• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vegetable oil and its blend

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Spray Characteristics in CI Engines Fuelled with Vegetable Oils and Its Derivatives

  • No, Soo-Young
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2011
  • In this article, spray characteristics in CI engines fuelled with vegetable oils and its derivatives will be reviewed. Of edible vegetable oils, soybean oil and rapeseed oil were mainly investigated. Of inedible vegetable oils, jatropha oil and used frying oil were main concern on the research on the spray characteristics in CI engine. Spray angle and spray penetration were mainly examined among the macroscopic spray characteristics and Sauter mean diameter was only investigated among the microscopic spray characteristics. There exist six different definitions of spray angle which should be examined. Neat vegetable oil and biodiesel fuels show smaller spray angle than diesel fuel. Biodiesel fuel and vegetable oils and its blend have a longer spray penetration than diesel fuel. However, biodiesel blends with diesel shows the similar spray penetration with diesel fuel. SMDs in the biodiesel spray, vegetable oils and its blends spray are higher than that in the diesel spray.

Correlations for Predicting Viscosity of Vegetable Oils and Its Derivatives for Compression Ignition Engines

  • No, Soo-Young
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2009
  • Vegetable oil and its derivatives as an alternative diesel fuel have become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits and the fact that they are made from renewable resources. Viscosity is the most significant property to affect the utilization of vegetable oil and its derivatives in the compression ignition engines. This paper presents the existing correlations for predicting the viscosity of vegetable oil and its derivatives for compression ignition engines. According to the parameter considered in the correlations, the empirical correlations can be divided into six groups: correlations as a function of temperature, of proportion, of composition, of temperature and composition, of temperature and proportion, and of fuel properties. Out of physical properties of fuel, there exist in the literature several parameters for giving the influence on kinematic viscosity such as density, specific gravity, the ratio of iodine value over the saponification value, higher heating value, flash point and pressure. The study for the verification of applicability of existing correlations to non-edible vegetable oil and its derivatives is required.

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Basic Experimental Study on the Application of Biofuel to a Diesel Engine (바이오연료의 엔진 적용을 위한 실험적 기초연구)

  • Yeom, Jeong-Kuk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.1163-1168
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    • 2011
  • Compared with the spark-ignition gasoline engine, the compression-ignition diesel engine has reduced fuel consumption due to its higher thermal efficiency. In addition, this reduction in the fuel consumption also leads to a reduction in $CO_2$ emission. Diesel engines do not require spark-ignition systems, which makes them less technically complex. Thus, diesel engines are very suitable target engines for using biofuels with high cetane numbers. In this study, the spray characteristics of biofuels such as vegetable jatropha oil and soybean oil were analyzed and compared with those of diesel oil. The injection pressures and blend ratios of jatropha oil and diesel oil (BD3, BD5, and BD20) were used as the main parameters. The injection pressures were set to 500, 1000, 1500, and 1600 bar. The injection duration was set to $500{\mu}s$. Consequently, it was found that there is no significant difference in the characteristics of the spray behavior (spray angle) in response to changes in the blend ratio of the biodiesel or changes in the injection pressure. However, at higher injection pressures, the spray angle decreased slightly.

Conversion Characteristics on Beef-Tallow and Sunflower Oil Blend Biodiesel and its Treatment Method to Reduce Kinematic Viscosity (우지-해바라기유 오일혼합 바이오디젤의 전환 특성과 동점도 처리에 따른 오일혼합 바이오디젤의 동점도 변화 특성)

  • Woo, Duk-Gam
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.380-389
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    • 2020
  • The conversion characteristics and fuel properties for producing biodiesel (BD) by blending beef-tallow, an animal waste resource with a high-saturated fatty acid content, and sunflower-oil, a vegetable oil with a high-unsaturated fatty acid content, were investigated. For this investigation, the effects of the control factors, such as the oil-blend ratio and methanol-to-oil molar ratio, on the fatty acid methyl ester and BD production yield were also investigated. The kinematic viscosity reduction effects of BD using heating and ultrasonic irradiation were verified, and the optimal temperature of each BD-diesel fuel blend for reducing the kinematic viscosity was derived using the correlation equation. As a result, the optimal conditions for producing blended biodiesel were verified to be TASU7 and a methanol-to-oil molar ratio of 10:1. The analysis results of the fuel properties of TASU7 satisfied the BD quality standard; hence, the viability of BD blended with waste tallow as fuel was verified. The experimental results on the kinematic viscosity reduction showed that heating is more effective in reducing the kinematic viscosity because it took less time than ultrasonic irradiation, and the equipment was cheaper and more straightforward than the ultrasonic irradiation method.

Development of Protein-rich Food Mixtures for Infants and Growing Children in Korea -(4) Nutritional and Biochemical Evaluation of Formulas F-P-5, F-P-6, F-P-7 and storage stability of F-P-4- (유유아(乳幼兒) 및 성장기아동을 위한 영양식품 개발에 관한 연구 -(4) F-P-5, F-P-6 및 F-P-7의 영양학적, 생화학적 검토 및 그 저장성-)

  • Kwon, Tai-Wan;Cheigh, Hong-Sik;Kim, Sook-He;Lee, Hyun-Keum
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1970
  • From the previous studies, F-P-4 formula was found to be comparable to full fat dry milk in its nutritive value and feeding performance. However, an attempt was made in order to make sure whether or not any possibility might exist, by which further improvement of nutritive quality and simultaneous reduction of product costs may be achieved. Using F-P-4 as a control, modifications were made in new formulas, F-P-5, F-P-6 and F-P-7 by reducing FPC, eliminating yeast from the mixture, and by enriching with methionine as needed. In particular, F-P-7 is completely free of FPC, hydrogenated oil and yeast. Yet, levels of total protein and fat were kept equal to those of F-P-4 in all formulas. An animal feeding test for all formulas using 10 female rats per group for 8 weeks and an infant feeding trial for F-P-5 and F-P-6 with 5 of each female infants under age of one for one month were conducted along with F-P-4 as a control. Almost the same results were obtained with F-P-4, 5 and 6, but F-P-7 showed the lowest body weight gain. FER of F-P-5 and 6 was 0.20 as was with F-P-4, while that of F-P-7 was 0.16. Acceptability to infants was excellent; growth, appearance and biochemical data were normal. As an example F-P-4 packed in 0.04mm polyethylene bags was used for storage study at $25^{\circ}C$ and relative humidity of $65{\sim}85%$ for 8 months. Although viable bacterial counts and vitamin C contents were reduced, peroxide and TBA values were increased gradually during such storage. Since there are also significant changes in color and organoleptic quality, the expected shelf life under the given conditions is considered to be about 2 months and thus further works are needed both on the product and packaging in order to improve the storage stability. Either elimination of yeast form F-P-4, that is F-P-5, or partial replacement of FPC with methionine, that is F-P-6 may well reduce material costs about 10%. Considering blending process of ingredients, F-P-5 is thus found to be the best formula developed. While F-P-7 free of FPC is inferior in its nutritive quality than that of others, but significantly superior than of rice. Furthermore, the material cost of the product can be reduced about 20% from that of F-P-4. And thus this vegetable blend is considered to be useful as a low cost supplementary food mixture for growing children.

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