• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vegetation Density

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A Study on Riparian Habitats for Amphibians Using Habitat Suitability Model (서식지적합성 모형을 이용한 수변지역 양서류 서식지 분석)

  • Jeong, Seunggyu;Seo, Changwan;Yoon, Jaehyun;Lee, Dong Kun;Park, Jonghoon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.175-189
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study was to analyze characteristics of distribution of amphibian species and the affecting ecological factors. For the study, habitat environment factors were determined and applied to a habitat suitability model for the data collected from the Seom River in Hoengseong County and Wonju City, Gangwon Province, Korea between March 2013 to October 2013. The analyzed amphibian species were Rana nigromaculata, Hyla japonica, Rana dybowski, and Rana rugosa Temminck and Schlegel, and a logistic regression model was used with the pseudo-absence data. The result of the model analysis suggests that the major factors for Rana nigromaculata are distance to vegetation and rock and that for Hyla japonica is waterway. Rana dybowski and Rana rugosa Temminck and Schlegel have similar habitat characteristics, but the latter is shown to be dominant due to its wider habitat preference. According to the species richness model, the analyzed amphibian species are shown to have tendency to move between valleys or streams. This study quantitatively analyzed habitat environment characteristics using species distribution model, however, there is a limitation in terms of analysis on food factor and connectivity with other species. Combined with additional density or habitat analysis on birds or fish, this study can lead to more comprehensive analysis on biological environment factors.

Analysis of Water Retention Capacity at Sasa borealis Stands in Jirisan National Park (지리산국립공원 내 조릿대 임분의 수원함양기능 분석)

  • Ji, Hyung Woo;Park, Jae Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2008
  • Although landslides were frequently occurred under Tripterygium regelii and Rubus sp. vegetations, the damage of landslide was not observed in sasa (Sasa borealis) stands. These phenomena may be affected by forest vegetation types. This result suggested that the landslide occurred in Jirisan (Mt.) National Park may be closely related to water retention capacity at Sasa borealis stands. This study compared and analyzed the water retention capacity of each soil horizon of sasa, larch (Larix leptolepis) and mongolian oak (Quercus mongorica) stands. Soil bulk density in A horizon was lower in sasa (0.776g/$cm^3$) than in mongolian oak (0.828g/$cm^3$) and in larch stands (1.282g/$cm^3$). Water permeability in A horizon was 0.02055cm/sec for sasa, 0.00575cm/sec for mongolian oak, and 0.0007cm/sec for larch stands, respectively. The water permeability of sasa stand was about 3.6 times and about 29 times higher than in mongolian oak and in larch stands, respectively. This result indicates that water infiltration of soil surface during a rain event is more rapid in sasa than in other two stands. Soil organic matter content in B horizon was lower in larch (0.7%) than in mongolian oak (6.5%) and in Sasa (3.3%) stands. The solid ratio in A horizon was highest in larch among three stands, but that of mongolian oak and larch stands showed a similar rate. Pore space rates was 70.7% for A horizon and 70.6% for B horizon of sasa, 68.9% for A horizon and 70.6% for B horizon of sasa, 68.9% for A horizon and 70.6% for B horizon of mongolian oak forests and 51.7% for A horizon and 49.2% for B horizon of larch forests, respectively. According to pore space rates, the water retention capacity may be poor in larch stand compared with other two stands. Soil strength in sasa and mongolian stands was over 25kgf/$cm^2$ from 40cm depth, while the strength was over 25kgf/$cm^2$ from 25cm depth in larch stand. The result indicates that tree growth and water permeability in larch stand could be limited due to high soil strength. Larch stand was poor for soil pore space development to be offered to the water retention capacity, but water retention capacity of A horizon soil in sasa stand was high than that of other two stands. Therefore, establishment of sasa stand under larch stand could help to prevent landslides.

Forest Stand Structure, Site Characteristics and Carbon Budget of the Kwangneung Natural Forest in Korea (광릉 활엽수천연림의 산림식생구조, 입지환경 및 탄소저장량)

