• Title/Summary/Keyword: Variation Coefficient

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Assessment of Degradation Rate Coefficient and Temperature Correction Factor by Seasonal Variation of Concentration and Temperature in Livestock Wastewater Treatment in Field Scale (현장수준의 축산폐수처리에 있어서 계절별 농도 및 온도변화에 따른 분해반응계수 및 온도보정계수의 산정)

  • 박석환
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 1996
  • This study was performed to calculate the degration rate coefficient, operating parameters to meet the effluent standards, and the temperature adjustment coefficients to each parameter of pollution by seasonal variation of concentration and temperature of influent in livestock wastewater treatment by sequencing batch reactor process in field scale. The followings are the conclusions that were derived from this study. 1. In the field, temperature of livestock wastewater in reactor was 20.3$\circ$C in summer and 6.0$\circ$C in winter. The ratio of BOD:TKN: T-P in influent was 100:80:7. BOD loadings in winter and spring were 0.26 and 0.43 kg $BOD/m^3$ day, respectively. Those in summer and fall were 0.25 and 0.13 kg $BOD/m^3$ day, respectively. 2. The degradation rate coefficient for TKN was larger in summer and fall in which temperature was high than that in which temperature was high than that in winter and spring in which concentration was high. On the contrary, the phosphorus uptake rate was larger in winter and spring than that in summer and fall. 3. The hydraulic retention time in winter and spring was longer than that in summer and fall. Especially, in order to meet the standard for TKN of 120 mg/l in winter in which temperature of wastewater was 6.0$\circ$C, as the MLSS concentration was increased from 4, 000 to 7, 000 mg/l, the hydraulic retention time was increased from 212 to 121 hours. But, in order to shorten that less than 121 hours for the economical wastewater treatment, countermeasure to increase temperature of wastewater in the reactor should be considered. 4. the temperature adjustment coefficients for BOD, $COD_{Mn}$, TKN and T-P were 1.0241, 1.0225, 1.0541 and 1.0495, respectively. Namely, the treatment of TKN was most sensitively affected by temperature. For the purpose of the effective removal of nitrogen and phosphorus which are sensitive to temperature, it is necessary to keep the temperature of livestock wastewater more than 20$\circ$C which is the temperature of it in summer.

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Friction and Wear Properties of Cu and Fe-based P/M Bearing Materials

  • Tufekci Kenan;Kurbanoglu Cahit;Durak Ertugrul;Tunay R. Fatih
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2006
  • The performances of porous bearings under different operating conditions were experimentally investigated in this study. Material groups studied are 90%Cu + 10%Sn bronze and 1%C + % balance Fe iron-based self-lubricating P/M bearings at constant (85%) density. In the experiments, the variation of the coefficient of friction and wear ratio of those two different group materials for different sliding speeds, loads, and temperatures were investigated. As a result, the variation of the friction coefficient-temperature for both constant load, and constant sliding speed, friction coefficient-average bearing pressure, PV-wear loss and temperature-wear loss curves were plotted and compared with each other for two materials, separately. The test results showed that Cu-based bearings have better friction and wear properties than Fe-based bearings.

An analysis on the solidification process of alloy casting with a contact resistance (접촉 열저항을 고려한 합금주조의 응고과정 해석)

  • Kim, W.S.;Lee, K.S.;Im, I.T.;Kim, K.S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 1997
  • The solidification process of Al 4.5%Cu alloy is numerically studied in the presence of contact resistance between mold and cast. Natural convection is considered in the liquid and mushy regions. The porosity approach is applied to the mushy zone modeling and linear variation of the solid fraction on the temperature is assumed. Results show that the mushy region is wider in the case with a contact resistance compared to the perfect contact condition. The temperature of the cast with a temporal variation in the contact heat transfer coefficient changes very rapidly in the early stage of the casting process compared to that with constant contact heat transfer coefficient.

Evaluation and Application of Concrete Using Different Types of Binders for 2nd Construction in IIA (2단계 인천국제공항 건설을 위한 콘크리트 결합재 사용 조건에 따른 적용성 평가)

  • Shin Do-Chul;Kim Young-Ung;Kim Dong-Chul;Shin Yun-Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.556-559
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    • 2004
  • In this Paper, concrete durability, coefficient variation of compressive strength, and hydration heat development characteristics of concrete using different types binder for 2nd Phase Construction in IIA were investigated. The experimental results show that the coefficient variation of compressive strength decreased with the slag cement when compared with the replacement of granulated blast furnace slag powder. And the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion decreased with use of a blended cement when compared with using a only portland cement. Also the type of low heat cement is very suitable to reduce the thermal crack caused by hydration heat development.

