• 제목/요약/키워드: Under Cover

검색결과 856건 처리시간 0.026초

Transfer of Arsenic from Paddy Soils to Rice Plant under Different Cover Soil Thickness in Soil Amendments in Abandoned Coal Mine (폐탄광지역 비소오염 농경지(논) 개량 시 복토두께에 따른 비소의 벼 전이 및 토양용액 특성)

  • Koh, Il-Ha;Kwon, Yo Seb;Jeong, Mun-Ho;Ko, Ju In;Bak, Gwan-In;Ji, Won Hyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.483-494
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    • 2021
  • This study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of reducing clean cover soil using a flooded column test in arsenic-contaminated farmland reclamation of abandoned coal mine area that shows generally low or about worrisome level (25 mg/kg) of Korea soil environment conservation act unlike abandoned metal mine. During the monitoring period of soil solution for 4 months, chemical properties (pH, EC, ORP, Fe, Mn, Ca, and As) in each layer (clean soil cover and contaminated/stabilized soil) showed different variation. This result revealed that soil solution in stabilized or contaminated soil rarely affected that in cover soil. Whether stabilized or not, arsenic concentrations in the rice roots grown in the soil covers with the thickness of 40 cm decreased by 98% in compared with the that grown in the control soil. In case of the soil covers with 20 cm thickness on stabilized soil, it decreased by 80% and this was 22 percentage point higher than when the soil of lower layer was not stabilized. Thus, reducing clean cover soil could be possible in contaminated farmland soil reclamation if appropriate stabilization of contaminated soil is carried.

Recent Variations of UV Irradiance at Seoul 2004~2010 (서울의 최근 자외선 복사의 변화 2004~2010)

  • Kim, Jhoon;Park, Sang Seo;Cho, Nayeong;Kim, Woogyung;Cho, Hi Ku
    • Atmosphere
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2011
  • The climatology of surface UV radiation for Seoul, presented in Cho et al. (1998; 2001), has been updated using measurement of surface erythemal ultraviolet (EUV) and total ultraviolet (TUV) irradiance (wavelength 286.5~363.0 nm) by a Brewer Spectrophotometer (MK-IV) for the period 2004~2010. The analysis was also carried out together with the broadband total (global) solar irradiance (TR ; 305~2800 nm) and cloud amount to compare with the UV variations, measured by Seoul meteorological station of Korean Meteorological Agency located near the present study site. Under all-sky conditions, the day-to-day variability of EUV exhibits annual mean of 98% in increase and 31% in decrease. It has been also shown that the EUV variability is 17 times as high as the total ozone in positive change, whereas this is 6 times higher in negative change. Thus, the day to day variability is dominantly caused rather by the daily synoptic situations than by the ozone variability. Annual mean value of daily EUV and TUV shows $1.62kJm^{-2}$ and $0.63MJm^{-2}$ respectively, whereas mean value of TR is $12.4MJm^{-2}$ ($143.1Wm^{-2}$). The yearly maximum in noon-time UV Index (UVI) varies between 9 and 11 depending on time of year. The highest UVI shows 11 on 20 July, 2008 during the period 2004~2010, but for the period 1994~2000, the index of 12 was recorded on 13 July, 1994 (Cho et al., 2001). A 40% of daily maximum UVI belongs to "low (UVI < 2)", whereas the UVI less than 5% of the maximum show "very high (8 < UVI < 10)". On average, the maximum UVI exceeded 8 on 9 days per year. The values of Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service (TEMIS) EUV and UVI under cloud-free conditions are 1.8 times and 1.5 times, respectively, higher than the all-sky measurements by the Brewer. The trend analysis in fractional deviation of monthly UV from the reference value shows a decrease of -0.83% and -0.90% $decade^{-1}$ in the EUV and TUV, respectively, whereas the TR trend is near zero (+0.11% $decade^{-1}$). The trend is statistically significant except for TR trend (p = 0.279). It is possible that the recent UV decrease is mainly associated with increase in total ozone, but the trend in TR can be attributed to the other parameters such as clouds except the ozone. Certainly, the cloud effects suggest that the reason for the differences between UV and TR trends can be explained. In order to estimate cloud effects, the EUV, TUV and TR irradiances have been also evaluated for clear skies (cloud cover < 25%) and cloudy skies (cloud cover ${\geq}$ 75%). Annual mean values show that EUV, TUV and TR are $2.15kJm^{-2}$, $0.83MJm^{-2}$, and $17.9MJm^{-2}$ for clear skies, and $1.24kJm^{-2}$, $0.46MJm^{-2}$, and $7.2MJm^{-2}$ for cloudy skies, respectively. As results, the transmission of radiation through clouds under cloudy-sky conditions is observed to be 58%, 55% and 40% for EUV, TUV and TR, respectively. Consequently, it is clear that the cloud effects on EUV and TUV are 18% and 15%, respectively lower than the effects on TR under cloudy-sky conditions. Clouds under all-sky conditions (average of cloud cover is 5 tenths) reduced the EUV and TUV to about 25% of the clear-sky (cloud cover < 25%) values, whereas for TR, this was 31%. As a result, it is noted that the UV radiation is attenuated less than TR by clouds under all weather conditions.

