• Title/Summary/Keyword: Underground-Structure

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Gravity Potential Comparative Analysis around Korean Peninsula by EGM96 and EIGEN-CG01C Models (EGM96와 EIGEN-CG01C 모델에 의한 한반도 주변의 중력포텐셜 비교분석)

  • Yu, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Min, Kyung-Duck
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2005
  • According to development of satellite geodesy, gravity potential models which have high accuracy and resolution were released. Using the EIGEN-CG01C model based on low orbit satellite data such as CHAMP and GRACE and the EGM96 model, geoid and gravity anomaly were calculated and compared. The study area is located at $123^{\circ}{\sim}132^{\circ}$ E, $33^{\circ}{\sim}43^{\circ}$ including Korea. Comparing two models, very high correlation more than 0.90 in geoid and gravity anomaly was observed, but in amplitude analysis the EIGEN-CG01C model have higher amplitude in high frequency area. Gravity anomaly calculated with both models shows a little difference in North Korea and some coast area of the Yellow sea. Through power spectrum analysis, residual anomaly that can be used in large scale structure or underground resources survey was calculated.

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Tectonic Link between NE China, Yellow Sea and Korean Peninsula, revealed by interpreting CHAMP-GRACE satellite Gravity Data and sea-surface measured gravity data (CHAMP-GRACE 인공위성 데이터와 해상 측정 중력 데이터에 나타난 황해안 지역의 남중국과 북중국판의 대륙 충돌대 위치)

  • Cho, Sung-Chan
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2005
  • For the understanding the locus of the Quinling-Dabie-Sulu continental collision's boundary and the underground structure of the sedimentray basin in the Yellow Sea, three dimensional density modelling is carrid out by using gravity dataset (Free Air Anomaly), which is measured by Tamhae 2, KIGAM in a period 2000 - 2002. The measured gravity anomaly in the investigations area is mainly responsed by depth distribution of the sedimentary basin. After comparing the sea-measured gravity data to CHAMP-GRACE satellite gravity data, I suggested that the high density model bodies extend mainly from the southern part of China to the middle-western part of the Korean Peninsula., which might be emplaced along the continental collision's boundary. The total volume of very low density bodies modified by modelling might be about $20000\;km^3$.

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Development of RIMS and Present Conditions of its DB (암반정보관리시스템(RIMS)의 개발 및 DB 현황)

  • 이성민;김영구;박부성
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 1999
  • Although there have been lots of geological or geotechnical surveys for construction sites, most of data obtained from these surveys have not been reused properly for the future construction work due to the absence of systematic management of data management system. This research, therefore, has focused on the development of DB system, Rockmass Information Management System(RIMS), to save, manage and reuse these abandoned data, specially test data of rock and rockmass with site conditions. RIMS has not only the basic functions of inputting, modifying, and dynamic searching of data but also several data control modules which can manage, input and correct, analyse and report data. Furthermore it saves data such as strata status, laboratory test results, in-site test results, and so on using 3-dimensional data stacking up structure. It is using x, y coordinates to represent horizontal positions and depth to represent vertical position of data. With the development of RIMS, this research has analyzed and classified present conditions of data in RIMS according to region, rock type, etc.

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A Study on the Prediction of Surface Settlement Applying Umbrella Arch Method to Tunnelling (Umbrella arch 공법의 적용에 따른 횡방향 지표침하량 예측에 관한 연구)

  • 김선홍;문현구
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2002
  • Recently, Umbrella Arch Method(UAM) is commonly used in order to enhance the stability of tunnel itself and stabilize the adjacent surface structure. But quantitative estimation of reinforcement effect is needed because UAM is designed and constructed only on the basis of empirical experience. By using 3-dimensional finite element method, parametric study is performed for elastic modulus of ground and overburden, and reinforcement effect is analyzed quantitatively. From the results, surface settlement decreases about 9%∼27% in soil tunnel, about 4%∼24% in weathered rock tunnel and 4%∼17% in soft rock tunnel when applied with UAM. The prediction equation for final surface settlement is suggested through regression analysis and the equation is expressed as exponential function which has variable Smax, unknown coefficient i and k.

An Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Tunnel Excavated in a Homogeneous Ground by Two-Stage Excavation (균질지반에서 2단계로 굴착되는 터널의 거동특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • 김동갑;박승준;이상덕
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2004
  • In a shotcrete support system, the cooperation of the ground and the shotcrete lining makes it possible to transfer the shear stress to the shotcrete lining, which is dedicated to form a stable structure. In this study, a homogeneous model ground with constant strength was produced by using gypsum and the tunnel was excavated with a top heading method under the definite initial stress. During the excavation, the stress in the ground around the tunnel and the deformation of shotcrete lining were measured, The tensile stress was generated in tangential direction in the ground near the tunnel and in the shotcrete lining due to tunnel excavation. This shows the unified behavior of the ground and shotcrete lining, which is the most typical characteristic of the shotcrete support. As a result, the rates of in-situ stress during the excavation at a top boundary line was 9% and at top arch heading 15%. It was 48% right after excavating the heading and 94% before cutting the bench.

A Study of the Applicability of Cross-Section Method for Cut-Slope Stability Analysis (개착사면의 안정성 해석을 위한 횡단면 기법의 활용성 고찰)

  • Cho, Tae-Chin;Hwang, Taik-Jean;Lee, Guen-Ho;Cho, Kye-Seong;Lee, Sang-Bae
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2012
  • Stability of cut-slope, the orientation and dimension of which are gradually changed, has been analyzed by employing the cross-section method capable of comprehensibly considering the lithological, structural and mechanical characteristics of slope rock. Lithological fragility is investigated by inspecting the drilled core logs and BIPS image has been taken to delineate the rock structure. Engineering properties of drilled-core including the joint shear strength have been also measured. Potential failure modes of cut-slope and failure-induced joints are identified by performing the stereographic projection analysis. Traces of potential failure-induced joints are drawn on the cross-section which depicts the excavated geometry of cut-slope. Considering the distribution of potential plane failure-induced joint traces blocks of plane failure mode are hypothetically formed. The stabilities and required reinforcements of plane failure blocks located at the different excavation depth have been calculated to confirm the applicability of the cross-section method for the optimum cut-slope design.

A Study on the Stability of Asymmetrical Twin Tunnels in Alternating Rock Layers Using Scaled Model Tests (호층암반내 비대칭 쌍굴터널의 안정성에 관한 모형실험 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Woo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2012
  • In this study, scaled model tests were performed to investigate the stability of an asymmetrical twin tunnels constructed in rock mass comprising alternating layers of sandstone and shale. Each of tunnels had a differently shaped section, where the one was already constructed tunnel including lining structure but the other was planned to be under construction. Four types of test models which had respectively different pillar widths and loading conditions were experimented, where both crack initiating pressures and deformation behaviors around tunnels were investigated. The cracks of pillar mainly began to appear at the interfaces of alternating layers, following additional shear displacement between layers was confirmed as one of the most important factors of pillar failure in case of the model of pillar width 0.5D. The models with shallower pillar widths proved to be unstable because of lower crack initiating pressures and more tunnel convergences than the models with thicker pillar widths. The failure and deformation behaviors of tunnels were also dependent on the loading conditions, where the model of coefficient of lateral pressure 1.0 was more stable than the other model. Futhermore, the results of FLAC analysis were qualitatively coincident with the experimental results.

