• Title/Summary/Keyword: Water Depth storage

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Calculation of Sediment Volume of the Agriculture Reservoir Using DGPS Echo-Sounder (DGPS 음향 측심기를 이용한 농업용 저수지의 퇴적량 산정)

  • Park Seung-Ki;Jeong Jae- Hoon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.3 s.34
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    • pp.297-307
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to get the basic data for the dredging project and logical maintenance of the Yaedang reservoir. The survey of reservoir capacity for calculation of sediment volume carried out using DGPS Echo-Sounder during November $25\~30$ in 2004. The latitude and longitude signal from GPS satellite was received a second interval with the UTM coordinate system. Water depth was measured 0.2 second interval by Echo-sounder sensor in MIDAS Surveyor. The UTM coordinate datum were transformed into standard coordinate datum of Korean(TM coordinate datum) using Arc Info System. Mapping of contour was used Sufer, Arc View and Auto CAB Program Storage capacity of Yaedang reservoir was estimated by average contour area method. Result of this time investigation for useful storage determination of Yaedang reservoir was showed 4,601.585 ha-m and was differenced less 5.425ha-m the bygones useful storage.

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Simulation of thermal distribution with the effect of groundwater flow in an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system model (대수층 축열 에너지(ATES) 시스템 모델에서 지하수 유동 영향에 의한 지반내 온도 분포 예측 시뮬레이션)

  • Shim, Byoung-Ohan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) can be a cost-effective and renewable geothermal energy source, depending on site-specific and thermohydraulic conditions. To design an effective ATES system having the effect of groundwater movement, understanding of thermohydraulic processes is necessary. The heat transfer phenomena for an aquifer heat storage are simulated by using FEFLOW with the scenario of heat pump operation with pumping and waste water reinjection in a two layered confined aquifer model. Temperature distribution of the aquifer model is generated, and hydraulic heads and temperature variations are monitored at the both wells during 365 days. The average groundwater velocities are determined with two hydraulic gradient sets according to boundary conditions, and the effect of groundwater flow are shown at the generated thermal distributions of three different depth slices. The generated temperature contour lines at the hydraulic gradient of 0.001 are shaped circular, and the center is moved less than 5 m to the direction of groundwater flow in 365 days simulation period. However at the hydraulic gradient of 0.01, the contour center of the temperature are moved to the end of east boundary at each slice and the largest movement is at bottom slice. By the analysis of thermal interference data between two wells the efficiency of the heat pump system model is validated, and the variation of heads is monitored at injection, pumping and no operation mode.

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GIS Application Model for Spatial Simulation of Surface Runoff from a Small Watershed(I) (소유역 지표유출의 공간적 해석을 위한 지리정보시스템의 응용모형(I) -격자 물수지 모형의 개발 및 적용-)

  • 김대식;정하우
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.37 no.3_4
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 1995
  • Geographic data which are difficult to handle by the characteristics of spatial variation and variety turned into a possibility to analyze with tlie computer-aided digital map and the use of Geographic Information System(GIS). The purpose of this study is to develop and apply a GIS application model (GISCELWAB) for the spatial simulation of surface runoff from a small watershed. This paper discribes the modeling procedure and the applicability of the cell water balance model (CELWAB) which calculates the water balance of a cell and simulates surface runoff of watershed simultaneously by the interaction of cells. The cell water balance model was developed to simulate the temporal and spatial storage depth and surface runoff of a watershed. The CELWAB model was constituted by Inflow-Outflow Calculator (JOC) which was developed to connect cell-to-cell transport mechanism automatically in this study. The CELWAB model requests detail data for each component of a cell hydrologic process. In this study, therefore, BANWOL watershed which have available field data was selected, and sensitivity for several model parameters was analyzed. The simulated results of surface runoff agreed well with the observed data for the rising phase of hydrograph except the recession phase. Each mean of relative errors for peak discharge and peak time was 0.21% and2.1 1% respectively. In sensitivity analysis of CELWAB , antecedent soil moisture condition(AMC) affected most largely the model.