  • Jong-Hwan Lim;Joon Hwan Shin;Guang Ze Jin;Jung Hwa Chun;Jeong Soo Oh
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2003
  • The study area, Kwangneung Experiment Forest (KEF) is located on the west-central portion of Korean peninsula and belongs to a cool-temperate broadleaved forest Bone. At the old-growth deciduous forest near Soribong-peak (533.1 m) in KEF, we have established a 1 ha permanent plot ($100m{\times}100m$) and a flux tower, and the site was registered as a KLTER(Korean long-term ecological research network) and DK site of KoFlux. In this site, we made a stemmap of trees and analyzed forest stand structure and physical and chemical soil characteristics, and estimated carbon budgets by forest components (tree biomass, soils, litter and so on). Dominant tree species were Quercus serrata and Carpinus laxiflora, and accompanied by Q. aliena, Carpinus cordata, and so on. As a result of a field survey of the plot, density of the trees larger than 2 cm in DBH was 1,473 trees per ha, total biomass 261.2 tons/ha, and basal area $28.0m^2$/ha. Parent rock type is granite gneiss. Soil type is brown forest soil (alfisols in USDA system), and the depth is from 38 to 66 cm. Soil texture is loam or sandy loam, and its pH was f개m 4.2 to 5.0 in the surface layer, and from 4.8 to 5.2 in the subsurface layer. Seasonal changes in LAI were measured by hemispherical photography at the 1.2 m height, and the maximum was 3.65. And the spatial distributions of volumetric soil moisture contents and LAIs of the plot were measured. The carbon pool in living tree biomass including below ground biomass was 136 tons C/ha, and 5.6 tons C/ha is stored in the litter layer, and about 92.0 tons C/ha in the soil to the 30 cm in depth. Totally more than about 233.6 tons C/ha was stored in DK site. These ground survey and monitoring data will give some important parameters and validation data for the forest dynamics models or biogeochemical dynamics models to predict or interpolate spatially the changes in forest ecosystem structure and function.

Variation Profiles of Temperature by Green Area of Apartments in Gangnam, Seoul (서울 강남지역 아파트단지의 녹지면적에 따른 온도변화 모형)

  • 홍석환;이경재
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of green area in apartment complexes to variation of temperature. The inside temperature of each site was estimated by analyzing Landsat ETM+ image data. The factors on variation of temperature were landcover type, building density, and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI). The results of correlation between inside temperature of apartment complex and land cover type showed that the green area ratio had negative(-) correlation and impermeable pavement ratio had positive(+) correlation. Building-to-land ratio was not significant with inside temperature. A coefficient of correlation between the temperature value and the value of permeable pavement ratio added up green area ratio was higher than a coefficient of correlation between the temperature value and the value of permeable pavement ratio added up impermeable pavement ratio. Thus we may define that permeable pavement area decrease urban temperature with green area in apartment complex. Floor area ratio had no significant correlation with inside temperature. Inside temperature was decreased as the NDVI was increased. To establish the temperature distribution model in a development apartment complex, As the result of regression analysis between inside temperature as dependent variable and permeable pave ratio+green area ratio, green area ratio, building-to-land ratio and NDIT as independent variables, only permeable pavement ratio added up green area ratio of the independent variables was accepted fur regression equation in both two seasons and adjusted coefficient of determination was 41.4 on September, 2000 and 40.4 on June,2001.

Forest Stnlcture in Relation to Altitude and Part of Slope in a Valley forest at Sangbuun, lirisan National Park (지리산국립공원 상부운 계곡부의 해발고와 사면부위에 따른 산림구조)

  • Park, In-Hyeop;Choi, Yun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.457-464
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    • 2003
  • A valley forest in Sangbuun area at Jirisan National Park was studied to investigate forest structure in relation to altitude and part of the slope. Forty-eight quadrats were set up in the valley forest along altitude of 726m to 1,090m and part of the slope, and vegetation analysis for the woody species in the tree and subtree layers were carried out. With increasing elevation belt, mean DBH, height and basal area of the trees in the tree layer increased while their density decreased. This trends may be caused by the disturbance which was relatively severe in the low elevation area. As elevation increased, the importance percentages of Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Quercus variabilis and Quercus mongolica increased while those of Styyax japonicus, Carpinus laxiflora and Pinus densiflora decreased. The importance percentages of Quercus variabilis and Pinus densiflora increased as going from lower part to upper part of the slope. However, the opposite trend was found for the importance percentages of Acer mono and Corlus heterophylla var. thunbergii. Number of species and species diversity decreased as increasing elevation and going from lower part to upper part of the slope. According to importance percentage and cluster analysis, the valley forest was classified into three forest communities of Quercus serrata-broad-leaved tree species community in lower part of the slope at low elevation belt, middle elevation belt and middle and upper parts of the slope at high elevation belt, Pinus dnsiflora-Quercus serrata community in middle and upper parts at low elevation belt, and Quercus mongolica-broad-leaved tree species community in lower part of the slope at high elevation belt and top area.