A Study on the Section 55 of Marine Insurance Act, 1906(Cargo Exclusions) (영국해상보험법 제55조에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Cheul
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    • 제21권
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2003
  • The MIA 1906 is a very important rule for the practitioner in Korea since it is often selected as the governing law under the contract of cargo insurance. And we are using both the S.G policy and the new MAR policy. The new MAR policy has the basically different form of cover compared with the S.G policy. So we are a little confused whether some risks are covered or not under the selected clauses. The author considers which risks are covered or not under the specific clauses and compares the Institute cargo clauses with the MIA 1906.

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Variation of some Properties on Contton Knitted Under Wears by Laundering (세탁에 의한 면내의의 실용특성 변화)

  • 정운자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 1979
  • In order to measure the change of constructional and some properties of knitted under wears by laundry, constructional properties, such as fabric count , yarn count, loop length and cover, factor, and some properties , such as shrinkage, tearing, strength, air permeability, electrostatic charge of under wears sold in the market were tested. The results of the experiment can be summarized as follows.1. Interlock and rib were increased in wale direction after laundry and decreased in course direction , plain was decreased, in both direction after laundry. 2. Loop form of plain was changed more than those interlock and rib after laundry. 3. Tearing strength was decreased 51% in wale direction, and 70% in course direction after 20 times laundry. Air permeability was generally increased. 4. Electro static charge was increased 9 times after laundry.

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띠철근 강도가 고강도 철근콘크리트 기둥의 휨거동에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구

  • 문호권;양근혁;이영호;정헌수
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2000년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents an experimental study on the behavior of high strength concrete columns confined by rectangular ties under combined axial load lateral load. This test was carried on the twelve reinforced concrete columns with $200\times200\times200$mm size subjected to combined axial load and lateral load. Effects of key variables such as the axial load level, the tie yield strength, the longitudinal reinforcement ratio are studied in this research program. The results of this study show that the efficiency of high strength lateral ties increase under high axial load level over 0.4f(아래첨자) A(아래 첨자). Also we found that well confined concrete column shows second peak monent after spalling of cover concrete under high axial load level.

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Studyies on the Shade Adsptation of Native Ground Cover Plants, Disporum spp. and Sedum sarmentosum. (자생지피식물인 애기나리속 식물과 돈나물의 내음성적응실험)

  • 박인환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1993
  • This studies were conducted to investigate on the shade adaptation of native Sedum kamchaticum and Disporum smilacinum. All plants were grow under the controlled light intensity conditions, which controlled by two shading materials, white and/or black shading net. The results obtained were as follow. 1. Daily changes of the shading area around of the building were various by building height, width and direction. 2. Upper canopy was composed to Pinus densiflora as dominant species in native sites of Disporum species. 3. Many branches of Disporum smilacinum were sprouted after pinching. However their growth were less elongated shorter than those of Disporum viridescens. 4. Sedum sarmentosum was poor growth under the low relative light intensity as 50%, however, the growth of this species closely was similiar as under the full sun condition.

