• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urea solution

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Preparation of in situ Patterned ZnO Thin Films by Microcontact Printing (Microcontact Printing을 이용한 미세패턴 ZnO 박막 제조)

  • 임예진;윤기현;오영제
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.39 no.7
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    • pp.649-656
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    • 2002
  • In situ patterned zinc oxide thin films were prepared by precipitation of Zn(NO$_3$)$_2$ aqueous solution containing urea and by microcontact printing using Self-Assembled Monolayers(SAMs) on A1/SiO$_2$/Si substrates. The visible precipitation of Zn(OH)$_2$ that was formed in the Zn(NO$_3$)$_2$ aqueous solution containing urea was enhanced with an increase of the reaction temperature and the amount of urea. As the reaction time of Zn(NO$_3$)$_2$ with urea was prolonged, the thickness and grain size of Zn(OH)$_2$ thin layers were increased, respectively. The optimum precipitation condition was at 80$\^{C}$ for 1 h for the solution with the ratio of Zn(NO$_3$)$_2$ to urea of 1 : 8. Homogeneous ZnO thin films were fabricated by the heat treatment of 600$\^{C}$ for 1 h of Zn(OH)$_2$ precipitation on Al/SiO$_2$/Si substrate. This was available to the in-situ patterned ZnO thin films with uniform grain size. Hydrophobic SAM, Octadecylphosphonic Acid(OPA) and hydrophilic SAM, 2-Carboxyethylphosphonic Acid(CPA) were applied on the Al/SiO$_2$/Si substrate by microcontact printing method. In situ patterned ZnO thin film was successfully prepared by the heat treatment of Zn(OH)$_2$ precipitated on the surface of hydrophilic SAM, CPA.

Release Pattern of Urea from Metal-urea-clay Hybrid with Montmorillonite and Its Impact on Soil Property

  • Kim, Kwang-Seop;Choi, Choong-Lyeal;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Seo, Young-Jin;Park, Man
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.545-550
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    • 2011
  • Urea intercalated into montmorillonite (MT) exhibits remarkably enhanced N use efficiency, maintaining its fast effectiveness. This study dealt with the release property of urea from metal-urea-clay hybrid with MT (MUCH) under continuous-flow conditions and the cumulative impacts of its successive application on physicochemical properties of soils. Releases of urea were completed within 4 hrs under continuous-flow condition regardless of the types and the leaching solutions. However, urea release property was significantly affected by both the form of fertilizer and the presence of electrolytes in solution. The fast release property of urea from MUCH in continuous-flow condition was not significantly affected by soil properties such as soil pH and soil texture. In addition, its successive application did not lead to any noticeable change in soil physicochemical properties, water stable aggregate rate, water holding capacity and cation exchange capacity in both sandy loam and clay loam soils. Therefore, this study strongly supported that urea intercalated into MT could be applied as fast-effective N fertilizer, in particular for additional N supply.

Effect of Urea on the Rose Bengal Sensitized Photocurrent (Rose Bengal 감응 광전류에 미치는 Urea의 영향)

  • Yun, Gil Jung;Gang, Seong Cheol;Kim, Gang Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.600-605
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    • 1990
  • Electron injection from excited rose bengal into the conduction band of a thin film of SnO$2$, semiconductor was investigated in an electrochemical cell, ITO/SnO$2$/rose bengal, NaClO$4$/Pt. It was observed that urea enhanced the supersensitized photocurrent, followed by the reduction in the photocurrent after a shallow maximum. Spectroscopic analyses of the dye solution containing urea revealed that dye aggregation appeared to be involved in the increased photocurrent, although the concentration of the dye was continuously decreased dye to photochemical reactions.

