• 제목/요약/키워드: Water Resources Plan

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Water Balance Analysis of Pumped-Storage Reservoir during Non-Irrigation Period for Recurrent Irrigation Water Management (순환형 농업용수관리를 위한 농업용 저수지의 비관개기 양수저류 추정)

  • Bang, Na-Kyoung;Nam, Won-Ho;Shin, Ji-Hyeon;Kim, Han-Joong;Kang, Ku;Baek, Seung-Chool;Lee, Kwang-Ya
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • The extreme 2017 spring drought affected a large portion of South Korea in the Southern Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheongnam-do districts. This drought event was one of the climatologically driest spring seasons over the 1961-2016 period of record. It was characterized by exceptionally low reservoir water levels, with the average water level being 36% lower over most of western South Korea. In this study, we consider drought response methods to alleviate the shortage of agricultural water in times of drought. It could be to store water from a stream into a reservoir. There is a cyclical method for reusing water supplied from a reservoir into streams through drainage. We intended to present a decision-making plan for water supply based on the calculation of the quantity of water supply and leakage. We compared the rainfall-runoff equation with the TANK model, which is a long-term run-off model. Estimations of reservoir inflow during non-irrigation seasons applied to the Madun, Daesa, and Pungjeon reservoirs. We applied the run-off flow to the last 30 years of rainfall data to estimate reservoir storage. We calculated the available water in the river during the non-irrigation season. The daily average inflow from 2003 to 2018 was calculated from October to April. Simulation results show that an average of 67,000 tons of water is obtained during the non-irrigation season. The report shows that about 53,000 tons of water are available except during the winter season from December to February. The Madun Reservoir began in early October with a 10 percent storage rate. In the starting ratio, a simulated rate of 4 K, 6 K, and 8 K tons is predicted to be 44%, 50%, and 60%. We can estimate the amount of water needed and the timing of water pump operations during the non-irrigation season that focuses on fresh water reservoirs and improve decision making for efficient water supplies.

Eutrophication and Freshwater Red-tide Algae on Early Impoundment Stage of Jeolgol Reservoir in the Paikryeong Island, West Sea of South Korea (백령도 절골저수지의 부영양화와 담수적조)

  • Lee, Heung-Soo;Hur, Jin;Park, Jae-Chung;Shin, Jae-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.2 s.116
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    • pp.271-283
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    • 2006
  • A systematic water quality survey was conducted in August, 2005 for a drinking water supply reservoir (the Jeolgol reseuoir located in an island), which is at an early stage of impoundment, to investigate the causes of water color deterioration of the reservoir and the clogging of filter beds of a water treatment plant. The reservoir shape was simple and its average depth was 5.5 m, increasing from upreservoir toward the downreservoir end near the dam. Dissolved oxygen (DO) and chloropllyll-a (chi-a) showed a large variation while water temperature had a smaller range. Transparency ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 m (average 0.7 m). The average value of turbidity was 9.3 NTU, ranging from 8.0 ${\sim}$ 12.1 NTU. The transparency and the turbidity appear to be affected by a combination of biological and non-biological factors. The poor transparency was explained by an increase of inorganic colloids and algal bloom in the reservoir. The blockage of the filter bed was attributed to the oversupply of phytoplanktons from the reservoir. The range and the average concentration of chi-a within the reservoir were 31.6 ${\sim}$ 258.9 ${\mu}g\;L^{-1}$, 123.6 ${\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ for the upper layer, and 17.0 ${\sim}$ 37.4 ${\mu}g\;L^{-1}$, 26.5 ${\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ for the bottom layer, respectively. A predominant species contributing the algal bloom was Dinophyceae, Peridinium bipes f. occultatum. The distribution of Peridinium spp. was correlated with chi-a concentrations. The standing crop of phytoplankton was highest in the upreservoir with $8.5\;{\times}\;103\;cells\;mL^{-1}$ and it decreased toward the downresevoir. Synedra of Bacillariophyceae and Microcystis aeruginosa of Cyanophyceae appeared to contribute to the algal bloom, although they are not dominated. It is mostly likely that sloped farmlands located in the watershed of the reservoir caused water quality problems because they may contain a significant amount of the nutrients originated from fertilizers. In addition, the aerators installed in the reservoir and a shortage of the inflowing water may be related to the poor water quality. A long-term monitoring and an integrated management plan for the water quality of the watersheds and the reservoir may be required to improve the water quality of the reservoir.

