• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tree Length

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An Efficient Tree Structure Method for Mining Association Rules (트리 구조를 이용한 연관규칙의 효율적 탐색)

  • Kim, Chang-Oh;Ahn, Kwang-Il;Kim, Seong-Jip;Kim, Jae-Yearn
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2001
  • We present a new algorithm for mining association rules in the large database. Association rules are the relationships of items in the same transaction. These rules provide useful information for marketing. Since Apriori algorithm was introduced in 1994, many researchers have worked to improve Apriori algorithm. However, the drawback of Apriori-based algorithm is that it scans the transaction database repeatedly. The algorithm which we propose scans the database twice. The first scanning of the database collects frequent length l-itemsets. And then, the algorithm scans the database one more time to construct the data structure Common-Item Tree which stores the information about frequent itemsets. To find all frequent itemsets, the algorithm scans Common-Item Tree instead of the database. As scanning Common-Item Tree takes less time than scanning the database, the algorithm proposed is more efficient than Apriori-based algorithm.

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3D Volumetric Medical Image Coding Using Unbalanced Tree (3차원 불균형 트리 구조를 가진 의료 영상 압축에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Seop;Cho, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.5 no.2 s.15
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2006
  • This paper focuses on lossy medical image compression methods for medical images that operate on three-dimensional(3-D) irreversible integer wavelet transform. We offer an application of unbalanced tree structure algorithm to medical images, using a 3-D unbalanced wavelet decomposition and a 3-D unbalanced spatial dependence tree. The wavelet decomposition is accomplished with integer wavelet filters implemented with the lifting method. We have tested our encoder on volumetric medical images using different integer filters and coding unit sizes. The coding unit sizes of 16 slices save considerable dynamic memory(RAM) and coding delay from full sequence coding units used in previous works. If we allow the formation of trees of different lengths, then we can accomodate more transaxial scales than three. The encoder and decoder can then keep track of the length of the tree in which each pixel resides through the sequence of decompositions. Results show that, even with these small coding units, our algorithm with certain filters performs as well and better in lossy coding than previous coding systems using 3-D integer unbalanced wavelet transforms on volumetric medical images.

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A Study on the Method of Identifying for Landscape Architecture (조경용 수목의 형태적 식별방법에 관한 연구)

  • 김민수
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 1998
  • A number of illustrated floras are generally used when we want to idenufy a name of a certain tree. This method, however, has not been efficient because it has taken a great deal of time and effort for persons who do not have much knowledge on the group of the plant. In contrast to this method, the use of taxonomical keys is very efficient for finding out the group of a certain plant. But this method Is very dirtficult for non-specialists to understand the taxonomical ternunology and thus has not been of general use. In thins context, this study was conducted to present the efficient way of the group of a certain tree through the computer database by using the brief forms of plant organs. The database consists of effect fields such as form of trunk and evergreen or deciduous, types of leaf and leaf arrangement, existence of price and hair on twig, form of leaf margin, leaf form and venation, existence of hair on leaf surface and petiole, length of leaf and petiole. The 222 species of tree used for landscape architecture were sorted by items of the eight fields. As a result, the 222 species were divided into 185 groups and the one group contains 7species, 2 groups contain 3 species, 27 groups contain 2 species and 155 groups contain only one species. Therefore it is suggested that the use of computer database and illustrated floras is very easy and efficient in identifying a tree.

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Soda and Soda-AQ Pulps Properties from African Tulip Tree (아프리카 튤립으로 제조한 soda 및 soda-AQ 펄프의 특성)

  • Lee, Jai-Sung;Song, Woo-Yong;Shin, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2015
  • To use the African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata) as raw material for chemical pulping, soda and soda-AQ pulping was investigated. In chemical compositional analysis, lignin contents of African tulip (33.1%) was higher than other hardwood such as Yellow poplar (17.5%), Acacia (27.1%), or Eucalyptus (24.2%). Soda or soda-AQ pulping with African tulip tree resulted in yield at 43.4-44.8% with 29.5-34.5 Kappa number, pulping condition with 20-22% active alkali. Kappa number of African tulip tree pulp was quite higher than other tropical hardwood (Eucalyptus or Accacia) with less yield due to higher lignin content in wood. Fiber length and width of pulp from African tulip tree was similar to Accacia pulp and shorter than eucalyptus pulp.

