• Title/Summary/Keyword: Unit Factors

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A Study on a Framework to Achieve the Sustainability of Apparel Brands (의류 브랜드의 지속가능성 실천을 위한 프레임워크 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Syn, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.60 no.9
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    • pp.136-149
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    • 2010
  • One of the most important objectives that apparel company will pursue in 21 century is to achieve the critical factors of the sustainability. The concept of sustainability is to meet the demands for the valuable life of contemporary generation and to satisfy the desires for preservation of the species and the productive life of future generation by protecting the earth environment from the waste and pollution and by developing and maintaining harmoniously main economical, social, environmental and cultural factors. The practice of sustainability was focused only on the environmental factors in past. Now, the effective and efficient practice of sustainability should be fulfilled and executed in social factors of the responsibility company has, in economical factors and in the cultural factors that is the critical in fashion industry. The purpose of the study is to develop the practical framework consisting of four sustainable factors which apparel brand should refer and apply to the practice of sustainability. By executing the practical factors of the frameworks, apparel company can take a lot of advantages. By practicing the environmental factors, company can get Eco-efficiency. Apparel company can take the social responsibility by performing social sustainable factors, can make economical quality growth by fulfilling economical sustainable factors, and can understand cultural diversity by executing cultural sustainable factors. As one of the most important preparation in 21 century industry, the apparel brand should have an interest in and require the practical management of sustainability, objective setting and practice of brand unit, reflection on the sustainability in brand planning.

Production Condition of Alkaline Pretense by V. parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802(II) (V. parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802에 의한 Alkaline Pretense 생산조건(II))

  • 양지영;양지영;강현록;황미경;이재우;차재호
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.33-36
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    • 2001
  • V. parahaemolyticus possessed an extracellular alkaline protease activity during the stationary growth phase. Various factors such as initial pH of medium, incubation temperature and shaking rate were investigated far optimizing the production of alkaline protease from V. parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802. Maximal activity of the protease was obtained when the bacteria were grown in 2% skim milk medium in 0.1M tris/HCl buffer (pH 7.6). Maximal activity of the protease was obtained when the bacteria were growls at initial pH of 7.6, incubation temperature 37$^{\circ}C$ and shaking rate of 250 rpm.

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A Review of Renal Dialysis Unit Environment for Infection Prevention - Focused on Evidence Based Design (감염 예방을 위한 인공신장실 의료 환경에 대한 고찰 - 근거 기반의 디자인 중심으로)

  • Han, Su Ha;Yoon, Hyungjin
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The increase in patients requiring hemodialysis has resulted in an increase dialysis-associated infections risk. but there are no Renal Dialysis unit design standard meet specified safety and quality standards. Therefore, appropriate Establish standards and legal regulation is important for the provision of initial certification and maintenance of facility, equipment, and human resource quality. Methods: Literature survey on the design guideline and standards of Renal Dialysis unit design in Korea, U.S, Germany, Singapore, Hongkong, Dubai. Results: There are no established standards for facilities in dialysis units in Korea. To prevent infections in dialysis patients, necessary establish standards. Considering the domestic and overseas Health-care facilities standards, the major factors to be considered in the medical environment for Renal Dialysis Unit are as follows. First, planning to separate Clean areas(treatment area) from contaminated areas(medical waste storage area). Second, ensure sufficient space and minimum separation distance. Although there may be differences depending on the circumstances of individual institutions, renal dialysis unit consider the space to prevent droplet transmission. Third, secure infrastructure of infection prevention such as sufficient amount of hand hygiene sinks. Hand washing facilities for staff within the Unit should be readily available. Hand hygiene sinks should be located to prevent water from splashing into the treatment area. Fourth, Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system for Renal Dialysis Unit is all about providing a safer environment for patients and staff. Implications: The results of this paper can be the basic data for the design of the Renal Dialysis Units and relevant regulations.

Derivation of Snyder's Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Using Fractal Dimension (프랙탈 차원을 이용한 스나이더 합성단위유량도 관계식 유도)

  • Go, Yeong-Chan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 1999
  • The Snyder's synthetic unit hydrograph method is selected to apply the concept of the fractal dimension by stream order for the practicable rainfall-runoff generation, and fourth types of the Snyder's relation are derived from topographic and observed unit hydrograph data of twenty-nine basins. As a result of the analysis of twenty-nine basins and the verification of two basins, the Snyder's relation which considers the fractal dimension of the stream length and uses calculated unit hydrograph data shows the best result. The concept of the fractal dimension by stream order is applied to the Snyder's synthetic unit hydrograph method. The topographic factors, used in the Snyder's synthetic unit hydrograph method, which have a property of the stream length like $L_{ma}$ (mainstream length) and $L_{ca}$ (length along the mainstream to a point nearest the watershed centroid) were considered. In order to simplify the fractal property of stream length, it is supposed that $L_{ma}$ has not the fractal dimension and the stream length between $L_{ma}$ and ($L_{ma}\;-\;L_{ca}$) has the fractal dimension of 1.027. From the utilization of this supposition, a new Snyder's relation which consider the fractal dimension of the stream length occurred by the map scale used was finally suggested.

