• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vertical line method

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An Application of a New Two-Way Regression Model for Rating Curves (수위-유량관계식에 새로운 양방향 회귀모형의 적용)

  • Lee, Chang-Hae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2008
  • Whether rating curves are used in practice or new ones are derived, the characteristics of regression analysis are often neglected. For example, a discharge rating curve, which is established from a regression of observed water levels (H) on observed flowrates(Q), is sometimes used for estimating a design water level corresponding to a simulated design flood runoff. However, if independent and dependent variables are changed with each other, the regression equation is changed in existing regression analysis, which is derived from vertical errors between observed data and regression line. Thus, regression equations should not be applied inversely. To avoid this problem, A new two-way variable least-squares regression analysis is proposed. The new method was applied to the rating curves of five water level stations on main stream of Nakdong River. The three kinds of regression models, which are respectively regression of Q versus H (model 1), H versus Q (model 2) and two-way (model 3), showed that the new method can reduce inadvertent mistakes when applied in practice.

Extraction of Features in key frames of News Video for Content-based Retrieval (내용 기반 검색을 위한 뉴스 비디오 키 프레임의 특징 정보 추출)

  • Jung, Yung-Eun;Lee, Dong-Seop;Jeon, Keun-Hwan;Lee, Yang-Weon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.9
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    • pp.2294-2301
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    • 1998
  • The aim of this paper is to extract features from each news scenes for example, symbol icon which can be distinct each broadcasting corp, icon and caption which are has feature and important information for the scene in respectively, In this paper, we propose extraction methods of caption that has important prohlem of news videos and it can be classified in three steps, First of al!, we converted that input images from video frame to YIQ color vector in first stage. And then, we divide input image into regions in clear hy using equalized color histogram of input image, In last, we extracts caption using edge histogram based on vertical and horizontal line, We also propose the method which can extract news icon in selected key frames by the difference of inter-histogram and can divide each scene by the extracted icon. In this paper, we used comparison method of edge histogram instead of complex methcxls based on color histogram or wavelet or moving objects, so we shorten computation through using simpler algorithm. and we shown good result of feature's extraction.

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Analysis of Wideband Microstrip Slot Antenna with Cross-shaped Feedline using 2-layer Dielectrics (2층 유전체를 사용한 십자형 급전선을 갖는 광대역 마이크로스트립 슬롯 안테나의 해석)

  • 장용웅;신호섭
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TE
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2000
  • The bandwidth of microstrip slot antenna with T-shaped feed line was a wider than one of the conventional feeding structure. When the slot antenna with bi-directional radiator wants to radiate only one direction, the reflector must be set up seperately. But this antenna doesn't need set up reflector. And then we proposed to a new method of a directional slot radiator with a cross-shaped feedline including the reflector using 2-layers dielectric materials. It is calculated waves and electric field distribution in the time domain by using FDTD method. We also are calculated return loss, VSWR, input impedance, and radiation pattern in the frequency domain by Fourier transforming the time domain results, respectively. It was found that the bandwidth of this antenna changes as length($\I_s$) and width($\W_s$) of slot, length of the horizontal feedline($\I_d$), length of the vertical feedline($\I_u$) and offset sensitively. After optimizing the parameters of design, the maximum bandwidth was measured as 1,850MHz at the center frequency 2.5 GHz.

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Railway Object Recognition Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data (모바일 레이저 스캐닝 데이터로부터 철도 시설물 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Luo, Chao;Jwa, Yoon Seok;Sohn, Gun Ho;Won, Jong Un;Lee, Suk
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2014
  • The objective of the research is to automatically recognize railway objects from MLS data in which 9 key objects including terrain, track, bed, vegetation, platform, barrier, posts, attachments, powerlines are targeted. The proposed method can be divided into two main sub-steps. First, multi-scale contextual features are extracted to take the advantage of characterizing objects of interest from different geometric levels such as point, line, volumetric and vertical profile. Second, by considering contextual interactions amongst object labels, a contextual classifier is utilized to make a prediction with local coherence. In here, the Conditional Random Field (CRF) is used to incorporate the object context. By maximizing the object label agreement in the local neighborhood, CRF model could compensate the local inconsistency prediction resulting from other local classifiers. The performance of proposed method was evaluated based on the analysis of commission and omission error and shows promising results for the practical use.

Study of geological structure in area of Hwasan caldera using geophysical method (지구물리학적 방법에 의한 화산 칼데라 지역의 지질구조 연구)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Yang, Joon-Mo;Park, Gye-Soon;Eom, Joo-Young;Kim, Dong-Oh
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2007
  • Uiseong subbasin belonging to Kyungsang basin resulted from volcanic activity in the late Cretaceous. In this study, we carry out MT and gravity survey at the Hwasan caldera, which was formed of volcanic and abyssal rocks complex, then analyze and identify geological substructure. Potential survey such as gravity and magnetic survey has been mainly carried out in former studies, so depth information for understanding substructure was not enough. To complement a potential survey, we use MT method, which has high vertical resolution. Moreover we make a simple 2D model comparing with former study. The result of MT and gravity 2D modeling shows that this area is roughly composed of 3 layers; The bottom layer is a basement. In the second layer, intrusive rocks having high resistivity is placed along the ring faults and the sedimentary layer of low resistivity is inside caldera. The highest layer is alluvium. To comprehend the 3D structure of the Hwasan caldera, we perform 3D gravity inversion, and construct the 3D model from the result of 3D gravity inversion. MT responses are calculated by using the constructed 3D model and the 3D model of the Hwasan caldera's structure is suggested after comparing the calculated values with the observed values at MT line.

