• 제목/요약/키워드: Usability Design

검색결과 1,270건 처리시간 0.023초

Criteria-based quantitative analysis of product usability

  • Park, Kyung S;Lim, Chee Hwan
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1995
  • An approach to quantitative evaluation of product usability during the design and implementation phases of the product life cycle is presented. The evaluation starts by defining a set of usability characteristics, viz. physical, cognitive and affective characteristic. Each of these characteristics is assessed by a set of usability criteria, such as functionality, visual clarity, learmability, etc. The usability criterion is then evaluated by a checklist consisting of a detailed questionnaire. The fuzzy weighted-checklist method with linguistic variables is used for quantitative analysis. Also, the method for quantifying usability improve- ments in iterative design processes is considered. This analysis procides a quantit- ative measure, which reflects the degree of excellence of product usability during the design and development phases.

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안전과 장기적 사용을 고려한 환경미화원 발광형 유니폼의 시인성 향상 디자인 (Design for Enhancing the Visibility of Street Cleaners' Light-emitting Uniforms toward Safety and Long-term Usability)

  • 오유진;제갈미
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제48권4호
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    • pp.808-822
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to develop a smart uniform with embedded luminescence for street cleaners to enhance visibility, safety, and long-term usability, informed by real users' opinions. It employed mixed-methods research comprising three phases: first, a pre-interview to identify existing problems; second, experiments to evaluate the visibility and durability of the technology embedded in smart uniforms during machine washing; and third, a post-survey and observation to assess user satisfaction regarding safety, long-term usability, and aesthetic aspects. Prototypes were developed to evaluate long-term usability and safety based on users' opinions. The findings indicated users desired long-term usage without the need for additional wear and highlighted concerns about the glare from light-emitting devices. The developed prototypes demonstrated long-term usability, remaining functional after more than 25 machine washes without reducing brightness or structural integrity. Regarding participant satisfaction, 83.5% of users were satisfied with the design, both aesthetically and functionally. This study offers a viable approach to developing user-centered designs incorporating light-emitting devices, which enhance visibility and provide aesthetic satisfaction while ensuring long-term usability. The results hold significant implications for future design research focused on vulnerable populations, emphasizing integrated satisfaction in terms of safety and long-term usability.


  • Lee, Kun-Pyo
    • 한국감성과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국감성과학회 2000년도 춘계 학술대회 및 국제 감성공학 심포지움 논문집 Proceeding of the 2000 Spring Conference of KOSES and International Sensibility Ergonomics Symposium
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 2000
  • The paper sets the goal as understanding relationship between usability and subjective preference with the cross- cultural comparison between korea and Japan. Total 42 Korean and japanese housewives participated in the experiment where subjects evaluated their subjective preferences on 16 different variations of computer-simulated microwave ovens. In additions, subjects also performed usability testing over 9 different microwave ovens with 6 different tasks given to users. Subjective preferences and usability were analyzed by Conjoint analysis to identify relative importance of features. The results showed that, in case of Korean subjects, subjective preference has positive relationship with usability (i.e. aesthetically good product also showed better performance in usability testing).However, Japanese subjects showed the tendency that subjectively preferred products are not necessarily evaluated good in usability testing (i.e. god aesthetic is one thing and high usability is another). this difference leads the speculation that culture plays a role in balancing the relationship between aesthetic and functionality.

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Quantifying user interface usability

  • Park, Kyung S.;Lim, Chee H.
    • 대한인간공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한인간공학회 1995년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 1995
  • The importance of usability evaluation is increasing in developing a new system and product. The current approaches for usability evaluation are: the comparative evaluation to measure usability, and the iterative user interface design to find usability problems. This paper pressents three types of characteristics and a set of criteria for usability evaluation. The methodology for criteria-based quantitative analysis of user interface usability is investigated with a view to measuring usability. The fuzzy weighted-checklist method with linguistic variables is used for quantitatie analysis. This analysis provides a quantitative measure, which reflects the degree of excellence of user interface usability during the design and development phases.

