• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vegetation layer

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The Changes of Forest Vegetation and Soil Environmental after Forest Fire (산불 후 산림식생 및 토양환경의 변화)

  • Oh, Ki-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Kab;Jung, Won-Ok;Min, Jae-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to examine the recovery of forest ecosystem at the burned areas of coniferous (Mt. Chosdae) and broad leaved forest (Samsinbong in Mt. Chiri) by investigating the changes of forest vegetation. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. In the Samsinbong, the total number of species appeared at the burned area were 5 species at tree layer, 11 species at sub-tree layer and 24 species at herb layer, and at the unburned area were 5 species at tree layer, 14 species at sub-tree layer, 18 species at shrub layer and 23 species at herb layer, respectively. In the Mt. Chosdae, the total number of species appeared at the burned area only showed to 83 species at herb layer, and at the unburned area were 7 species at tree layer, 13 species at sub-tree layer, 21 species at shrub layer and 46 species at herb layer, respectively. 2. In the soil chemical properties of the burned area of Samsinbong, pH was 5.8, and contents of Organic matter, Total nitrogen, Available $P_2O_5$, Exchangeable $K^+$, Exchange $Ca^{{+}{+}}$ and Exchange $Mg^{{+}{+}}$ were 7.42%, 0.73%, 28.5mg/kg, 1.3me/100g, 13.3me/100g and 2.2me/100g, respectively. But they showed a tendency to decrease by passing the time. In the soil chemical properties of the burned area of Mt. Chosdae, pH was 5.3, and contents of Organic matter, Total nitrogen, Available $P_2O_5$, Exchangeable $K^+$, Exchange $Ca^{{+}{+}}$ and Exchange $Mg^{{+}{+}}$ were 6.42%, 0.25%, 24.4mg/kg, 0.7me/100g, 3.7me/100g and 2.1me/100g, respectively, and they also showed a tendency to decrease by passing the time. 3. An the burned and unburned areas of Samsinbong, the total evolved amounts of soil respiration were $4,049.1mg/m^2/h$ and $9,950.0mg/m^2/h$, respectively. An the burned and unburned areas of Mt. Chosdae, the total evolved amounts of soil respiration were $4,392.4mg/m^2/h$ and $8,286.5mg/m^2/h$, respectively.

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A Study on Ecological Characteristics and Changes of Vegetation in Hamyangsangrim (함양상림 식생의 생태적 특성 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Lee, Seung-Joo;Lee, Soo-Dong;Kim, Ji-Seok;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to provide data for the basic research to found the effective conservation and management plan for the Hamyangsangrim designated as Natural Monument No. 154 and surround areas by analyzing the ecological characteristics such as landuse and actual vegetation, plant community structure, soil chemical property and also to identify the tendency of the ecosystem changes through comparison with past studies. According to analysis the results, the landuse and actual vegetation of survey site was classified as 8 types which were forest, artificial greenspace, plaza and open-space, bare ground and the pavement, water bodies, facilities, agricultural land and etc.. It was also categorized as 38 types according to detailed characteristic. 15 kinds of forest vegetation community types comprising silva were classified among them. The changes of actual vegetation showed little variation that the Quercus serrata-Carpinus tschonoskii forest was the most widely distributed in 2003(forest area ratio is 48.3%) and 2010(forest area ratio is 48.1%), whereas, the Quercus serrata forest declined a more dramatic from 11.6% to 23.2%. The Quercus serrata-Carpinus tschonoskii forest increased sharply(11.6% ${\rightarrow}$ 23.2%) and also the Quercus serrata-Zelkova serrata forest increased steadily(2.2% ${\rightarrow}$ 7.9%). The agricultural land around forest was transformed into artificial green zone. Moreover, water bodies, bare ground and the pavement of areas have increased. In addition, the urbanized area has decreased because the damaged areas inside forest have been restored to the woodlands. According to the result of typical 6 types vegetation communities change, the middle layer trees grew up to the canopy layer trees and was formed the canopy layer structure. The middle layer trees expanded their forces widely. Also new species appeared. And the shrub individuals also more dramatically increased due to the growth of shrubs. The force of Quercus serrata declined as well. However the force of Carpinus tschonoskii and Zelkova serrata expanded and increased in the forest. It must be the result of the ecological vegetation succession and environmentally soundly health recovery by influence of the projects of forest surrounding environment improvement and limitation of access to forest have managed and maintained since 2003. Those sorts of changes seems to be going to develop continuously. In the future Carpinus tschonoskii and Zelkova serrata will not be only codominant in the canopy layer but also Carpinus Tschonoskii, Zelkova serrata, Meliosma myriantha, Sapium japonicum. Styrax obassia and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum will be codominant in the middle layer. As a result, the forest's codominance species are going to be changed such like that.