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Optical implementation of unidirectional integral imaging based on pinhole model (핀홀 모델 기반의 1차원 집적 영상 기법의 광학적 구현)

  • Shin, Dong-Hak;Kim, Nam-Woo;Lee, Joon-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.337-343
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    • 2007
  • Since three-dimensional (3D) images reconstructed in interval imaging technique are related to the resolution of elemental images, there has been a problem that ray information of elemental images increases largely in order to obtain high-resolution 3D images. In this paper, to overcome this problem, a new unidirectional integral imaging based on pinhole model is proposed. Proposed method provides a new type of unidirectional elemental images, which are simply obtained by magnifying single horizontal pixel line of each elemental image to the vertical size of lenslet using ray analysis based on pinhole model and used to display 3D images. In proposed method, reduction effect of the ray information of elemental images can be obtained by scarifying vortical parallax. Feasibility of the proposed scheme is experimentally demonstrated and its results are presented.

A Study on Automation about Painting the Letters to Road Surface

  • Lee, Kyong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the researchers attempted to automate the process of painting the characters on the road surface, which is currently done by manual labor, by using the information and communication technology. Here are the descriptions of how we put in our efforts to achieve such a goal. First, we familiarized ourselves with the current regulations about painting letters or characters on the road, with reference to Road Mark Installation Management Manual of the National Police Agency. Regarding the graphemes, we adopted a new one using connection components, in Gothic print characters which was within the range of acceptance according to the aforementioned manual. We also made it possible for the automated program to recognize the graphemes by means of the feature dots of the isolated dots, end dots, 2-line gathering dots, and gathering dots of 3 lines or more. Regarding the database, we built graphemes database for plotting information, classified the characters by means of the arrangement information of the graphemes and the layers that the graphemes form within the characters, and last but not least, made the character shape information database for character plotting by using such data. We measured the layers and the arrangement information of the graphemes consisting the characters by using the information of: 1) the information of the position of the center of gravity, and 2) the information of the graphemes that was acquired through vertical exploration from the center of gravity in each grapheme. We identified and compared the group to which each character of the database belonged, and recognized the characters through the use of the information gathered using this method. We analyzed the input characters using the aforementioned analysis method and database, and then converted into plotting information. It was shown that the plotting was performed after the correction.

Analysis of the acceleration measured on Korea and France high speed railways using UIC518 code (UIC518 방법에 의한 국내 및 프랑스 고속철도 차량 진동가속도 분석)

  • Choi, Il-Yoon;Kim, Nam Po;Lee, Jun S;Lim, Jihoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.8516-8524
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    • 2015
  • Track irregularities can be evaluated not only directly by track inspection but also indirectly by measurement of carbody accelerations and many researches are being conducted. Carbody accelerations were measured on the Kyeongbu high speed railway and France high speed line to investigate the situation of the track maintenance at Korea high speed line by using indirect method. Digital signal processing for the measured acceleration data were conducted according to UIC518 code. Since the vehicle speed affects the car body acceleration, the lateral and vertical acceleration of the car body were classified according to the vehicle speed and the distribution characteristics of these acceleration were investigated and evaluated by UIC518 criteria. Finally, the running behavior of KTX on Korea high speed railway were compared with that on France. Distribution characteristics of these acceleration were evaluated and discussed in terms of the track maintenance in Korea high speed line.

Magnetic Investigation of the Yangsan Fault (양산 단층에 대한 자력탐사 연구)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.421-434
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    • 1991
  • Ground magnetic surveys were conducted at four areas where the Yangsan fault, the most prominent lineament in the Kyeongsang basin, appears to be passed through. For data processing, IGRF correction, upward continuation and reduction-to-the-pole were performed. The automatic inversion by using a matrix computation method, which takes the depth to bottom layer of the horizontal two layer structure as the model parameter, has been attempted to delineate the subsurface structure. Upward continuation of the surface magnetic map to the same level of the aeromagnetic survey (KIER, 1989) resulted in very similiar patterns to those of aeromagnetic data. Subsurface modeling of eight profile data show that the strike and dip of the Yangsan fault in study areas are $N6^{\circ}-15^{\circ}E$, and near vertical to somewhat eastward, repectively, despite of the local lithological contrast of each study area. It seems that the magnetic effect of faulting in the study area 1, which locates in the most northern part of the survey areas, is disturbed by that of igneous intrusion. At study area 2, the possibility of volcanic or igneous intrusion, which is 200-300 meters wide along the fault plane was presented. At study area 3, unlike other study areas, distinct fracture zone of 500-700 meters in width was revealed along the surface fault line. The andesitic rocks of the study area 4 have very high susceptibilities and the fault line on surface of this area was shifted about 500 meter eastward, as compared with the inferred fault line by the previous study.

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Design of Real-Time Dead Pixel Detection and Compensation System for Image Quality Enhancement in Mobile Camera (모바일 카메라 화질 개선을 위한 실시간 불량 화소 검출 및 보정 시스템의 설계)

  • Song, Jin-Gun;Ha, Joo-Young;Park, Jung-Hwan;Choi, Won-Tae;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose the Real-time Dead-Pixel Detection and Compensation System for mobile camera and its hardware architecture. The CMOS image sensors as image input devices are becoming popular due to the demand for miniaturized, low-power and cost-effective imaging systems. However a conventional Dead-Pixel Detection Algorithm is disable to detect neighboring dead pixels and it degrades image quality by wrong detection and compensation. To detect dead pixels the proposed system is classifying dead pixels into Hot pixel and Cold pixel. Also, the proposed algorithm is processing line-detector and $5{\times}5$ window-detector consecutively. The line-detector and window-detector can search dead pixels by using one-dimensional(only horizontal) method in low frequency area and two-dimensional(vertical and diagonal) method in high frequency area, respectively. The experimental result shows that it can detect 99% of dead pixels. It was designed in Verilog hardware description language and total gate count is 23K using TSMC 0.25um ASIC library.

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