• Title/Summary/Keyword: University Hospitals

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Relationship between Organizational Culture Types and Organizational Effectiveness in Hospitals (병원의 조직문화유형과 조직유효성의 관계;간호사를 대상으로)

  • Lee, Myung-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.363-385
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between organizational culture types and organizational effectiveness in the hospitals and to identify the cultural and organizational characteristics of the hospitals with high organizational effectiveness. Data were collected from May 12 to June 14. 1997 through questionnaire taken by 1.118 nurses working in 10 hospitals with more than 800 beds and from annual reports published by the hospitals. The instruments were used for collecting the data: Organizational Culture Questionnatire and Organizational Characteristics Questionnatire developed by the researcher. Mowday's Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Taylor & Bovver's General Satisfaction Scale. The Results were as follows: 1. The meta culture of the hospital organizations was the conservative culture. 2. There were significant differences of the four organizational cultural types - affiliative culture. innovative culture. conservative culture. task culture among the hospitals(p=.00). 3. The hospital organizations were classified in to three cultural patterns. each of which had similar cultural composition. on the basis of the scores indicating the similarity and difference of the foul' organizational cultural types among the hospitals. The organization of each group represents conservative- dominant culture. innovative-dominant culture and competitive culture. 4. Nurses' organizational commitment and job satisfaction were significantly different among the cultural patterns(p=.00). In other words. the hospitals with innovative-dominant culture showed higher organizational commitment and job satisfaction than ones with conservative-dominant culture and competitive culture. And also. the growth rate of outpatients and inpatients were significantly different among the cultural patterns(p<.05). The hospitals with innovative -dominant culture showed higher growth rate of outpatients and inpatients than ones with conservative-dominant culture and competitive culture. 5. The hospitals with conservative-dominant culture and competitive culture showed higher level of centralization than ones with innovative -dominant culture(p=.00) And the hospitals with competitive and innovative-dominant culture showed higher level of communication than those with conservative-dominant culture(p=.00) Finally. the hospitals with innovative-dominant culture showed higher level of managerial strategy than those with conservative-dominant and competitive culture. among which the latter showed higher level of managerial strategy than the former(p=.00).

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Marketing Activities and Financial Performance of Korean Hospitals (우리나라 병원의 마케팅 활동수준과 재무성과)

  • Han, Chang-Hoon;Kim, Won-Joong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.106-130
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    • 1999
  • The main objective of this paper is to perform an empirical analysis on the relationship between various marketing activities and financial performance of Korean hospitals. A survey was conducted through structured questionnaire for 495 hospitals, and data from 218 hospitals were utilized in the final anaylsis.(response rate: 44%) Survey items include general characteristics of the hospitals(size, type, location), degree of competition, financial performance. marketing organization! budget, and level of various marketing activities in service development, access improvement, promotion, and pricing. We examine descriptive statistics of the response scores on marketing activities to evaluate the current status of marketing management of Korean hospitals, compare the results across hospital size, type and location, and perform regression analysis to investigate the relaionship between marketing and financial performance. Major findings are as follows: 1) About 46% of the responding hospitals have marketing departments although they are named as 'planning' or 'PR' departments, and the marketing budget on average represents 1.74% of the total expenditures. 2) Average level of marketing activities is calculated to be about 3.32 on 5-point scale, meaning that Korean hospitals implement their marketing programs 'somewhat actively'; however, the scores on the areas of marketing plannning and strategy are relatively low. 3) Large hospitals tend to be more active in marketing than small hospitals, and public hospitals' activities in marketing are not lower compared to private hospitals. 4) Level of overall marketing activities is positively related with financial performance measured by various finacial indicators except for profitability, implying that marketing is successful in revenue generation but needs to be more cost-effective. Also, when the marketing variables are separately included in the regression, no significant relationship is found, which means that various marketing activities are more effective when they are collectively implemented.

