• Title/Summary/Keyword: Two-dimension

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A Pilot Study of Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of Pattern Identification Tool for Insomnia and Analyzing Correlation with Psychological Tests (불면증 변증도구 신뢰도와 타당도 평가 및 심리검사와의 상관성에 대한 초기연구)

  • Jeong, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Ji-Yoon;Kim, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Si-Yeon;Kang, Wee-Chang;Lim, Jung Hwa;Kim, Bo Kyung;Jung, In Chul
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the instrument on pattern identification for insomnia (PIT-Insomnia) and verify the correlation between PIT-Insomnia and psychological tests. Methods: Two evaluators examined the pattern identification of the participants who met insomnia disorder diagnostic criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and took the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) score over 15 once manually and twice using the PIT-Insomnia to measure the inter-rater and test-retest reliability. We also conducted the following surveys: the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Korean version of Beck's depression inventory (K-BDI), the Korean version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-K), the Korean Symptom checklist-95 (KSCL-95), and the EuroQol-5 dimension (EQ-5D), to measure concurrent validity and correlation between the PTI-Insomnia and psychological tests. Results: 1. The test-retest reliability analysis of the pattern identification results showed moderate agreement, and test-retest reliability analysis of each pattern identification score showed agreements from poor to moderate. 2. The inter-rater reliability analysis of the pattern identification results via manual showed slight agreement, when analysis was performed with calibration, the inter-rater reliability analysis of the pattern identification results via manual showed fair agreement. 3. The concordance analysis between results via manual and the PIT-Insomnia showed poor agreement, when the analysis was performed with calibration, concordance analysis showed fair agreement. 4. The concordance analysis between the PIT-Insomnia and the PSQI showed positive linear correlation. 5. The concordance analysis between the PIT-Insomnia and the PSQI, K-BDI, STAI-K, KSCL-95, and EQ-5D showed that non-interaction between the heart and kidney have positive linear correlation with the K-BDI, anxiety item of KSCL-95, dual deficiency of the heart-spleen have positive linear correlation with somatization item of KSCL-95, paranoia item of KSCL-95, heart deficiency with timidity have positive linear correlation with stress vulnerability item of KSCL-95, parania item of KSCL-95, phlegm-fire harassing the heart have positive linear correlation with K-BDI, paranoia item of KSCL-95, depressed liver qi transforming into fire have positive linear correlation with the anxiety item of KSCL-95, parania item of KSCL-95, all pattern identification have negative linear correlation with EQ-5D. Conclusions: The PIT-Insomnia has moderate agreement of reliability and reflects the severity of insomnia since it has some concurrent validity with the PSQI. There are some correlations between the PTI-Insomnia with specific psychological tests, so we could suggest it can be used appropriately in the clinical situation.

Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms in Crop Classification: Impact of Hyper-parameters and Training Sample Size (작물분류에서 기계학습 및 딥러닝 알고리즘의 분류 성능 평가: 하이퍼파라미터와 훈련자료 크기의 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Yeseul;Kwak, Geun-Ho;Lee, Kyung-Do;Na, Sang-Il;Park, Chan-Won;Park, No-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.811-827
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to compare machine learning algorithm and deep learning algorithm in crop classification using multi-temporal remote sensing data. For this, impacts of machine learning and deep learning algorithms on (a) hyper-parameter and (2) training sample size were compared and analyzed for Haenam-gun, Korea and Illinois State, USA. In the comparison experiment, support vector machine (SVM) was applied as machine learning algorithm and convolutional neural network (CNN) was applied as deep learning algorithm. In particular, 2D-CNN considering 2-dimensional spatial information and 3D-CNN with extended time dimension from 2D-CNN were applied as CNN. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the hyper-parameter values of CNN, considering various hyper-parameter, defined in the two study areas were similar compared with SVM. Based on this result, although it takes much time to optimize the model in CNN, it is considered that it is possible to apply transfer learning that can extend optimized CNN model to other regions. Then, in the experiment results with various training sample size, the impact of that on CNN was larger than SVM. In particular, this impact was exaggerated in Illinois State with heterogeneous spatial patterns. In addition, the lowest classification performance of 3D-CNN was presented in Illinois State, which is considered to be due to over-fitting as complexity of the model. That is, the classification performance was relatively degraded due to heterogeneous patterns and noise effect of input data, although the training accuracy of 3D-CNN model was high. This result simply that a proper classification algorithms should be selected considering spatial characteristics of study areas. Also, a large amount of training samples is necessary to guarantee higher classification performance in CNN, particularly in 3D-CNN.