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Installation Design of Landscape-use Artificial Channel for Sustainable Management -Focusing on the Water Volume and Equipment System of Streamlet in Jeonju and Wanju Innovation City- (계류형 수경시설의 지속가능한 운영·관리를 위한 설치방안 - 전주·완주 혁신도시 실개천 용량과 설비계통을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Chang-Song
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2021
  • Although planning techniques linking parks, green areas, and waterways have become common, there are frequent disruptions in the operation and management of landscape-use artificial channels (LuAC). Therefore, this study examined a design to promote the sustainable management and operation of a LuAC using rainwater for the streamlets of the Jeonju-Wanju Innovative City. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, scenarios were set up by dividing the design into waterhead and waterway portions. First, the scenario regarding the waterhead was analyzed to calculate the water supply and storage required for the waterway and waterhead. The analysis showed that the waterway requires a water supply of 676.8 tons/months, 3,018 tons to 5,512 tons of storage space, and a water depth of 0.75 m to 1.37 m considering the ecological and landscape aspects. The second scenario is to select an effective system of facilities for the operation and management of the LuAC. To accomplish this, a single-circulation system (SCS), which transports water to a highland location was compared to a multi-circulation system (MCS), which supplied water separately to each water space and operated independently. The results showed that the MCS, which was operated independently by small power units, was more effective owing to the vast difference in water supply operation times.

A Study on the Analysis of Ecologically Friendly Features in Recently Developed Public Housing (소형 공동주택 단위주거의 친환경성에 관한 사례분석연구)

  • Yim, Jung-Eun;Lee, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Yeun-Sook;Cho, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Jung-Mi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.106-109
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    • 2005
  • The awareness of ecological friendliness has been emerging in the recent years, and the application to housing is quite notable. The purpose of this study was to examine multi-family housing that has recently developed with the idea of ecological friendliness, and to investigate the residents' attitudes toward and their preferences for the features. The research utilized in-depth interviews and site visits, and seven residents in the studied housing developments participated in the study. The analytical tool used in the interview was reviewed by a panel of professionals and included five aspects of ecologically friendliness: residential comfort, energy saving, open housing, storage, and safety and security. The respondents pointed out that south-facing housing in relation to residential comfort was most favorable. With regard to energy-saving, water-saving features and dehydrator of food waste were most needed features. As for open housing-related features, flexibility in spatial configuration was necessary, and efficient storage was regarded as important. Also, the respondents mentioned the preference for flooring preventing slippery in bathroom for the safety of family member.

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Comparison of Runoff Models for Small River Basins (소하천 유역에서의 유출해석모형 비교)

  • 강인식
    • Water for future
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.209-221
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    • 1996
  • It may be difficult to make exact estimates of peak discharge or runoff depth of a flood and to establish the proper measurement for the flood protection since water stages or discharges have been rarely measured at small river basins in Korea. Three small catchments in the Su-Young river basin in Pusan were selected for the study areas. Various runoff parameters for the study areas were determined, and runoff analyses were performed using three different runoff models available in literatures; the storage function method, the discrete, linear, input-output model, and the linear reservoir model. The hydrographs calculated by three different methods showed good agreement with the observed flood hydrographs, indicating that the models selected are all capable of sucessfully modeling the flood events for small watersheds. The storage function method gave the best results in spite of its weakness that it could not be applicable to small floods, while the linear reservoir model was found to provide relatively good results with less parameters. The capabilities of simulating flood hydrographs were also evaluated based on the effective rainfall from the storage function parameters, the $\Phi$-index method, and the constant percentage method. For the On-Cheon stream watershed, the storage function parameters provided better estimates of effective rainfall for regenerating flood hydrographs than any others considered in the study. The $\Phi$-index method, however, resulted in better estimates of effective rainfall for the other two study areas.

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A Study on the Correlation between Pumping Rates and Influential Factors in Tube Wells for Irrigation (관개용 관정의 양수량과 영향인자들의 상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • 류한열;구자웅
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.3410-3419
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    • 1974
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the correlation between pumping rates and influential factors in the tube wells for irrigation through the analysis of various statistical data of the existing tube wells for irrigation and pumping tests. Statistical data of the existing tube wells for irrigation were collected from the authorities concerned, and pumping tests were carried out for twelve tube wells. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The drilled tube wells are the most useful among various tube wells in securing pumping rates. 2. The enlargement of well diameter or the improvement of pumping equipments is necessary in drilled tube wells with pumping rates more than 806 ㎥/day, and the adjustment of foot valves or the special control of pumping equipments is necessary in tube wells with pumping rates less than 300 ㎥/day. 3. The choking of aquifer and slits can be prevented by removing earth and sand piled in tube wells. 4. The increase of well loss and the destruction of aquifer can be prevented by determining the optimum pumping rates through the step draw down tests. 5. The thickness of gravel packing is rather thin in drilled tube tube wells. 6. High pamping rates can be gained by deepening the depth of tube wells in the place the ground water storage is abundant, the thickness of aquifer is thick. and the depth of tube wells is deep. 7. Higher pumping rates can be obtained by constructing tube wells in the place where the drawdown is little and the coefficient of transmissibility is large.

