• 제목/요약/키워드: VRT

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Evaluation of Manufactured Device for Radiation therapy in Head and Neck Cancer (두경부암 환자의 방사선 치료시 자체 제작한 고정용구 (Shoulder Retractor)에 대한 유용성 평가)

  • Kim, Tae Jun;Jin, Sun Sik;Kim, Dong Hyun;Kim, Dong Wook;Chung, Weon Kuu;Kim, Kyoung Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : We compared the set-up accuracy and right-left Shoulder position variation of the manufactured device and other commercial shoulder-retractors in the head and neck radiation treatment. Materials and Methods : Six patients consist of three groups which were used three different Shoulder retractors. We measured position corrections of left and right Shoulder and the couch after the image guidance by using on board imager (OBI) for six head and neck patients who has the extended target to the neck node lower region. Results : The position variation correction of left (right) Shoulder after image guidance were $1.07{\pm}3.99mm$ ($-4.35{\pm}2.09mm$), $-0.37{\pm}5.91mm$ ($1.26{\pm}5.28mm$), $-0.63{\pm}2.44mm$ ($0.25{\pm}1.61mm$) for group A, B and C. The vertical, lateral, longitudinal position and angular corrections of the couch after image guidance were $-2.06{\pm}2.68$, $-1.11{\pm}8.15$, $0.34{\pm}3.78mm$, and $0.51{\pm}0.77$ degree for group A, $-1.18{\pm}1.82$, $-0.94{\pm}2.13$, $-0.67{\pm}1.98mm$, and $0.91{\pm}1.04$ degree for group B and $0.12{\pm}2.18$, $-0.79{\pm}2.64$, $0.79{\pm}2.64$, and $0.00{\pm}0.49$ degree for group C. Conclusion : In this preliminary study, we found the positioning accuracy of the manufactured Shoulder retractor is comparable to other commercial Shoulder retractors. We expect that the reproducibility and accuracy of the patient set-up could be improved by using the home made Shoulder retractor in the head and neck radiation treatment.

A Study on the Usefulness of 3D Imaging in Micro-CT for Observing the Microstructure of Mice (흰쥐 미세구조 관찰을 위한 Micro-CT 3D 영상의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Jong-Seok;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Jung, Hong-Ryang;Chai, Kyu-Yun;Han, Beom-Hee;Han, Sang-Hyun;Hong, Dong-Hee;Han, Tae-Jong;Park, Sung-Hoon;Mo, Eun-Hee;Jun, Hong-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.367-375
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    • 2014
  • In this thesis we observe microvascular structure in mice by using micro-computed tomography (CT), which is high-resolution X-ray imaging equipment that can acquire Real-time dynamic image, and it aims to investigate the usefulness of micro-CT developed by Institute for Radiological Imaging Science Wonkwang University School of Medicine. After acquiring the systemic images of rats, contrast-enhanced 3D images of vascular structures could be acquired by using Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) and Volume Rending Technique (VRT), This was divided into each vascular system of head, abdomen and heart and systemic vascular system.

Voice Range Profiles of Trained Classical Singers (성악 훈련을 받은 성악인에서의 Voice Range Profile)

  • 정성민
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2000
  • Background and Objectives : The Voice Range Profile(VRP) is a two-dimensional graphic dysplay of an individual's amplitude range as a function of total fundamental frequency range. It is designed as a maximum performance test which can be used as a general indicator of voice problems in the non-professional voice and as a sensitive indicator of problems with the professional voice. The purpose of the study is to obtain a baseline VRT for the classical professional singers and compare it with the normal nonsinger's profile. We also compared the difference of VRP between the classical professional singers who have normal vocal fold and who have vocal folds lesions without dysphonia. Materials and Methods : The VRPs were elicited. from 42 trained classical singers(Soprano 26, Mesosoprano 5, Tenor 9, Bariton 2) and 20 untrained nonsingers(female 10, male 10) using Voice Range Profile Model 4326(Kay Elemetrics USA). The mean values for phonational range with highest and lowest pitch level and range of voice intensity with maximum and minimum intensity level were compared between classical singers and nonsingers. Results and Conclusions : The frequency range and dynamic range were significantly increased for the classical singers in comparison to the nonsingers. But there was no significant difference were found for the VRP between the parts in the classical singers. The classical singers who have vocal fold lesions showed slightly decreased VRP compared to those with healthy vocal folds.

