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Bio-fermentation Technology to Improve Efficiency of Swine Nutrition

  • Kim, Sung Woo
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2010
  • The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity defines biotechnology as "Any technological application that uses biological systems, dead organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use" Biotechnology has made tremendous contributions to improve production efficiency of agriculture during the last century. This article reviews successful examples of application of bio-fermentation in improving swine nutrition efficiency mainly based on the authors'z own research experience. Production of feed grade supplemental amino acids by bio-fermentation allowed nutritionists to formulate accurate feed for optimal lean growth and reduced nitrogen excretion. Recent issues with high feed grain prices caused potential feed quality problems. Bio-fermentation allowed nutritionists to use exogenous supplemental enzymes such as phytase and NSPases in swine diets, thereby improving nutrient utilization and reducing nutrient excretion to the environment. Yeast metabolites are also produced by bio-fermentation and have been repeatedly shown to improve milk production of sows during early lactation even though actual mechanisms are still to be investigated. Bio-fermentation technology also allowed nutritionists to prepare vegetable protein sources with large protein molecules and anti-nutritional factors suitable for feeding newly weaned piglets, as selected microorganisms significantly reduce specific anti-nutritional factors and size of peptides. Preparations of vegetable protein sources suitable for newly weaned pigs will greatly contribute to swine nutrition by providing efficient alternatives to the use of animal protein sources that are often expensive and somewhat against societal preference. Considering the few examples listed above, biotechnology has closely influenced improvement of production efficiency in the swine industry. As we have limited resources to produce meat to satisfy ever-increasing global demands, extensive adaptation of biotechnology to enhance production efficiency should be continued. However, at the same time, wise and careful application of bio-technology should be considered to ensure production of safe food and to meet the expectations of our society.

Economical and Environmental Feasibility of Cultivation under Structure Due to the Introduction of Bio-energy -Comparative Analysis of Wood Pellets and Diesel- (목재펠릿 도입에 따른 시설재배의 경제적.환경적 타당성 분석 -목재펠릿과 경유의 비교분석을 중심으로-)

  • Yang, Jeong-Soo;Yoon, Sung-Yee
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.335-350
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    • 2013
  • With the efforts to development of renewable energy technologies, and increasing awareness to environmental issues, the usage of wood pallets has been increasing every year since the introduction of wood pallet technology to the domestic market. until 2009, majority usage of pellet boiler was in the residential houses. In an effort to increase the distribution of wood pellet boiler to cultivation facilities with high usage of fuels, The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has launched a distribution project of wood pellet boiler for fuel usage as a part of the agricultural and fishery energy efficiency projects. Although only small number of farms with a heat-culturing facility have replaced from conventional boiler to pellet boiler. Although part of reason for low usage of pallet boiler is lack of understanding and information of it, the main reasons are high initial cost and uncertainty of its cost efficiency. Also, most people from agricultural industry don't realize it's significance in terms of environmental benefit due to lack of understanding in 'resource circulation' and 'adopting to climate change'. In this study, first, we did a cost-efficiency analysis of the farm which uses a diesel boiler to grow cucumber, tomato, paprika. Then we replaced the diesel boiler to a pallet boiler and measured its cost-efficiency again. By comparing the cost-efficiency of the diesel boiler with the pellet boiler, we analyzed the economic viability of pellet boiler. Then we analyzed viability of pallet boiler usage in terms of 'resource circulation' and 'adopting to climate change'. As a result of our analysis, we have found out that under the current system of government support, the energy usage varies depends of the types crops grown and the higher the energy use, the more cost efficient it is to use the pallet boiler. Also, it is economically viable to use the pallet boiler in terms of 'resource circulation' and 'adopting to climate change'.