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An Analysis of Efficiency in Major University Hospitals in Domestically Capital Area Through DEA Analysis (DEA분석을 통한 국내 수도권 주요 대학병원의 효율성 분석)

  • Park, Byeong-Tae;Lee, Dong-Hyeon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.35-66
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed efficiency by utilizing DEA analytical technique centering on materials for 2009 of 20 major university hospitals in capital area. Input variables were utilized professor & full-time doctor, resident, nurse & number of bed hospitals. Output variables were analyzed by dividing number of annual outpatients & number of annual inpatients, and annually total outpatient profit & inpatient profit into a model of the standard for number of patients and the standard for medical profit. DEA analysis was elicited efficiency score by applying CCR, BCC, BFG, scale profit, and SE model. Through t-test after eliciting efficiency score, the implications were suggested by comparing efficiency between DMU in Seoul and DMU in capital area, by comparing between high-class general hospitals and general hospitals, and by comparing between high-class general hospitals in Seoul and 5 big hospitals. As a result of analysis, the major university hospitals in capital area showed high efficiency as a whole close to "1," but indicated low efficiency relatively in CCR field. Thus, the expansion in scale within capital area was indicated to reach the limit. Second, in a model of analyzing the standard for number of patients, the medical institutions, which are being operated efficiently, were indicated to be 10 DMUs. In the standard for medical profit, 12 DMUs were analyzed to be operated efficiently. Third, the efficiency in general hospital was higher than high-class general hospital. Thus, the efficiency of operation was indicated to be more important than scale. Also, large high-class hospitals(big 5) where are located in downtown Seoul showed the higher efficiency than other general high-class general hospitals, but were indicating very low efficiency in some DMUs. Fourth, as a result of generalizing and evaluating the number of patients and the medical profit, the efficient DMU was indicated to be more when analyzing on the basis of medical profit than the standard for number of patients. Thus, major university hospitals in capital area were indicated to make more effort for section in medical profit. Based on the analytical results of efficiency, a strategy for reinforcing efficiency in inefficient DMU was indicated to be needed a strategy of creating customers for promoting number of patients and a strategy for making operation efficient for increasing profitability.

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Problems Associated with the Management of Nutrition Support Team in Hospitals in Korea (우리나라 병원에서의 영양지원팀 운영과 관련된 문제점에 관한 연구: 한 대학병원의 경우)

  • Kang, Hye-Jin;Shanmugam, Srinivasan;Yong, Chul-Soon;Kim, Jung-Ae;Rhee, Jong-Dal;Yoo, Bong-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2008
  • The goal of this research was to identify problems associated with the management of nutrition support team (NST) in hospitals in Korea. Management status of NST in the hospitals was surveyed over the phone or interviewed by visit during August 2007. NST in foreign countries was collected by reference search and websites in the internet. Survey analysis also was performed during March, 2007 with forty-one medical staff in a university hospital located in Jinju, Kyungsangnamdo. Korean Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (KSPEN) was organized in 2001 and currently has thirty-three member hospitals with on-site NST as of August, 2007. Most of the member hospitals were big hospitals with more than 500 beds and were organized within five years. The most significant problem identified was the shortage of nutrition specialists exclusively involved in the NST. Survey analysis revealed that more than half of medical staff prescribed parenteral nutrition based on their own nutrition requirement calculation rather than consultation with NST. It appears that status of NST management of hospitals in Korea are considered to be at beginner stage and therefore, needs more aggressive advertising activity to increase consultation usage by medical staff.