Temporal Change in Vertical Distribution of Woody Vegetation on the Flank of Sakurajima Volcano, Southern Kyushu, Japan

  • Teramoto, Yukiyoshi;Shimokawa, Etsuro;Ezaki, Tsugio;Lim, Young-Hyup;Kim, Suk-Woo;Chun, Kun-Woo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.270-279
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    • 2016
  • This study explained vertical distributions and growth environments for woody vegetation. It had been degenerated by long-term volcanic activity of Sakurajima; vegetation and thicknesses of tephra layers and forest soils were investigated at 5 sites (250-700 m in altitude) with different altitudes localized at the northwestern-northern flanks of Sakurajima in Kagoshima Prefecture. The results in 2015 were compared with the vertical distribution of woody vegetation in 1963, when the volcanic activity of Sakurajima was relatively moderate. Thus, we investigated temporal changes in the vertical distribution of woody vegetation owing to volcanic activity over about 50 years (1963-2015). We indicated altitude decreased, the number of woody vegetation, number of species, sum of cross-sectional area of tree diameter at breast height, Fisher-Williams's diversity index ${\alpha}$, and forest soil thickness increased. However, these values were found to be degenerated when compared to climax forest values, and succession was incomplete. It seems that because the woody vegetation of the flank was affected by volcanic activity for a long time, exposing them to severe growth environments, areas with lower altitudes became distant from the craters of Sakurajima, thereby weakening the effect of volcanic activity in these areas at lower altitudes. a at the same altitudes over about 50 years (1963-2015) decreased by about 31-72%, and the sum of the cross-sectional area in tree diameter at breast heights decreased by about 14-62%. Thus, comparative growth environments for woody vegetation in 2015 were more severe than that of 1963, with respect to tephra layer thickness. In addition, for vegetation succession in the flank of Sakurajima, vegetation restoration should be promoted through the introduction of artificial woody plants covered by symbiotic microorganisms or organic materials.

Rooftop Planting Methods and Invading Species (옥상녹화 식재기법에 따른 식생변화 - 이입식물을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Hee-Sun;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2004
  • In order to study changes in vegetation pursuant to rooftop revegetation plantation methods, plantation methods for rooftop revegetation were divided into two types through an analysis of recent trends. Then, Planted plants and invasive plants on sites where the planting methods were introduced were monitored. Planting methods were divided into mono-layer meadow cover type and multi-layer planting cover type. They showed some differences in terms of the availability of wetland, the structure of vegetation layers, the planted species, and the material of mulching. According to the results of monitoring the two sample sites for different plantation methods, the number of invasive plants was higher in multi-layer planting cover type and the ratio of naturalized plants was higher by 30% in average in mono-layer meadow cover type. The main reason for such a result is that the natural soil used in the multi-layer planting cover type likely contained some seeds. Moreover, it's harder for invasive plant seeds to germinate in volcanic rocks than in natural soil. Also, it is attributable to wetlands available in multi-layer planting cover type and diverse living environments created by multi-layer planting. The reason of the ratio of naturalized plants being higher by at least 10% in mono-layer meadow cover type is the character of naturalized plants being stronger in unfavorable conditions than nature plants are. Accordingly, the germination rate in the volcanic rock mulching has likely contributed in raising the introduction and germination of naturalized plants. The results showed that multi-layer planting cover type using wetland creation and nature soil can increase the number of invasive plants and lower the ratio of naturalized plants. However, since seeds contained in the natural soil can affect the growth of planted plants, this needs to be clarified, It was judged that mono-layer meadow cover type may affect more greatly on the germination and growth of invasive plants than on those of planted plants, Its potential adoption in highly urbanized areas was examined. By complementing with the mutual benefits of each plantation method, it appeared possible to shift to a rooftop revegetation system suitable to the site.

