^{\circ}$. X-ray photoelectron spectrum showed that there was 40% of C-$CF_3$ bond at the surface of the super hydrophobic film. The contact angle and deposition rate were decreased with increasing substrate temperature. The contact angle was generally increased with the surface roughness of the film. The contact angle was high when the surface microstructure of the film was fine and sharp at the similar roughness and chemical composition of the surface.

스마트 분전반 제작을 위한 작업 공정도 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Development of a Work Operation Process Chart for Smart Distribution Board Fabrication)

  • 이병설;최충석
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2017
  • This study presented the strength of the materials and parts for smart distribution board fabrication, and developed a work operation process chart for smart distribution board fabrication. This work operation process chart for smart distribution board fabrication complied with SPS-KEMC regulations, and the applicable range and object are less than 1,000 V and 1,000 Hz for the AC distribution board and less than 1,500 V for the DC distribution board. The power supply is 3 phase 4 wires ($3{\Phi}$ 4W), divided into a single phase circuit and a 3 phase circuit. In addition, the circuit was configured so that the leakage current flowing through the distribution line of the load could be monitored in real time by using the sensor module installed at the rear end of the circuit breaker. Therefore, the administrator can easily find the risk factor of the load since engineer can check the leakage current of each distribution line. In addition, if a leakage current greater than standard value flows, it is possible to generate an alarm against a short circuit and cut off the leakage current. The work operation process chart for the smart distribution board fabrication consists of the following steps: raw and subsidiary materials, sheet metal work, tube making, welding, painting, busbar fabrication, assembly and wiring, product inspection, shipment, etc. Moreover, symbols, ${\Delta}$, ${\nabla}$, ${\bigcirc}$, ${\Rightarrow}$, etc. were used according to the type of work and work progress so that workers can easily understand the progress of the work.

직업성 극저주파 자기장 노출평가와 노출 기준에 대한 쟁점 고찰 (Brief Review on Exposure Characteristics, Monitoring Instruments and Threshold Limit Values for Extremely Low Frequency-Magnetic Field (ELF-MF))

  • 박동욱;이승희;조경이
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.381-392
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: Objective of this study is to review briefly exposure characteristics, monitoring instruments and threshold limit values for extremely low frequency-magnetic field (ELF-MF) methods. This study was undertaken through brief literature review. We performed a literature search in PubMed to identify ELF-MF studies conducted in workplaces. Initial search keywords such as 'extremely low frequency-magnetic field (ELF-MF)' and 'electromagnetic fields (EMF)' combined or singly. We limited our review to occupational rather than general nonworkplace environmental exposures. Methods: The contents we reviewed: key industry and occupations generating ELF-MF, several direct-reading instruments monitoring ELF-MF and threshold limit values (TLV) preventing health effects may be caused by the exposure to ELF-MF. Results: The industries related to the generation and supply of electricity, electrolytic installations, welding, and induction heating and more were regarded as high ELF-MF exposure industries. All jobs handling or employed performed in power cable lines, electrical wiring, and electrical equipment are found to be exposed to ELF-MF. Threshold or ceiling limit, 1,000 µT, is established to prevent acute effects of exposure to low-frequency EMFs on the nervous system: the direct stimulation of nerve and muscle tissues and the induction of retinal phosphenes. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified ELF-MF as possibly carcinogenic to humans chiefly based on epidemiological studies on childhood leukemia. However, a causal relationship between magnetic fields and several types of cancer including childhood leukemia has not been established nor has any other long-term effects. Risk management using precautionary measures, has been initiated by the US and EU to prevent chronic health effects related to ELF-MF exposure in workplaces. Conclusion: This study recommends the implementation of various measures such as theestablishment of occupational exposure limit values for ELF-MF and precautionary principle to prevent potential chronic occupational health effects may be caused by ELF-MF in Korea.