• Title/Summary/Keyword: Video object segmentation

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A Study on the Extraction of the dynamic objects using temporal continuity and motion in the Video (비디오에서 객체의 시공간적 연속성과 움직임을 이용한 동적 객체추출에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Changmin
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2016
  • Recently, it has become an important problem to extract semantic objects from videos, which are useful for improving the performance of video compression and video retrieval. In this thesis, an automatic extraction method of moving objects of interest in video is suggested. We define that an moving object of interest should be relatively large in a frame image and should occur frequently in a scene. The moving object of interest should have different motion from camera motion. Moving object of interest are determined through spatial continuity by the AMOS method and moving histogram. Through experiments with diverse scenes, we found that the proposed method extracted almost all of the objects of interest selected by the user but its precision was 69% because of over-extraction.

Object-Based Video Segmentation Using Spatio-temporal Entropic Thresholding and Camera Panning Compensation (시공간 엔트로피 임계법과 카메라 패닝 보상을 이용한 객체 기반 동영상 분할)

  • 백경환;곽노윤
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2003
  • This paper is related to a morphological segmentation method for extracting the moving object in video sequence using global motion compensation and two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding. First, global motion compensation is performed with camera panning vector estimated in the hierarchical pyramid structure constructed by wavelet transform. Secondly, the regions with high possibility to include the moving object between two consecutive frames are extracted block by block from the global motion compensated image using two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding. Afterwards, the LUT classifying each block into one among changed block, uncertain block, stationary block according to the results classified by two-dimensional spatio-temporal entropic thresholding is made out. Next, by adaptively selecting the initial search layer and the search range referring to the LUT, the proposed HBMA can effectively carry out fast motion estimation and extract object-included region in the hierarchical pyramid structure. Finally, after we define the thresholded gradient image in the object-included region, and apply the morphological segmentation method to the object-included region pixel by pixel and extract the moving object included in video sequence. As shown in the results of computer simulation, the proposed method provides relatively good segmentation results for moving object and specially comes up with reasonable segmentation results in the edge areas with lower contrast.

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MPEG Video Segmentation Using Frame Feature Comparison (프레임 특징 비교를 이용한 압축비디오 분할)

  • 김영호;강대성
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2003
  • Recently, development of digital technology is occupying a large part of multimedia information like character, voice, image, video, etc. Research about video indexing and retrieval progresses especially in research relative to video. In this paper, we propose new algorithm(Frame Feature Comparison) for MPEG video segmentation. Shot, Scene Change detection is basic and important works that segment it in MPEG video sequence. Generally, the segmentation algorithm that uses much has defect that occurs an error detection according to a flash of camera, movement of camera and fast movement of an object, because of comparing former frames with present frames. Therefore, we distinguish a scene change one more time using a scene change point detected in the conventional algorithm through comparing its mean value with abutted frames. In the result, we could detect more corrective scene change than the conventional algorithm.

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An Effective Moving Cast Shadow Removal in Gray Level Video for Intelligent Visual Surveillance (지능 영상 감시를 위한 흑백 영상 데이터에서의 효과적인 이동 투영 음영 제거)

  • Nguyen, Thanh Binh;Chung, Sun-Tae;Cho, Seongwon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.420-432
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    • 2014
  • In detection of moving objects from video sequences, an essential process for intelligent visual surveillance, the cast shadows accompanying moving objects are different from background so that they may be easily extracted as foreground object blobs, which causes errors in localization, segmentation, tracking and classification of objects. Most of the previous research results about moving cast shadow detection and removal usually utilize color information about objects and scenes. In this paper, we proposes a novel cast shadow removal method of moving objects in gray level video data for visual surveillance application. The proposed method utilizes observations about edge patterns in the shadow region in the current frame and the corresponding region in the background scene, and applies Laplacian edge detector to the blob regions in the current frame and the corresponding regions in the background scene. Then, the product of the outcomes of application determines moving object blob pixels from the blob pixels in the foreground mask. The minimal rectangle regions containing all blob pixles classified as moving object pixels are extracted. The proposed method is simple but turns out practically very effective for Adative Gaussian Mixture Model-based object detection of intelligent visual surveillance applications, which is verified through experiments.

Efficient Memory Update Module for Video Object Segmentation (동영상 물체 분할을 위한 효율적인 메모리 업데이트 모듈)

  • Jo, Junho;Cho, Nam Ik
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.561-568
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    • 2022
  • Most deep learning-based video object segmentation methods perform the segmentation with past prediction information stored in external memory. In general, the more past information is stored in the memory, the better results can be obtained by accumulating evidence for various changes in the objects of interest. However, all information cannot be stored in the memory due to hardware limitations, resulting in performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a method of storing new information in the external memory without additional memory allocation. Specifically, after calculating the attention score between the existing memory and the information to be newly stored, new information is added to the corresponding memory according to each score. In this way, the method works robustly because the attention mechanism reflects the object changes well without using additional memory. In addition, the update rate is adaptively determined according to the accumulated number of matches in the memory so that the frequently updated samples store more information to maintain reliable information.