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Development of the Pilot System for Radioactive Laundry Waste Treatment Using UV Photo-Oxidation Process and Reverse Osmosis Membrane

  • Park, Se-Moon;Park, Jong-Kil;Kim, Jong-Bin;Shin, Sang-Woon;Lee, Myung-Chan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.506-511
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    • 1999
  • The pilot system for radioactive liquid laundry waste was developed with treatment capacity, 1ton/hr and set up in the Yong Kwang unit #4. The system is composed of tank module, RO systems and a UV/$H_2O$$_2$photo-oxidation unit. The RO system consists of the BW unit (low-pressure RO for brackish water desalination) and the SW unit (high-pressure RO for seawater desalination). The BW unit possesses 4 RO membranes and it can reduce the feed water volume down to 1/10. This concentrated feed water can be reduced again up to 1/10 in its volume in the SW unit composed of 4 RO membranes. The UV/$H_2O$$_2$ photo-oxidation process unit was used for the detergent degradation. The operation of the pilot system was carried out and verified in its capability through the continuous operation and concentration operation using the actual liquid waste from the power plant. The design criteria and data for industrialization were yielded. The efficiency of the UV/$H_2O$$_2$ photo-oxidation process and the optimum operational procedure were evaluated. The decontamination factors for radioactive cobalt and cesium were measured. This on-site test showed the experimental result in the DF$\geq$300 and volume reduction factor$\geq$100.

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Unit Costs of Care Services in Long-Term Care Insurance in Korea - Its Characteristics and Evaluation - (노인장기요양보험 수가 개발의 특성과 평가)

  • Seok, Jae-eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • no.39
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    • pp.253-286
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    • 2008
  • The care market has a unique characteristic that cannot be understood only by pure consumerism. It is not simply constituted by the relationship between consumers and providers at a uni-dimensional level of consumerism logic; rather, it operates in the tripartite-dimensional relationship between the state, consumers and providers through the design and regulation of policies by the state(Evers 1994). The unit costs of long-term care insurance has a meaning as the signal of state for policy direction. This paper consists three contents. The first, it provides to examine the developing process and method of the unit costs of long-term care and to define the characteristics of the developing method of unit costs of the Korean Long term care Insurance. The second, it tried to evaluate the adequacy, validity, and equity of unit costs of care. The third, it proposed the policy direction and measures focused on state's role as price determinator and regulator of care market in that unit costs of care is very important factors for formation and operating of care market.

The Influence of Internal Marketing Factors on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Nurses - Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction - (간호단위의 내부마케팅요인이 간호사의 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 - 직무만족을 매개변수로 -)

  • Chang, Kyung-Wha
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: This study was to identify the influence of internal marketing factors on organizational citizenship behavior of nurses based on the mediate variable of job satisfaction. Method: Structured questionnaires were used with a convenience sample of 267 subjects working at 2 hospitals which have more than 500beds. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression. Result: Empowerment($\beta$= .395) and compensation($\beta$= -.232) among the internal marketing factors had significant influences on organizational citizenship behaviors. However, job satisfaction($\beta$= .266) showed a mediate variable between compensation and organizational citizenship behaviors. Conclusion: This result indicates that empowerment and job satisfaction are important factors in predicting organizational citizenship behavior of nurses in hospitals. Thus it would be necessary to include this two factors in inhencing production of a nursing unit.

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A Study on the Internal Characters of Gambling Games (사행성게임의 내재적 특성에 관한 고찰)

  • Park, Tae-Soon
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2007
  • This paper attempts to pursue the internal characters of gambling games. After examining the concepts of gambling and arranging related theories, we found that gambling games have 3 factors of technical intervention, betting and ratio of payment. The betting is subdivided 3 factors of existence of betting, unit speed of betting and extendibility of betting. These factors may be used to a framework of conceptual analysis to gambling games. If social and cultural factors can be added to these factors, gambling games can be comprehensively and empirically analyzed.

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A Study on the Architectural Planning Criteria and Factors for Secondary Schools (중등학교 건축 규모계획 기준에 따른 결정인자 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Meang, Joon-Ho
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.35-51
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    • 2002
  • This study is on the architectural planning and factors for secondary schools. The methods in the approach to the results were settled. A sample of factors that affect architectural scale design were drawn from architectural design direction for a secondary school architectural scale estimation direction. These factors arc broken into primary elements and situational elements. Primary elements include students, teachers, and time. Situational elements include public use percentage, classroom percentage, unit area, coefficient of utilization, etc. The 7 architectural planning criteria to cover changes of various architectural scale design elements are the following; 1) consideration of students selection percentage, 2) consideration of the number of teachers, 3) a variety of possible classrooms, 4) organic operation, 5) efficient time management, 6) consideration of different teaching method depending on subjects, 7) coefficient of utilization with flexibility.

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Lead Exposure Indices, Workloads, and Environmental Factors in Battery Manufacturing Workplace

  • Cho, Kwang Sung;Jeong, Byung Yong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2013
  • Objective: This study aims to evaluate the workloads of industrial and automobile storage battery industries and their association to biological exposure indices. Background: Occupational lead exposure at battery manufacturing workplace is the most serious problem in safety and health management. Method: We surveyed 145 workers in 3 storage battery industries. Environmental factors(lead in air, temperature, humidity and vibration)), biological exposure indices(lead in blood and zinc protoporphyrin in blood) and individual workload factors(process type, work time, task type, weight handling and restrictive clothing) were measured in each unit workplace. Results/Conclusion: Air lead concentration is statistically significant in associations with workload factors(process type, work time, task type, and restrictive clothing) and environmental factors (humidity and vibration), whereas zinc protoporphyrin in blood are significantly associated with work time and weight handling. And lead in blood is significantly associated with work time, weight handling and temperature. Application: The results of this study are expected to be a fundamental data to job design.