• Title/Summary/Keyword: Traffic Safety Policy

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The Problem of Space Debris and the Environmental Protection in Outer Space Law (우주폐기물과 지구 및 우주환경의 보호)

  • Lee, Young Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.205-237
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    • 2014
  • Last 50 years there were a lot of space subjects launched by space activities of many states and these activities also had created tremendous, significant space debris contaminating the environment of outer space. The large number of space debris which are surrounding the earth have the serious possibilities of destroying a satellite or causing huge threat to the space vehicles. For example, Chinese anti-satellite missile test was conducted by China on January 11, 2007. As a consequence a Chinese weather satellite was destroyed by a kinetic kill vehicle traveling with a speed of 8 km/s in the opposite direction. Anti-satellite missile tests like this,contribute to the formation of enormous orbital space debris which can remain in orbit for many years and could interfere with future space activity (Kessler Syndrome). The test is the largest recorded creation of space debris in history with at least 2,317 pieces of trackable size (golf ball size and larger) and an estimated 150,000 debris particles and more. Several nations responded negatively to the test and highlighted the serious consequences of engaging in the militarization of space. The timing and occasion aroused the suspicion of its demonstration of anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities following the Chinese test of an ASAT system in 2007 destroying a satellite but creating significant space debris. Therefore this breakup seemed to serve as a momentum of the UN Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines and the background of the EU initiatives for the International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities. The UN Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines thus adopted contain many technical elements that all the States involved in the outer space activities are expected to observe to produce least space debris from the moment of design of their launchers and satellites until the end of satellite life. Although the norms are on the voluntary basis which is normal in the current international space law environment where any attempt to formulate binding international rules has to face opposition and sometimes unnecessary screening from many corners of numerous countries. Nevertheless, because of common concerns of space-faring countries, the Guidelines could be adopted smoothly and are believed faithfully followed by most countries. It is a rare success story of international cooperation in the area of outer space. The EU has proposed an International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities as a transparency and confidence-building measure. It is designed to enhance the safety, security and sustainability of activities in outer space. The purpose of the Code to reduce the space debris, to allow exchange of the information on the space activities, and to protect the space objects through safety and security. Of the space issues, the space debris reduction and the space traffic management require some urgent attention. But the current legal instruments of the outer space do not have any binding rules to be applied thereto despite the incresing activities on the outer space. We need to start somewhere sometime soon before it's too late with the chaotic situation. In this article, with a view point of this problem, focused on the the Chinese test of an ASAT system in 2007 destroying a satellite but creating significant space debris and tried to analyse the issues of space debris reduction.

A Study on Collection and Usage of Panel Data on On-board Job Taking and Separation of Korean Seafarers (한국선원의 승선과 이직에 대한 패널자료 구축과 활용방안)

  • Park, Yong-An
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2016
  • Seafarers are an essential resource in maritime industries, which provide navigation skills, vessel maneuvering skills and fishing skills in the fishery industry. They also work as a driving force in pilotage, port operation, vessel traffic service, and marine safety. Other areas in maritime services, which rely on seafarer include safety management of ships, supervisory activities, and maritime accident assessment. In these ways, Korean seafarers have contributed to the growth of Korean economy. However, there have been issues of high separation rate, shortage of supply, multi-nationality, multiplicity of culture caused by employment of foreign seafarers, and aging. The present paper finds that maritime officers and fishery officers demonstrate differences in the statistics of on-board job taking and separation: the separation rate of fishery officers is higher than that of maritime officers. The existing data and statistics by the Korea Seafarer's Welfare & Employment Center could be improved by changing its structure from time series to panel data. The Korea Seafarer's Welfare & Employment Center is the ideal institution for collecting the panel data, as it has already accumulated and published relevant statistics regarding seafarer. The basic design method of the panel data is to adopt and improve it by including the information on ratings of maritime and fishery industries, ranks in a ship, personal information, family life, and career goal. Panel data are useful in short- and long-term forecasts of supply of Korean seafarers; demand evaluation of education, training, and reeducation of the seafarers; demographical dynamic analysis on Korean seafarers; inducement policy of long-term on board job taking in harmony with man-power demands in marine industries such as pilotage service; implementation of job attractiveness policy on Korean seafarers; and employment stabilization of Korean seafarers.