Sequential Changes in Understory Vegetation Community for 15 Years in the Long-Term Ecological Research Site in Central Temperate Broad-leaved Deciduous Forest of Korea (한반도 온대중부 낙엽활엽수림 장기생태조사지에서 15년간 하층식생 군집의 시계열적 변화)

  • Kim, Min-Su;Yun, Soon-Jin;Park, Chan-Woo;Choi, Won-Il;Chun, Jung-Hwa;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Bae, Kwan-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.223-236
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to provide basic data for the systematic conservation and efficient management of forest ecosystems by analyzing changes in understory vegetation of temperate broad-leaved deciduous forests. One-hectare permanent survey plot, consisting of 100 subplots sized 10 × 10 meters, was installed in Gwangneung forest in Pocheon, Gyeonggi-do in 2003. The state of stands and the understory vegetation in the permanent survey plot were examined at a 5-year interval from 2003 to 2018. The vascular plants found in the survey area were 56 families, 128 genera, 176 species, 18 variants, 4 varieties, and 1 subspecies, for a total of 199 taxa. The number of species in both the shrub layer and the herbaceous layer showed a tendency to decrease with time. The MRPP-tests showed a significantly differing species composition of the shrub layer in all years except 2008-2013, whereas significant differences were found in all years concerning the herbaceous layer. As for the average importance value, Euonymus oxyphyllus (18.23%), Acer pseudosieboldianum (16.48%), and Callicarpa japonica (13.85%) were dominant in the shrub layer, while Ainsliaea acerifolia (23.41%), Disporum smilacinum (9.45%), and Oplismenus undulatifolius (5.62%) were dominant in the herbaceous layer. In the shrub layer, the richness of Smilax china, Lonicera subsessilis, and Philadelphus schrenkii was high when the basal area and the stand density of an upper layer were high. By contrast, smaller basal area and stand density were associated with the richness of Acer pseudosieboldianum, Deutzia glabrata, Morus bombycis, and Cornus kousa. Furthermore, it was found out that the impact of the basal area and the stand density on the herbaceous layer decreased over time, while the herb layer's species composition was greatly affected by cover degrees of Euonymus oxyphyllus and Acer pseudosieboldianum in the shrub layer. In conclusion, the number of species in the understory vegetation in Gwangneung forest is continuously decreasing, thus implying that species diversity, basal area, and stand density of an upper layer can influence the species composition in understory vegetation.

Vegetation Structure and Environmental Characteristics of Native Habitats for a Vulnerable Plant Species"Penthorum chinense"- A Focus on the Southern Part in Ibaraki, Japan - (절멸위기종 낙지다리 자생지의 식생구조 및 환경특성 - 일본 자성현 남부를 중심으로 -)

  • ;Ohkuro Toshiya;Ide Makoto
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted for an understanding of a threatened plant species,“Penthorum chinense”, which is a vegetation structure and environmental characteristic in the southern part of Ibaraki, Japan. We selected distribution and contiguity area where P. chinense is not distributed and we set up 69 sites by the quardrat method. The surveyed general characters in each site include mean-height, mean-coverage, moisture condition water depth coverage and depth of litter layer. We calculated the degree of succession by the survey data and grasped the main distribution area, vegetation structure, growth environment of P. chinense by TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination. The results of this study are as follows. First, P. chinense habitat was categorized into the riverside and abandoned paddy fields. The riverside was influenced by natural disturbance caused by flooding and drought. These conditions led to a poor P. chinense growth. The abandoned paddy fields as the artificial disturbance area have high potential value, because the area can preserve P. chinense growth space by succession control and water management. second, we executed TWINSPAN analysis based on vegetation coverage data of survey sites. The vegetation types were classified into the three categories: annual plant flora(P. chinense dominates in wet state), perennial plant flora(Solidago altissima dominates in dry state), and perennial plant flora(Phragmites communis dominates in wet state). Third, the data was ordinated by DCA. The sample sequences along the first and second DCA axes effectively reflected moisture condition, number of species, mean height, coverage of litter layer and degree of succession. Especially, P. chinense flora has the high correlation with moisture condition and number of species.

