• Title/Summary/Keyword: Video Sequence

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Scene Change Detection Techniques Using DC components and Moving Vector in DCT-domain of MPEG systems (MPEG system의 DCT변환영역에서 DC성분과 움직임 벡터를 이용한 영상 장면전환 검출기법)

  • 박재두;이광형
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 1999
  • In this paper. we propose the method of Scene Change Detection for video sequence using the DC components and the moving vectors in the Macro Blocks in the DCT blocks. The proposed method detects the Scene Change which would not be related with the specific sequences in the compressed MPEG domain. To do this. we define new metrics for Scene Change Detection using the features of picture component and detect the exact Scene Change point of B-pictures using the characteristics of B-picture's sharp response for the moving vectors. In brief, we will detect the cut point using I-picture and the gradual scene changes such as dissolve, fade, wipe, etc. As a results, our proposed method shows good test results for the various MPEG sequences.

Implementation of Disparity Information-based 3D Object Tracking

  • Ko, Jung-Hwan;Jung, Yong-Woo;Kim, Eun-Soo
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a new 3D object tracking system using the disparity motion vector (DMV) is presented. In the proposed method, the time-sequential disparity maps are extracted from the sequence of the stereo input image pairs and these disparity maps are used to sequentially estimate the DMV defined as a disparity difference between two consecutive disparity maps Similarly to motion vectors in the conventional video signals, the DMV provides us with motion information of a moving target by showing a relatively large change in the disparity values in the target areas. Accordingly, this DMV helps detect the target area and its location coordinates. Based on these location data of a moving target, the pan/tilt embedded in the stereo camera system can be controlled and consequently achieve real-time stereo tracking of a moving target. From the results of experiments with 9 frames of the stereo image pairs having 256x256 pixels, it is shown that the proposed DMV-based stereo object tracking system can track the moving target with a relatively low error ratio of about 3.05 % on average.

Mosaics Image Generation based on Mellin Transform (멜린 변환을 이용한 모자이크 이미지 생성)

  • 이지현;양황규
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1785-1791
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the mosaic method that the video sequence with shift and rotation information after Mellin Transform. The results are used to compute the projection matrix for each image registration. So before registration, we process camera calibration in order to reduce the image warp by camera and then compute the global projection matrix for image registration for reducing errors from rut image to last image. This paper describes the mosaic method that compute duplication and movement information quickly and robust noise using projection matrix on Mellin Transform.

A Region Depth Estimation Algorithm using Motion Vector from Monocular Video Sequence (단안영상에서 움직임 벡터를 이용한 영역의 깊이추정)

  • 손정만;박영민;윤영우
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2004
  • The recovering 3D image from 2D requires the depth information for each picture element. The manual creation of those 3D models is time consuming and expensive. The goal in this paper is to estimate the relative depth information of every region from single view image with camera translation. The paper is based on the fact that the motion of every point within image which taken from camera translation depends on the depth. Motion vector using full-search motion estimation is compensated for camera rotation and zooming. We have developed a framework that estimates the average frame depth by analyzing motion vector and then calculates relative depth of region to average frame depth. Simulation results show that the depth of region belongs to a near or far object is consistent accord with relative depth that man recognizes.

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Computer Animation of Marine Process - Tsunami Events - (해양과정의 컴퓨터 동주화 -지진진파(쯔나미)의 경우-)

  • Choi, Byung-Ho;Lee, Ho-Jun;Fumihiko Imamura;Nobuo Shuto
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 1993
  • With the use of Supercomputer and engineering workstations, high quality computer graphic representation of the modeling of marine process is feasible. In this wort major tsunami events occurred during recent years were simulated by numerical models and the computed water levels were viewed as three-dimensional surfaces in an animated sequence. Photorealistic images are constructed by advanced rendering technique with light reflection and shadows. It has demonstrated that video animation of numerical results reproduced the behaviour of propagation of real tsunami events remarkably well.

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A Framework for Real Time Vehicle Pose Estimation based on synthetic method of obtaining 2D-to-3D Point Correspondence

  • Yun, Sergey;Jeon, Moongu
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2014.04a
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    • pp.904-907
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    • 2014
  • In this work we present a robust and fast approach to estimate 3D vehicle pose that can provide results under a specific traffic surveillance conditions. Such limitations are expressed by single fixed CCTV camera that is located relatively high above the ground, its pitch axes is parallel to the reference plane and the camera focus assumed to be known. The benefit of our framework that it does not require prior training, camera calibration and does not heavily rely on 3D model shape as most common technics do. Also it deals with a bad shape condition of the objects as we focused on low resolution surveillance scenes. Pose estimation task is presented as PnP problem to solve it we use well known "POSIT" algorithm [1]. In order to use this algorithm at least 4 non coplanar point's correspondence is required. To find such we propose a set of techniques based on model and scene geometry. Our framework can be applied in real time video sequence. Results for estimated vehicle pose are shown in real image scene.