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Aquifer Characterization Using Seismic Data on the Aquistore CCS Project, Canada (캐나다 아퀴스토어 탄성파자료를 통한 이산화탄소 지중저장 연구지역 대수층 특성화)

  • Cheong, Snons;Kim, Byoung-Yeop;Shinn, Young Jae;Lee, Ho-Yong;Park, Myung-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.625-633
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    • 2014
  • The Aquistore project is the world's first commercial capture, transportation, utilization and storage project of post-combustion $CO_2$ from a coal-fired thermo electric power plant, and the proposed storage is a saline aquifer at a depth of about 3,500 m. Deep saline aquifer, compared to hydrocarbon reservoir, provides the great volumetric potential for storage of $CO_2$ anywhere in the world, therefore the research results from the project may be exported globally to other sites. Geological $CO_2$ storage characterization for saline aquifer instead of hydrocarbon reservoir needs to estimate the geophysical properties of subsurface geology. This study calculated the geophysical property of water-saturated formation by applying amplitude variation analysis developed from oil and gas exploration. We correlated horizon tops at the well logs to seismic traveltime of 1,815 and 1,857 ms as Winnipeg and Deadwood formations. Gradient analysis from seismic traces showed correlation coefficient of 45 - 81 % on amplitude variation with respect to incident angle. Crossplot of intercept and gradient shows the inverse proportional trend which represents typical water saturated sediments. Product attribute of intercept and gradient described the base of wet sediment. Poisson's ratio change attribute increased at the top of target area satisfying with wet sediment and decreased at the top of basement in a dry rock bed.

Seed Germination and Effect of Water Depths on Seedling Establishment of Iron-coated Rice Seeds (벼 철분코팅종자의 발아 특성 및 담수깊이에 따른 초기입모 영향)

  • Kim, Sang-Yeol;Park, Sung-Tae;Seo, Jong-Ho;Hwang, Chung-Dong;Bae, Hyun-Kyung;Oh, Myung-Kyu
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2017
  • Germination characteristics, seedling emergence, and early seedling growth of iron-coated rice seeds, cultivars Daebo and Samdeokbyeo, under different water depths were compared with those of non-coated seeds (control) and the results evaluated to obtain basic information for establishing stable seedlings in direct water seeding. The total germination percentage of the two seed treatments was similar, but iron-coated seeds had slightly faster germination and shorter mean germination time than non-coated seeds. Water absorption rates of iron-coated seeds were lower than that of non-coated seeds during seed germination. The germination percentage of the two iron-coated rice seed cultivars showed a significant decline of 15-22% after one year of storage under natural conditions. The seedling emergence percentage and uniformity of the two rice cultivars were significantly higher in the iron-coated seeds at 1-13 cm water depths but the percentage of floating seedlings was lower in iron-coated seeds than in non-coated seeds. The iron-coated seeds had a high seedling emergence percentage of 91.3-93.3% at all flooding depths whereas the non-coated seeds had a significantly low seedling emergence percentage of 57.7-71.7% at a water depth of 13 cm. Moreover, the shoot dry weight and seedling health score of iron-coated seeds were significantly higher than those of non-coated seeds, while root dry weights were similar in iron-coated and non-coated seeds, regardless of water depth. These results suggest that iron-coated seeds are more appropriate for stable seedling establishment in direct water seeding than are non-coated seeds.

An Evaluation of Stress-Strain Behaviour of Earth-Rockfill Dam and Causes of Crack due to Water Table Fluctuation (수위변동에 따른 Earth-Rockfill 댐의 거동 및 균열원인에 대한 평가)

  • 김상규;한성길;이민형;안상로
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2001
  • Longitudinal cracks have occurred on the crest of dams soon after their construction of two earth-rocfill dams located in Samlangjin. They are a pair of pumped storage dams constructed for generation of electrical power. The upper dam and lower dam are subjected to the variation of water level more than 10m once in a day alteratively. This paper deals with the finding of possible causes for longitudinal cracks about upper dam. The dominant cause was considered to be due to fluctuation of water load, for which numerical analysis was carried out using the hyperbolic model. In order to obtain parameters necessary to the analysis, a series of triaxial tests was performed for both core and rock material. Also dynamic triaxial test was performed to obtain dynamic properties of soils, which could be used as input data to simulate frequent variation of stress change due to the water fluctuation. It was known from the numerical analysis that the confining pressure of upper 4m from the top of the crest become negative after repeating of water load, meaning that tension cracks occurred in the top portion of the crest. The depth of longitudinal cracks has been investigated by digging test pit on the crest. This results agree with the field observation.

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