The Vegetation Health Assessment in Riparian Vegetation of Lake Reservoirs (저수지 수변 식생 건강성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyoungdae;Koo, Bonhak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to assess the riparian vegetation health in the fluctuation area and vicinity of reservoirs. The results of this study could be a basic data to improve the ecological function and establish green-network of waterside ecosystem. The study site is Daecheong lake reservoirs which the representative landscape of Geum river and with great number of visitors near metropolitan city. The 6 survey plots of 2 survey area were selected, survey area 1 had 4 survey plots and survey area 2 had 2 survey plots, and to compare the study results 4 control plots were selected in Gyeongcheon reservoir. The main dominant specie of survey sites was Salix koreensis in tree and subtree layer, were Salix koreensis and Salix glandulosa. in shrub layer. 2 survey plots of Samjeongdong and Kyeongcheon reservoir were assessed as 'Good', 2 survey plots of chudong were assessed as 'Fair' in vegetation health assessment. In the fluctuation area from flood water level to low water level, 58 populations of Salix koreensis were found in survey sites and Salix koreensis, Salix glandulosa and Acer tataricum subsp. ginale were found in control sites. The most adequate species at the condition affected by inundation impacts would be Salix koreensis and Salix glandulosa was more healthy at the area less affected by inundation. This study was carried out the vegetation health assessment on Daecheong reservoir which has been advanced natural succession for more than 30 years after the construction. Further, it should carry continuously out the research on the planting model of the waterside ecosystem for ecological restoration.

Edge Vegetation Structure in the Chirisan National Park (지리산 국립공원의 주연부 식생구조)

  • 오구균;권태호;이규완
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 1991
  • To investigate edge vegetation structure and species in the Chrisan National Park, filed survey was excuted from August to October, 1991 and the results were as follows. Importance values of species in lower layer were changed according to the distance from edge to forest interior at the northeastern slope of a highland. Change of vegetation structure was observed from edge up to 30m of forest interior and edge depth was estimated as 15~20m. The dominance and frequency of edge species seemed to be affected by the factors of altitude, aspect and topographic location. Especially, edge vegetation showed severe difference according to topographic location between a ridge and a foot of a mountain, and according to aspect between southern and northern slope above midslope region of a mountain. Comparing vegetation structure of lower layer for southern and northern slope, more no. of individuals and crown coverage were observed at northern slope, while more no. of species, species diversity and coverage of Sasa purpurascen at southern slope.

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Early Changes in Vegetation after the Construction of 'the Ecological Forest' in Youido Park (여의도공원 내 조성된 '자연생태의 숲'의 초기 식생 변화)

  • Lee, Sang Won;Kim, Dong Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2001
  • 'The Ecological Forest' in Youido Park was intended to be an artificial forest in urban center, following the form of natural forests in central Korea. This study was to investigate the planting plan and the vegetation change of 'the Ecological Forest' and to compare it with natural forests of similar plant composition. The natural forests had slopes between $12^{\circ}$ and $21^{\circ}$, whereas 'the Ecological Forest' had slopes between $2^{\circ}$ and $6^{\circ}$. It was unlikely that the slope condition was adequate to show 'toposequence succession' at 'the Ecological Forest'. The soil bulk density and soil hardness of 'the Ecological Forest' were higher than those of the natural forests. The soil pH of 'the Ecological Forest' was 7.45, which was greater than that of the natural forests. There were some changes in plant composition and amounts 2 years after the construction : the number of conifers was reduced from 383 to 338 ; the number of deciduous trees was reduced from 4717 to 1158. It was because of the young trees dead in the sub-tree layer. The herbaceous species planted were 14 families, 31 species, which increased to 37 families, 93 species after 2 years. In case of horizontal structure of vegetation, trees and shrubs were distributed evenly in the natural forests, whereas 'the Ecological Forest' showed uneven distribution with higher total density. In case of vertical structure of vegetation, the natural forests had distinctive layers with dominant species distributed in each layers. In 'the Ecological Forest', however, dominant species were only in tree layer. The natural forests had greater average tree height, tree density, however, and basal area than 'the Ecological Forest'. The results showed that there were some differences in the structure between 'the Ecological Forest' and natural forests. The management plan should be applied in order that the natural condition be restored in 'the Ecological Forest' by competition between plant species and natural processes.

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On the Impacts to the Loca l Climate Change of Urban Area due to the Vegetation Canopy (녹지대 분포가 도시 지역의 소기후에 미치는 영향)

  • 진병화;변희룡
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2000
  • Through numerical experiment using simplified OSU-1D PBL(Oregon State University One-Dimensional Planetary Boundary Layer) model and field measurement, we studied the impacts of vegetation canopy on heat island that was one of the characteristics of local climaate in urban area. it was found that if the fraction of vegetation was extended by 10 percent, the maximum air temperature and the maximum ground temperature can come down about 0.9${\circ}C$, 2.3${\circ}C$, respectively. Even though the field measurement was done under a little unstable atmospheric condition, the canopy air temperature was lower in the daytime, and higher at night than the air and ground temperature. This result suggests that the extention of vegetation canopy can bring about more pleasant local climate by causing the oasis, the shade and the blanket effect.

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