Effect of Therapeutic and Educational strategies using music on improvement of auditory information processing and short-term memory skills for children with underachievement (학습부진아의 청각정보처리와 단기기억력 향상을 위한 음악의 치료적·교육적 접근)

  • Chong, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • Being engaged in the musical tasks needs cognitive skills to perceive musical sound, organize them into meaningful unit, store them in the memory and retrieve them when needed. These skills are also required for academic tasks indicating that there is positive correlation between skills for musical and academic tasks. Based on these findings, the study purported to examine whether the developed sessions can enhance cognitive skills which is composed of auditory information skills, which is composed of perceiving sounds, organizing them into groups based on the existing information or organization pattern, and short-term memory skills. Eighteen elementary students in 4, 5, and 6th grades have participated in the study. The study has administered Music Cognitive Skills Test(MCST) before and after implementing music therapy sessions. The MCST consisted of five parts, first one measuring the rhythm imitating skills, second, measuring the melodic imitation skills, third, measuring discriminative skills in identifying higher pitch, fourth, measuring discriminative skills in identifying identical chords, and lastly, measuring the tone retention skills. The results indicated that there was statistical difference between the pre and post test in rhythm and melody imitation skills. Because reproduction of perceived rhythm patterns requires memory skills, imitating patterns are considered cognitive skills. Also melody is defined adding spatial dimension to the rhythm which is temporal concept. Being able to understand melodic pattern and to reproduce the pattern also requires cognitive skills. The subjects have shown significant improvement in these two areas. In other areas, there were definite increase of scores, however, no significant differences. The study also explores interpretation of these results and also observed consistencies among the participants in completing the musical tasks.

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Improvement of Net Structure and Operating System in Purse Seine Fishery for Gizzard-shad, Konosirus Punctatns(I) -Underwater Geometry and Behaviour of fish School to the Net - (전어 선망 어구 및 조업 시스템 개발(I) -어구의 수중 형상 및 전어 어군의 대망 행동-)

  • 장덕종;신형호;김동수;김진건
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 2002
  • In order to development the construction and dimension of fishing gear for gizzard shad coastal purse seine, first of all investigated to the sinking speed and underwater geometry of net, behaviour of fish school to the net during the fishing operation In the field. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Average sinking speed of net was 13cm/sec in bunt, 9.0cm/sec and 9.5cm/sec in 170m and 280m of center, 4.9cm/sec in end wing side, therefore was fastest in start of shooting and decreased gradually during the shooting process. 2. The most of leadline was reached in bottom from the shooting immediately to hauling time and the mean depth of timber bar used equipment for the escaping prevention of fish school was within the 2.7m. 3. The fish school of gizzard shad was appearanced higher density and remained to the most time in bottom than the surface and repeated to vortical movement, and its tendency to distinct in rapid time of tide current. 4. Behaviour of fish school in the net was showed to the vortical movement by sinking and rising immediately with the shooting of net and then divide with the two shape to follow round the wall of net and no patterns straightly movement in the net, and tendency easily catched in fish school of the wall of net. 5. Escaping of fish school in the gap of wing side was to busy after that seting the timber bar, therefore its function for escaping prevention of fish school was very lowed. 6. Escaping behaviour of fish school was differenced with the depth of fishing ground, the above 20m escaped to busy through the below in ledline because the sinking speed of fish school is fast than the net.