Composition and Structure of the Major Forest Stands in Mt. Worak, Korea: On the National Long-Term Ecological Research Sites (월악산 주요 임분의 종조성과 구조: 국가장기생태연구지소를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Hyun-Je;Lee, Jung-Hyo;Bae, Kwan-Ho
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.531-537
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    • 2006
  • We assessed the species composition and structure of the three representative forest stands(Pinus densiflora stand, Quercus variabilis stand, and Ouercus mongolica stand), dominated in the National Long-Term Ecological Research Sites of Mt. Worak, Korea and established a benchmark series of permanent plots and transects with which future changes in forest composition and structure could be monitored. Species richness of Q. mongolica stand was greater than other two stands, due in large part to the greater habitat heterogeneity. Number of trees and species are decreased with increasing DBH classes. The successional trends of the three study stands would be mostly changed as Q. mongolica forest, regardless of forest types. Mean density ratio between alive trees and dead trees of three forest stands appeared with Q. mongolica stand 75:25, Q. variabilis stand 94:6, and P. densiflora stand 86:14, Q. mongolica stand appeared most highly from in three stands. This may be due to interspecific or intraspecific competition that it follows in various successesional stages. One side, when it saw the tree status which shows the tree health, the three forest stands all standing alive type (AS) appeared most highly with 75% to 85% and fallen dead type (DF) did not appear entirely. Remeasurement of permanent plots at periodic intervals will provide useful information on the dynamics of the forest vegetation that can be used in the development of adaptive conservation plans.

A Study on the Ecological Restoration Strategies for the Disturbed Landscapes (경관훼손지의 생태적 복구방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.28-44
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to suggest the ecological restoration strategies for the disturbed landscapes by theoretical study. Especially, it is aimed to suggest three objectives for restoration by using native plants ; (1) prevention or reduction of wind and water erosion, (2) provision of food and cover for variety of animal species, (3) improvement of the visual or aesthetic quality of disturbed sites. The main results were summarized as follows. 1. Cooperation between restoration ecologists and restoration practitioners is needed to delineate a scientific approach to restoration ; (1) Being aware of published literature that describes similar work and/or establish general principles. (2) Preparedness to carry out proper experiments to test ideas. (3) Preparedness to monitor fundamental parameters in a restoration scheme. (4) Providing information about the behavior of species. (5) Publish results. 2. There are three models of succession in theories of plant succession. The tolerance and facilitation models were recommended to ecological restoration. The inhibition model applies in most secondary succession, but the actual species which are introduced first may inhibit the germination and growth of slower-growing species, or they may prevent the growth of other species whose propagules arrive later. 3. The objectives of erosion control, wildlife habitat provision, and visual quality improvement are not mutually exclusive. However, many revegetation practices in the past have emphasized one of these aspects at the expense of the others. 4. A native plant community can be the model of ecological restoration. By stylization/abstraction of native plant community, trying to learn the most essential characteristics of community types - environmental factors ; dominant, prevalent, and "visual essence" species composition - in order to use such information in restoration. 5. After developing mass/spaces plan, match plant communities to the mass/space plan. In utilizing community grouping, there needs aesthetic ability to understand design elements. 6. Several hydrophytes such as Pennisetum saccharifluous, Themeda triandra, Cirsium pendulum show relatively good germination rates. In case of mesophytes and xerophytes, Arundinella hina, Artemisia princeps, Oenothera odorata and legumes seem to have quick-germinating abilities at barren sites. Pinus thunbergii, Rhus chinensis, Evodia daniellii, Alnus firma and Albizzia julibrissin can be considered as "late succession" woody plants because they show low germinating rates and slow growing habitat. 7. The seeds used for restoration should be collected within a certain radius of where it will be planted. Consideration in genetic issues in the collection and use of germplasm can increase the odds for successful restoration efforts. 8. The useful model in the "drift" pattern occurs so abundantly in naturally evolving landscapes. As one species diminishes in density, a second or third species are increased. Thus, dynamic interactions between species are created. Careful using of "drift phenomenon" in planting was recommended. 9. Virtually no stand of vegetation today is immune from the introduction and/or spreading of exotic species. Therefore, the perpetuation of a restored sites requires conscious monitoring and management. Thus, management would be the most important process in ecological restoration. 10. In order to keep the sites "natural", alternative management strategies would be applied in management ; Atenative management strategies are decelerating successional process, accelerating successional processes or modifying species composition. As management tools, mechanical, chemical, biological or environmental factor manipulation, e.g., fire could be used.

