• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vertical Resolution

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Synoptic and Meso Scale Mechanisms of Reported Tornado-like Gust Wind Event in Korea Using High-resolution Numerical Simulation (고해상도 수치모델을 이용한 한반도 토네이도성 돌풍 사례에 대한 종관 및 중규모 발생 메커니즘 연구)

  • Ka-young Byen;Jung-Hoon Kim;Yi-June Park
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.397-415
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    • 2024
  • Reported tornado event occurred in Dangjin, Chungcheongnam-do at 0650~0730 UTC on 15 March 2019 was examined using Weather Research and Forecasting model with four nested domains (dx = 5, 1, 0.2, and 0.05 km). From synoptic analysis in ERA5 reanalysis data, eastward moving upper-level trough was developed rapidly in the Yellow Sea. Strong tropopause folding with Potential Vorticity Unit (PVU) higher than 1.5 PVU moved downward to 600-hPa level in mid troposphere following the trough over the location of tornado event. Under this large-scale background condition, surface front developed very intensively in the west coast of Korea along with strong low-level jet and moisture band at 850-hPa level. In domain 2, the maximum Bulk wind shear at Dorido point was 12.86 m s-1. Cold front evolved to be a comma cloud with upper-level trough and strong bulk vertical shear near Dangjin, which include eastward moving gust front revealed as a strong horizontal temperature gradient and convergence near the surface. In domains 3 and 4, the local maximum value of the simulated vertical vorticity (24 × 10-2 s-1) with strong updraft (8.18 m s-1) near the observed tornado event along with the surface gust front was found to be a possible area for tornadogenesis from the x-z and time-z cross-sections near the simulated tornado event. In the vorticity budget analysis, the local maximum of vertical vorticity during this event was generated significantly by tilting and stretching forcings.


  • 조희구;윤영준;박재형;이광목;요코다타쓰야
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.119-138
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    • 1998
  • Recently measurements of atmospheric trace gases from satellite are vigorous. So the development of its data processing algorithm is important. In this study, retrievalof vertical ozone profile from the atmospheric transmittance measured by satellite solar occultation method and its sensitivity to temperature and pressure are investigated. The measured transmittance from satellite is assumed to be given by the limb path transmittance simulated using annual averaged Umkehr data for Seoul. The limb path transmittance between wavelengths $9.89{\mu}m$ and $10.2{\mu}m$ is simulated with respect to tangent heights using the ozone data of HALOE SIDS(Hallogen Occultation Experiment Simulated Instrument Data Set) as an initial profile. Other input data such as pressure and temperature are also from HALOE SIDS. Vertical ozone profile is correctly retrieved from the measured transmittance by onion-peeling method from 50km to 11km tangent heights with the vertical resolution of 3km. The bias error of $\pm0.001$ in measured transmittance, the forced error of $\pm3K$ in each layer temperature, and the forced $\pm3%$ error in each layer pressure are assumed for sensitivity tests. These errors are based on the ADEOS/ILAS error limitation. The error in ozone amount ranges from -6.5% to +6.9% due to transmittance error, from -9.5% to +10.5% due to temperature error, and from -5.1% to +5.4% due to pressure error, respectively. The present study suggests that accurate vertical ozone profile can be retrieved from satellite solar occultation method. Accuracy of vertical temperature profile is especially important in the retrieval of vertical ozone profile.

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Improvement of 2-pass DInSAR-based DEM Generation Method from TanDEM-X bistatic SAR Images (TanDEM-X bistatic SAR 영상의 2-pass 위성영상레이더 차분간섭기법 기반 수치표고모델 생성 방법 개선)

