• Title/Summary/Keyword: Water Quality Control

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Watershed Management Measures for Water Quality Conservation of the Hwaseong Reservoir using BASINS/HSPF Model (BASINS/HSPF 모델을 이용한 화성호 수질보전을 위한 상류 유역 수질개선방안 연구)

  • Kang, Hyeongsik;Jang, Jae Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2013
  • HSPF model based on BASINS was applied to analyze effects of watershed management measures for water quality conservation in the Hwaseong Reservoir watershed. The model was calibrated against the field measurements of meteorological data, streamflow and water qualities ($BOD_5$, T-N, T-P) at each observatory for 4 years (2007-2010). The water quality characteristics of inflow streams were evaluated. The 4 scenarios for the water quality improvement were applied to inflow streams and critical area from water pollution based on previous researches. The reduction efficiency of point and non-point sources in inflow streams was evaluated with each scenario. The results demonstrate that the expansion of advanced treatment system within wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and construction of pond-wetlands would be great effective management measures. In order to satisfactory the target water quality of reservoir, the measures which can control both point source and non-point source pollutants should be implemented in the watershed.

Application of the Proper Air Supply Amount Based on the Influent Water Quality for the Development of Efficient Blower Control Logic in Sewage Treatment Plants (하수처리장의 효율적인 Blower Control Logic 개발을 위한 유입수질 기반 공기공급량 적용 연구)

  • Yeo, Wooseok;Kim, Jong Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.493-499
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    • 2022
  • The standards pertaining to the quality of discharged water in sewage treatment plants are strengthening, and accordingly, facilities in sewage treatment plants are being upgraded. In addition, the discharge water quality of sewage treatment plants must be maintained at a high level, and efficient sewage treatment plant operations have thus emerged as a very important issue. For the efficient operation of sewage treatment plants, this study applied a basic blowing amount calculation method based on sewage facilities to evaluate the required oxygen amount and blowing amount according to inflow water quality by logicizing various influencing factors. As a result of calculating the amount of air blown by applying actual April water quality data from sewage treatment plant A to the blower demand calculation developed through this study, it was found that the average amount of air blown was reduced by about 12%. When the blower demand calculation developed here is applied to an actual sewage treatment plant, the amount of air blown can be controlled based on the inflow water quality. This can facilitate the realization of an autonomous control of sewage treatment plants, in contrast to the existing sewage treatment operation method that relies on operational experience of operator. In addition, it is expected that efficient sewage treatment plants can be operated by reducing blowing amounts and power costs, which will contribute to both energy and carbon savings.

A Study on Selection Method of Management Watershed for Total Pollution Load Control at Tributary (지류총량관리를 위한 관리유역 선정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Ha Sun;Lee, Sung Jun;Ryu, Jichul;Park, Ji Hyung;Kim, Yong Seok;Ahn, Ki Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.528-536
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of Total Pollution Load Control at Tributary is to obtain maximum improvement effect of water quality through finding the most impaired section of water-body and establishing the proper control measure of pollutant load. This study was implemented to determine the optimal management of reach, period, condition, watershed, and pollution source and propose appropriate reduction practices using the Load duration curve (LDC) and field monitoring data. With the data of measurement, LDC analysis shows that the most impaired condition is reach V (G4~G5), E group (flow exceedance percentile 90~100%) and winter season. For this reason, winter season and low flow condition should be preferentially considered to restore water quality. The result of pollution analysis for the priority reach and period shows that agricultural nonpoint source loads from onion and garlic culture are most polluting. Therefore, it is concluded that agricultural reuse of surface effluent (storm-water runoff with non-point sources) and low impact farming that includes reducing fertilization and controlling the height of drainage outlet are efficient water quality management for this study watershed.

Characteristics of Groundwater Contamination in Uncontrolled Landfill and Pollution Control Measures (불량 매립지에서의 지하수 오염특성과 환경오염 방지방안)

  • 구자중;윤석표
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1993.05a
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    • pp.28-44
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    • 1993
  • Remediation actions in uncontrolled landfill site should be conducted after the investigation of contamination status and potential health risk or damage. Based on the above, proper control measures should be established and operated. Also continuous monitoring should be followed. In this study, the status of ground water contamination around Nanji Landfill Site was investigated. Monitoring wells were installed around the landfill and ground water was sampled once a month and analyzed. Water quality of each monitoring well was different depending on the horizontal and vertical distance from the landfill, and the seasonal leachate characteristics were not significantly changed because percolating water stayed long time in the deep waste layer. It was predicted that major multivalent cations were mainly precipitated as metal carbonate form, and chemical mass balances (CMBs) could be applied for the apportionment of leachate contamination to ground water quality of surrounding areas of Nanji Landfill. Parameters required to estimate pollutant flux to the receptor near landfill were listed and discussion to get these parameters was made. Finally, based on the above data, control measures of ground water contamination were suggested and discussed.

