• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1

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Comparison of cellulolytic enzyme productivities in various semicontinuous culture modes of Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1 (Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1의 반연속배양 방식에 따른 섬유소분해효소의 생산성 비교)

  • Li, Hong-Xian;Kim, Seong-Jun
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 2009
  • For continuous culture of cellulolytic enzymes production to saccharify food wastes, refill concentration of Mandel's medium for continuous culture was 0.5%, and refill intervals were determined to 12 hours by analysis of COD and total nitrogen concentration after 4-days batch culture in flask level. As a result, amylase and FPase productivities were 3.5 and 1.0 U/L.hr, respectively. In 10 L bioreactor, the batch culture mode was compared with fed-batch, fill-and-draw for continuous production of cellulolytic enzyme. Enzyme productivities were most high at batch culture and followed by fed-batch culture. Amylase and FPase activities were 42.3 and 5.6 U/L.hr at batch culture, and 23.0, 2.8 U/L.hr at fed-batch culture, respectively. As a result, in continuous cultivation of cellulolytic enzymes by T. inhamatum KSJ1, the mode of fed-batch was most effective in 10 L bioreactor.

Nitrogen Source Investigation for Economical Production of Cellulolytic Enzymes

  • Li, Hong-Xian;Kim, Gi-Wan;Lee, Young-Bok;Kim, Seong-Jun
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.250-255
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    • 2005
  • Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1, a filamentous fungus, isolated from rotten wood showed high ability to hydrolysis of cellulosic materials. Enzyme productivity by strain KSJ1 was high in the cultivation using carbon sources such as cellulosic materials and lignocellulosic wastes as rice straw and paper waste. In previous study peptone was one of optimum organic nitrogen sources in producing cellulases for saccharification of food wastes. However, it was too expensive using peptone as organic nitrogen source, so, in this study, soybean and yeast were applicated to substitute peptone. Yeast showed producing high enzyme activity, so it was estimated that yeast is available in producing cellulase using Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1 at industrial Production.

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Isolation and Characteristics of an Amylase-producing Fungus for Saccharifying Food Wastes (음식물쓰레기 당화를 위한 Amylase 생산균의 분리 및 특성조사)

  • Li, Hong-Xian;Kim, Seong-Jun
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 2007
  • In this study, an amylase-producing fungus, strain 15 was isolated from soil in order to saccharify food wastes with cellulolytic and amylolytic enzymes. The amylase production cultures were performed in Mandel's medium with 1% rice straw and 1% paper wastes as carbon sources. The strain produced various cellulolytic (FPase 0.25, xylanase 20.09, CMCase 3.15 U/mL-supernatant) and amylolytic ($\alpha$-amylase 1.20, gluco-amylase 0.70, $\beta$-amylase 2.40 U/mL-supernatant) enzymes in Mandel's medium. In 10 L jar fermenter, maximum amylase and FPase activities, 3.25 and 0.23 U/mL, were obtained when the culture was grown at 30$^{\circ}C$, 200 rpm and 0.6 vvm for 3 days. In 100 mL flask level and 10 L jar fermenter, amylase produced by the strain 15 showed similar cellulolytic and amylolytic enzyme activities with Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1 isolated from rotten woods by previous researcher. The ability of saccharification to food wastes also showed similar degree. However, the isolate 15 appeared to be yellowish in YMEA plate comparing to Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1 in greenish.

Cellulolytic Enzymes Production Cultivation Using Air Circulation Bioreactor

  • Seo, Jin-Ho;Song, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Seong-Jun
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 2005
  • The cellulloytic enzymes, such as FPase and amylase, production by Trichoderma inhamatum KSJ1 using 10L air circulation bioreactor were tried. Physical properties of the employed bioreactor, mixing time, $k_{L}$ a were examined in airflow conditions of enzyme production cultures. Mixing time of distilled water at 0.6, 1.2, 1.8 vvm were 25, 21, 9 sec, respectively, and mandel's medium using rice straw and pulp as carbon sources were 31, 25, 15 sec. Mixing time decreased when airflow rate increased. $k_L$ a of distilled water at 0.6, 1.2, 1.8 vvm were measured -22.52, -29.31, -39.62, respectively, and the mandel's medium were -47.8, -18.5, -21.4. The $k_L$ a values was increased linearly as the air-flow rates increased. However the values in mandel's medium showed different results, especially at 0.6 vvm. Amylase and FPase activity at the 1.2 vvm was 3.39U/mL, 0.72U/mL in 5 days cultivation. and the activities at 0.6 vvm were 2.01U/mL, 0.39U/mL, respectively. The enzyme productivity at 1.2 vvm was higher than at 0.6 vvm, indicating that high oxygen tension is requested for the efficient enzyme production culture of T. inhamatum KSJ1.

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