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The Study of the Veneer Pretreatment with Aluminum Sulfate Solution on the Reduction of Urea Formaldehyde Resin Spreading Content for the Manufacture of Plywood (황산알미늄용액의 단판(單板) 전처리(前處理)에 따른 합판용(合板用) 요소수지(尿素樹脂) 도포량의 감소에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Hwa-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to examine the effect of pretreatment of veneer with aluminum sulfate solution for the manufacture of the kapur plywood on the reduction of urea resin spread. The results were as follows: 1. Specific gravities of plywoods made of the kapur veneers ranged from 0.83 to 0.84 and their moisture contents based on air dry weight showed from 10.6% to 11.4%. These met the Korean Industrial Standards. 2. In the case of dry shear strength for the 3rd class plywood, 40% reduction- spread met K S as well as normal urea resin spread. pH of the aluminum sulfate solution gave better result at pH 4.5 and pH 6 than at pH 3. For the manufacture of the 2nd class plywood, hot and cold water-wet shear strength show the best results at the following conditions; such as 20% reduction spread, pH 4.5 of aluminum sulfate solution and all veneer treatment.

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Effects of Inhibitors on Corrosion Resistance of Steel in CaCl2 Solution Based on Response Surface Analysis

  • Park, Tae-Jun;Jang, HeeJin
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2021
  • Effects of corrosion inhibitors (i.e., sodium nitrite, sodium hexametaphosphate, trimethylamine (TEA), sugar, and urea) on the corrosion resistance of carbon steel in CaCl2 solution were investigated. The test solution was designed with response surface methodology of design of experiments (DOE) in the range of 0 ~ 50 ppm for NaNO2, 0 ~ 200 ppm for (NaPO3)6, 0 ~ 2000 ppm for TEA, 0 ~ 3000 ppm for sugar, 0 ~ 200 ppm for urea with 3 wt% CaCl2. The corrosion potential and the corrosion rate were measured with potentiodynamic polarization tests and analyzed statistically to find main effects of inhibitor concentrations and interactions between them. As a result, hexametaphosphate was the most effective compound in reducing the corrosion rate. Sugar also reduced the corrosion rate significantly possibly because it covered the surface effectively with a high molecular weight. The inhibiting action of sugar was found to be enhanced by adding trimethylamine into the solution. Nevertheless, trimethylamine did not appear to be effective in inhibiting corrosion by itself. However, urea and sodium nitrite showed almost no inhibition on corrosion resistance of steel.

Numerical Investigation of Urea Freezing and Melting Characteristics Using Coolant Heater (냉각수 순환 가열 방식을 이용한 요소수의 동결 및 해동 특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Seung Yeop;Kim, Nam Il;Park, Yun Beom;Kim, Man Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.717-724
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    • 2013
  • Urea-SCR technology is known as one of the powerful NOx reduction systems for vehicles as well as stationary applications. For its consistent and reliable operation in vehicle applications, however, the freezing and melting of the urea solution in cold environments have to be resolved. In this study, therefore, a numerical study of three-dimensional unsteady problems was analyzed to understand the urea freezing and heating phenomena and heat transfer characteristics in terms of urea liquid volume fraction, temperature profiles, and phase change behavior in urea solutions with time by using the commercial software Fluent 6.3. As a result, it was found that the freezing phenomenon proceeds with a phase change from the tank wall to the center, whereas the melting phenomenon occurs faster in the upper part of the storage tank by natural convection and in the adjacent part of the coolant pipe than in other parts. Furthermore, approximately 190 s were required to obtain 1L of urea solution using a 4-coiled coolant heater under conditions of $70^{\circ}C$ and 200 L/h.

A Numerical Study on the Optimization of Urea Solution Injection to Maximize Conversion Efficiency of NH3 (NH3 전환효율 극대화를 위한 Urea 인젝터의 분사 최적화에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Moon, Seongjoon;Jo, Nakwon;Oh, Sedoo;Jeong, Soojin;Park, Kyoungwoo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2014
  • From now on, in order to meet more stringer diesel emission standard, diesel vehicle should be equipped with emission after-treatment devices as NOx reduction catalyst and particulate filters. Urea-SCR is being developed as the most efficient method of reducing NOx emissions in the after-treatment devices of diesel engines, and recent studies have begun to mount the urea-SCR device for diesel passenger cars and light duty vehicles. That is because their operational characteristics are quite different from heavy duty vehicles, urea solution injection should be changed with other conditions. Therefore, the number and diameter of the nozzle, injection directions, mounting positions in front of the catalytic converter are important design factors. In this study, major design parameters concerning urea solution injection in front of SCR are optimized by using a CFD analysis and Taguchi method. The computational prediction of internal flow and spray characteristics in front of SCR was carried out by using STAR-CCM+7.06 code that used to evaluate $NH_3$ uniformity index($NH_3$ UI). The design parameters are optimized by using the $L_{16}$ orthogonal array and small-the-better characteristics of the Taguchi method. As a result, the optimal values are confirmed to be valid in 95% confidence and 5% significance level through analysis of variance(ANOVA). The compared maximize $NH_3$ UI and activation time($NH_3$ UI 0.82) are numerically confirmed that the optimal model provides better conversion efficiency of $NH_3$. In addition, we propose a method to minimize wall-wetting around the urea injector in order to prevent injector blocks caused by solid urea loading. Consequently, the thickness reduction of fluid film in front of mixer is numerically confirmed through the mounting mixer and correcting injection direction by using the trial and error method.