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The Causality between the Number of Medical Specialists and the Managerial Performance in General Hospitals (종합병원의 전문의 수가 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Chung-Kul
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2008
  • This study examines the statistical relationship between medical specialists and managerial performance, using regression analysis with the number of medical specialists per 100 beds as the independent variable and the managerial performance index as the dependent variable. Managerial performance index incorporated the number of out-patients per specialist, the number of in-patients per specialist, the volume of revenue per specialist, the number of beds per specialist, and the average length of stay. To compare different groups of hospitals, dummy variable was applied to five groups of hospitals according to size: 100-299 beds, 300-599 beds, 600-899 beds, 900-1199 beds, and more than 1200 beds. The data consisted of 181 general hospitals with more than 100 beds, which included 28 public hospitals, 73 corporate hospitals, 64 university hospitals and 16 private hospitals. Of those, 87 hospitals were located in big cities and 94 hospitals in medium to small cities. This study used hospitals from the Korean Hospital Association, and data published in 2004. The collected data sample was analyzed using the SPSSWIN 12.0 version, and the study hypothesis was tested using regression analysis. The findings of this study are summarized as follows: Hypothesis 1 predicting a negative effect of the number of medical specialists on the number of out-patients per specialist was supported with statistical significance. The analysis of dummy variable showed causality in all the hospital groups larger than the group of 100-299 beds. Hypothesis 2 predicting a negative effect of the number of medical specialists on the number of in-patients per specialist was supported with statistical significance. The analysis of dummy variable showed causality in the hospital group of 300-599 beds when compared to the group of 100-299 beds. Hypothesis 3 predicting a negative effect of the number of medical specialists on the volume of revenue per specialist was not supported. However, the analysis of dummy variable showed that the volume of revenue per specialist increased in the hospital groups of 600-899 beds, 900-1199 beds, and over 1200 beds, when compared to the group of 100-299 beds. Hypothesis 4 predicting a negative effect of the number of medical specialists on the average length of stay was supported with statistical significance. The analysis of dummy variable showed causality in the hospital group of 300-599 beds, when compared to the group of 100-299 beds. Results of this study show that the number of the medical specialists per 100 beds is an important factor in hospital managerial performance. Most hospitals have tried to retain as many medical specialists as possible to keep the number of patients stable, to ensure adequate revenue, and to maintain efficient managerial performance. Especially, the big hospitals with greater number of beds and medical specialists have shown greater revenue per medical specialist despite the smaller number of patients per medical specialist. Findings of this study explains why hospitals in Korea are getting bigger.

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Comparative Analysis of Medical Use of Spine Specialty Hospitals and Nonspecialty Hospitals (척추전문병원과 비전문병원의 의료이용 비교분석)

  • Young-Noh Lee;Yun-Ji Jeong;Kwang-Soo Lee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2024
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the differences in charges and length of stay per case between spine specialty hospitals and non-specialty hospitals, and to identify the factors that influenced them. Methods: This study used claims data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, including inpatient visits from January 2021 to December 2022. The healthcare facility status data was used to identify the characteristics of study hospitals. Multilevel analysis was conducted to identify factors associated with the charges and Poisson regression analysis was conducted to analyze the length of stay between spine specialty hospitals and non-specialty hospitals. There were 32,015 cases of spine specialty hospitals and 17,555 cases of non-specialty hospitals. Results: For four of five common spinal surgeries, specialty hospitals shaped longer length of stay than those of non-specialty hospitals. Multilevel and Poisson regression analysis revealed that regardless of the type of surgery, higher age and higher Charlson comorbidity index scores were significantly associated with an increase in both the charges per case and length of stay (p<0.05). However, when hospitals were located in metropolitan areas, there was a significant decrease (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study found that specialty hospital had higher inpatient charges and loner length of stay contrary to the previous study results. Further studies will be needed to find which contribute to the differences.

A Study on Public Relation Activation Plan through Hospital Homepage Contents Analysis (병원 홈페이지 콘텐츠 분석을 통한 홍보활성화방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Woo;Ahn, Sang-Yoon
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to identify the effects of contents, to find out the development approaches of promotion and contribute to increase the expectation on medical institutions and wills to use and improve the customer satisfaction on homepages of such medical institutions by analysis on the contents of hospital homepage. This research performed the frequency analysis, cross analysis, t-test correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis and came to the conclusion. In accordance with the research results, since the university hospital homepages had more contents than the homepage of general hospitals and national and public hospitals, the university hospital homepage provided sufficient information to visitors and tried to satisfy the customers and activate the hospital promotion using the homepage contents. On the contrary, the homepage of general hospitals and national and public hospitals had insufficient contents and unique and differentiated contents were not sufficiently provided. On the basis of the results of this study, further study on the approaches to improve the contents of homepage of general hospitals and national and public hospitals will be of great help to activate the hospital promotion by increasing the average number of visitors and page views. Furthermore, it is required to make every endeavor for systematic management and operation and research on promotion using the homepage contents.