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Determination of Variable Rate Fertilizing Amount in Small Size Fields Using Geographic Information System

  • S. I. Cho;I. S. Kang;Park, S. H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.236-245
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    • 2000
  • The feasibility of precision farming for small sized fields was studied by determining fertilizing amount of nitrogenous and calcareous to a cite specific region. A detailed soil survey at three experimental fields of 672㎡, 300㎡ and 140㎡ revealed a considerable spatial variation of the pH and organic matter(OM) levels. Soil organic matter was measured using Walkley-Black method and soil pH was measured with a pH sensor. Soil sample was obtained by Grid Node Sampling Method. The soil sampling depth was 10 - 20 cm from the soil surface. To display soil nutrient variation, a soil map was made using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. In soil mapping, soil data between nodes was interpolated using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method. The variation was about 1 - 1.8 in pH value and 1.4 -7 % in OM content. Fertilizing Amount of nitrogenous and calcareous was determined by the fertilizing equation which was proposed by National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology.(NIAST). The variation of fertilizing amount was about 3 - 11 kg/10a in nitrogenous and 70 - 140 kg/10a in calcareous. The results showed a feasibility of precision fertilizing for small size fields.

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The Effect of Biology Educational Material Based on Virtual Reality Technology on the Knowledge Achievement -The Structure and Function of Eye- (가상현실 기법의 활용이 지식 성취도 향상에 미치는 효과 -눈의 구조와 기능 내용을 중심으로-)

  • Shim, Kew-Cheol;Ryu, Su-Jung;Kim, Hyun-Sup;Kim, Hee-Soo;Park, Young-Chul
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of present study was to develop teaching-learning materials based virtual reality technology(VRT), and to examine the effect of it on the knowledge achievement of biology. Authoring tool of virtual reality(VR) was 3D Webmaster made in Superscape Ltd., United Kingdom. Educational materials was developed for the structure and function of eye of life field in the 10th science. It was learner-directed and interactive educational material using the Web-based and desktop VR. The result showed a meaningful improvement on the achievement. Using 3D VR shows the potential of available education media in the next generation as science teaching-aided materials, which especially was efficient in the understanding and perception of abstract or difficult to direct experience learning contents.

Determination of Variable Rate Fertilizing Amount in Small Size Fields for Precision Fertilizing (정밀 시비를 위한 소구획 경작지내의 가변적 시비처리량 결정)

  • 조성인;강인성;최상현
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2000
  • The feasibility of precision fertilizing for small size fields was studied by determining fertilizing amount of nitrogenous and calcareous to a cite specific region. A detailed soil survey at three experimental fields of $672m^2$, $300m^2$ and $140m^2$ revealed a considerable spatial variation of the pH and organic matter(OM) levels. Soil organic matter was measured using Walkley-Black method and soil pH was measured with a pH sensor. Soil sample was obtained by Grid Node Sampling Method. The soil sampling depth was 10∼20 cm from the soil surface. To display soil nutrient variation, a soil map was made using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. In soil mapping, soil data between nodes was interpolated using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method. The variation was about 1∼1.8 in pH value and 1.4∼7% in OM content. Fertilizing Amount of nitrogenous and calcareous was determined by th fertilizing equation which was proposed by National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology(NIAST). The variation of fertilizing amount was about 3∼11 kg/10a in nitrogenous and 70∼140 kg/10a in calcareous. The results showed a feasibility of precision fertilizing for small size fields.