Effect of electrolyte on Bow-tie Water tree (Electrolyte 가 Bow-tie 형 수트리에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, T.O.;Yang, W.Y.;Kim, K.S.;Chun, C.O.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1994.07b
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    • pp.1550-1552
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    • 1994
  • In order to investigate the effect of electrolyte solutions on the activities of bow-tie water trees in XLPE insulated power cable, we have tried to observe the characteristics on water treeing ( bow-tie type ) using several electrolyte solutions such as $CH_3COOH$, $MgCl_2$,HCl and NaCl solution and tap water. Bow-tie tree density in $CH_3COOH$ and $MgCl_2$ solution was higher than in any other solution, and the growth of tree was stimulated in NaCl and $CH_3COOH$ solution, and diffusion of bow-tie trees into insulation in $MgCl_2$, HCl and NaCl solutions was faster than in $CH_3COOH$ solution and water. Also, although the increase of applied voltage caused bow-tie tree density to be high, it didn't affect the growth of tree maximum length noticeably.

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Estimation Model and Vertical Distribution of Leaf Biomass in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Plantations

  • Liu, Zhaogang;Jin, Guangze;Kim, Ji Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.5
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    • pp.576-583
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    • 2009
  • Based on the stem analysis and biomass measurement of 36 trees and 1,576 branches in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica (Mongolian pine) plantations of Northeast China, this study was conducted to develop estimation model equation for leaf biomass of a single tree and branch, to examine the vertical distribution of leaf biomass in the crown, and to evaluate the proportional ratios of biomass by tree parts, stem, branch, and leaf. The results indicated that DBH and crown length were quite appropriate to estimate leaf biomass. The biomass of single branch was highly correlated with branch collar diameter and relative height of branch in the crown, but not much with stand density, site quality, and tree height. Weibull distribution function would have been appropriate to express vertical distribution of leaf biomass. The shape parameters from 29 sample trees out of 36 were less than 3.6, indicating that vertical distribution of leaf biomass in the crown was displayed by bell-shaped curve, a little inclined toward positive side. Apparent correlationship was obtained between leaf biomass and branch biomass having resulted in linear function equation. The stem biomass occupied around 80% and branch and leaf made up about 20% of total biomass in a single tree. As the level of tree class was increased from class I to class V, the proportion of the stem biomass to total biomass was gradually increased, but that of branch and leaf became decreased.

Studies on the Forestation of Useful Broad Leaf Tree and the Development of Some Special Trees - Practice Application for Tending of Natural Forest I - (유용 활엽수림 조성을 위한 특수림 개발에 관한 기초연구 - 천연림 보육을 위한 시업적용 I -)

  • Kim, Young Chai
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.4
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    • pp.406-419
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    • 1993
  • In spite of the economical and sivicultural importance, tending methods of natural broad leaf tree have not been established in Korea. In the present study, the structure of crown and biomass of Quercus variabilis were analyzed to obtain the basic information on pruning practice. There was not correlated between clear length of sample tree and tree height and D.B.H. The stratum with the largest leaf and branch weight was lower part of the stratum with the largest branch increment. The degree of contribution of branch to knotless trunk production (${\Delta}{\omega}_B(Z)/{\omega}_B(Z)$ and ${\omega}_L(Z)/{\omega}_B(Z)$) decreased from the upper part to the lower part. As an example of the application of the ecological data to pruning practice, the author attempted to estimate the effect of pruning with this experimental stand. Two methods of pruning were investigated. One is the removal of branches according to a definite external indication such as clear length rate of branch, and the other is the removal of barnches according to a definite height.

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Chromosome Redundancy and Tree Phenotype Variation in Autotetraploid Trifoliate Orange (동질 사배체 탱자에서 염색체 배가와 수체 표현형의 변이)