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The Study of Distribution Changing and Community Characteristics of Daphniphyllum macropodum (National Monument No. 91) in Naejangsan National Park (내장산국립공원 굴거리나무군락의 군집특성 및 분포 변화 연구)

  • Shin, Jin-Ho;Jeon, Yong-Sam;Son, Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2016
  • This study was focused on the northernmost limit of the distribution changing of Daphniphyllum macropodum and studied characteristic of plant communities of natural monument No. 91 in Najangsan national park, Korea. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The highest importance percentage(I.P.) value at tree layer in Quercus. mongolica community was Q. mongolica, 37.8%. But the highest value of mean importance percentage(M.I.P.) was D. macropodum, 32.8%. 2. The highest I.P. value at tree layer in Carpinus laxiflora community was C. laxiflora, 47.4%. The highest M.I.P. value was C. laxiflora, 28.8% and M.I.P. value of D. macropodum was 24.0%. 3. The highest I.P. value at tree layer in D. macropodum community was D. macropodum, 55.6%. C. laxiflora and Q. mogolica I.P. value was 14.8% and 6.8%, respectively. The highest M.I.P. value was D. macropodum, 47.9%. Sapium japonicum and C. laxiflora M.I.P. value was 11.4% and 10.7%, respectively. 4. The highest I.P. value at tree layer in Quercus variabilis community was C. laxiflora, 20.8%. Q. variabilis and Acer pseudosieboldianum I.P. value was 15.3% and 12.5%, respectively. The highest M.I.P. value was D. macropodum, 21.5%. It needs to the continuous monitoring of vegetation and importance percentage change in tree layer and subtree layer of D. macropodum. The researching results of D. macropodum distribution, the distribution range of D. macropodum showed expanded more than range of Lim and Oh' result(1999). In other words, it was distributed low density level between Najangsa temple and Byeokryeonam, and distributed in upper Keumsun waterfall and Wonjeok upper valley. D. macropodum was appeared on hiking trails around from Wonjeokam to Bulchulbong. Especially, it was found in this study that D. macropodum was distributed on Seoraebong's north which placed outside area of Naejangsa region. In this study, it was considered that distribution range of D. macropodum was expanded. Also, it is expected to be used as a result of the field study of changing distribution study of broad leaved evergreen forest due to global warming.

Research on the Spatio-temporal Distribution Pattern of Temperature Using GIS in Korea Peninsular (GIS를 이용한 한반도 기온의 시·공간적 분포패턴에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2008
  • This study is to construe spatio-temporal characteristics of temperature in cities and changes of climatical regions in analyzing a change of Korea Peninsular climate. We used daily mean air temperature data which was collected in South and North Korea for the past 34 years from 1974 to 2007. We created temperature map of 500m resolution using Inverse Distance Weight in application with adiabatic lapse rate per month in linear relation with height and temperature. In the urbanization area, the data analyzed population in comparison with temperature changes by the year. An annual rising rate of temperature was calculated $0.0056^{\circ}C$, and the temperature was increased $2.14^{\circ}C$ from 1974 to 2107. The south climate region in Korea by the Warmth index was expanded to the middle climate region by the latitude after 1990s. A rise of urban area in mean temperature was $0.5-1.2^{\circ}C$, Seoul, metropolitan and cities which were high density of urbanization and industrialization with the population increase between 1980s and 1990s. In case of North Korea, Cities were Pyeongyang, Anju, Gaecheon, Hesan. A rise in cities areas in mean temperature has influence on vegetation, especially secondary growth such as winter buds of pine trees appears built-up area and outskirts in late Autumn. Finally, nowaday we confront diverse natural events over climatical changes, We need a long-term research to survey and analyze an index on the climatical changes to present a systematic approach and solution in the future.

A Study of the Phytoliths Analysis of Ga-dong Site in Gijang, Busan (가동 유적지의 식물규소체(Phytoliths) 분석 연구)

  • Choi, Kee Ryong;Kim, Jin Tae
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.48-65
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    • 2009
  • In order to understand the local vegetation history and the origin of rice cultivation, a phytoliths analysis was performed with sediments collected from archaeological site at Ga-dong in Gijang, Busan. From the analysis with the sediments of three sampling sites, fan-shape phytoliths of Oryza sativa were detected: sediment 8 ~ sediment 29 of sampling site 1, sediment 6 ~ sediment 20 of sampling site 2 and sediment 7 ~ sediment 33 of sampling site 3. On the bottom layers or near the bottom layers from the three sampling sites, high densities of Arundinoideae and Andropogoneae were detected. It indicates that these layers were wet soil environment when they were sedimented. From near bottoms up to surfaces, the densities of Arundinoideae and Andropogoneae were abruptly decreased, while the density of Oryza sativa was sharply increased. With these results, it should be considered that the rice cultivation was started from the Bronze Age on this region.