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Future Direction of Water Quality Standards in Korea (우리나라 물환경 기준의 개선방향)

  • Lee, Jae-Kwan;Cho, Soon;Chung, Il-Rok;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.737-747
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    • 2006
  • Ministry of Environment (MOE) of Korea has been implementing the water quality management policy to focus on the control of organic matters (BOD and COD) for 28 years since 1978 when the water quality standards had been established. However, the government and the public have begun to recognize the necessity of creating the best water environment for people and aquatic life, and also formulating the various measures of water pollution, Consequently, MOE of Korea is establishing the basic plan of water environment management, with the vision of "Clean Water, Eco River 2015." The major targets of water environment management plan are to maintain ecosystem health and to protect water quality from various hazardous substances in water bodies. In order to achieve the major targets, it is essential to amend the water quality standards, which bring about the systematic management of various pollutants and healthy ecosystem. Introduction of the new techniques of water environment assessment is also prerequisite to maintain sustainable water environment. These can be accomplished under the consideration of following suggestions in environmental quality standards. First, several criteria should be complemented in water quality standards; they include the improvement of the current water quality classification system, the strengthening and supplement of relevant parameters considering human health in the standards, the introduction of biotic indices, and management standards on eutrophication. Secondly, it should be considered to introduce the biological water quality standards using biotic indices and the management standards for sediments. Lastly, it needs to introduce or develop an ecological status classification which could be used in the assessment of the water environment as a whole.

Multi-objective Optimization of BMPs for Controlling Water Quality in Upper Basin of Namgang Dam (남강댐 상류유역 수질관리를 위한 BMPs의 다목적 최적화)

  • Park, Yoonkyung;Lee, Jae Kwan;Kim, Jeongsook;Kim, Sangdan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.591-601
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    • 2018
  • Optimized BMP plans for controlling water quality using the Pareto trade-off surface curve in upper basin of Namgang Dam is proposed. The proposed alternatives consist of BMP installation scenarios in which the reduction efficiency of non-point pollutants is maximized in a given budget. The multi-objective optimization process for determining the optimal alternatives was performed without direct implementation of a watershed model such as SWAT analysis, thereby reducing the time taken. The shortening of the calculation time further enhances the applicability of the multi-objective optimization technique in preparing regional water quality management alternatives. In this study, different types of BMP are applied depending on the land use conditions. Fertilizer input control and vegetative filter strip are considered as alternatives to applying BMP to the field but only control of fertilizer input can be applied to rice paddies. Fertilizer input control and vegetative filter strip can be installed separately or simultaneously in a hydrologic response unit. Finally, 175 BMP application alternatives were developed for the water quality management of the upper river basin of Namgang dam. The proposed application alternative can be displayed on the map, which has the advantage of clearly defining the BMP installation location.

Introduction of Corrosion Index System for Stability of Drinking Water Quality (음용수질의 안정성을 위한 부식지수제도의 도입)

  • Kim, Yeong-Kwan;Kim, Jin-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.707-717
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    • 2011
  • Replacement of old water distribution pipes for protecting water quality induced by pipe corrosion requires enormous budget. Even after the replacement, however, corrosion can occur again at any times and, therefore, inhibitive measure of the corrosion will be not only economical but needed to diminish the consumers' distrust on tap water quality. In 2008, National Environmental Research Institute did a survey on 8 major drinking water source and proposed to establish the Langelier Saturation Index(LI) as a corrosion index in Drinking Water Quality Criteria. Among the water industries of Korea, K-Water is the only one that set up the level of pH over 7.0 and LI above -1.5 on yearly average basis. However, no systematic regulation including LI to inhibit the corrosive tendency has been established yet. In this paper, LI values out of 31 drinking water treatment plants were analyzed and two-stage control of LI value as a measure of corrosive tendency of water is proposed. Primarily, water treatment facilities may operate the system at a target LI value below -1.5. Following the investigation on the effect caused by adjusting the LI value on water quality and corrosiveness, it will be desirable to improve LI value below -1.0 in the long run. In addition to the LI, supplemental use of Larson's modified ratio (LMR) which incorporates hydraulic detention time will be necessary. Several methods to prove the inhibitive effect of improving the LI value on water quality have been also suggested.

