• Title/Summary/Keyword: Waste stone

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Anatomical Studies of Major Tree Barks Grown in Korea - II. Anatomy of Quercus Barks (한국산(韓國産) 주요수피(主要樹皮)의 해부학적(解剖學的) 연구(硏究) - 제2보(第二報) 참나무속(屬) 수피(樹皮)의 해부(解剖))

  • Lee, Hwa-Hyoung;Lee, Phil-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 1977
  • A bark comprises about 10 to 20 percents of a typical log by volume, and is generally considered as an unwanted residue rather than a potentially valuable resource. As the world has been confronted with decreasing forest resources, natural resources pressure dictate that a bark should be a raw material instead of a waste. The utilization of the largely wasted bark of genus Quercus grown in Korea can be enhanced by learning its anatomical structure and properties. In this paper, bark characteristics of Quercus grown in Korea are described. In bark anatomy, general features such as color of rhytidome, exfoliating form, color of periderm, arrangement of periderm, and thickness of the inner and outer hark. etc., arc discussed. Studies on the microscopic structure include sieve tube, companion cell, parenchyma, pholem fiber, ray, periderm(phelloderm, phelloogen, phellem), sclereid, and crystal, etc. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. In general characteristics of rhytidomes, exfoliating is not easy and sclereids are distint to the naked eye. Inner bark is thicker than that of outer bark except in case of Q. variabilis. 2. It is not clear to distinguish between phelloderm and phellogen in Quercus bark. The phellem is developed conspicuously in Q. variabilis but that of Q. accutissima is composed of thinwalled phellem and thickwalled stone cell. 3. Quercus Bark has sieve tube, companion cell, phloem fiber and sclereid. Sclereids of Quercus bark are the most distinguished characteristics comparing with pinus and populus. The volume percent of sclereids are higher than that of fiber. 4. Rays are 1~3 seriate, and multiseriate ranging with from 15 to 20. 5. Parenchyma cell contains two types, polygonal and druses crystal.

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Development of the Monte Carlo Simulation Radiation Dose Assessment Procedure for NORM added Consumer Adhere·Non-Adhere Product based on ICRP 103 (ICRP 103 권고기반의 밀착형·비밀착형 가공제품 사용으로 인한 몬테칼로 전산모사 피폭선량 평가체계 개발)

  • Go, Ho-Jung;Noh, Siwan;Lee, Jae-Ho;Yeom, Yeon-Soo;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2015
  • Radiation exposure to humans can be caused by the gamma rays emitted from natural radioactive elements(such as uranium, thorium and potassium and any of their decay products) of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials(NORM) or Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials(TENORM) added consumer products. In this study, assume that activity of radioactive elements is $^{238}U$, $^{235}U$, $^{232}Th$ $1Bq{\cdot}g^{-1}$, $^{40}K$ $10Bq{\cdot}g^{-1}$ and the gamma rays emitted from these natural radioactive elements radioactive equilibrium state. In this study, reflected End-User circumstances and evaluated annual exposure dose for products based on ICRP reference voxel phantoms and ICRP Recommendation 103 using the Monte Carlo Method. The consumer products classified according to the adhere to the skin(bracelet, necklace, belt-wrist, belt-ankle, belt-knee, moxa stone) or not(gypsum board, anion wallpaper, anion paint), and Geometric Modeling was reflected in Republic of Korea "Residential Living Trend-distributions and Design Guidelines For Common Types of Household.", was designed the Room model($3m{\times}4m{\times}2.8m$, a closed room, conservatively) and the ICRP reference phantom's 3D segmentation and modeling. The end-user's usage time assume that "Development and Application of Korean Exposure Factors." or conservatively 24 hours; in case of unknown. In this study, the results of the effective dose were 0.00003 ~ 0.47636 mSv per year and were confirmed the meaning of necessary for geometric modeling to ICRP reference phantoms through the equivalent dose rate of belt products.