• 제목/요약/키워드: Virtual reality fashion store

검색결과 12건 처리시간 0.021초

A Study on Fashion Brand Metaverse Experience and Store Visit Intention: The Experience Economic Theory Perspective

  • Baltabayeva Bibigul;Eun-Jung Lee
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 2024
  • The current Metaverse phenomenon, a collective virtual shared space, has drawn attention to Metaverse marketing in the fashion industry. Metaverse fashion marketing refers to the promotion and sale of fashion products and experiences within this virtual environment, which simulates real-world experiences. This study conducted an online survey to identify research problems empirically. The study subjects were surveyed by domestic male and female consumers aged 35.69 on average, and the authors conducted an online survey, reminiscent of the fashion brand's virtual reality store presented in the questionnaire. Three hundred copies of the collected response data were analyzed using the SPSS 28.0 program. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that consumer experience factors in the fashion brand's Metaverse virtual reality store environment significantly impacted the intention to visit the actual store. As a result of the study, it was found that consumers' perceived presence in the fashion brand Metaverse virtual reality store had a significant effect on entertainment, esthetic, educational, and escapism experiences. Consumers' perceived social presence influenced entertainment, esthetic, educational, and escapism experiences but did not affect educational experiences. It was confirmed that the consumer experience factors in a fashion brand's Metaverse virtual reality store environment had a significant effect on the actual store visit intention. Through the results of this study, we contributed to the related research stream by empirically analyzing the impact of various dimensions of the Metaverse fashion experience, which needed to be improved so far, on consumers' actual store visit intention.

패션브랜드 메타버스 가상현실매장 체험이 지각된 아바타 동일시성, 지각된 즐거움, 소비자-브랜드 자아 일치성에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Experience of Fashion Brand Metaverse Virtual Reality Store on Perceived Avatar Identification, Perceived Fun, and Consumer-Brand Self-Congruity)

  • 이은정;전지혜
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.387-395
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 패션 브랜드의 메타버스 속 가상 매장에서의 소비자 경험의 특성이 해당 매체에 대한 소비자들의 지각된 효용 및 자아 일치성 정도에 미치는 영향에 대해 실증 연구했다. 분석 결과, 패션 브랜드 메타버스 가상현실 매장 체험특성의 세 요인(사실성, 편재성, 익명성)은 모두 지각된 아바타 일치성에 유의한 정적 영향을 미쳤다. 한편 사실성과 편재성은 지각된 재미에 유의한 정적 영향을 미쳤으나, 익명성이 지각된 재미에 미치는 영향은 유의하지 않았다. 한편 지각된 아바타 동일시성은 지각된 소비자-브랜드 자아 일치성에 유의한 정의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 메타버스 패션브랜드 가상현실 매장에서 지각된 재미는 통계적으로 지각된 소비자-브랜드 자아 일치성에 유의한 정의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.

가상 패션 매장에서 친환경 소비 메시지의 설득 효과 -매장 분위기와 방문 동기의 영향- (Persuasive Impact of Eco-friendly Consumption Messages in Virtual Reality Fashion Stores -The Role of Store Ambiance and Visit Motivation-)

  • 원유정;장세윤;심영호;이유리
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.1211-1225
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the impact of informational messaging and eco-conscious ambiances in online virtual reality (VR) fashion stores on consumers' intentions for eco-friendly consumption. By focusing on three dimensions of message informativity and the persuasive power of eco-friendly consumption messages, we investigate how immersive VR environments can foster eco-friendly consumption. Using a three-dimensional VR store simulation with eco-friendly and modern designs, the study assessed the effects on consumers' perceptions and intention through the elaboration likelihood model and cue consistency theory. Participants experienced the VR store under two primary visit motivation typess-browsing versus purchasing-and two store ambiance types-eco-friendly versus modern-and then completed online surveys. Results The results indicated that the eco-friendly VR ambiance significantly increased the perceived informativity and persuasiveness of eco-conscious consumption messages, particularly among exploratory shoppers. Reliability emerged as the most influential factor in boosting message persuasiveness and eco-friendly consumption participation intentions. These findings suggest that VR technology can effectively promote sustainable fashion by creating reliable, immersive experiences. Given that current VR store visits are often motivated by interest-based browsing rather than by specific purchase intent, this study contributes to the understanding of the eco-conscious consumption messaging and communication strategies in the new fashion retail space.

