• 제목/요약/키워드: Tuberculous liver abscess

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.017초

늑막직하 농양을 동반한 결핵성 간장 육아종 1례 치험 (Hepatic Tuberculous Granuloma with Subphrenic Abscess - A Case Report -)

  • 정상조;안재호;오성태
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.585-589
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    • 1991
  • We experienced a rare hepatic tuberculous granuloma with subphrenic abscess. The patient was 45-years old female. She complained the right flank pain and tenderness on the protruding mass for 2 weeks. It was fixed, erythematous and 5x5cm sized mass, which was thought as cold abscess. She has done the hysterectomy as endometriosis at November 1990. Under general endotracheal anesthesia, the mass was incised, but the pus was not found. The needle aspiration was done through the 8th ICS, then the yellowish non-foul odor pus was rushed out. The 7th and 8th ribs were resected segmentally about 5cm. The abscess cavity was placed in the subphrenic area, therefore the operative fields extended along the 8th ICS. After the evacuation of subphrenic abscess, the granulomatous tissues from the superior aspect of liver was seen. The granuloma was resected and the penrose drainage was inserted. The tuberculosis was resulted from the 8th ICS muscles. subphrenic abscess and granuloma on the pathology report.

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