A Study on the Importance and Performance of Foodservice Tasks between Dietitian from Hospitals and Contract Managed Foodservice Companies (병원 위탁급식의 질적 향상을 위한 병원과 위탁회사 영양사간의 급식업무에 대한 중요도 및 수행도 조사)

  • Kim, Jin-Hui;Gwak, Dong-Gyeong;Hong, Wan-Su;Ryu, Eun-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.381-392
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    • 2005
  • This study compared he importance of food service, views to the performance, management objectives, and recognition gap about the contract contents towards the dietetic departments of hospitals that manage the patients' food service and managers of contract managed companies, and dieticians. It conducted questionnaires and survey towards the vice director and dieticians of 17 hospitals, over 500 beds, and the persons responsible for contract managed companies and dietitians who were in charge of food service. The hospitals showed significantly(p<0.05) higher the importance scores in menu planning, the distribution of meal, sanitation management, and leadership than those of the contract managed companies. In the difference of hospitals and contract managed companies about performance, it appeared high in the contract managed companies. In the importance of the foodservice management objective, the hospital had significantly(p<0.05) higher scores in the management of client's satisfaction and quality improvement element through management innovation than those of the contract managed companies. In the importance of contract term, the contract method, expense, and payment condition of commission fee were significantly(p<0.05) high scores in the contract managed companies, compared to the hospital.

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A Review of Research on Evaluation Indexes and Determinants of Organizational Effectiveness of Hospital Nursing Organizations (병원 간호조직의 조직유효성 평가지표 및 결정요인에 관한 문헌 분석)

  • Kim, Jieun;Kim, Jinhyun
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to review journal articles, master's theses, and doctoral dissertations on organizational effectiveness in hospital nursing organizations in order to identify evaluation indexes, determinants, and overall trends and to suggest strategies for improvements. Methods: A total of forty-one papers on organizational effectiveness in hospital nursing organizations were reviewed. Results: These papers were journal articles, master's theses and doctoral dissertations regarding nurses who worked in general hospitals and university hospitals, excluding special hospitals (ie. armed forces hospitals, mental hospitals). The review of literature identified 18 operational definitions (evaluation indexes) and 36 significant determinants of organizational effectiveness in hospital nursing organizations. The operational definitions were measured by using 46 instruments. Conclusion: The study findings provide data on recent trends in organizational effectiveness; it also serves as basic evidence for the need to improve organizational effectiveness in hospital nursing organizations as well as indicates directions for future research.

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Evaluation of dental web site usability in Korea (국내 치과 웹사이트에 대한 사용성 평가)

  • Kim, Seon-Yeong;Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the dental website usability in Korea. The dental website included dental university hospital, network dental hospital and dental office. Methods: The study was carried out by three age groups including twenties, thirties, and forties. Each group consisted of ten customers and evaluated twelve websites of dental hospitals. Each was assigned to four hospitals and three tasks including easiness of online reservation, preventive information, and treatment information. They filled out the self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire included the easiness of on-line reservation, satisfaction on the quality and quantity of preventive informations, satisfaction on the quality and quantity of treatment informations, predictiveness on the sub-menu, usefulness of site map, information on the main page of web site, usefulness of decision on visit to dentistry, and revisit intention. Results: The easiness of on-line reservation was the highest in the private dental office, and university dental hospital and network dental hospitals followed in conducting task(1). The anticipated value and measurement on the usefulness of web site were the lowest in network dental hospitals and the time interval between two values was 57 seconds. This discrepancy showed the largest difference. The satisfaction on treatment information in task(3) was higher than that of the satisfaction on preventive information in task (2). The revisit intention was the highest in dental university hospitals. Conclusions: This study showed the comparison in usefulness of web site of university dental hospitals, network dental hospitals and private dental office. The web site focused on the treatment information rather than preventive information. This study suggested that the most important function of dental web site would be the preventive information that was mainly operated by the role of dental hygienists rather than treatment information in the future.