Characteristics of the Inundation and Process of Making a Flood Map According to the Levee Break Conditions in Urban Stream - Jungrang Experimental Basin - (제방붕괴조건에 따른 도시하천의 홍수범람 특성 및 홍수지도 작성 - 중랑천 시험유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Tae;Hur, Sung-Chul;Kim, Jeong-Hoi;Han, Kun-Yeun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.5 s.166
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    • pp.383-394
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    • 2006
  • This study is for the inundation damage analysis caused by levee break, and for the applicability of GIS tool to make inundation map in the Jungrang stream basin which is one of the representative urbanized area in Korea. The FLDWAV was applied to the actual flood in 1998 to calibrate the parameters, and was used under the flood conditions of 100, 200 years and PMF for the analysis of inundation caused by the levee breach. As the conditions of the levee break, the duration of break(10, 30, 60 min), the width of break(10, 20, 30m) and the location of the break are considered. We found out that the range and the volume of the inundation are strongly influenced by the location of the levee break, the break width in order. And, we compared the two processes of making the inundation map using WMS and ArcView model. The Process 1 which use only WMS has the benefit by its simplicity but there could be considerable errors in making the inundation map, while Process 2 where the ArcView model is introduced to WMS has the capability of making detailed topography map but needs more process time. This study could contribute to levee breach flood analysis and making flood map to establish the EAP(Emergency Action Plan) in the urban basin.

A Study on Vector-based Converting Method for Hydrological Application of Rainfall Radar Image (레이더 영상의 수문학적 활용을 위한 벡터 변환방법 연구)

  • Jee, Gye-Hwan;Oh, Kyoung-Doo;An, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.729-741
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    • 2012
  • Among the methods of precipitation data acquisition, a rain gauge station has a distinctive advantage of direct measurement of rainfall itself, but multiple stations should be installed in order to obtain areal precipitation data required for hydrological analysis. On the other hand, a rainfall radar may provide areal distribution of rainfall in real time though it is an indirect measurement of radar echoes on rain drops. Rainfall radars have been shown useful especially for forecasting short-term localized torrential storms that may cause catastrophic flash floods. CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator), which is one of the several types of radar rainfall image data, has been provided on the Internet in real time by Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). It is one of the most widely available rainfall data in Korea with fairly high level of confidence as it is produced with bias adjustment and quality control procedures by KMA. The objective of this study is to develop an improved way to extract quantitative rainfall data applicable to even very small watersheds from CAPPI using CIVCOM, which is a new image processing method based on a vector-based scheme proposed in this study rather than raster-based schemes proposed by other researchers. This study shows usefulness of CIVCOM through comparison of rainfall data produced by image processing methods including traditional raster-based schemes and a newly proposed vector-based one.

Study on the Environmental Quality Assessment of River Revetment Technique by Life-Cycle-Assessment (전과정 평가에 의한 하천 호안 공법의 환경성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kook-Il;Ahn, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.6 s.179
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    • pp.485-494
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to evaluate the environmental qualities of the revetment construction methods and the river-facility materials using Life-Cycle-Assessment(LCA) for the nature-friendly design of close-to-nature river, The investigation results on the environmental qualities of energy and materials used to the close-to-nature river plan showed that the environmental impacts per unit weight increased in the order of gasoline > diesel > cement > wood. The environmental impacts per unit area of revetment construction method exhibited that the environmental loadings increased in the order of gabion > revetment > cribwork. In addition, it was observed that the environmental impact was reduced by improving the materials of zinc-galvanized wire. The model basin investigated in this study was the $0.3km^2$ area of river improvement works in Kyung stream, which is a tributary to the Seomjin river and the second regional stream. The research was conducted based on the 30years by life expectancy of artificial facilities. For the comparisons of revetment techniques with respect to the environmental qualities, the method resulted in the highest environmental loadings. The method using ready-mixed concrete ranked second in the environmental loadings of revetment techniques. The present results of this study are expected to play a beneficial role in the nature-friendly design of close-to-nature river by quantitatively identifying the environmental quality of total procedures (i.e., combination of techniques, selection of river-facility materials, maintenance of river-facility) applied to close-to-nature river plan.