Micro-Expression Recognition Base on Optical Flow Features and Improved MobileNetV2

  • Xu, Wei;Zheng, Hao;Yang, Zhongxue;Yang, Yingjie
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1981-1995
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    • 2021
  • When a person tries to conceal emotions, real emotions will manifest themselves in the form of micro-expressions. Research on facial micro-expression recognition is still extremely challenging in the field of pattern recognition. This is because it is difficult to implement the best feature extraction method to cope with micro-expressions with small changes and short duration. Most methods are based on hand-crafted features to extract subtle facial movements. In this study, we introduce a method that incorporates optical flow and deep learning. First, we take out the onset frame and the apex frame from each video sequence. Then, the motion features between these two frames are extracted using the optical flow method. Finally, the features are inputted into an improved MobileNetV2 model, where SVM is applied to classify expressions. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the method, we conduct experiments on the public spontaneous micro-expression database CASME II. Under the condition of applying the leave-one-subject-out cross-validation method, the recognition accuracy rate reaches 53.01%, and the F-score reaches 0.5231. The results show that the proposed method can significantly improve the micro-expression recognition performance.

Motion Estimation and Mode Decision Algorithm for Very Low-complexity H.264/AVC Video Encoder (초저복잡도 H.264 부호기의 움직임 추정 및 모드 결정 알고리즘)

  • Yoo Youngil;Kim Yong Tae;Lee Seung-Jun;Kang Dong Wook;Kim Ki-Doo
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4 s.29
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    • pp.528-539
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    • 2005
  • The H.264 has been adopted as the video codec for various multimedia services such as DMB and next-generation DVD because of its superior coding performance. However, the reference codec of the standard, the joint model (JM) contains quite a few algorithms which are too complex to be used for the resource-constraint embedded environment. This paper introduces very low-complexity H.264 encoding algorithm which is applicable for the embedded environment. The proposed algorithm was realized by restricting some coding tools on the basis that it should not cause too severe degradation of RD-performance and adding a few early termination and bypass conditions during the motion estimation and mode decision process. In case of encoding of 7.5fps QCIF sequence with 64kbpswith the proposed algorithm, the encoder yields worse PSNRs by 0.4 dB than the standard JM, but requires only $15\%$ of computational complexity and lowers the required memory and power consumption drastically. By porting the proposed H.264 codec into the PDA with Intel PXA255 Processor, we verified the feasibility of the H.264 based MMS(Multimedia Messaging Service) on PDA.

Adaptive Reference Structure Decision Method for HEVC Encoder (HEVC 부호화기의 적응적 참조 구조 변경 방법)

  • Mok, Jung-Soo;Kim, JaeRyun;Ahn, Yong-Jo;Sim, Donggyu
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes adaptive reference structure decision method to improve the performance of HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) encoder. When an event occurs in the input sequence, such as scene change, scene rotation, fade in/out, or light on/off, the proposed algorithm changes the reference structure to improve the inter prediction performance. The proposed algorithm divides GOP (Group Of Pictures) into two sub-groups based on the picture that has such event and decides the reference pictures in the divided sub-groups. Also, this paper proposes fast encoding method which changes the picture type of first encoded picture in the GOP that has such event to CRA (Clean Random Access). With the statistical feature that intra prediction is selected by high probability for the first encoded picture in the GOP carrying such event, the proposed fast encoding method does not operate inter prediction. The experimental result shows that the proposed adaptive reference structure decision method improves the BD-rate 0.3% and reduces encoding time 4.9% on average under the CTC (Common Test Condition) for standardization. In addition, the proposed reference structure decision method with the picture type change reduces the average encoding time 12.2% with 0.11% BD-rate loss.

The study of analysis film-making style in Stanley Kubrick's film (Focusing on his' film "The Clockwork orange(1971)") (스탠리 큐브릭 감독의 영상 스타일 분석 연구 (그의 영화"시계태엽오렌지(1971)"를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2017
  • The video image in the movie has become more spectacular than ever, and the expression area and the subject have been infinitely expanded, but it can not be said that the range of imagination has expanded. Instead, the 60s and 70s, which were the epochs of popular culture, The film that implements the artististic visual style and expression style of the artist. Stanley Kubrick's "Clockwork Orange", which has been pursuing technological perfection and experimental style, was created using traditional video grammar and gained a great repercussion with outstanding material and high artistic expression technique at that time. These techniques have led audiences to rational observation through irony, rather than emotional sympathy for the situation, for extreme violence and sensational films. This is because the purpose of the director was not to be in technological perfection but to reveal the contradictions of the real society and to reflect on the meaning of the existence of society itself. These creative traditional visual grammar and expression methods are a good visual style that enables the intentionally transmitted message to be transmitted more intensely and effectively, and the artistic depth can be created at the same time by unconsciously perceiving the meaning present on the back to the audience.