• 제목/요약/키워드: Website ads

검색결과 7건 처리시간 0.02초

웹사이트 광고에 대한 지각특성이 웹사이트 방문행동에 미치는 영향 (The Influences of Perceived Attributes about the Website Advertisement in Website Click Behavior)

  • 이국용
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.99-122
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    • 2004
  • In the past days, most of studies about website behavior and website advertisement have been mainly focused on the effectiveness of website advertisement and advertisement attitude. But the generic model of website click behavior via website advertisement has not been made and the leading theory of that has not been existed. This purpose of this research is to explore the effects of internet advertisement in website click behavior. Specially, I deal with the influence of advertisement attributes(informativeness, entertainment, attentiveness, uneasiness, website attitude and advertising attitude) which is gradually being increased or decreased to attract the website click behavior of internet users. Added to this, it is to examine the influence of two attitudes(advertisement attitude and website attitude) as mediating variables on website click behavior. Major findings of this research are summarized as follows: First, mediating effects of website attitude and advertisement attitude were tested significantly in affecting the website click behavior by website advertisement attributes(informativeness, entertainment, attentiveness, uneasiness). Second, the website attitude was affected by website advertisement attributes(informativeness, entertainment, attentiveness, uneasiness). And the advertisement attribute(except of entertainment and attentiveness) such as informativeness and uneasiness did significantly affected in the website click behavior. Also, the website click behavior was not affected but the website advertisement attitude, however the mediating effect was tested significantly.

A Quantitative Study on How Internet Search Ads Generate Consumer Traffic to Advertisers' Website

  • Son, Jung-Sun
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.7-24
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to measure the impact of these two variables on consumers' 'click-through' rates (the number of users that click on the ad compared to the number of times the ad is delivered). The result is as follows. First, search ads play a critical role in drawing consumers to advertisers' websites. Once search ads are placed, the number of visitors increased tenfold. Secondly, when search ads are keyed to highly-involved words such as 'IDC', 'hosting' and 'co-location', click-through rates significantly fluctuate according to the type of advertising message. In this case, consumers respond much more positively to ads highlighting credibility and product quality than to ads with emphasis on sales and events. Thirdly, the placement of search ads also matters. The ad placed first in the search list overpowers ads in the third or fifth place in terms of click-through rates. However, there was no significant difference of click-through rates between ads in the third place and ads in fifth. Lastly, when estimating which variable plays the bigger role in bringing traffic to advertisers' websites, consumers are more receptive to the substance of the advertising message than to its placement, under the circumstances of high involvement.

한국과 미국의 대중적인 검색 사이트 간 건강정보 검색결과 및 신뢰성 비교 평가 (Comparative Evaluation of Popular Search Websites on Search Results and Reliability of Health Information between Korea and United States)

  • 최유정;정광현;정종현;채현우;이주연;신재규
    • 한국임상약학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 2024
  • Background: Health information should be accurate and of high quality. While search websites are widely used to obtain health information, search results can vary depending on the availability of information in each language and the algorithms of search websites. We compared the search results and their reliability on popular search websites in Korea and the United States. Methods: Using the most popular search websites in Korea (A) and the US (B), with B divided into KR and US domains, we evaluated the search results for three diseases (hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis) and two medications (Lipitor, Norvasc). We compared the proportion of paid ads and website categories, as well as quality and accuracy using a validated scoring tool. Results: Search website A had a high proportion of paid ads (40.3%), compared to B KR (4.3%) and B US (0%). B US had the highest proportion of reliable websites (58.1%), followed by B KR (52.9%) and A (14.6%). B US had the highest median quality score (25) while A had the lowest (14). Additionally, B US had the highest accuracy (95%), followed by B KR (87.7%) and A (52.2%). Conclusions: Our data suggest that health information provided by popular search website in Korea is inaccurate and of low quality compared with that provided by its counterpart in the US. Users should prioritize credible websites, be cautious of ads, and seek professional advice. In addition, joint efforts from the government, search websites, and healthcare professionals are needed to provide accurate online health information.