A Study on Process Optimization for CSOs Application of Horizontal Flow Filtration Technology (수평흐름식 여과기술의 CSOs 적용을 위한 공정 최적화 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hak;Yang, Jeong-Ha;Lee, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2018
  • The management of Combined Sewer Overflows(CSOs) and Separated Sewer Overflows(SSOs) discharge directly to the effluent system in an untreated state, which occurs when the facility capacity is exceeded due to heavy rain, has become an important issue in recent years as the heavy rain becomes a regular phenomenon. Despite the continuous development of filtration technology, targeting densely populated urban areas, CSOs are rarely applied. Therefore, this study was carried out to optimize the process to apply CSOs in a pilot-scale horizontal flow filtration system with a rope-type synthetic fiber. The research was carried out in two steps: a preliminary study using artificial samples and a field study using sewage. In the preliminary study using an artificial sample, head loss of the filter media itself was analyzed to be approximately 1.1cm, and the head loss was increased by approximately 0.1cm as the linear velocity was increased by 10m/hr. In addition, the SS removal efficiency was stable at 81.4%, the filtration duration was maintained for more than 6 hours, and the average recovery rate of 98% was obtained by air backwashing only. In the on-site evaluation using sewage, the filtration duration was approximately 2 hours and the average removal efficiency of 83.9% was obtained when belt screen (over 450 mesh) was applied as a pre-treatment process to prevent the premature clogging of filter media. To apply the filtration process to CSOs and SSOs, it was concluded that the combination with the pre-treatment process was important to reinforce the hydraulic dimension for the stable maintain of operation period, rather than efficiency. Compared to the dry season, the quality of incoming sewage was lower in the rainy season, which was attributed to the characteristics of the drainage area with higher sanitary sewerage. In addition, the difference in removal efficiency according to the influent quality of the wet season and dry season was small.

Speech Recognition Using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Common Vector Extraction (선형 판별분석과 공통벡터 추출방법을 이용한 음성인식)

  • 남명우;노승용
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes Linear Discriminant Analysis and common vector extraction for speech recognition. Voice signal contains psychological and physiological properties of the speaker as well as dialect differences, acoustical environment effects, and phase differences. For these reasons, the same word spelled out by different speakers can be very different heard. This property of speech signal make it very difficult to extract common properties in the same speech class (word or phoneme). Linear algebra method like BT (Karhunen-Loeve Transformation) is generally used for common properties extraction In the speech signals, but common vector extraction which is suggested by M. Bilginer et at. is used in this paper. The method of M. Bilginer et al. extracts the optimized common vector from the speech signals used for training. And it has 100% recognition accuracy in the trained data which is used for common vector extraction. In spite of these characteristics, the method has some drawback-we cannot use numbers of speech signal for training and the discriminant information among common vectors is not defined. This paper suggests advanced method which can reduce error rate by maximizing the discriminant information among common vectors. And novel method to normalize the size of common vector also added. The result shows improved performance of algorithm and better recognition accuracy of 2% than conventional method.

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Evaluation of X-ray System for Nondestructive Testing on Radioactive Waste Drums (방사성폐기물 드럼 비파괴 검사를 위한 X-ray 장비 평가)

  • Park, Jong-Kil;Maeng, Seong-Jun;Lee, Yeon-Ee;Hwang, Tae-Won
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.189-203
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    • 2008
  • The physical and chemical properties of radioactive waste drums, which have been temporarily stored on site, should be characterized before their shipment to a disposal facility in order to prove that the properties meet the acceptance guideline. The investigation of NDT(Nondestructive Test) method was figured out that the contents in drum, the quantitative analysis of free standing water and void fraction can be examined with X-ray NDT techniques. This paper describes the characteristics of X-ray NDT such as its principles, the considerations for selection of X-ray system, etc. And then, the waste drum characteristics such as drum type and dimension, contents in drum, etc. were examined, which are necessary to estimate the optimal X-ray energy for NDT of a drum. The estimation results were that: $(R)\acute{A}$ the proper X-ray energy is under 3 MeV to test the drums of 320 ${\beta}\S$ and less; $(R)\ddot{E}$ both X-ray systems of 450 keV and/or 3 MeV might be needed considering the economical efficiency and the realization. The number of drums that can be tested with 450 keV and 3 MeV X-ray system was figured out as 42,327 and 18,105 drums (based on storage of 2006. 12), respectively. Four testing scenarios were derived considering equipment procurement method, outsourcing or not, etc. The economical and feasibility assessment for the scenarios was resulted in that an optimal scenario is dependent on the acceptance guide line, the waste generator's policy on the waste treatment and the delivery to a disposal facility, etc. For example, it might be desirable that a waste generator purchases two 450 keV mobile system to examine the drums containing low density waste, and that outsourcing examination for the high density drums, if all NDT items such as quantitative analysis for 'free standing water' and 'void fraction', and confirmation of contents in drum have to be characterized. However, one 450 keV mobile system seems to be required to test only the contents in 13,000 drums per year.