The Need of Education and Practice to Bring Up CAD/CAM Experts (CAD/CAM 전문 인력 양성을 위한 교육 및 업무의 필요성)

  • Nah, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.365-380
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the need to reform curriculums for digital experts in a way that include the practical and educational aspects of dental labs by determining why educational reforms are needed to comply with changes in dental technology business that are brought by the applications of digital scanning and what changes are being actually brought by the use of CAD/CAM. Methods: This study analyzed the need of education and practice in relation to CAD/CAM by using the independent sample t-test and One-way ANOVA. in accordance with the participants demographic characteristics and job-related variables and factors related to CAD/CAM, and provided only some of the analysis results that were found statistically significant. Concerning the need of education and practice in relation to CAD/CAM, the study also used the independent sample t-test to measure difference in the perception of that need within each of the three groups, or those of job performance, job efficiency and knowledge gain at the signficance level of α=.05. Results: Dental technologists surveyed here were perceiving that the use of CAD/CAM would bring changes in their job performance, job efficiency and knowledge gain. They were expecting that the biggest changes would be made in work climate and product quality as sub-areas of job performance. However, they said that in terms of job efficiency, the use of CAD/CAM would change job contribution, job satisfaction and job efficiency, but not lead to staffing. These results suggest that more special programs for CAD/CAM education are needed to bring up CAD/CAM experts who are more specialized. Conclusion: Among 13 skills related to CAD/CAM, what is most needed to be educated to dental technologists was "molding the occlusal surface" (M=4.19), followed by "designing the 3-D work" (M=4.17), "final shape modification" (M=4.16), "molding the border" (M=4.15) and "checking the fit of prothesis" (M=4.14) in order.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Work with the Remote System in PACS Room (PACS실에서 원격시스템을 이용한 업무의 효율성 평가)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Lee, Jong-Woong;Lee, Seung-Jin;Dong, Kyung-Rae
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 2011
  • Server and Pi view management, external image and internal image Copy Import business in PACS room is through the medical assistance. Import and Copy, and in particular the number of cases is increasing the number of import is a fast growing trend. Although the increase in workload With limited human resources to increase business efficiency so Remote system is using PACS room. This remote system will want to evaluate the effectiveness of using the service. Amount of data each 437.5 MB, Copy and Import time is to compare and evaluate sees by use 1 PC. 4 PC, 4 PC+ remote system. The use of the remote system before the January 2010 to June daily average waiting time and the use of the remote system after the January 2011 to June compared to a daily average patient waiting time, evaluate. Using the remote system in January 2011 to June Find out the average remote utilization. The biggest difference on the four copy and eight continued, Were performed two times faster by use 4 PC+ remote system than use 4 PC and four times faster than use 1 PC. Before using the remote system, the daily average wait time is 14.5 minutes after using the daily average 10.2 minutes, waiting time 30% of the existing waiting time was 4.3 minutes, to reduce. Using the remote system in January 2011 to June the average daily number of cases is 107 number and The number of remote and on average 35 cases with 32% in a day remote usage. The use of the remote system to Import, CD Copy and greatly increase the efficiency of their time could be. Hours due to efficiency could also reduce customer waiting time. As a result, the manpower and the use of a remote system over time to maximize efficiency in business hours, work was evaluated by.

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Eco-efficiency Analysis of Organic Agriculture in Korea

  • Kim, Chang-Gil;Jeong, Hak-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.spc
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2011
  • Eco-efficiency which is calculated by dividing economic productivity by the environmental load was made by synthesizing eco and efficiency from ecology and economy, proposed by World Business Council for Sustainable Development in 2000. Eco-efficiency by connection of resource efficiency with resource intensity is used as an indicator for evaluating green growth for minimizing the impact on the environment and achieving economic development as well by means of efficient use of resources. This research analyzes eco-efficiency with the case of organic agriculture promoted as a key green growth policy. Thirty questionnaires for farmers producing organic rice in Hongseong-gun, Choongcheongnam-do were used for the analysis. Eco-efficiency was measured by means of the amount of used nitrogen with respect to the amount of income, and was represented that organic agriculture was 32.0 higher than conventional agriculture. The analytical result of technical efficiency, using the (Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model showed that it is 0.765 which has a possibility of 21% in management improvement, and higher eco-efficiency was with higher technical efficiency. The analytical results showed that an organic agriculture contributes to green growth more than conventional agriculture. In addition, higher technical efficiency groups exhibited higher eco-efficiency indices.

