• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wear model

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The Impact of Changes in Market Shares among Retailing Types on the Price Index (소매업태간 시장점유율 변화가 물가에 미친 영향)

  • Moon, Youn-Hee;Choi, Sung-Ho;Choi, Ji-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.93-115
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    • 2012
  • This study empirically examines the impact of changes in market shares among retailing types on the price index. The retailing type is classified into 6 groups: department store, big mart, super market, convenient store, specialty merchant, and on-line store. The market shares of retailing types are calculated by the ratio of each retailing type monthly sales to total monthly retailing sales in which total retailing sales is the sum of each retailing type sales. We employed several price indices: consumer price index (CPI), CPI for living necessaries, and fresh food price index. In addition, this study used fundamental price indices based on 25 product families as well as 42 representative products. The empirical model also included several variables in order to control for the macroeconomic effects and those variables are the exchange rate, M1, an oil price, and the industrial production index. The data is monthly time-series data spanning over the period from January 2000 to December 2010. In order to test for the stability of data series, we conducted ADF test and PP test in which the model and length of lag were determined by the relevant previous literature and based on the AIC. The empirical results indicate that changes in market shares among retailing types have impacts on the price index. Table A shows that impacts differ as to which price index to use and which product families and products to use. For department store, it lowers the price of food and non-alcoholic beverages, home appliances, fresh food, fresh and vegetables, but it keeps the price high for fresh fruit. The big mart retailing type has a positive impact on the price of food, nut has a negative effect on clothing and foot wear, non-food, and fresh fruit. For super market, it has a positive impact on food and non-alcoholic beverages, fresh food, fresh shellfishes, but increases the price of CPI for living necessaries and non-food. The specialty merchant retailing type increases the price level of CPI for living necessaries and fresh fruit. For on-line store type, it keeps the price high for CPI for living necessaries and non-food as well as fresh fruit. For the analysis based on 25 product families shows that changes in market shares among retailing types also have different effects on the price index. Table B summarizes the different results. The 42 representative product level analysis is summerized in Table C and it indicates that changes in market shares among retailing types have different effects on the price index. The study offers the theoretical and practical implication to these findings and also suggests the direction for the further analysis.

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A Study on the Strategic Trading Models with Broker and Overconfident Informed Trader (브로커와 과신정보거래자가 존재하는 전략적 거래모형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Tak
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.13
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    • pp.133-157
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    • 2000
  • This paper investigate to construct a new strategic trading model which contains the broker and overconfident informed trader. Assuming more favorable situation for the broker, this paper construct a two period model. At period I overconfident informed trader and liquidity traders participate to trade. At this time the broker does not execute transaction of his own account. he only transfer customer's order by commission. At period 2, the broker identifies informed trade of previous period and he execute the trade of his own account with liquidity traders. The effects of overconfidence to the expected transaction volume and expected transaction profit, and price variability are summarized as follows: (i) As the degree of overconfidence increases, the expected transaction volume of informed trader increases. Under the restriction of moderate degree of overconfidence, it also increases the expected transaction volume of broker. In sum, overconfidence behavior of informed trader increases the expected transaction volume. (ii) As the degree of overconfidence increases, the both expected profit of informed trader and broker decrease. (iii) As the degree of overconfidence increases, unconditional variances of price for each periods increase. And as the degree of overconfidence increases, the informativeness of prices for each period increase. Finally, some limitations of this paper and direction for further research were suggested.