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A Study on the Steady Flow of Intake Port in Single Cylinder Engine Head (단기통 엔진 헤드에서 흡기포트의 정상유동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Yeol;Choi, Soo-Kwang
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents characteristics of steady flow by variation of a combustion chamber and an intake port. Gas flow field inside a combustion chamber is the important factor in improving combustion stability and reduction of emission level. The flow characteristics such as flow coefficient, tumble ratio and swirl ratio are measured by the steady flow rig test with an impulse meter in this study. In the measuring, the valve lifts are varied between 1mm to 10mm. The three combustion chambers and two intake ports were applied to the steady flow apparatus in order to investigate the effect of swirl and tumble on the in-cylinder flow. As a result, tumble ratio were found to be different by variation of the combustion chambers and the intake ports. The data from the present study can be applied to design of a similar engine as basic data.

A Generalized Ratio-cum-Product Estimator of Finite Population Mean in Stratified Random Sampling

  • Tailor, Rajesh;Sharma, Balkishan;Kim, Jong-Min
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2011
  • This paper suggests a ratio-cum product estimator of a finite population mean using information on the coefficient of variation and the fcoefficient of kurtosis of auxiliary variate in stratified random sampling. Bias and MSE expressions of the suggested estimator are derived up to the first degree of approximation. The suggested estimator has been compared with the combined ratio estimator and several other estimators considered by Kadilar and Cingi (2003). In addition, an empirical study is also provided in support of theoretical findings.

E-Polarized Reflection Coefficient by a Tapered Resistive Strip Grating with Infinite Resistivity at Strip-Edges (저항면의 양 끝에서 무한대로 변하는 저항률을 갖는 조기격자에 의한 E-분극 반사계수)

  • 윤의중;양승인
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics A
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    • v.31A no.2
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 1994
  • The scattering problem by E-polarized plane wave with oblique incidence on a tapered resistive strip grating with infinite resistivity at strip-edges is analyzed by the method of moments in the spectral domain. Then the induced surface current density is expanded in a series of Ultraspherical polynomials of the zeroth order. The expansion coefficients are calculated numerically in the spectral domain, the numerical results of the geometricoptical reflection coefficient for the tapered resistivity in this paper are compared with those for the existing uniform resistivity. And the position of sharp variation points in the magnitude of the geometric-optical reflection coefficient can be moved by varying the incident angle and the strip spacing. It is found out that these sharp variation points are due to the transition of higher modes between the propagation mode and the evanescent mode.

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  • Park, Doohyun;Yang, Kyung-Soo;Lee, Kyongjun;Kang, Changwoo
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2014
  • This study performed numerical analysis for the characteristics of flow-induced forces and the flow instability depending on the cross-sectional shape of the cylinder in laminar flow. To implement the cylinder cross-section, we adopted an Immersed Boundary Method with marker particles. We analyzed flow characteristics based on the radius of corner curvature. Main parameters are corner radius and Reynolds number (Re). With Re = 40, 50, 150 we calculated the flow field, drag coefficient, RMS of lift coefficient, pressure coefficient and Strouhal number in conjunction with the corner radius variation. Also, we calculated critical Reynolds number ($Re_c$) depending on the corner radius variation.

Ratio-Cum-Product Estimators of Population Mean Using Known Population Parameters of Auxiliary Variates

  • Tailor, Rajesh;Parmar, Rajesh;Kim, Jong-Min;Tailor, Ritesh
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2011
  • This paper suggests two ratio-cum-product estimators of finite population mean using known coefficient of variation and co-efficient of kurtosis of auxiliary characters. The bias and mean squared error of the proposed estimators with large sample approximation are derived. It has been shown that the estimators suggested by Upadhyaya and Singh (1999) are particular case of the suggested estimators. Almost ratio-cum product estimators of suggested estimators have also been obtained using Jackknife technique given by Quenouille (1956). An empirical study is also carried out to demonstrate the performance of the suggested estimators.

Agronomic performance of 20 soybean recommended varieties in Korea

  • Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Plant Resources
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.206-210
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    • 2000
  • A total of 20 soybean recommended varieties which were developed until late 1980's in Korea was evaluated at Suwon. Comprehensive evaluation and correlation analysis were conducted on the agronomic characters. Great variations were found in these genotypes for branch number, pod number, and grain yield per plant. The variation in number of pods/plant ranged from 53 to 164, and in grain yield from 25.9 to 68.8 g. The coefficient of variation for most of the characters had a wide range. In correlation coefficient, grain yield per plant showed a positive phenotypic association with weight of pods, pod number of branches, and weight of stem. Multiple regression analysis was done to formulate selection criteria. It indicated that stout and medium-stature genotypes with more branches, resulting in varieties with more pods per plant but with medium-size seeds are available to obtain high-yielding varieties.

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