• Title/Summary/Keyword: Velocity correction

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Sensorless Speed Control of PMSM for Driving Air Compressor with Position Error Compensator (센서리스 위치오차보상기능을 가지고 있는 공기압축기 구동용 영구자석 동기모터의 센서리스 속도제어)

  • Kim, Youn-Hyun;Kim, Sol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2018
  • The sensorless control of high efficiency air compressors using a permanent magnet type synchronous motor as an oil-free air compressor is quite common. However, due to the nature of the air compressor, it is difficult to install a position sensor. In order to control the permanent magnet type synchronous motor at variable speed, the inclusion of a position sensor to grasp the position of the rotor is essential. Therefore, in order to achieve sensorless control, it is essential to use a permanent magnet type synchronous motor in the compressor. The position estimation method based on the back electromotive force, which is widely used as the sensorless control method, has a limitation in that position errors occur due either to the phase delay caused by the use of a stationary coordinate system or to the estimated back electromotive force in the transient state caused by the use of a synchronous coordinate system. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method of estimating the position and velocity using a rotation angle tracking observer and reducing the speed ripple through a disturbance observer. An experimental apparatus was constructed using Freescale's MPU and the feasibility of the proposed algorithm was examined. It was confirmed that even if a position error occurs at a certain point in time, the position correction value converges to the actual vector position when the position error value is found.

A Study on the behavior of bottom water in water area by using modified POM (개량형 POM을 이용한 수역에서의 저층수의 거동에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon Jong-Sung;Lee Dong-Ken;Kim In-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.198-210
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    • 2006
  • POM(Princeton Ocean Model) was utilized in this study because it took ${\sigma}-coordinate$ system which could predict the behavior of bottom water. The model has been increasingly applied to costal area although it was initially developed as the ocean flow model. The original POM did not correct computational errors in transformation of ${\sigma}-coordinate$ system. The trying to reduce conversional errors might improve accuracy of flow velocity in vicinities of bottom layer. Therefore, in this study it was proposed to modify the original POM by using error correction method suggested by $Sl{\Phi}rdal$(1997). The modified POM was applied to Young-rang Lake, one of the typical brackish lakes in Korea. It was found that the behavior of bottom water could be well predicted. Thus, it seems that the modified POM can be used as a useful tool to clarify the mechanism of formation and behavior of bottom water including oxygen-deficient water mass.

Characteristics of Tidal Flow Simulation of Real Tide in West-South Coastal Waters of Korea (실조석에 의한 한국 서남해 연안역에서 해수유동의 재현특성)

  • Jeong, Seung-Myong;Park, Il-Heum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.531-541
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a computed tide of a real tide was introduced to improve the numerical solutions for tides and tidal flow simulations. The real tide was defined considering the nodal modulation amplitude, phase correction factor, astronomical argument, and tidal harmonic constants of all the constituents. The numerical simulation was performed using the real tide parameters for the west-south coastal waters of Korea, where the observation data for tides, tidal currents, waves, and winds over two seasons exist. The tidal flow simulation of the real tide was simulated successfully. The correlation coefficient between the observed and calculated values was 1.0, which indicated both accurate amplitude and phase. The U- and V-components of the tidal current obtained for the real tide had average valid correlations of 0.83 and 0.936, respectively. The speed error for the residual current was 0.006 m/s on the average, which indicated an insignificant difference, and the directional behavior of the residual current was very similar. In addition, the velocity error was attributed to various weather effects, such as high waves and wind storms. Therefore, this model is expected to improve current solutions provided that weathering forces, such as waves and winds, are considered.

Removal of Seabed Multiples in Seismic Reflection Data using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 탄성파 반사법 자료의 해저면 겹반사 제거)

  • Nam, Ho-Soo;Lim, Bo-Sung;Kweon, Il-Ryong;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.168-177
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    • 2020
  • Seabed multiple reflections (seabed multiples) are the main cause of misinterpretations of primary reflections in both shot gathers and stack sections. Accordingly, seabed multiples need to be suppressed throughout data processing. Conventional model-driven methods, such as prediction-error deconvolution, Radon filtering, and data-driven methods, such as the surface-related multiple elimination technique, have been used to attenuate multiple reflections. However, the vast majority of processing workflows require time-consuming steps when testing and selecting the processing parameters in addition to computational power and skilled data-processing techniques. To attenuate seabed multiples in seismic reflection data, input gathers with seabed multiples and label gathers without seabed multiples were generated via numerical modeling using the Marmousi2 velocity structure. The training data consisted of normal-moveout-corrected common midpoint gathers fed into a U-Net neural network. The well-trained model was found to effectively attenuate the seabed multiples according to the image similarity between the prediction result and the target data, and demonstrated good applicability to field data.