  • Chae, Sung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_1
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    • pp.847-860
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    • 2020
  • The 2-pass DInSAR (Differential Interferometric SAR) processing steps for DEM generation consist of the co-registration of SAR image pair, interferogram generation, phase unwrapping, calculation of DEM errors, and geocoding, etc. It requires complicated steps, and the accuracy of data processing at each step affects the performance of the finally generated DEM. In this study, we developed an improved method for enhancing the performance of the DEM generation method based on the 2-pass DInSAR technique of TanDEM-X bistatic SAR images was developed. The developed DEM generation method is a method that can significantly reduce both the DEM error in the unwrapped phase image and that may occur during geocoding step. The performance analysis of the developed algorithm was performed by comparing the vertical accuracy (Root Mean Square Error, RMSE) between the existing method and the newly proposed method using the ground control point (GCP) generated from GPS survey. The vertical accuracy of the DInSAR-based DEM generated without correction for the unwrapped phase error and geocoding error is 39.617 m. However, the vertical accuracy of the DEM generated through the proposed method is 2.346 m. It was confirmed that the DEM accuracy was improved through the proposed correction method. Through the proposed 2-pass DInSAR-based DEM generation method, the SRTM DEM error observed by DInSAR was compensated for the SRTM 30 m DEM (vertical accuracy 5.567 m) used as a reference. Through this, it was possible to finally create a DEM with improved spatial resolution of about 5 times and vertical accuracy of about 2.4 times. In addition, the spatial resolution of the DEM generated through the proposed method was matched with the SRTM 30 m DEM and the TanDEM-X 90m DEM, and the vertical accuracy was compared. As a result, it was confirmed that the vertical accuracy was improved by about 1.7 and 1.6 times, respectively, and more accurate DEM generation was possible with the proposed method. If the method derived in this study is used to continuously update the DEM for regions with frequent morphological changes, it will be possible to update the DEM effectively in a short time at low cost.

Study on the Coverage by COMS OCI FOV

  • Kang C. H.;Seo S. B.;Lim H. S.;Park D. J.;Ahn S. I.;Koo I. H.;Hyun D. H.;Yang H. M.;Choi H. J.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.336-339
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    • 2004
  • Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) has been developed by Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) since 2003. Ocean Color Imager (OCI) is the one of COMS payloads, which will monitor the marine environment around Korean peninsula routinely with the intermediate resolution. But considering COMS is to be located in the geostationary orbit, required geographical coverage is not positioned in the nadir direction of COMS but in specific location with horizontal and vertical offsets from the nadir. In this study, coverage by OCI Field Of View (FOV) is analyzed. First of all, OCI is modeled as the sensor which is a $2,500{\times}2,500$ sized 2-D CCD and the pixel resolution is about 500m. And then, OCI is simulated to be controlled to target the required coverage accurately. As a result of it, coverage by OCI FOV is determined. Finally, all coverages by OCI FOV are mapped.

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Wavelet Based Intelligence image Watermarking Using Machine Vision of LabVIEW (LabVIEW의 Machine Vision을 이용한 웨이블릿 기반 지능형 이미지 Watermarking)

  • 송윤재;강두영;김형권;안태천
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.521-524
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    • 2004
  • Recently, acgis of authentication and crcator's copyright has become a matter of great concern by the diffusion of multimedia technique and the growth of the internet and the easily duplicated property of digital data. Consequently, many active researches have been made to protect copyright and to assure integrity by inserting watermark into the digital data. In this paper, watermark is repealed through the entire image and adapted to the content of the image. Achieved by an underlying process of transforming the digital image to the frequency domain by wavelet transform, which has three (vertical, horizontal, diagonal) directions and Multi-resolution features, and then choosing frequency area inferior to the human perceptibility and significant for invisible and robust watermark. We realize wavelet based image watermarking using Machine Vision of LabVIEW.

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A Study on the Feeding System of Centerless Grinder for Machining the Ferrule (페룰가공용 무심연삭기 이송계 개발)

  • 박천홍;황주호;조순주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2002
  • In order to practicalize high precision centerless grinder for machining the ferrule, its feeding system is designed and tested. For satisfying the desired diametric tolerance and cylindricity of the ferrule, the feeding system is designed to have relatively high axial stiffness of 600 N/$\mu\textrm{m}$, high angular motion accuracy of 0.5 arcsec/mm in yaw direction and minimum resolution of 0.05 $\mu\textrm{m}$. A prototype of feeding system is built up with hydrostatic guideway and ballscrew. A linear scale with 0.05 $\mu\textrm{m}$ of resolution is used for position feedback. Experimental results show that the feeding system has the infinity of axial stiffness within the range of 1000 N and 0.3 arcsec/mm of yawing error. Also the feeding system shows obvious step response against 0.05 $\mu\textrm{m}$/step command without the lost motion or backlash. Although the vertical stiffness is reduced to 440 N/$\mu\textrm{m}$ by the elastic deformation of rail, it is good enough to use for machining the ferrule. From above, it is confirmed that the feeding system is applicable to centerless grinder for machining the ferrule.