Korea Water Resources Policy - from the viewpoint of Korean NGO's (NGO가 바라본 수자원 정책)

  • 김제남
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Environment and Ecology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2003
  • It has been declared in 1992 at Rio about the management of united water control and method of the management of the water resources at the water basin. And it was also mentioned about the protection of fresh water's quality and it's supply under chapter the 18th of the agenda 21. It has been 10years passed after Rio declaration, and water crisis Is getting more serious than before. Fairly, right for using water resources was given to every life as the public resources. But at the last world water forum, water was commercialized, and regulated as the basic requirement not basic right. Therefore, we could use the water according to the logic of supply and demand at the market, and with money. Furthermore, construction of the big dam which was build to solve the problem of the lack of water became one of problems for water control. Korea is keeping consistent policy such as providing water by the building of dam. Control of the water demand is the most basic and effective policy for the preservation of water resources. If we change the policy such as the construction of the dam, we should put the management of the water demand in the center with the reliable philosophy. United management of the river basin has to be made with the security of water, improvement of water quality, and protection of the ecological side each other. Management of water basin also has to be completed to solve the trouble caused by using water conflict people who live up and down stream. To maintain the good quality of water, management of water basin is necessary. Also, bottom line of the united management of water basin is voluntary involvement of every citizens and local community. We suggest to preserve the origin of river and the upper at the ecological side. It is worth it to preserve.

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Effects of Water-misting Sprays with Forced Ventilation after Transport during Summer on Meat Quality, Stress Parameters, Glycolytic Potential and Microstructures of Muscle in Broilers

  • Jiang, N.N.;Xing, T.;Wang, P.;Xie, C.;Xu, X.L.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.1767-1773
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    • 2015
  • Effects of water-misting sprays with forced ventilation after transport during summer on meat quality, stress parameters, glycolytic potential and microstructures of muscle in broilers were investigated. A total of 105 mixed-sex Arbor Acres broilers were divided into three treatment groups: i) 45-min transport without rest (T group), ii) 45-min transport with 1-h rest (TR group), iii) 45-min transport with 15-min water-misting sprays with forced ventilation and 45-min rest (TWFR group). The results showed the TWFR group significantly increased (p<0.05) initial muscle pH ($pH_i$) and ultimate pH ($pH_u$) and significantly reduced $L^*$ (p<0.05), drip loss, cook loss, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase activity, plasma glucose content, lactate and glycolytic potential when compared with other groups. Microstructure of the muscle from TWFR group broilers under light microscopy showed smaller intercellular spaces among muscle fibers and bundles compared with T group. In conclusion this study indicated water-misting sprays with forced ventilation after transport could relieve the stress caused by transport under high temperature, which was favorable for the broilers' welfare. Furthermore, water-misting sprays with forced ventilation after transport slowed down the postmortem glycolysis rate and inhibited the occurrence of PSE-like meat in broilers. Although rest after transport could also improve the meat quality, the effect was not as significant as water-misting sprays with forced ventilation after transport.

Effects of Indirect Wastewater Reuse on Water Quality and Soil Environment in Paddy Fields (간접하수재이용에 따른 논에서의 수질 및 토양환경 영향 분석)

  • Jeong, Han Seok;Park, Ji Hoon;Seong, Choung Hyun;Jang, Tae Il;Kang, Moon Seong;Park, Seung Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2013
  • The objectives of this study were to monitor and assess the environmental impacts of indirect wastewater reuse on water quality and soil in paddy fields. Yongin monitoring site (YI) irrigated from agricultural reservoir and Osan monitoring site (OS) irrigated with treated wastewater diluted with stream water were selected as control and treatment, respectively. Monitoring results for irrigation water quality showed a significant statistical difference in salinity, exchangeable cation and nutrients. Pond water quality showed a similar tendency with irrigation water except for the decreased difference in nutrients due to the fertilization impact. Soil chemical properties mainly influenced by fertilization activity such as T-N, T-P, and $P_2O_5$ were changed similarly in soil profiles of both monitoring sites, while the properties, EC, Ca, Mg, and Na, mainly effected by irrigation water quality showed a considerable change with time and soil depth in treatment plots. Heavy metal contents in paddy soil of both control and treatment did not exceed the soil contamination warning standards. This study could contribute to suggest the irrigation water quality standards and proper agricultural practices including fertilization for indirect wastewater reuse, although long-term monitoring is needed to get more scientific results.