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비 HCI 전공자들을 대상으로 한 Nielsen의 Usability Heuristics에 대한 이해 정도 평가 (Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nielsen's Usability Heuristics for Computer Engineers and Designers without Human Computer Interaction Background)

  • 정영주;심인숙;정구철
    • 한국실천공학교육학회논문지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2010
  • Usability heuristics는 사용자 인터페이스를 설계하는 과정에서 유용성 평가에 사용되는 일반적인 원칙이다. 유용성 평가 방법은 보통 Human Computer Interaction(HCI) 전문가들이 사용하는데, 이 연구의 최종적인 목적은 HCI 전문가들 뿐 만이 아니라 사용자 인터페이스를 제작하는 더 광범위한 많은 사람들(사용자 인터페이스 디자이너나 엔지니어들)에게 적용하는 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 유용성 평가에서 대표적으로 사용되는 Jakob Nielsen의 10가지 usability heuristics가 HCI 전문가가 아닌 디자인과 컴퓨터 공학 교수 및 학생들이 얼마나 이해하기 쉬운지를 설문하였다. 또한 응답한 설문을 바탕으로 어떤 heuristics들이 이해하기 쉬었으며, 이해하기 어려운 것들은 어떠한 이유로 이해하기가 어려웠는지, 또 교수들과 학생들과의 이해정도의 차이나 응답반응의 차이 등을 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 얻게 된 가장 큰 성과는 응답자들이 좀 더 사용자 입장에서 어플리케이션들을 바라볼 수 있게 되었다는 점이었으며, 본 연구의 결과들은 usability heuristics를 좀 더 많은 사람들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 만들어서 인터페이스를 설계하고 구현하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

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PDA의 메뉴 제시방법에 대한 사용편의성 평가 (Usability Evaluation of PDA Menu Design)

  • 김태경;한성호;유기동
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.27-45
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    • 2003
  • PDAs(Personal Digital Assistants), one of the typical mobile devices, are examined in this study to identify the factors affecting their usability. This study focuses on the menu design of PDAs. Three factors including menu extension method, menu structure, and screen orientation were manipulated in a usability experiment. Task completion times, error rates, and degree of subjective satisfaction were measured. Guidelines for designing a PDA menu are proposed based on the experimental results.

보행보조차의 인체측정학적 분석 및 사용성 평가를 통한 디자인 개선 (Anthropometric Analysis and Usability Evaluation of Four-wheeled Walker)

  • 정광태;신동진;전경진;원병희;홍재수;김종현
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2009
  • In this study, anthropometric analysis and usability evaluation for four-wheeled walker were carried out and then ergonomics design guidelines were proposed. In anthropometric analysis, design factors of four-wheeled walker were firstly identified and anthropometric design guidelines were made using Korean human scales. Design suitability for two typical four-wheeled walkers was analyzed in based on anthropometric design guidelines. Usability evaluation for two typical walkers was also performed through observation method and expert evaluation. Several usability problems were identified and design solutions were proposed for the design improvement of four-wheeled walker. Finally a design model of four wheeled walker considering analysis results was proposed.

사용편의성 모델수립을 위한 제품 설계 변수의 선별방법 : 유전자 알고리즘 접근방법 (A Method for Screening Product Design Variables for Building A Usability Model : Genetic Algorithm Approach)

  • 양희철;한성호
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.45-62
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    • 2001
  • This study suggests a genetic algorithm-based partial least squares (GA-based PLS) method to select the design variables for building a usability model. The GA-based PLS uses a genetic algorithm to minimize the root-mean-squared error of a partial least square regression model. A multiple linear regression method is applied to build a usability model that contains the variables seleded by the GA-based PLS. The performance of the usability model turned out to be generally better than that of the previous usability models using other variable selection methods such as expert rating, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and partial least squares. Furthermore, the model performance was drastically improved by supplementing the category type variables selected by the GA-based PLS in the usability model. It is recommended that the GA-based PLS be applied to the variable selection for developing a usability model.

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