• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban Design

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Park Byung-Joo's 'New Seoul Blank Plan(1966)' in the Context of South Korea's Urban Design during 1960-1970s (박병주의 '새서울백지계획(1966)'과 1960-70년대 한국의 도시계획 담론에 관한 연구)

  • Um, Woon-Jin;Jung, Inha
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2020
  • This study aims at clarifying the planning methods and historical significance of Park Byung-Joo's New Seoul Blank Plan(1966) in the context of South Korea's Urban Design during the 1960-1970s. In addition, it also tries to reveal how the planner's ideas were transformed into realized urban projects in Korea. By the comparison of the New Seoul Blank Plan and these projects, we can come to understand how the new concepts of urban planning such as CIAM's planning principles, Neighborhood Unit Theory, New Town plan and green belt concept were adapted to Korean society in the 1960s and 1970s.

The Estimations of A Conceptual Time Distribution of Rainfall and Design Flood (강우의 개념적 시간분포와 설계홍수량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Byung Woon;Jang Dae Won;Kim Hung Soo;Seoh Byung Ha
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.937-942
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    • 2005
  • It is necessary to estimate the runoff hydrograph and peak flood discharge using law of probability for synthetic flood control policy and design of hydraulic structures. Rainfall analysis is needed in the process of peak flood discharge estimation and the time distribution of a design rainfall is a very important process in the analysis. In this study, we estimate design flood for a small urban basin and a rural basin of medium scale which have different travel times. The Huff method is widely used in Korea for the time distribution of design rainfall to estimate design flood. So, we use Huff method and a conceptual method which is suggested in this study for the comparative purpose. The 100-year frequency rainfall is used to estimate design flood for each basin and the design flood is compared with the existing design flood. As the result, the design flood is overestimated $14.6m^3/sec$ by Huff method and is underestimated $70.9m^3/sec$ by a conceptual method for the rural basin. For the small urban basin, the design flood is excessively overestimated $294.65m^3/sec$ by Huff method and is overestimated $173m^3/sec$ by a conceptual method. The reason of excessive overestimation by Huff method in the small urban basin is that the increased rate of rainfall intensity according to the decrease of duration is large and the duration exceeds the time of concentration when the increased rainfall intensity is concentrated in a quartile. Therefore, we suggested a conceptual method for the time distribution of design rainfall by considering the rainless period and duration. Especially, the conceptual method might be useful for the small urban basin with short concentration time which the design flood is overestimated by Huff method.

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Database Design for an Urban Geographic Information System based on an Object-oriented Approach (객체지향접근방식을 기반으로 한 도시지리정보시스템의 데이터베이스 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Ock, Han-Suk;Kim, Gap-Youl;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 1998
  • The primary goal of the database design is to organize a large amount of data effectively in users and systems view point. Effective design of a database is very important for processing applications efficiently. In this paper, we discuss database design for an urban geographic information system that effectively maintains the cadastral and planimetric information. We first collect and analyze the requirements for the target urban geographic information system and then perform database design for these requirements. Our database design is based on the object-oriented approach that has rich expressive power and good reusability in comparison with the traditional relational approach. Especially, we employ the OMT, one of the most widely-used object-oriented models. We expect that our result would be helpful in building large databases for urban geographic information systems practically.

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Complex Power: An Analytical Approach to Measuring the Degree of Urbanity of Urban Building Complexes

  • Xu, Shuchen;Ye, Yu;Xu, Leiqing
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2017
  • The importance of designing urban building complexes so that they obtain 'urban' power, rather than become isolated from the surrounding urban context, has been well recognized by both researchers and practitioners. Nevertheless, most current discussions are made from architects' personal experiences and intuition, and lack a quantitative understanding, to which obstacles include an in-depth exploration of the 'urban' power between building complexes and the urban environment. This paper attempts to measure this feature of 'urban', i.e., 'urbanity,' through a new analytical approach derived from the opendata environment. Three measurements that can be easily collected though the Google Maps API and Open Street Map are applied herein to evaluate high or low values of urbanity. Specifically, these are 'metric depth', i.e., the scale of extended public space, 'development density', i.e., density and distribution of point of interests (POIs), and 'type diversity', i.e., diversity of different commercial types. Six cases located in Japan, China and Hong Kong respectively are ranked based on this analytical approach and compared with each other. It shows that Japanese cases, i.e., Osaka Station City and Namba Parks, Osaka, obtained clearly higher values than cases in Shanghai and Hong Kong. On one hand, the insight generated from measuring and explaining 'urban' power would help to assist better implementation of this feature in the design of urban building complexes. On the other hand, this analytical approach can be easily extended to achieve a large-scale measurement and comparison among different urban building complexes, which is also helpful for design practitioners.

A Study on the Utilization of Modern for Sustainable Conservation of Urban Traditional House - Focus on the Change the Interior Space - (도시형한옥의 지속가능한 보전을 위한 현대적 활용방안 연구 - 내부공간의 변화를 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, In-Hye;Kim, Kai-Chun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2012
  • The purposes of this study were to reevaluate urban traditional houses and to propose direction for the conservation and utilization of urban traditional houses in a way of maintaining historical landscape rather than the value of urban traditional houses as components in expanded urban structure. For these purposes, we identified the characteristics of conservation and utilization of urban traditional houses by representative cases and analyzing them exhaustively, and suggested problems in the cinservation and utilization of traditional houses and solution for them. The current conservation system for Urban Traditional House in the Bukchon area is applied to non-residential Urban Traditional House differently according to the owner's consciousness of conservation because there is no support system for non-residential Urban Traditional House. Accordingly, there should be standardized criteria to maintain the landscape of the Bukchon area in terms of beauty formed by the elevation of Urban Traditional House and the continuity of roofs while accommodating various functions. As in total conservation or partial conservation, the interior remodeling of individual houses may be allowed but the three-dimensional external appearance composed of the outer walls, fences and roofs of Korean-style houses should be repaired and improved in a way of maintaining the image. In order to utilize Urban Traditional House in the Bukchon area, plans should be made in consideration of its location, historicity and tradition. We may expect the utilization of traditional cultural facilities and their surrounding areas as alternative cultural spaces. Such use of individual Urban Traditional House should be extended by linearly and areally and suggest the direction of conservation and utilization.