A hierarchical semantic video object racking algorithm using mathematical morphology

  • Jaeyoung-Yi;Park, Hyun-Sang;Ra, Jong-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.06b
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, we propose a hierarchical segmentation method for tracking a semantic video object using a watershed algorithm based on morphological filtering. In the proposed method, each hierarchy consists of three steps: First, markers are extracted on the simplified current frame. Second, region growing by a modified watershed algorithm is performed for segmentation. Finally, the segmented regions are classified into 3 categories, i.e., inside, outside, and uncertain regions according to region probability values, which are acquired by the probability map calculated from a estimated motion field. Then, for the remaining uncertain regions, the above three steps are repeated at lower hierarchies with less simplified frames until every region is decided to a certain region. The proposed algorithm provides prospective results in video sequences such as Miss America, Clair, and Akiyo.

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Fusion of Background Subtraction and Clustering Techniques for Shadow Suppression in Video Sequences

  • Chowdhury, Anuva;Shin, Jung-Pil;Chong, Ui-Pil
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.231-234
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    • 2013
  • This paper introduces a mixture of background subtraction technique and K-Means clustering algorithm for removing shadows from video sequences. Lighting conditions cause an issue with segmentation. The proposed method can successfully eradicate artifacts associated with lighting changes such as highlight and reflection, and cast shadows of moving object from segmentation. In this paper, K-Means clustering algorithm is applied to the foreground, which is initially fragmented by background subtraction technique. The estimated shadow region is then superimposed on the background to eliminate the effects that cause redundancy in object detection. Simulation results depict that the proposed approach is capable of removing shadows and reflections from moving objects with an accuracy of more than 95% in every cases considered.

Using Kalman Filtering and Segmentation Techniques to Capture and Detect Cracks in Pavement

  • Hsu, C.J.;Chen, C.F.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.930-932
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    • 2003
  • For this study we used a CCD video camera to capture the pavement image information via the computer. During investigation processing, the CCD video camera captured 10${\sim}$30 images per second. If the vehicle velocity is too fast, the collected images will be duplicated and if the velocity is too slow there will be a gapped between images. Therefore, in order to control the efficiency of the image grabber we should add accessory tools such as the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and odometer. Furthermore, Kalman Filtering can also solve these problems. After the CCD video camera captured the pavement images, we used the Least-Squares method to eliminate images of gradation which have non-uniform surfaces due to the illumination at night. The Fuzzy Entropy method calculates images of threshold segments and creates binary images. Finally, the Object Labeling algorithm finds objects that are cracks or noises from the binary image based on volume pixels of the object. We used these algorithms and tested them, also providing some discussion and suggestions.

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VLSI Architecture for Video Object Boundary Enhancement (비디오객체의 경계향상을 위한 VLSI 구조)

  • Kim, Jinsang-
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.11A
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    • pp.1098-1103
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    • 2005
  • The edge and contour information are very much appreciated by the human visual systems and are responsible for our perceptions and recognitions. Therefore, if edge information is integrated during extracting video objects, we can generate boundaries of oects closer to human visual systems for multimedia applications such as interaction between video objects, object-based coding, and representation. Most of object extraction methods are difficult to implement real-time systems due to their iterative and complex arithmetic operations. In this paper, we propose a VLSI architecture integrating edge information to extract video objects for precisely located object boundaries. The proposed architecture can be easily implemented into hardware due to simple arithmetic operations. Also, it can be applied to real-time object extraction for object-oriented multimedia applications.

An Image Segmentation Algorithm using the Shape Space Model (모양공간 모델을 이용한 영상분할 알고리즘)

  • 김대희;안충현;호요성
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2004
  • Since the MPEG-4 visual standard enables content-based functionalities, it is necessary to extract video objects from video sequences. Segmentation algorithms can largely be classified into two different categories: automatic segmentation and user-assisted segmentation. In this paper, we propose a new user-assisted image segmentation method based on the active contour. If we define a shape space as a set of all possible variations from the initial curve and we assume that the shape space is linear, it can be decomposed into the column space and the left null space of the shape matrix. In the proposed method, the shape space vector in the column space describes changes from the initial curve to the imaginary feature curve, and a dynamic graph search algorithm describes the detailed shape of the object in the left null space. Since we employ the shape matrix and the SUSAN operator to outline object boundaries, the proposed algorithm can ignore unwanted feature points generated by low-level image processing operations and is, therefore, applicable to images of complex background. We can also compensate for limitations of the shape matrix with a dynamic graph search algorithm.