• Title/Summary/Keyword: True knowledge

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On Mathematics Education Major Students' Conception of Characteristics of Mathematical Knowledge (수학적 지식의 특성요소에 대한 수학교육전공 대학생의 인식 상황)

  • Kim, Young-Kuk
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2012
  • Generally mathematics is regarded as a subtle subject to grasp their true meaning. And teacher's personal conceptions of mathematics influence greatly on the teaching and learning of mathematics. More over often teachers confess their difficulties in explaining the true nature of mathematics. In this paper, applying the theory of epistemology, we tried to search factors that must be counted important when trying to understand the true nature of mathematics. As results, we identified five characteristics of mathematical knowledge such as logical reasoning, abstractive concept, mathematical representation, systematical structure, and axiomatic validation. Next, we tried to investigate math education major students' conception of mathematics using these items. To proceed this research we asked 51 students from three Universities to answer their opinion on 'What do you think is mathematics?'. Analysing their answers in the light of the above five items, we got the following facts. 1. Only 38% of the students regarded mathematics as one of the five items, which can be considered to reveal students' low concern about the basic nature of mathematics. 2. The status of students' responses to the question were greatly different among the three Universities. This shows that mathematics professors need to lead students to have concern about the true nature of mathematics.

도가와 지식권력 - 장자의 지식론을 중심으로 -

  • Yun, Ji-Won
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.61
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    • pp.241-254
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    • 2019
  • 莊子是中國古代著名的哲學家,著有《莊子》一書. 《莊子》的認識論思想是一個複雜的體系,包含著豐富的內容. 庄子的认识论思想不同于一般的认识论思想,其特色在于不是正面分析知识形成的各种条件和知识的有效性,而是根本上就对经验知识和人的认识活动采取否定的态度,即"反知". 庄子的反知是根据外在事相存在的流变性和相对性,人的认识能力之局限性,得出经验知识极其不可靠的结论,进而将经验知识贬斥为 "小知",要求 "去知". 但庄子并未停留于此,在否定了一般的认知和经验知识后,他提出以"道"为对象的 "真知 ",并提出特殊的得道途径. 本文對《莊子》的認識論思想的主要內容進行了系統的闡述,著重分析和探討了《莊子》認識論思想的理論特色,包括認識的相對性,直覺的認識方法等,最後論述了《莊子》認識論思想的理論貢獻和現代價值.

A Study on Improvement for Local Telecommunications Service - In Case of Kyungnam and Pusan Area - (지역 정보통신 서비스의 개선방안 - 부산.경남을 중심으로 -)

  • 박민수;김기문
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.103-121
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    • 1995
  • As Daniel Bell says, that modern society is an information society. In contrast to earlier days, modern society has placed a high value on information and knowledge. Therefore, modern civilization depends largely on information and knowledged, which is the most valuable sources of all intelligence activities. By coordinating a large number of human action, the information creates a powerful social tool. It combines its personnel with its resources and new materials at various level. At the same time, It continually evaluates how well it is performing and tries to adjust itself accordingly in order to achieve social goals. As we shall see, all this allows information to sew the various needs of society. In connection with above mentioned problem consciousness, the study is designed to sew the following purposes. As its title indicates, and perhaps most significant. This study is to review and reinterpret the existing literature on local telecommunication system, networks, and policy direction in order to arrive at a somewhat more general approach to understanding them. In local telecommunications service, the service exploitation and promotion and database development must be accomplished by establishing local telecommunications. If we develop local telecommunications toward the progressing direction, we would dissolve the regional information disparity and could also make the local policy suited for high-intelligence society. It is true of any science that knowledge is never complete. It is also true of a science that knowledge should grow, through systematic reexamination of the body of findings. There are certainly true of this study on the developmental direction for local telecommunication system.

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  • Bock, Gee-Woo;Kang, Youn-Jung
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.284-293
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    • 2007
  • In the present competitive organizational environment more organizations are implementing knowledge management initiatives to gain strategic advantage. One such initiative is that of implementing electronic knowledge repositories (EKR) which often leads to a rapid increase in the quantity of information employees have to process daily; raising concerns of employees being overloaded. This is especially true for current EKRs using distributive technology, enabling customizable individual workspaces which can result in loose knowledge structures. This paper identifies a new type of information overload (IO), extending the concept as occurring in both knowledge seekers and contributors and uses cognitive dissonance theory to provide evidence that IO can change employees' perception of EKR usage. This research paper provides the first empirical evidence that overload has no sufficient affect on EKR continuance intention directly, but has significant negative affect on the two main success measures; perceived usefulness and satisfaction of the system.

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Fuzzy-based Trust Measurement for CoPs in Knowledge Management Systems (실행공동체를 위한 지식관리시스템에서의 퍼지기반 신뢰도 측정)

  • Yang, Kun-Woo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.65-85
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    • 2010
  • The importance of communities of practice(CoP) as an organizational informal unit for fostering knowledge transfer and sharing gains a lot of attention from KM researchers and practitioners. Since most of CoPs are formulated online these days, the credibility or trustworthiness of knowledge contents circulated within a certain CoP should be considered thoroughly for them to be fully utilized safely. Here comes the need for an appropriate trust measuring methodology to determine the true value of knowledge given by unknown people through an online channel. In this paper, an improved trust measuring method is proposed using new trust variables such as level of degrees derived from the relationships among community users. In addition, activeness, relevance, and usefulness of the knowledge contents themselves, which are calculated automatically using a text categorization technique, are also used for trust measurement. The proposed framework incorporates fuzzy set and calculation concepts to help build trust matrices and models, which are used to measure the level of trust involved in specific knowledge artifacts concerned.