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Data Processing for a GPR survey of Fourcade glacier (Fourcade 빙하지역의 GPR 자료처리)

  • Kim, Ki-Young;Hong, Myung-Ho;Lee, Joo-Han;Hong, Jong-Kuk;Jin, Young-Keun;Shon, Ho-Woong
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2007
  • To delineate subglacial and englacial images of the western Fourcade Glacier in Antarctica, GPR data were acquired along a 470 m profile in November 2006. Signature deconvolution, migration velocity analysis, and finite difference depth migration were effective in increasing vertical resolution, obtaining the velocity function, and yielding clear depth images of the mixed-phase single-channel data, respectively. The source signature was extracted through stacking reflection signals from the basement. The deconvolution successfully compressed the source signatures to increase temporal resolution and attenuated reverberations. Medium velocities were analyzed with 112 diffraction events by the constant-velocity migration method based on the Stolt algorithm. Finally, depth migration based on the finite difference algorithm provided clear englacial and subglacial images in the laterally-varying velocity field.

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A Hierarchical Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Wavelet Representation (웨이브릿 변환을 이용한 계층적 스테레오 정합)

  • 김영석;이준재;하영호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.31B no.8
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    • pp.74-86
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    • 1994
  • In this paper a hierarchical stereo matching algorithm to obtain the disparity in wavelet transformed domain by using locally adaptive window and weights is proposed. The pyramidal structure obtained by wavelet transform is used to solve the loss of information which the conventional Gaussian or Laplacian pyramid have. The wavelet transformed images are decomposed into the blurred image the horizontal edges the vertical edges and the diagonal edges. The similarity between each wavelet channel of left and right image determines the relative importance of each primitive and make the algorithm perform the area-based and feature-based matching adaptively. The wavelet transform can extract the features that have the dense resolution as well as can avoid the duplication or loss of information. Meanwhile the variable window that needs to obtain precise and stable estimation of correspondense is decided adaptively from the disparities estimated in coarse resolution and LL(low-low) channel of wavelet transformed stereo image. Also a new relaxation algorithm that can reduce the false match without the blurring of the disparity edge is proposed. The experimental results for various images show that the proposed algorithm has good perfpormance even if the images used in experiments have the unfavorable conditions.

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Digital Scan Converter Algorithm for Ultrsound Sector Scanner (초음파 섹터 스캐너를 위한 디지털 스캔 변환 기법)

  • 김근호;오정환
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 1996
  • In the conventional digital ultrasound scanner, the reflected signal is sampled either in polar coordinates of R-$\theta$ method, or in Cartesian coordinates of uniform ladder algorithm (ULA). The R-$\theta$ scan method necessitates a coordinate transform process which makes hardware complex in comparison with ULA scan mrthoA In spite of this complexity, R-$\theta$ method has a good resolution in ultrasonographic (US) image, since scan direction of the US imaging is a radial direction. In this paper, a new digital scan converter is proposed, which is named the radius uniform ladder algorithm (RULA). The RULA has the rome scan direction as the US scanning in the radial direction and as the display space in the $\theta$ direction. In tllis new approach, sampled points we uniformly distributed in each horizontal line i.n well as in each radial ray so that the data are displayed in the Cartesian coordinates by the 1-D interpolation process. The propped algorithm has an uniform resolution in the periphery and the center field in comparison with equi-angle ULA and equi-interval ULA. To extend the scan angle, concentric square raster sampling (CSRS) is adopted with reduction of discontinuities on the junctions between horizontal scan and vertical scan. The discontinuities are reduced by using the hmction filtering along the $\theta$ direction.

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Simulation of Regional Climate over East Asia using Dynamical Downscaling Method

  • Oh, Jai-Ho;Kim, Tae-Kook;Min, Young-Mi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2002.05b
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    • pp.1187-1194
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    • 2002
  • In this study, we have simulated regional climate over East Asia using dynamical downscaling For dynamic downscaling experiments for regional climate simulation, MM5method. with 27 km horizontal resolution and 18 layers of sigma-coordinate in vertical is nested within global-scale NCEP reanalysis data with 2.5。${\times}$2.5。 resolution in longitude and latitude. In regional simulation, January and July, 1979 monthly mean features have been obtained by both continuous integration and daily restart integration driven by updating the lateral boundary forcing at 6-hr intervals from the NCEP reanalysis data using a nudging scheme with the updating design of initial and boundary conditions in both continuous and restart integrations. In result, we may successfully generated regional detail features which might be forced by topography, lake, coastlines and land use distribution from a regional climate. There is no significant difference in monthly mean features either integrate continuously or integrate with daily restart. For climatologically long integration, the initial condition may not be significantly important. Accordingly, MM5 can be integrated for a long period without restart frequently, if a proper lateral boundary forcing is given.

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