N Use Efficiency and Nitrate Leaching by Fertilization Level and Film Mulching in Sesame Cultivated Upland

  • Lee, Dong-Wook;Park, Ki-Do;Park, Chang-Young;Son, Il-Soo;Kang, Ui-Gum;Ko, Jee-Yeon;Shim, Kang-Bo;Cho, Young-Son;Park, Sung-Tae
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.296-302
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of slow release fertilizers (SRF), crotonylidene diurea (CDU) and latex coated urea (LCU), on nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE) and nitrate-N leaching in a silty clay loam soil under polyethylene film mulching (PFM) for sesame cultivation. In PFM plot, concentrations of $NO_3-N$ and $NH_4-N$ in SRF applied soils were less than that in the urea plot during the whole growing period. However, $NO_3-N$ and $NH_4-N$ in all the non-mulched plots (NM) were not significantly different. Urea-N in soil treated with SRF was higher than urea plot until 50 days after application and was comparable in all the treatments after 50 days. $NO_3-N$ concentrations in leached solution in 21 days after urea fertilization in PFM and NM were 26 mg $L^{-1}$ and 83 mg $L^{-1}$, respectively. However, $NO_3-N$ in leached solution at applied CDU and LCU was less than that of urea similar to nitrate concentration in soil. $NO_3-N$ in leached solution in applied CDU and LCU in 44 days after application was about 25% lower than that urea plot and PFM, while the $NO_3-N$ concentration of CDU and LCU treatment in NM did not changed. Application of SRF increased the yield of sesame and N recovery compared to urea and there was a little difference between SRF and N levels. In conclusion, application of 80% N level with SRF increased N recovery and reduced nitrate leaching without reduction of yields compared with urea application.

A Synthesis of Sulfonyl Urea Derivatives in Aqueous Media (수용액에서 술포닐 우레아 유도체들의 합성)

  • Lee, Chun-Soo;Yoon, Mu-Hong;Choe, Seok-Burn;Rho, Seung-Baik
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.100-110
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    • 1992
  • Arylsulfonyl urea derivatives can be easily prepared in good yield by treating amines with arylsulfonyl carbamates in aqueous solution : 1) N-Arylsulfonyl-N'-aryl urea derivatives, 2) N-Arylsulfony-N'-alkyl urea derivatives, 3) N-Arylsulfonyl-N'- heterocyclic urea derivatives. The proposed reaction mechanisms for preparing arylsulfonyl ureas involve formation of an ion-pair conformation by initial acid-base reaction, then formation of a so-called tetrahedral intermediate by nucleophilic addition, followed by an acid-catalyzed elimination of an alkoxide ion and loss of a proton.

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  • Vadiveloo, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 1996
  • Multivariate statistical procedures were used to analyse data on the chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of four varienties of rice straw after treatment with 4% NaOH solution, 4% urea solution or distilled water (control) for 48 hours. For each treatment, stepwise discriminant analysis identified the variables which maximized differences between varieties and the eigenvectors from principal component analysis quantified the contribution of these criterion variables to varietal differences. The overall response of varieties to chemical treatment was demonstrated qualitatively, by cluster analysis, and quantitatively, from the magnitude of the principal component scores. The analysis revealed that the urea and control treatments elicited the same response whereas NaOH had the greatest effect on the poorest straw variety. Similar analyses conducted on the botanical fractions of the varieties showed that the relative response of the inflorescence, stem, leaf blade and leaf sheath fractions was not altered by chemical treatment.