패션 가상현실(VR)매장의 비주얼 머천다이징(VMD) 구성요소가 기술 수용의 심리적 효용에 미치는 영향 연구 (A Study on the Effects of Visual Merchandising (VMD) Components of Fashion Virtual Reality (VR) Stores on Psychological Benefits of Technology Adoption)

  • 간정미;이은정
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.601-610
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 가상현실(VR) 매장의 VMD 구성요소가 기술수용의 심리적 효용에 미치는 영향을 분석했다. 분석결과, 패션 가상현실(VR) 매장의 VMD 구성요소 중 체험성, 심미성, 적합성은 지각된 유용성, 지각된 사용 용이성, 지각된 유희성에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미쳤으나, 유행성은 지각된 유용성, 지각된 사용 용이성, 지각된 유희성 모두에 유의한 영향이 없었다. 본 연구의 결과는 아직 충분히 연구가 이루어지지 않은 패션 가상현실(VR) 매장의 VMD 구성요소를 추출하고 기술수용의 심리적 효용과 패션 가상현실(VR) 매장의 사용 의도에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 규명하였다는 점에서 학술적 의의를 갖는다.

가상현실 점포의 특성에 관한 연구 -현대백화점 VR 스토어와 eBay VR 백화점 사례를 중심으로- (A Research on the Characteristics of Virtual Reality Stores -Focused on Hyundai VR Store and eBay VR Department Store-)

  • 장주연;전재훈
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.671-688
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    • 2018
  • This study investigates the characteristics of VR stores that emerged as new fashion communication media. Two case studies on Hyundai and eBay VR Department stores were conducted along with a discussion of the function and meaning of the fashion VR store. The results showed that both stores provide novel shopping experiences; however, the two were differentiated in terms of production method and technology implementation level. Functional aspects such as providing shopping efficiency and purchasing service was insufficient in both stores. Instead, they were complementing by means of product rotation, recommendation system, voice guidance, or linkage with an online shopping mall. In experiential aspects, both stores provided a strong sense of immersion. Hyundai VR store enhanced immersion with a high resolution image of a real offline store; however, it lacked in the ability to provide multisensory stimulation such as kinetic sense or auditory stimulation. The eBay VR Department store intensified the immersion experience by providing auditory stimulation as well as visual stimulation that enhanced the speed and distance sense through the utilization of animation. However, the extent of experience was limited in terms of agency and transformation because of the low interactivity found in both store systems.

패션 브랜드 메타버스 플래그십 스토어 사례연구 -제페토(ZEPETO) 내 패션 브랜드를 중심으로- (Case Study on Fashion Brand Flagship Store in Metaverse -Focusing on Fashion Brand in ZEPETO-)

  • 김우빈;허희진;추호정
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.545-563
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    • 2022
  • Metaverse is a digitally generated world beyond the physical realm; many fashion brands are launching virtual stores in Metaverse. This study explores the cases of flagship stores of fashion brands in Metaverse to understand the peculiarity of Metaverse retailing. This study selected four flagship stores of fashion brands launched on ZEPETO, the largest Metaverse platform in Korea. The characteristics of Metaverse retailing used for case analysis were store (store credibility, servicescape, ease of use), product (content, demos, incentives), social factor (store personnel, store customers), and entertainment (events, games, free gifts). The results illustrate that a transaction system linked to reality could not be established due to technical limitations; it was difficult to obtain specific product information, such as the color, size, and fabric. However, all four fashion brands overwhelmed the traditional retail channels in terms of providing various spatial experiences by operating their virtual stores in global cities related to the heritage and identity of each brand. Furthermore, fashion brands can convey a sense of deviation and fantasy to consumers by delivering unique entertainment activities in Metaverse that they cannot easily provide in real life.

메타버스 점포의 가상성이 창의적 소비에 미치는 영향 -몰입 경험의 매개효과와 창의적 제품 추구 성향의 조절효과 검증- (Impact of Metaverse Store Virtuality on Creative Consumption -Exploring the Mediating Role of Flow Experience and the Moderating Role of Creative Product-Seeking Tendency-)

  • 김우빈;이하경
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제48권4호
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    • pp.774-792
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    • 2024
  • Unlike traditional retail formats, the metaverse offers diverse shopping experiences, ranging from content that mimics reality to content that transcends reality based on its characteristic of virtuality. This study elaborates on the concept of virtuality within store environments and investigates how the virtuality level of a metaverse store influences consumers' creative consumption by mediating the flow experience. Additionally, it examines the interaction effect of creative product-seeking tendencies and individual characteristics on the relationship between flow experience and creative consumption behavior. A web-based experiment was conducted on young Korean female adults who experienced metaverse shopping. Ninety-one samples were analyzed using exploratory factor and bootstrap analyses with SPSS Macro process Models 4 and 14. The findings demonstrate that store virtuality (low vs. high) increases consumers' purchase intentions of creative fashion items by enhancing their flow toward the shopping experience. Furthermore, the effect of flow experience on creative consumption is strengthened when consumers have low creative product-seeking tendencies. This study contributes to expanding the concept of virtuality in virtual retailing and provides insights for fashion retailers planning to create virtual shopping spaces within the metaverse platform.