  • Oh, Eun Ui;Chae, Chi-Won;Kim, Sat-Byul;Lu, Jian Liang;Yun, Su-Hyun;Koh, Sang-Wook;Song, Kwan Jeong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.366-374
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    • 2014
  • The study was conducted to investigate the possibility that epigenetic DNA methylation causes tree phenotypic variation in autotetraploids through evaluating the phenotypic variation and DNA methylation in autotetraploids occurred spontaneously from diploid trifoliate orange. Chromosome analysis confirmed that fourteen trifoliate orange trees of selected by flow cytometry were tetraploids (2n = 4X = 36) without any aneuploids. Chromomycin A3 staining determined that these trees were all autotetraploid with doubled chromosome set. Tree phenotypes, such as tree height and width, branching number, length, and angle, internode length, and leaf characteristics, varied in the autotetraploids. Chlorophyll indices were diverse in the autotetraploids, but photosynthetic rates were not significantly different. In addition, a wide range of variation was observed in stomatal density and guard cell length. Analysis of global cytosine DNA methylation showed that there was a variation of the methylation level in autotetraploids. More than half of 14 autotetraploids had at least 2 times higher methylation level than diploid trifoliate orange. The results indicate that tree phenotypic variation in autotetraploids might be related to global DNA methylation for reducing gene redundancy.

Development of 3D Viewer for Tree Cavity using Pulse Ultrasound (펄스 초음파를 이용한 수목 공동부 3D 구현 프로그램 제작)

  • Son, Jungmin;Kang, Sunghoon;Moon, Jongwook;Yoon, Seokkyu;Park, Jikoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2021
  • The pattern of the tree's internal swelling depends on many causes. Since it is difficult to detect these various causes of swelling with a general method, if the state of swelling for a long time cannot be confirmed, serious damage to the trees may occur due to enlargement of the swelling area. In the method of acquiring a tree tomography image, an impulse passing through the tree is generated by tapping the sensor with a rubber mallet, and the moving speed is recorded. In this paper, to measure cracks, cavities, and swelling due to physical damage, we developed a 3D viewer that can know the internal state of a tree using a tree cross-section image acquired from Arbotom to determine the degree of swelling inside the tree. Based on this, we tried to present data that can be referred to when surgical operation of trees is required. In order to acquire a tomographic image of a tree, 6 sensors were attached to the three Yangpala and Maple trees, and a 1 m-long tree was measured using the Arbotom program, and a 3D image was implemented through the 3D Viewer created using MATLAB. In addition to simply acquiring images, the cross-sectional length and volume of the tree were measured. In the actually produced 3D Viewer, the length of the part where the swelling of the maple tree occurred was 33.12 cm, and the swelling of the yangpala tree was measured as 21.41 cm. The volume of the maple tree was measured to be 78.832 ㎤. As a result of comparing the cross-sectional image of the Arbotom and the 3D image, the same result as the real aspect of the tree was obtained, so it can be judged that the reliability of the manufactured software is also secured, and data to be applied to the surgical tree operation through the created Viewer is provided. It is believed that the damage will be minimized.

Fruit Characteristics of New Cultivar 'Autumn sense' of Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta) by Stem Pruning (전정에 의한 신품종 다래 '오텀센스'의 과실 특성)

  • Kim, Chul-Woo;Kim, Mahn-Jo;Kim, Jae-Hee;Park, Youngki
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.1
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we examined the changes of fruit number and fruit weight according to the length of bearing branch of Actinidia arguta and identified the correlation the length of bearing branch and fruit characteristics. The fruit weight and the fruit number of A. arguta bearing branch which length are below 15 cm and over 30 cm were 11.7 g, 4.3 and 12.3 g, 13.8, respectively. From the results, the bearing brach which length was below 15 cm must be removed in winter season pruning. The pruning experiment was conducted to examine the effects on fruit quality and yield of A. arguta. Total fruit yield of heavy-pruning was $14.3{\pm}1.5kg/tree$. The production of fruits over 15 g wight was $8.2{\pm}0.9kg/tree$, that of fruits between 10 g to 15 g was $4.0{\pm}0.7kg/tree$, and that of fruit below 10 g was $2.1{\pm}0.3kg/tree$, respectively. Average fruit yield of nonpruning was $26.7{\pm}2.1kg/tree$, fruit yield over 15 g, between 10 g and 15 g, and below 10 g were $2.5{\pm}0.5kg/tree$, $19.2{\pm}1.4kg/tree$, and $5.0{\pm}0.6kg/tree$, respectively. Distribution of high quality fruit (over 15 g) showed that non-pruning was almost 15~16 g but pruning was evenly distributed between 15 g and 20 g. According to the survey, The high quality fruit (over 15 g) would not be harvested if the winter pruning is not applied in the A. arguta cultivation.