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Bridge Park International Design Competition and Its Implications on Contemporary Landscape Design (브리지 파크 국제설계경기에 나타난 현대 조경설계의 경향)

  • Kim Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.5 s.112
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2005
  • A deserted town once vibrant with active commercial activities around a railroad station now tries to find a way to escape from depression and revive its life with a renewed civic pride. An open space adjacent to the Main Street, the commercial district of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, is waiting to be transformed and reconfigured to be a new ecological park to boost the economy of the community. Bridge Park is 26-acre land abutting the Cape Cod Canal with a railroad bridge as a backdrop. The existing condition of the site with a small salt marsh, woodland, lawn, and the vestige of old railroad easement along with the proximity to the commercial district poses an interesting question of how to make a medium scaled ecological park within an urban context. This paper examines the winning design proposals for the Bridge Park submitted to the International Design Competition held in April, 2005. Six winning proposals were introduced and discussed in terms of categories related to the trend of contemporary landscape design such as; 1) ecological ordinariness and geometric figures, 2) topography and spatial imagination, 3) minimal programs and open put 4) time and process oriented design, 5) park and economic effects and 6) diagrammatic plan and photo montage. Bridge Park Design Competition confirms the complex characteristics representing the contemporary landscape design overcoming the dichotomy between nature and culture and the 'pastoral ecological design' and 'landscape as an art'. The Park becomes the activating agent for the community rejecting the conventional and passive role as a romantic picturesque landscape. Bridge Park International Design Competition is a meaningful event to test the idea of new ecological urban park, and to fine-tune the trend of the contemporary urban park design.

Study of the Enhancement of Pedestrian Safety based on Service Design (서비스 디자인에 기초한 신도시 보행안전 확보방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheon-Bo;Jeong, Tae-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1507-1515
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to suggest an enhancement of pedestrian safety through a service design process regarding urban design in new-town area. For this study, the concept, process and touchpoint, and survey design area, of the service design are reviewed as a theoretical study. According to this study, traffic signals, pedestrian environment, pedestrian overpass, and access traffic road were surveyed as touchpoints and a problem search, concept design, design building, institutional implement were analyzed as a service design process. As a result of these studies, the planning method for pedestrian safety based on service design process in terms of the external space design in a new-town area are suggested.

An evolutionary algorithm for optimal damper placement to minimize interstorey-drift transfer function in shear building

  • Fujita, Kohei;Yamamoto, Kaoru;Takewaki, Izuru
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.289-306
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    • 2010
  • A gradient-based evolutionary optimization methodology is presented for finding the optimal design of viscous dampers to minimize an objective function defined for a linear multi-storey structure. The maximum value along height of the transfer function amplitudes for the interstorey drifts is taken as the objective function. Since the ground motion includes various uncertainties, the optimal damper placement may be different depending on the ground motion used for design. Furthermore, the transfer function treated as the objective function depends on the properties of structural parameters and added dampers. This implies that a more robust damper design is desired. A reliable and robust damping design system against any unpredictable ground motions can be provided by minimizing the maximum transfer function. Such design system is proposed in this paper.

Analysis of User Satisfaction Determinants and Behavior according to Urban Park′s Character in Daegu (대구시 도시공원의 성격에 따른 이용자 만족요인 및 행태분석)

  • 김용수;김수봉
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 1989
  • ^x Good Planning, design, and maintenance will be the product of a Process which considers both the nature of man and the nature of nature. Recentry, we emphasize how social and psycological theory, behavioral studios, and community participation may contribute to practical decision making and to the development of appropriate form for human use at all scales of Landscape Architecture. The main purpose of this study was to develop more rational and user oriented theory of urban park planning, design, and maintenance in terms of social - behavioral approach. Study sites were Jungang, Dalsung, Duryu, and Apsan park, where were located Daegu city. In this study, user satisfaction determinants of each park, which were useful for park planning, design and maintenance, were discovered. Privacy and territoriality were examined as an important factors for design a park road examined as an important factors to design a Path and a comfortable space in urban park.

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A Study on the Characteristics of the Brownfield's Pre-Design for the urban renewal - Focused on Comparisons of LDA & EPA, BRA - (도시재생을 위한 브라운필드의 건축기획 특성에 관한 연구 - 영국 LDA, 미국 EPA와 BRA의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Joon-Gul
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the pre-design of brownfield's by comparing LDA, EPA, and BRA of UK and USA in terms of establish mainbody, brownfield information, development process, opening development information. Such analysis will generate important implications for the development and renewal of brownfield in Korea by gaining insights into the characteristics of brownfield that reflect systematic and effective management and planning for urban renewal. The findings from this study indicate that: 1. Information on brownfield plays an important role at the development and planning stages that precede architectural design. 2. There is a great need for organizations that are responsible for brownfield renewal, such as LDA of UK, EPA and BRA of USA, in Korea, to make information public and to practice systematic management. 3. Discussion on the pre-design that follows contamination and renewal of brownfield and the developmental strategies that satisfy both the developmental and public profits are warranted.