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The Effect of Marketing Mix elements on brand Equity (마케팅 믹스 요소가 브랜드 자산에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Jang-Mu
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.41-70
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    • 2003
  • Many researches on brand equity have been focused in definition about it, factors of it, and the process of formation. Most of them have been used by voluntary production category, as is durable goods or nondurable goods. But this study, using the model is developed by Foote, Cone & Be1ding(FCB) Company, classified four fields, high-low involvement, rationality(rational or sensitive) involvement. The selected goods is a sensitive high involvement(casual wear). This study investigate the effects of brand equity and search the influences of brand equity formation according to factors of marketing mix. To this goals, this study kept a literature survey and a demonstrative research. In literature survey, there are several definitions of brand and brand equity. The research model is derived from selected factors of marketing mix and former study. This study used the regression analysis to verify effects from brand equity through the selected marketing mix. The research data is collected from the capital area. The focus of this study is effects of brand equity according to marketing mix. The followings are results and suggestions of this study. First, in the price factors, the affirmative effects are revealed the perceived quality and the brand awareness in a rational high involvement goods, the perceived quality and the brand associations in a sensitive high involvement goods, all factors of brand equity in a rational low involvement goods, and the perceived quality in a sensitive low involvement goods. As summary, the important characteristics is the price factors to consumers, and consumers recognize that a high price means a high quality. Second, in the store image factors, the affirmative effects are revealed all brand equity factors in a rational high involvement and a sensitive high-low involvement. A good store image incites more interest, contact, and visit from potential consumer. And such store offers more consumer satisfaction, simulates more active and positive conversation to consumers. Third, in advertising spending factors, the affirmative effects are revealed the brand awareness and associations in a rational high involvement and a sensitive high involvement, all brand equity factors in a rational low involvement and a sensitive low involvement. An advertisement increases not only a brand awareness but also strong brand associations. Forth, in price promotion factors, the affirmative effects are revealed the brand associations in a rational high involvement, the negative effects are revealed all brand equity in sensitive high involvement. According the result about the effects of brand royalty through the brand equity factors, a perceived quality and brand associations have positive effects to brand royalty in all factors. Consumers choice a deep perceived quality than other competitive brand. So, brand equity will increase according to a qualitative grade of a perceived brand by consumers. Brand associations represent a quality and a degree of involvement. In conclusion, brand associations and equity have a positive relation each other. According to the analysis results about a brand royalty of selected marketing mix factors, the affirmative effects are revealed the store image and price promotion factors in a rational high involvement, the price and store image in a sensitive high involvement, and the price and advertising spending in a rational low involvement. The results about the affect of selected marketing mix factors according to brand equity, are the perceived quality in a high involvement, and all brand equity factors in a low involvement. The affirmative effects about a store image are revealed all equity factors in high-low involvement. In advertising spending factors, the affirmative effects are revealed the brand awareness and associations in a high involvement goods, and the perceived quality and the brand awareness in a low involvement goods. In price promotion factors, the affirmative effects are revealed the brand awareness in a low involvement goods, and the negative effects are revealed the brand awareness in a high involvement goods. According to a degree of involvement, the results of a brand royalty through a brand equity factors are following. The affirmative effects are revealed the perceived quality and the brand royalty in a high involvement goods, and the brand awareness are revealed a negative effect. The affirmative effects are revealed the perceived Quality and the brand associations in a low involvement goods. So, in a high involvement goods, the brand royalty is built by strong brand associations, but, in a low involvement goods, the brand royalty is built also by a perceived Quality and a brand awareness. This study have some concept of limitation. So, this study presents a future direction of research. First, a future study has to have more deep analysis for this study analyzed through a limited marketing mix factors. Second, a future research has to get mutual effects about brand equity of marketing mix factors for this study has an individual marketing decision factors. Third, for the future, a brand equity needs a research about a several goods such as services, profit or nonprofit, industrial products, culture, and so on. Forth, the research have to diversify a various data for population.

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The Effects of Wearing Protective Devices among Residents and Volunteers Participating in the Cleanup of the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill (허베이스피릿호 유류유출사고 방제작업 참여자의 보호장비착용 효과)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Ha, Mi-Na;Kim, Eun-Jung;Jeong, Woo-Chul;Hur, Jong-Il;Park, Seok-Gun;Kwon, Ho-Jang;Hong, Yun-Chul;Ha, Eun-Hee;Lee, Jong-Seung;Chung, Bong-Chul;Lee, Jeong-Ae;Im, Ho-Sub;Choi, Ye-Yong;Cho, Yong-Min;Cheong, Hae-Kwan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : To assess the protective effects of wearing protective devices among the residents and volunteers who participated in the cleanup of the Hebei Spirit oil spill. Methods : A total of 288 residents and 724 volunteers were surveyed about symptoms, whether they were wearing protective devices and potential confounding variables. The questionnaires were administered from the second to the sixth week following the accident. Spot urine samples were collected and analyzed for metabolites of 4 volatile organic compounds(VOCs), 2 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), and 6 heavy metals. The association between the wearing of protective devices and various symptoms was assessed using a multiple logistic regression adjusted for confounding variables. A multiple generalized linear regression model adjusted for the covariates was used to test for a difference in least-square mean concentration of urinary biomarkers between residents who wore protective devices and those who did not. Results : Thirty nine to 98% of the residents and 62-98% of volunteers wore protective devices. Levels of fatigue and fever were higher among residents not wearing masks than among those who did wear masks(odds ratio 4.5; 95% confidence interval 1.23-19.86). Urinary mercury levels were found to be significantly higher among residents not wearing work clothes or boots(p<0.05). Conclusions : Because the survey was not performed during the initial high-exposure period, no significant difference was found in metabolite levels between people who wore protective devices and those who did not, except for mercury, whose biological half-life is more than 6 weeks.


  • Sim, Jeung-Ho;Jeong, Tae-Sung;Kim, Shin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.555-563
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    • 2004
  • The pH of beverages is known to be low and have, therefore, been implicated in the increasing incidence of erosion. Erosion is believed to be the predominant cause of teeth wear in children and young adults, although there will always be a contribution from attrition and abrasion. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of yogurt on the progression of erosive demineralization in human enamel using demineralization model in vitro. In 4 yogurts, available on the market, pH, buffering capacity and the concentrations of calcium, phosphate and fluoride were determined. The buffering effect was determined by titration with NaOH. 50 milliliters of each drink was then titrated with 1M sodium hydroxide, added in 0.5 milliliters increments, until the pH reached about 7. Human deciduous enamel(n=40) samples were divided into four groups and exposed to 80ml of the yogurt for 30,60, 90 and 120min. Enamel surface microhardness(VHN) was examined before and after each exposure. 1. The average PH of fermented milk was 3.77 and this pH value was acidic enough to cause tooth erosion. 2. All of the fermented milks were found to be erosive(p<0.05) 3. The teeth exposed to the fermented milk all showed erosion like lesions and microhardness measurements showed that enamel surface hardness decreased proportionately with increased time of immersion in all tooth specimen groups. 4. After immersion for 30 and 60 minutes, reduction rate of microhardness values was not significantly different between the groups(p>0.05). However, after 90 and 120 minutes, reduction rate of each group was significantly different(p<0.05).

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