VR점포의 생동감이 점포 몰입과 쇼핑경험에 대한 만족에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of VR Store Vividness on Immersion and User Satisfaction)

  • 윤남희;이하경;이윤정
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제45권3호
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    • pp.559-572
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    • 2021
  • This study explores the effects of VR (Virtual Reality) store vividness, which is one of VR shopping environmental features used in previous research, on user satisfaction. In addition, the mediating role of immersion between VR store vividness and user satisfaction is investigated. The moderating role of self-efficacy is also explored since the effects of vividness and immersion on user satisfaction may depend on a consumer's perceived shopping self-efficacy. A total of 58 participants experienced a VR store with the Oculus Go VR headset. To test the hypotheses, model 14 of Process Macro 3.4 is used (95% Confidence Interval). According to the results, immersion mediated between VR store vividness and user satisfaction. Additionally, there was a significant interaction effect between immersion and self-efficacy on user satisfaction. When a consumer experiences high immersion at a VR store, consumers may have a strongly positive experience, especially among those who have a perceived low shopping self-efficacy.

패션 브랜드 어플리케이션의 특징적 유형 분석 - 한국 계정 어플리케이션 사례를 중심으로 - (The Analysis of the Characteristic Types of Fashion Brand Application - Concentrating on Korean Application cases -)

  • 박민아;고현진
    • 복식
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    • 제64권1호
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    • pp.136-151
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    • 2014
  • This study systematically analyzed types of fashion brand application focusing on accounts created in Korea. While referring to 'Chanel' which has developed a fashion brand app for the first time in August of 2008, not only for App store by Apple Inc. of the greatest market share but also for Android market, the one and only competitor of App store, the study examined cases of fashion brand app in Korea and foreign countries which have been in service till August of 2013 since the year of 2008. To achieve the research goal, the study conducted a literature research and a case review, categorizing the app by their distinctive functions which were Basic Information, SNS, AR, LBS, Entertainment, Mobile Shopping and Live Streaming. As for the first function, Basic Information, it was considered to provide information on a brand such as prices, sizes and colors of products which should be the most fundamental function of a fashion brand. The function would include look book, catalogues, photographs and others of products, helping users of the app with their understanding on images and concepts of the brand. Second, SNS function was considered useful for its mobility and communication and with the help of theirs, the users share fashion information with each other. Third, AR function as in a filed of virtual reality would edit virtual objects to look real in an actual environment. This would eventually offer the users a chance to try for clothes virtually. The fourth function, LBS, would work with GPS to find a store closest from a present location. This would be a help when the users try to find stores holding promotion events or trails while hiking in mountains. The fifth Entertainment function would include all sorts of games and chances for the users to listen to music and keep fashion diaries. The sixth function, Mobile Shopping, would help the users purchase items online via the app as they would not visit a store in person. The seventh function, Live Streaming, would give the users chances to actually see fashion collections in real time, held all over the world in every season. Because of this function, not only fashion experts but also regular people have become able to enjoy the fashion shows. The distinctive characteristics of the fashion brand application discussed in the study will be a useful reference when any relevant fields try to design other new fashion brand application.

Meta's Metaverse Platform Design in the Pre-launch and Ignition Life Stage

  • Song, Minzheong
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2022
  • We look at the initial stage of Meta (previous Facebook)'s new metaverse platform and investigate its platform design in pre-launch and ignition life stage. From the Rocket Model (RM)'s theoretical logic, the results reveal that Meta firstly focuses on investing in key content developers by acquiring virtual reality (VR), video, music content firms and offering production support platform of the augmented reality (AR) content, 'Spark AR' last three years (2019~2021) for attracting high-potential developers and users. In terms of three matching criteria, Meta develops an Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered translation software, partners with Microsoft (MS) for cloud computing and AI, and develops an AI platform for realistic avatar, MyoSuite. In 'connect' function, Meta curates the game concept submitted by game developers, welcomes other game and SNS based metaverse apps, and expands Horizon Worlds (HW) on VR devices to PCs and mobile devices. In 'transact' function, Meta offers 'HW Creator Funding' program for metaverse, launches the first commercialized Meta Avatar Store on Meta's conventional SNS and Messaging apps by inviting all fashion creators to design and sell clothing in this store. Mata also launches an initial test of non-fungible token (NFT) display on Instagram and expands it to Facebook in the US. Lastly, regarding optimization, especially in the face of recent data privacy issues that have adversely affected corporate key performance indicators (KPIs), Meta assures not to collect any new data and to make its privacy policy easier to understand and update its terms of service more user friendly.