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The Effect of College students' Perceived Marketing Communication, Value and Consumption Emotion on Store Loyalty in Discount Store (대학생들이 지각하는 종합슈퍼마켓의 마케팅 커뮤니케이션, 가치, 소비감정이 점포충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Hoe-Chang;Ju, Yoon-Hwang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2012
  • Rapidly growing sales amount and the number of discount stores caused many side effects and sensitive issues in Korea. Because these severe competition due to more expensive cost just like excessive increase in advertising and location selection, and these caused completely ruined small merchants as well as passed on to the consumer. This Study focused on competitiveness of discount store in Korea to the perspective of college students, as explored the relationships between marketing communication and store loyalty. And, examined for two moderating effect, 1) consumers' value separated by hedonic value and utilitarian value between marketing communication and store loyalty, and 2) consumers' value separated by hedonic value and utilitarian value between marketing communication and consumption emotion. Finally, this study examined for mediating effect of consumption emotion between marketing communication and store loyalty. In order to verify the relationship, moderating and mediating effects, data were collected from 130 college students in Whasung, Gyeonggi Province to test theoretical model and its hypotheses. Findings are as followed : First, analysis showed that factors such as advertisement(β =.221, p<.05), publicity(β =.513, p<.01), sales promotion(β =.234, p<.01), word of mouth(β =.627, p<.01) and physical environment(β =.339, p<.01) for marketing communication in the discount store have statistically significant positive effect on store loyalty. But the result of regression analysis for which factors are more impact in marketing communication between store loyalty showed that word of mouth(β =.53, p<.01) is only statistically significant. Second, publicity(β =-.895, p<.05), the sub-dimension of marketing communication shows only statistically significant negative moderating effect on store loyalty. But, the results of the moderating effect of value between marketing communication and consumption emotion verified that utilitarian value show statistically significant, specifically advertisement(β =.294, p<.01), physical environment(β =.418, p<.01), sales promotion(β =.245, p<.01), word of mouth(β =.414, p<.01) and publicity(β =1.137, p<.05), respectively. And hedonic value show statistically significant, specifically advertisement(β =.286, p<.01), physical environment (β =.418, p<.01), sales promotion(β =.236, p<.01) and word of mouth(β =.420, p<.01), respectively. But publicity(β =.145, p=.119) is not statistically significant. Finally, the results verified mediating effect for consumption emotion between all factors for marketing communication and store loyalty showed that factors such as advertisement, publicity, word of mouth and physical environment for marketing communication except sales promotion were statistically significant fully mediated in advertisement, and partially mediated in publicity, word of mouth and physical environment. This testified that the consumption emotion had the most important factor to enhance store loyalty to the perspective of College students. These results can provide important implications and invaluable tips for planning marketing strategies and gaining access to new potential customers. Implications and future research directions are also discussed.