The development of design-width prediction equation by using 12 local governments data collected from small stream of Korea (국내 12개 시·도 자료를 이용한 소하천 계획하폭 산정식 개발)

  • Choi, Changwon;Cheong, Tae Sung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2023
  • There are more than 22,300 small streams distributed nationwide in Korea, and they have various runoff characteristics depending on basin area, topography and land use. For small stream disaster management, establishing detailed design standards suitable for the small streams is important, but most of the formulas currently proposed in the small stream design standard are based on the river design standard aimed at national and local rivers or foreign river design standards. The design-width is an important factor in determining the size of the stream. It is determined by using design-flood discharges or more variables such as design-flood discharges, basin area, slop, etc in the small stream design standard. This study collected various characteristics information such as the design-flood discharges, basin area, river length and river slop, and design-width values from 4,073 small streams distributed in 12 cities and provinces in Korea to suggest the appropriated design-width formula. This study developed two design-width formulas by using the regression analysis which one is using the design-flood discharges and the other is using various variables such as the design-flood discharges, basin area, river length and river slope collected from the small steams. It is expected that both equations developed in here can be used for small stream disaster management, such as improving small stream design standard or establishing a comprehensive small stream maintenance plan.

Landscape Design of Gamcheon Wholesale Fish Market (감천항 수산물 도매시장 조경설계)

  • 권영휴;민권식;황용득
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2002
  • The landscape disign of Gamcheon wholesale fish Market was designed around a turnkey base to promote the economy of Busan Metropolitan City, to establish a fishery marketing center and to modernize existing facilities. The objectives of the project were to promote the mood of an old market, while preserving its functions and efficiency as a market, to design outdoor spaces with natural resources and amenities in balance, and to create attractive tourist spots in connection with the wide area development plan. The project was oriented, fast, to enhance the functions of the market. For this purpose, a multi-dimensional space layout was designed in consideration of functions as a wholesale market. The safety of pedestrians was secured by separating lathes for vehicles and for pedestrians. Tree planting with various functions such as sheltering, wind breaking and guiding was planned. Secondly, nature-friendly and human-friendly landscaping design was attempted. For this, the beautiful natural resources of Amnam Park were utilized, and green spaces such as green bridges linking buildings in the wholesale market, and rooftop gardens were to be arranged. In addition, environment-friendly facilities such as roads paved with natural materials(i.e. gravel, shells) and program parking lots were to be planned. Thirdly, landscape design was considered to create attractive tourist spots. For example, a fish farm was created as a theme street for pedestrians and various water-friendly spaces such as pedestrian ramps, observatories and seaside streets were to be secured. The main contents are as follows. First, a green bridge to Ahnnam Park was introduced for a tour source and flower garden, an event plan and viewing deck open to the sea were planned on the bridge's axis. Secondly, for the effective land use plan concerning open space and convenience to visitors, a promenade was planned, which is connected with the theme plaza and small plazas by environmental sculptures in front of the market hall and at the gate. As well, an observatory and a roof garden help create three dimensional multi leveled space, with a good view of the natural landscape of the sea, sky and park Thirdly, landscape materials, such as trees and those for facilities, strengthened for protection against the seawind and salt damage were selected. The commercial market area was intended to be transformed a traditional functional area of efficiency and economy into an attractive marine leisure area where both tourists and neighbors can make use of it.

RAUT: An end-to-end tool for automated parsing and uploading river cross-sectional survey in AutoCAD format to river information system for supporting HEC-RAS operation (하천정비기본계획 CAD 형식 단면 측량자료 자동 추출 및 하천공간 데이터베이스 업로딩과 HEC-RAS 지원을 위한 RAUT 툴 개발)