The Activity and Utilization of Urease Inhibitors (요소분해효소 억제물질의 작용과 응용에 관한 연구)

  • 주영규
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 1992
  • Urea, the major N source of world agriculture involves a serious urea-N loss through NH3volatilization. Approaches to decrease N loss include using urease inhibitors in view of the environmental protection and the increase of urea-N efficiency. The purpose of laboratory researches was toassess the potential value of urease inhibitors to increase urea-N efficiency in soil and Kentucky blue-grass(Poa Pratensis L.) turf. The activity of urease inhibitors Phenyiphosphorodiamjdate(ppD) and N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamjde(NBPT) measured to break-down ammonia volatilization. The soil and turf used in this project were from the fairway in one of the Korean gof course. The researches were carried out for two weeks to measure the urease activities on urea hydrolysis under four temperatures (10~ 40C) and for one week on turfgrass using forced-draft system. Results indicated that Urea-N involves considerable loss through gaseous NH3 by urease activities in plant-soil systems. Urease inhibitors PPD and NBPT have potential value for increasing N use efficiency by reduing NH3 volatilization. NBPT deserves futher evaluation as fertilizer amendment than PPD use of urea in turf industries.

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Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with a use of Hole-injection Buffer Layer

  • Kim, Sang-Keol;Chung, Dong-Hoe;Chung, Taek-Gyun;Kim, Tae-Wan
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.08a
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    • pp.766-769
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    • 2002
  • We have seen the effects of hole-injection buffer layer in organic light-emitting diodes using copper phthalocyanine(CuPc), poly(vinylcarbazole)(PVK), and Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene-sulfonate)(PEDOT:PSS) in a device structure of ITO/buffer/TPD/Alq3/Al. Polymer PVK and PEDOT:PSS buffer layer was made using spin casting method and the CuPc layer was made using thermal evaporation. Current-voltage characteristics, luminance-voltage characteristics and efficiency of device were measured at room temperature with a thickness variation of buffer layer. We have obtained an improvement of the external quantum efficiency by a factor of two, four, and two and half when the CuPc, PVK, and PEDOT:PSS buffer layer are used, respectively. The enhancement of the efficiency is attributed to the improved balance of holes and elelctrons due to the use of hole-injection buffer layer. The CuPc and PEDOT:PSS layer functions as a hole-injection supporter and the PVK layer as a hole-blocking one.

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Effect of Application of Streamline and Mobility Function on Bubble-Floc Collision Efficiency for Trajectory Analysis of DAF Process (DAF공정의 궤적분석에서 유선과 운동함수의 적용이 기포와 플록의 충돌효율에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seong-Jin;Kwak, Dong-Heui;Lim, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.676-684
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    • 2004
  • Many researchers have been carrying on study to figure out the exact collision efficiency between bubble and floc. Collision efficiency can has generally been quantified by using trajectory analysis which uses the hydrodynamic, the electrostatic and van der waals forces. Two types of method are considered to induce the hydrodynamic force in the trajectory analysis. One is to use stream function and the other is to use mobility function. There was some difference between stream and mobility function depending upon modelling factors and conditions in trajectory analysis.

Environmental Evaluation of Sediment Quality for Small Scale Marine Ranch around the Gunsan Coastal Areas (군산해역에 있어서 소규모 바다목장화를 위한 해양저질 환경 평가)

  • Kim, Jong-Hwa;Kim, Jong-Kyu;Park, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.508-519
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    • 2008
  • Hot air drying is a method that let moistures evaporate by heat exchange between heating air and dry target. This way is dominating more than about 70% of dryers that the use extent is wide fairly, and is established in domestic than dryer that use conduction or radiation etc. Most of research about drying had been emphasized in size of device through analysis for these dry phenomenon plain, heating topology, and aspect of form and so on by dry target's special quality, and research about device development or waste heat withdrawal technology in energy utilization efficiency side is slight real condition. Therefore, in this study, Investigated numerically about thermal efficiency elevation that is leaned against as that change the temperature of inlet and outlet in heat exchanger of the hot air drying tower.

Study of Energy Consumption Efficiency of Electric Two-wheeled Vehicle by Change of Environment Variation (환경변화에 따른 전기이륜차의 에너지소비효율에 관한 연구)

  • Kil, Bum-Soo;Kim, Gang-Chul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2012
  • Environment has become a main issue nowadays. People began to show big interest in "futuristic means of transportation", which is an efficient method in CO2 emissions reduction and decreasing use of oil. Due to the noise and emissions of two-wheel vehicle of internal combustion engine, electric two-wheeled vehicles have been supplied in downtown. The electric two-wheeled vehicles use battery as power source. The performance of lithium-ion battery changes as the ambient temperature changes. In this paper, analysis of performance variance of electric two-wheeled vehicles influenced by the temperature using the chassis dynamometer and the environmental chamber was carried out.