A Study on Evaluation of Thermal Environment using Heat Stress Indices for Deep Coal Mine in Korea (열적지표를 적용한 국내 고심도 석탄광산의 열환경 평가 연구)

  • Park, Seon-Oh;Roh, Jang-Hoon;Kim, Jin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the thermal environment in a large scale coal mine located in Taebaek, Gangwondo was assessed by a field survey. In order to estimate the thermal environment, various heat stress indices such as WBGT, HSI, ESI, KATA index and effective temperature were investigated. Correlation analysis was also conducted. It was found that the thermal environment in most workplace was high. In particular, the correlation coefficient between HSI reflected in physiological fatigue characteristic and the maximum sweat evaporation heat was -0.834. This shows that the correlation coefficient have the most influence on HSI index. The factor which has the most influence on the maximum sweat evaporation heat is velocity of air. The thermal environment of high-depth coal mines is likely to be improved by installing a structure that enables the maximum prevention of extended digging, air doors, or the leakage of the inflow of air in the first shaft.

Investigations into a Multipurpose Dam in Tasman District-New Zealand

  • Thomas, Joseph Theodore
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2008
  • The Waimea Basin is located on the northern tip of the South Island of New Zealand. It is a highly productive area with intense water use with multi-stakeholder interest in water. Irrigation from the underground aquifers here makes up the largest portion of used water; however the same aquifers are also the key urban and industrial sources of water. The Waimea/Wairoa Rivers are the main sources of recharge to the underlying aquifers and also feed the costal springs that highly valued by the community and iwi. Due to the location of the main rivers and springs close to the urban centre the water resource system here has high community and aesthetic values. Recent enhanced hydrological modelling work has shown the water resources in this area to be over allocated by 22% for a 1:10 year drought security for maintaining a minimalistic flow of 250 l/s in the lower Waimea River. The current irrigated land area is about 3700 hectares with an additional potential for irrigation of 1500 hectares. Further pressures are also coming on-line with significant population growth in the region. Recent droughts have resulted in significant water use cutbacks and the threat of seawater intrusion in the coastal margins. The Waimea Water Augmentation Committee (WWAC) initiated a three year stage 1 feasibility study in 2004/2005 into the viability of water storage in the upper parts of the catchment for enhancing water availability and its security of supply for consumptive, environmental, community and aesthetic benefits downstream. The project also sought to future proof water supply needs for the Waimea Plains and the surrounding areas for a 50 - 100 year planning horizon. The broad range stage 1 investigation programme has identified the Upper Lee Catchment as being suitable for a storage structure to provide the needs identified and also a possibility for some small scale hydro electricity generation as well. The stage 2 detailed feasibility investigations that are underway now (2007/2008), and to be completed in two years is to provide all details for progressing with the next stage of obtaining necessary permits for construction and commissioning a suitable dam.

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The Weathering Index and Prediction of Uniaxial Compressive Strength for Chung-Ju Granite (충주 지역 화강암의 풍화지수 및 일축압축강도 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Eom, Tae-Uk;Kim, Hak-Mun;Kim, Chan-Kuk;Jang, Kyung-Jun;Pyo, Myung-Ryul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.863-874
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    • 2008
  • We have to judge engineering properties of rock accurately in order to design and construct rock structure safely and economically. Among the rock tests, the test result of UCS(Uniaxial Compressive Strength) is very important factor used in the variety ways for designing and construction of underground structures, rock slope and foundation analysis. But the UCS test has some disadvantages of intact sample preparation such as because the shape of sample has to be regular cylindrical, cube or rectangular. In order to solve those problem, indirect tests are used such as point load test, schmidt hammer test, absorption test, dry density to predict UCS of rock. Those tests are easy to prepare sample and convenient to carry out the tests, so it is simple and costs less. Schmidt hammer test are frequently used in the construction site, because it is handy and easy to use, but there is concern of misuse without classifying the specification of each schmidt hammer. Thus, this study suggested presumptive numerical formula related on each specification of schmidt hammer test, point load test, absorption test and dry density also. We compared presumptive numerical formula and R-square through schmidt rebound assessment method already brought up. Also, through the test we offer the extent of weathering index according to the weathering grade.

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