  • Kim, Kyungdong;Kim, Dongsu;You, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.12
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    • pp.1339-1348
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    • 2021
  • In accordance with the River Law, the basic river maintenance plan is established every 5-10 years with a considerable national budget for domestic rivers, and various river surveys such as the river section required for HEC-RAS simulation for flood level calculation are being conducted. However, river survey data are provided only in the form of a pdf report to the River Management Geographic Information System (RIMGIS), and the original data are distributedly owned by designers who performed the river maintenance plan in CAD format. It is a situation that the usability for other purposes is considerably lowered. In addition, when using surveyed CAD-type cross-sectional data for HEC-RAS, tools such as 'Dream' are used, but the reality is that time and cost are almost as close as manual work. In this study, RAUT (River Information Auto Upload Tool), a tool that can solve these problems, was developed. First, the RAUT tool attempted to automate the complicated steps of manually inputting CAD survey data and simulating the input data of the HEC-RAS one-dimensional model used in establishing the basic river plan in practice. Second, it is possible to directly read CAD survey data, which is river spatial information, and automatically upload it to the river spatial information DB based on the standard data model (ArcRiver), enabling the management of river survey data in the river maintenance plan at the national level. In other words, if RIMGIS uses a tool such as RAUT, it will be able to systematically manage national river survey data such as river section. The developed RAUT reads the river spatial information CAD data of the river maintenance master plan targeting the Jeju-do agar basin, builds it into a mySQL-based spatial DB, and automatically generates topographic data for HEC-RAS one-dimensional simulation from the built DB. A pilot process was implemented.

Integrated Approach for Watershed Management in an Urban Area (도시 유역 관리를 위한 통합적인 접근방법)

  • Lee, Kil-Seong;Chung, Eun-Sung;Kim, Young-Oh
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.2 s.163
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    • pp.161-178
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    • 2006
  • Heathcote (1998) identified a systematic, seven-step approach to general watershed planning and management. It consists of 1) understanding watershed components and processes, 2) identifying and ranking problems to be solved, 3) setting clear and specific goals, 4) developing a list of management options, 5) eliminating infeasible options 6) testing the effectiveness of remaining feasible options, and 7) developing the final options. In this study the first five steps of that process were applied to the Anyangcheon watershed in Korea, which experiences streamflow depletion, frequent flood damages, and poor water quality typical of highly urbanized watersheds. This study employed four indices: Potential Flood Damage(PFD), Potential Streamflow Depletion(PSD), Potential Water Quality Deterioration(PWQD) and Watershed Evaluation Index(WEI) to identify and quantify problems within the watershed. WEI is the integration index of the others. Composite programming which is a method of multi-criteria decision making is applied for the calculation of PSD, PWQD and WEI (Step 2). The primary goal of the study is to secure instreamflow in the Anyangcheon during dry seasons. The second management goals of flood damage mitigation and water quality enhancement are also set (Step 3). Management options include not only structural measures that can alter the existing conditions, but also nonstructural measures that rely on changes in human behavior or management practices (Step 4). Certain management options which are not technically, economically, and environmentally feasible, are eliminated (Step S). Therefore, this study addresses a Pre-feasibility study, which established a master plan using Steps 1 through 5.

Hydraulic and Hydrologic Analysis by Washland Construction (천변저류지 조성에 따른 수리.수문분석)

  • Kim, Duck-Gil;Kyoung, Min-Soo;Kim, Sang-Dan;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.483-489
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    • 2008
  • Recently, we have a growing interest in the washland construction for the function of flood defense in flood season and also as an ecosystem in non flood season. Therefore this study performed the hydraulic and hydrologic analysis for washland construction plan as sustainable flood defense alternative in flood season and wetland application possibility. The study area is Topyoung-cheon basin in Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongnam. A Topyoung-cheon basin includes a Woopo wetland which is the largest nature wetland in Korea and a Topyoung-cheon is ond of the tributaries of Nakdong river. We assume that the artificial washland is constructed in upperstream and downstream of Woopo wetland, and In flood season, the hydraulic analysis for the investigation of the effectiveness of flood level mitigation is performed by HEC-RAS model. Simulation of model is performed from 7 scenarioes of washland construction. As the result in flood season, the flood level is reduced by maximum 0.56 meter as we construct the washlands by 7 scenarios. Also, we performed hydrologic analysis for the investigation of water balance in washland in non flood season using SWAT model. From the result of water balance analysis, we found that the minimum water level of washland was maintained in about 1.3 meter for one year.