A Numerical Model for Wind-Induced Circulation in a Thermally Stratified Flow (수온성층흐름에서 바람에 의해 발생하는 순환흐름을 해석하기 위한 수치모형개발)

  • Lee, Jin-Woo;Kim, Hyung-Jun;Cho, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.10
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    • pp.911-920
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    • 2010
  • The closed water bodies, such as reservoirs and lakes, could be contaminated by an inflow of pollutants in the upstream as well as a stratification caused by seasonal natural phenomena. The vertical circulation particularly plays an important role in reduction of environmental pollutants. The factors of the vertical circulation are the temperature, wind, thermal diffusivity and sunlight. The wind is probably the most significant factor among them. Thus, it is necessary to describe the validation and application of a three-dimensional numerical model of wind-induced circulation in a thermally stratified flow. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model for the thermally stratified flows is presented. The model is conducted in three steps to calculate the velocity components from the momentum equations in x- and y- axis directions, the elevations from the free surface equation and the temperature from the scalar transport equation. Numerical predictions are compared with available analytical solutions for the sloshing free surface movement in a rectangular basin. The numerical results generally show a reasonable agreement with analytical solutions. And the model is applied to the circulation for the wind induced flow in a thermally stratification. Consequently, the developed model is validated by two verifications and phenomena of the internal flow.

Estimates of Surface Explosion Energy Based on the Transmission Loss Correction for Infrasound Observations in Regional Distances (인프라사운드 대기 전파 투과손실 보정을 통한 원거리 지표폭발 에너지 추정)

  • Che, Il-Young;Kim, Inho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.478-489
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    • 2020
  • This study presents an analysis of infrasonic signals from two accidental explosions in Gwangyang city, Jeonnam Province, Korea, on December 24, 2019, recorded at 12 infrasound stations located 151-435 km away. Infrasound propagation refracted at an altitude of ~40 km owing to higher stratospheric wind in the NNW direction, resulting in favorable detection at stations in that direction. However, tropospheric phases were observed at stations located in the NE and E directions from the explosion site because of the strong west wind jet formed at ~10 km. The transmission losses on the propagation path were calculated using the effective sound velocity structure and parabolic equation modeling. Based on the losses, the observed signal amplitudes were corrected, and overpressures were estimated at the reference distance. From the overpressures, the source energy was evaluated through the overpressure-explosive charge relationship. The two explosions were found to have energies equivalent to 14 and 65 kg TNT, respectively. At the first explosion, a flying fragment forced by an explosive shock wave was observed in the air. The energy causing the flying fragment was estimated to be equivalent to 49 kg or less of TNT, obtained from the relationship between the fragment motion and overpressure. Our infrasound propagation modeling is available to constrain the source energy for remote explosions. To enhance the confidence in energy estimations, further studies are required to reflect the uncertainty of the atmospheric structure models on the estimations and to verify the relationships by various ground truth explosions.

A Correction of East Asian Summer Precipitation Simulated by PNU/CME CGCM Using Multiple Linear Regression (다중 선형 회귀를 이용한 PNU/CME CGCM의 동아시아 여름철 강수예측 보정 연구)

  • Hwang, Yoon-Jeong;Ahn, Joong-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.214-226
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    • 2007
  • Because precipitation is influenced by various atmospheric variables, it is highly nonlinear. Although precipitation predicted by a dynamic model can be corrected by using a nonlinear Artificial Neural Network, this approach has limits such as choices of the initial weight, local minima and the number of neurons, etc. In the present paper, we correct simulated precipitation by using a multiple linear regression (MLR) method, which is simple and widely used. First of all, Ensemble hindcast is conducted by the PNU/CME Coupled General Circulation Model (CGCM) (Park and Ahn, 2004) for the period from April to August in 1979-2005. MLR is applied to precipitation simulated by PNU/CME CGCM for the months of June (lead 2), July (lead 3), August (lead 4) and seasonal mean JJA (from June to August) of the Northeast Asian region including the Korean Peninsula $(110^{\circ}-145^{\circ}E,\;25-55^{\circ}N)$. We build the MLR model using a linear relationship between observed precipitation and the hindcasted results from the PNU/CME CGCM. The predictor variables selected from CGCM are precipitation, 500 hPa vertical velocity, 200 hPa divergence, surface air temperature and others. After performing a leave-oneout cross validation, the results are compared with the PNU/CME CGCM's. The results including Heidke skill scores demonstrate that the MLR corrected results have better forecasts than the direct CGCM result for rainfall.