바람직한 웹마케팅의 방향과 웹광고 성과에 관한 연구 (A study on sustainable direction of web-marketing and web-advertising performance)

  • 강인원;조은선
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.3-28
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    • 2015
  • 이용자의 집중을 이끌기 위한 웹광고의 자극들이 증가하는 가운데, 웹광고들이 오히려 이용자의 웹활동을 방해하는 경우가 많아졌다. 하지만 이용자들이 웹광고를 회피할수록 기업은 더욱 자극적인 광고로 이용자의 집중을 이끌고자 노력하고 있어 과연 기업이 원하는 웹광고 성과를 달성할 수 있을지에 대한 의문이 가중되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 웹광고의 자극요소들이 웹광고에 대한 이용자의 태도와 이후 웹광고 성과에 이르는 과정을 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 웹광고의 과도한 자극이 오히려 웹광고와 해당 웹사이트에 대한 부정적인 성과를 초래할 수 있으며, 웹광고의 유용성 및 유희성에 의해 웹광고의 설득수준이 높아짐을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 웹사이트의 특성에 따라 인터넷신문 사이트와 전자상거래 사이트에서의 웹광고 자극과 그에 대한 성과의 차이를 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과, 전자상거래 사이트보다도 인터넷신문 사이트에서의 광고 자극이 더욱 침입성과 혼란성이 높아 웹사이트를 회피하게 됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 기업이 기대하는 성과를 얻을 수 있고 이용자의 편익도 증진할 수 있는 바람직한 웹마케팅의 방향을 논의하고자 한다.

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Experiencing High Loneliness Increases Evaluation of Products in Social Media Ads

  • Youjung Jun;Taehyeon Eom
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2024
  • This research investigates how loneliness affects people's preferences for products that appear in social media ads. Four studies examine the impact of loneliness that is both measured in an established scale and situationally induced via a recall task. Individuals who experience higher levels of loneliness evaluate the same products more highly when they are advertised in a social (i.e., Instagram) compared to non-social (i.e., brand website) media platform. This effect occurs because loneliness increases people's attention to others' social evaluation of a product, and social media ads provide this information via social cues such as "likes" embedded in the ads. When the social cues are absent, the advantage of advertising on social compared to non-social media for people with high (vs. low) loneliness disappears. The findings suggest that social media ads have a unique appeal for individuals experiencing loneliness and highlight the role of social cues in shaping product evaluations.

Pay Per Click Marketing Strategies: A Review of Empirical Evidence

  • Bhandari, Ravneet Singh
    • 산경연구논집
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Today's world revolves around search engines which are the driving force behind any marketer. The thirst for marketing has led to the evolution of online 'Pay per click' over last few years and is the most widely used instrument. Research design, data, and methodology - Exploratory research design highlights many marketing variables getting affected by pay per click marketing. To analyze the said phenomenon, the data was gathered through questionnaire from the sample of 338 respondents which were selected by simple random sampling method mostly from the National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi in India. The data collected from the respondents was loaded on SAS base for exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results - Pay per click as a marketing tool has significant impact on the consumers. The most prominent factors of pay per click marketing identified in the research are Ad quality, Competition, Targeting, Trend and Budget. Conclusions - Organic as well as inorganic ads, keeping in mind the end goal to gage the exchange of these two postings in the marked look territory. Additionally, here we dissected supported pursuit promotions in all. It would be beneficial to break down the impact of promotion position on the pay per click marketing.

SNS에서 제휴마케팅 관점의 클릭의도에 영향을 주는 요인과 연대강도의 조절효과 (Determinants of Click-Through Intention as Affiliate Marketing and the Moderating Effect of Tie Strength in SNS)

  • 목혜민;주재훈
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 2013
  • 제휴마케팅으로 웹에서의 콘텐트 제공자가 수익을 창출할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 콘텐트 제공자는 웹 사이트를 구축하여 일정 수준 이상의 고객을 끌어들이는데 어려움을 겪어왔다. 최근 SNS가 활성화되면서 누구나 쉽게 콘텐트 제공자가 될 수 있게 되었고, 자신의 SNS에 광고를 게재하고 제휴마케팅을 통해 수익을 창출하는 것이 용이하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 트위터와 같은 마이크로블로그 기반 SNS에서 제휴마케팅에 영향을 주는 요인을 분석하였으며, 구성원들간의 연대관계가 이들 영향변수와 제휴마케팅 간에 조절역할을 하는지를 조사하였다. 실증분석에서는 제휴마케팅의 대용 변수로 클릭의도를 사용하였다. 실증분석을 통한 연구결과는 다음과 같다: 첫째, 마이크로블로그 기반 SNS의 보안 서비스, 커뮤니티 소통지원 서비스, 내비게이션 서비스, 콘텐트 품질은 클릭의도에 긍정적 영향을 미친다. 둘째, 마이크로블로그 기반 SNS에서 구성원들 간의 연대(연결강도)는 콘텐트 품질과 클릭의도간의 관계에서 조절역할을 한다. 약한 연대 그룹일수록 콘텐트 품질이 클릭의도에 긍정적 영향을 미친다. 끝으로 본 연구에서는 이들 연구결과가 주는 함의를 연구자와 실무자 관점에서 제시하였다.

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