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Keyword Network Analysis for Technology Forecasting (기술예측을 위한 특허 키워드 네트워크 분석)

  • Choi, Jin-Ho;Kim, Hee-Su;Im, Nam-Gyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.227-240
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    • 2011
  • New concepts and ideas often result from extensive recombination of existing concepts or ideas. Both researchers and developers build on existing concepts and ideas in published papers or registered patents to develop new theories and technologies that in turn serve as a basis for further development. As the importance of patent increases, so does that of patent analysis. Patent analysis is largely divided into network-based and keyword-based analyses. The former lacks its ability to analyze information technology in details while the letter is unable to identify the relationship between such technologies. In order to overcome the limitations of network-based and keyword-based analyses, this study, which blends those two methods, suggests the keyword network based analysis methodology. In this study, we collected significant technology information in each patent that is related to Light Emitting Diode (LED) through text mining, built a keyword network, and then executed a community network analysis on the collected data. The results of analysis are as the following. First, the patent keyword network indicated very low density and exceptionally high clustering coefficient. Technically, density is obtained by dividing the number of ties in a network by the number of all possible ties. The value ranges between 0 and 1, with higher values indicating denser networks and lower values indicating sparser networks. In real-world networks, the density varies depending on the size of a network; increasing the size of a network generally leads to a decrease in the density. The clustering coefficient is a network-level measure that illustrates the tendency of nodes to cluster in densely interconnected modules. This measure is to show the small-world property in which a network can be highly clustered even though it has a small average distance between nodes in spite of the large number of nodes. Therefore, high density in patent keyword network means that nodes in the patent keyword network are connected sporadically, and high clustering coefficient shows that nodes in the network are closely connected one another. Second, the cumulative degree distribution of the patent keyword network, as any other knowledge network like citation network or collaboration network, followed a clear power-law distribution. A well-known mechanism of this pattern is the preferential attachment mechanism, whereby a node with more links is likely to attain further new links in the evolution of the corresponding network. Unlike general normal distributions, the power-law distribution does not have a representative scale. This means that one cannot pick a representative or an average because there is always a considerable probability of finding much larger values. Networks with power-law distributions are therefore often referred to as scale-free networks. The presence of heavy-tailed scale-free distribution represents the fundamental signature of an emergent collective behavior of the actors who contribute to forming the network. In our context, the more frequently a patent keyword is used, the more often it is selected by researchers and is associated with other keywords or concepts to constitute and convey new patents or technologies. The evidence of power-law distribution implies that the preferential attachment mechanism suggests the origin of heavy-tailed distributions in a wide range of growing patent keyword network. Third, we found that among keywords that flew into a particular field, the vast majority of keywords with new links join existing keywords in the associated community in forming the concept of a new patent. This finding resulted in the same outcomes for both the short-term period (4-year) and long-term period (10-year) analyses. Furthermore, using the keyword combination information that was derived from the methodology suggested by our study enables one to forecast which concepts combine to form a new patent dimension and refer to those concepts when developing a new patent.


  • Lee, Young-Ji;Cha, Kyung-Suk;Lee, Jin-Woo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.28 no.4 s.69
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    • pp.533-546
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    • 1998
  • A Skeletal Class III malocclusion may be the result of a large mandible, a small maxilla or combination of the two. Protraction devices for the maxilla are used to promote the growth of a deficient maxilla by applying extraoral force to actively growing patients. This study has been performed to determine whether there are significant differences in skeletal and dental changes between FH/Pal 1 and FH/Pal 2 group, SNA 1 and SNA 2 group, SNB 1 and SNB 2 group, and LFH 1 and LFH 2 group after RME and facial mask therapy. The results of this study can be summarized and concluded as follows ; 1. In all patients after maxillary protraction, the maxilla and maxillary dentitions moved forward, and the mandible rotated backward and downward. In most of them, palatal plane is tends to have an upward inclination. 2. The FH/Pal group 1, having an upward inclination of the palatal plane as a result of Facial mast showed statistically significant maxillary forward movement compared to the FH/Pal group 2. 3. The SNA group 1 showed significantly less mandibular backward movement and there was a tendency for the palatal plane to upward inclination compared to SNA group 2. 4. The SNB group 1 showed significantly less maxillary forward movement, but the vertical dimension, especially the lower facial height increased by mandibular downward rotation compared to SNB group 2. 5. LFH group 1, which had large saddle angle and posterior positioned mandible in the pre-treatment stage, showed maxillary protraction effect without significant increase in lower facial height compared to LFH group 2.

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