Kinematic Analysis of the Badminton Drive Motion (배드민턴 드라이브 동작의 운동학적 분석)

  • Wei, Lin-Lin;Oh, Cheong-Hwan;Jeong, Ik-Su;Park, Chan-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2009
  • This study is aimed at providing information on injury prevention and skill improvement by inducing the accurate movements in exercise as well as understanding the principles of badminton drive movements. Movement displacement of racket head showed the similar patterns among those surveyed but, it seemed that slight differences resulted from external factors such as height, length of brachial and forearm and individual trend of swing locus. Regarding upper joint angle per phase, the angles of shoulder joint, elbow joint and wrist joint were closely associated in taking drive movements and they supported the segment order theory that power was conveyed from proximal into distal. It was shown that angular velocity of upper joint became larger in follow through movement after impact among all those surveyed, which meant the importance of follow through in racket sports such as badminton. In conclusion, this follow through movement acts as an important factor in racket sports in terms of pose stability maintenance, pose correction of movements and injury prevention of joints. In summary, when swings are made according to segment order theory, efficient movements can be taken.

Line-of-Sight (LOS) Vector Adjustment Model for Restitution of SPOT 4 Imagery (SPOT 4 영상의 기하보정을 위한 시선 벡터 조정 모델)

  • Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a new approach has been studied correcting the geometric distortion of SPOT 4 imagery. Two new equations were induced by the relationship between satellite and the Earth in the space. line-of-sight (LOS) vector adjustment model for SPOT 4 imagery was implemented in this study. This model is to adjust LOS vector under the assumption that the orbital information of satellite provided by receiving station is uncertain and this uncertainty makes a constant error over the image. This model is verified using SPOT 4 satellite image with high look angle and thirty five ground points, which include 10 GCPs(Ground Control Points) and 25 check points, measured by the GPS. In total thirty five points, the geometry of satellite image calculated by given satellite information(such as satellite position, velocity, attitude and look angles, etc) from SPOT 4 satellite image was distorted with a constant error. Through out the study, it was confirmed that the LOS vector adjustment model was able to be applied to SPOT4 satellite image. Using this model, RMSEs (Root Mean Square Errors) of twenty five check points taken by increasing the number of GCPs from two to ten were less than one pixel. As a result, LOS vector adjustment model could efficiently correct the geometry of SPOT4 images with only two GCPs. This method also is expected to get good results for the different satellite images that are similar to the geometry of SPOT images.

Head motion during cone-beam computed tomography: Analysis of frequency and influence on image quality

  • Moratin, Julius;Berger, Moritz;Ruckschloss, Thomas;Metzger, Karl;Berger, Hannah;Gottsauner, Maximilian;Engel, Michael;Hoffmann, Jurgen;Freudlsperger, Christian;Ristow, Oliver
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Image artifacts caused by patient motion cause problems in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) because they lead to distortion of the 3-dimensional reconstruction. This prospective study was performed to quantify patient movement during CBCT acquisition and its influence on image quality. Materials and Methods: In total, 412 patients receiving CBCT imaging were equipped with a wireless head sensor system that detected inertial, gyroscopic, and magnetometric movements with 6 dimensions of freedom. The type and amplitude of movements during CBCT acquisition were evaluated and image quality was rated in 7 different anatomical regions of interest. For continuous variables, significance was calculated using the Student t-test. A linear regression model was applied to identify associations of the type and extent of motion with image quality scores. Kappa statistics were used to assess intra- and inter-rater agreement. Chi-square testing was used to analyze the impact of age and sex on head movement. Results: All CBCT images were acquired in a 10-month period. In 24% of the investigations, movement was recorded (acceleration: >0.10 [m/s2]; angular velocity: >0.018 [°/s]). In all examined regions of interest, head motion during CBCT acquisition resulted in significant impairment of image quality (P<0.001). Movement in the horizontal and vertical axes was most relevant for image quality (R2>0.7). Conclusion: Relevant head motions during CBCT imaging were frequently detected, leading to image quality loss and potentially impairing diagnosis and therapy planning. The presented data illustrate the need for digital correction algorithms and hardware to minimize motion artefacts in CBCT imaging.