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  • Kim, Sun I.;Jeonghun Ku;Dongpyo Jang;Lee, Jaemin;Kim, Hun;Myoungjin Oh;Park, Younghee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Simulation Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2001
  • Virtual Reality (VR) is a new technology that enables humans to communicate with a computer, It allows the user to see, hear, fuel and interact in a three-dimensional virtual world created graphically. Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT), based on this sophisticated technology, has been recently used in the treatment of subjects diagnosed with acrophobia. Acrophobia is a disorder that is characterized by marked anxiety upon exposure to heights, avoidance of heights, and a resulting impairment in functioning. Conventional virtual reality systems for the treatment of acrophobia have limitations, such as overly expensive devices or somewhat unrealistic graphic scenes. The goal of this study is to develop an inexpensive and more realistic virtual environment in which to perform an exposure therapy fur acrophobia. It runs on a personal computer, and a virtual scene ova bunge-jump tower in the middle of a large city. The virtual scenario includes an open tin surrounded by props beside a tower, which allows the patient to feel a sense of heights. The effectiveness of the VR environment was evaluated through the clinical treatment of a subject who was suffering from the fear of heights. Based on pre- and post- questionnaires and subjective comments from the subject. This virtual reality environment proved to be an effective and realistic tool fur the treatment of acrophobia.

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Domestic Trend Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy for the Treatment Anxiety Disorders (불안장애에 대한 가상현실치료 국내동향분석)

  • Cheong, Moon Joo;Kim, Jeesu;Lyu, Yeoung-Su;Kang, Hyung Won
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: Many fields have changed since covid-19, psychotherapy being no exception. With the pandemic associated increase in untact treatment, interest in virtual reality exposure therapy has also increased. The aim of study was to analyze recent literature using virtual reality therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Methods: We searched five databases from dates between October 1 to November 1, 2020. We selected articles related to the treatment of anxiety disorders using virtual reality therapy and analyzed the trend of that, not thesis but domestic articles. Results: There were 6 RCT studies and 3 were case reports where, based on the DSM-4, the participants presented with anxiety disorders including 2 with presentation anxiety, 1 heterosexual anxiety, 1 test anxiety, 1 social anxiety, 1 dental anxiety, 2 Acrophobia, and 1 social phobia. Treatment sessions varied from 1 session to 18 sessions, but 5 studies conducted 4 sessions, and all studies attempted virtual reality exposure for 30-minute time periods. 8 studies used HMD as the VR device and 1 study did not report a device. Conclusions: Anxiety disorders treated using virtual reality included speech anxiety and acrophobia. Median treatment session number was 4 and sessions were less than 30 minutes. The most common VR device used was an HMD. VR psychotherapy showed limitations relating to patient experience including cyber sickness and a lack of immersion. In addition, most of the studies were conducted with patients who visited hospitals utilizing Western medical practices. Currently, virtual reality therapy (VRT) intervention in oriental medicine is lacking. The lack of research in this area suggests analyzing data from VR psychotherapy in oriental medicine could provide novel and useful information.

Field Variability and Variable Rate Fertilization of Nitrogen in a Direct Seeding Paddy for Precision Agriculture (정밀 농업을 위한 직파 벼 재배 논에서 포장 변이성 조사와 질소의 변량 시비)

  • Jung, Yeong-Sang;Lee, Ho Jin;Chung, Ji-Hoon;Park, Jeong-Geun;Kang, Chang-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2005
  • Since understanding on spatial variability of a field is essential to pursue precision agricultural technology, a field study for field variability and variable rate fertilization of nitrogen in a direct seeding paddy was attempted. Variable rate application of nitrogen was designed with soil test, and field application was tested in a direct seeding paddy in the Kimje, Jeonbuk, Korea. The grid samples of soil was collected from the field of which unit size was 35 m by 112 m on February before irrigating of the field. Soil organic matter, available phosphate and silicate, and extractable potassium were analyzed. Variable rate fertilizer recommendation maps of nitrogen for high yielding, HY, and low input sustainable agriculture, LISA, were derived based on the soil analysis. Direct seeding of rice was performed for variable rate treatment, VRT, for the experimental plot in 2001 and 2002, and so did for three volunteer farmers' field in 2003. Yield mapping was performed by harvesting. Economic feasibility of direct seeding of rice by variable rate fertilization was evaluated. Though increased yield of variable rate application and benefit of reducing fertilizer use and environmental impact, the cost for soil test exceeded the total reduced fertilizer cost.