A Rare Case of Spontaneous True Aneurysm of the Occipital Artery

  • Kim, Hyung-Seok;Son, Byung-Chul;Lee, Sang-Won;Kim, Il-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.310-312
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    • 2010
  • A 51-year-old man presented with a pulsatile scalp mass over the right occipital region, which had increased in size over the previous 1 month. He had no previous history of head trauma. Three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) angiography of the brain revealed a $3.0{\times}1.5\;cm$ occipital artery aneurysm arising from the occipital artery. The occipital artery aneurysm was removed following the ligation of the proximal and distal portion of the occipital artery aneurysm. The histological diagnosis was true aneurysm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case in the literature.

The Study on Framework for Healthcare Knowledge Management System (의료 지식 관리 시스템을 위한 프레임워크 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Young;Lee, Myoung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.729-736
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    • 2004
  • Over the last few years knowledge management has become more and more impotant part of the in healthcare practices. Therefore the healthcare organisatiions have also begun to apply knowlege management strategies. To address this issue of the lack of true knowledge management in healthcare enterprises, we propose a framework for common Healthcare Knowledge Management. This framework is made up of two suites of applications and services, i.e. the intelligent agent-based knowledge management application suite and the strategic visualisation, planning and coalition formation service suite.

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Job Creation during Korea's Transition to a Knowledge Economy

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzes job creation when the Korean economy transitioned to a knowledge economy from the 1990s to the 2010s. During this period, the ratio of service to manufacturing jobs increased, knowledge intensive industries grew, and job creation became geographically concentrated around Seoul. The changes slowed down in the 2010s, and overall job growth weakened. To analyze the effect of job creation driver industries during this period, the main part of which are knowledge intensive tradable service industries, on local service job creation, I use a modified version of the local labor market of Moretti (2010). I analyze the job changes during 1995-2005 and during 2006-2016 in 237 Si-Gun-Gu areas in the Census on Establishments datasets. I find that one manufacturing job creates 0.5 local service jobs and that one tradable service job creates 1.1 jobs within Gu areas of metro cities and 2.3 jobs in Si-Gun areas. The job creation relationship between the tradable and local service sectors was not altered in this period. As more jobs were created in the tradable sector driven by the transition to a knowledge economy, job creation overall remained active, with the opposite also being true.

IS/IT Knowledge/Skill sets required by IS/IT Practitioners : findings from Korea

  • Kyung, Won-Hyun;Koh, Seok-Ha
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Technology Applications Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2005
  • It will not be impossible to develop an Information Systems and Information Technologies (IS/IT) program and a curriculum that represents the true needs of the IS/IT industry until IS/IT educator, reduce the gap perception and IS/IT practitioner's perception of IS/IT knowledge and technical skills that the industry might need. This paper represents and analysis of perceptions about IS/IT knowledge and skills that IS/IT practitioners might consider important. This study is based in Korean. The findings give us a very important lesson for IS/IT academicians that their understanding about the required knowledge and skills for the IS/IT career is not in line with that of IS/IT industry. Classifies the critical knowledge/skill set according to content or domain of knowledge by means of a survey. This is conducted in accordance with what IS/IT practitioners and educators can easily relate. The survey uses this approach and includes four broad categories of critical information Systems and Information technologies (IS/IT) knowledge/skills: IS/IT technology knowledge/skills, organizational and societal knowledge/skills, interpersonal knowledge/skills, and personal trait knowledge/skills.

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A Study on the User Acceptance Model of Mass Collective Intelligence (대중 집단지성의 사용자 수용 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Yong;Ahn, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2010
  • As web technologies evolve and so-called Web 2.0 technologies appear, collective intelligence is being applied in widespread areas. In general, mass collective intelligence like Wikipedia is created, revised, and managed by anonymous participants in an uncontrolled system. Thus, the knowledge provided by mass collective intelligence may be distorted, and may not be true, which may affect the user acceptance behavior. However, there have been few academic studies that analyzed the factors that affect user acceptance of mass collective intelligence, and their relationships. Under this academic background, we develop a model to examine how mass collective intelligence is accepted by users. The theoretical model is validated through an online survey of the Wikipedia users from three universities in Korea. The results reveal that the users will have positive attitude towards adopting mass collective knowledge when they perceive that the knowledge from mass collective intelligence is useful. We also find that the perceived usefulness of the knowledge is affected by perceived knowledge quality and trust in knowledge contributors. The results also suggest that perceived knowledge quality is determined by perceived level of collaboration, perceived objectivity, and recipient expertise, whereas trust in knowledge contributors is determined by natural propensity to trust and perceived objectivity. Theoretical and practical implications about mass collective knowledge are discussed.

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