• Title/Summary/Keyword: Weldign Deformation

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Effects of Root Gap on Residual Stresses and Deformation in the Multi-Pass Weld of Thick Plates for Steel Bridge (교량용 후판 다층용접시 잔류응력과 변형에 미치는 루트간격의 영향)

  • 장경복;김하근;강성수
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 1999
  • The effects of root gap on welding residual stress and deformation are dealt with the multi-pass weldment with three kinds(0, 6, 30mm) of root gap by F.E.M common code, and then compared with experiment data. In this analysis, an 100% ramp heat input model was used to avoid numerical convergence problem due to an instantaneous increase in temperature near the fusion zone, and the effect of a moving arc in a two dimensional plane was also included. During the analysis, a small time increment was applied in a period with instantaneous temperature fluctuation while a large time increment was used in the rest period. The residual stress is distributed as symmetric types and maximum value is also equivalent when the weldment with 0mm and 6mm root gap is welded. In the case of 30mm root gap welding, the distribution of the residual stress extends over a wide range as asymmetric types due to the built-up weld, and most of the residual stress is biased in the side of a built-up weld part. In case of 0mm gap welding and 6mm gap welding, a little angular distortion occurs, but the level of deformation is small. When the weldment with 30mm root gap is welded, the angular deformation of the asymmetric types, however, occurs larger than the other specimens. The experimental and the analytic results show good coincidence and indicate that the welding residual stress and deformation distribution of 30 mm root gap specimen may be asymmetric and the amplitude is larger than those of root gap specimen under standard.

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