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Fatigue Life Estimation of Welded Joints by using Mk-factor under a Propagation Mechanism of Multiple Collinear Surface Cracks (Mk-계수를 고려한 용접부 복수 표면균열 진전수명 평가)

  • 한승호;한정우;신병천;김재훈
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2004
  • Failure mechanisms of welded joints under fatigue loads are interpreted that multiple collinear surface cracks initiating randomly along the weld toes propagate under the mutual interaction and coalescence of adjacent two cracks. To estimate fatigue crack propagation life for three types of the representative welded joints, i.e. non-load carrying cruciform, cover plate and longitudinal stiffener joint, the stress intensity factors at the front of the surface cracks have to be calculated, which are influenced strongly by the geometry of attachments, weld toes and the crack shapes. For the effective calculation of the stress intensity factors the Mk-factor was introduced which can be derived by a parametric study performed by FEM considering influence of the geometrical effects. The fatigue life of the cruciform joint was estimated by using the Mk-factors and the method considering the propagation mechanisms of the multiple surface cracks. Analysis results for the fatigue life had a good agreement with that of experiment.

Safety Assessment of Cracked Prestressed concrete Cylinder Pipes (균열손상을 입은 프리스트레스트 콘크리트관의 안전도분석)

  • Kim, Young Jin;Lee, Sang Min;Lee, Ki Seong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.168-175
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    • 1998
  • This study investigated the structural performance of the precast prestressed cylinder pipe having cracked under construction. The finite element formulation of PPC pipe incorporates Asoild elements using SAP90 program and the radial prestress force was transformed into the eqivalent external pressure. The analytical results were compared with the experimental results of full scale tests on PPC pipes subjected to static load. It is shown that the proposed modelling gives a realistic represention of the actual behavior. The analytical procedure is used to calculate the stresses in the PPC pipes and to check the crack opening under various situations such as bedding angle, earth pressure, and earth cover. Finally, the proposed modelling and analytical procedure should be especially usefull for the safety assessment of the PPC pipes under general loading conditions.

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A Sweeping Algorithm for an Autonomous Mobile Robot under the Unknown Environment (미지 환경에서의 자율주행 로봇의 청소 알고리즘)

  • Park, Ju-Yong;Lee, Gi-Dong
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1999
  • There has been an ever increasing interest in mobile robot for home services. However, issues currently being investigated for path planning of the mobile robot is concentrated to solving the problem of finding the optimal path from the initial location to the final location under the given performance index. In this study, we newly present a sweeping algorithm for autonomous mobile robot to cover the whole closed area under the unknown environment. And we verify the validity the validity of the formalized algorithm by computer simulation with the changing environment conditions. In addition to this, we analyse the effect of real system implementation of the proposed algorithm to a experimental miniature mobile robit(Khepera).

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Structural performance of novel SCARC column under axial and eccentric loads

  • Zhou, Chunheng;Chen, Zongping;Li, Junhua;Cai, Liping;Huang, Zhenhua
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.503-516
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    • 2020
  • A novel spiral confined angle-steel reinforced concrete (SCARC) column was developed in this study. A total of 16 specimens were prepared and tested (eight of them were tested under axial loading, the other eight were tested under eccentric loading). The failure processes and load-displacement relationships of specimens under axial and eccentric loads were examined, respectively. The load-carrying capacity and ductility were evaluated by parametric analysis. A calculation approach was developed to predict the axial and eccentric load-carrying capacity of these novel columns. Results showed that the spiral reinforcement provided enough confinement in SCARC columns under axial and low eccentric loads, but was not effective in that under high eccentric loads. The axial load-carrying capacity and ductility of SCARC columns were improved significantly due to the satisfactory confinement from spirals. The outer reinforcement and other construction measures were necessary for SCARC columns to prevent premature spalling of the concrete cover. The proposed calculation approach provided a reliable prediction of the load-carrying capacity of SCARC columns.