The Improvement Index of Smart Public Services to Advance Information Accessibility for the Elderly (고령자 정보접근성 향상을 위한 스마트 공공서비스 지표)

  • Kim, Mi-Yun;Byun, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2018
  • Recently, public service for the improvement of quality of life and life support such as safety, aging, disaster, welfare, housing, economy, urban environment, traffic etc are actively developed based on open public data, and the spread of the network and the necessity of everyday life, smartphones are playing a role in providing public services. Currently, the development of science is changing the life expectancy of human beings and changing into social structure in which aged people become bigger due to various social conditions and low fertility and aging problems. However, the elderly who do not have easy access to information are very uncomfortable in dealing with mobile devices with very low accessibility and utilization of public services provided by mobile phones. Therefore, this study recategorizes the condition of the elderly presented in the previous study and identifies the problem through case analysis provided for the elderly. Also, we summarize the hierarchy of the core items of the existing interface design and derive it as an improvement index of the public service design for the improvement of the information accessibility of the elderly, and propose a design method to improve the utilization of the public service provided through the mobile device.

The International Civil Aviation Organization and Recent Developments of Air Law in a Changing Environment (변환기(變換期)에 있어서의 국제민간항공기구(國際民間航空機構)(ICAD)와 항공법(航空法) 발전(發展)의 최근(最近) 동향(動向))

  • Choi, Wan-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.4
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 1992
  • The expansion of air transport on a global scale with ever increasing traffic densities has brought about problems that must be solved through new multilateral mechanisms. Looking to the immediate future, air transport will require new forms of international cooperation in technical and economic areas. Air transport by its very nature should have been a counterforce to nationalism. Yet, the regulatory system in civil aviation is still as firmly rooted in the principle of national sovereignty as when it was first proclaimed at t-11e Paris Convention of 1919 and reaffirmed in the Chicago Convention. Sovereignty over the airspace has remained the cornerstone of relations between states in all respects of air transport. The importance of sovereignty over air space embodied in article 1 of the Chicago Conrenton also is responsible for restricting the authority of ICAO as an intergovernmental regulatory agency. The Orgenization, for all its extensive efforts, has only limited authority. ICAO sets standards but cannot enforce them; it devises solutions but cannot impose them. To implement its rules ICAO most rely not so much on legal requirements as on the goodwill of states. It has been forty-eight years since international community set the foundations of the international system in civil aviation action. Profound political, economic and technological changes have taken place in air transport. The Chicago Convention is living proof that staes can work together to make air transport a safe mode of travel. The law governing international civil auiation is principally based on international treaties and on other regulation agreed to by governments, for the most part through the mechanism of ICAO. The role of ICAO international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with a broad range of technical matters could hardly be overestimated. The organization's ability to develop these standards and procedures, to adapt them continuously to the rapid sate of change and development of air transport, should be particularly stressed. The role of ICAO in the area of the development of multilateral conventions on international air law has been successful but to a certain degree. From the modest starting-point of the Tokyo Convention, we have seen more adequate international instruments prepared within the scope of ICAO activities, adopted: the Hague Convention of 1970 for the suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft and the Montreal Convention of 1971 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation. The work of ICAO in the new domain of international law conventions concerning what has been loosely termed above as the criminal problems connected with international air transport, in particular the problem of armed aggression against aircraft, should be positively appreciated. But ICAO records in the domain of developing a uniform legal system of international carriage by air are rather disappointing. The problem of maintaining and developing the uniformity of this regulation exceeds the scope of interest and competence of governmental transport agencies. The expectations of mankind linked to it are too great to give up trying to restore the uniform legal system of international air carriage that would create proper conditions for its further growth. It appears that ICAO has, at present, a good opportunity for doing this. The hasty preparation of ICAO draft conventions should be definitely excluded. Every Preliminary draft convention ought to be sent to Governments of all member-States for consideration, So that they could in form ICAO in due time of their observation. The problom of harmonizing a uniform law of international air carriage with that of other branches of international transport should demand more and more of its attention. ICAO cooperation with other international arganization, especially these working in the field of international transport, should be strengthened. ICAO is supposed to act as a link and a mediator among, at times the conflicting interests of member States, serving the happiness and peace of all of the world. The transformation of the contemporary world of developing international relations, stimulated by steadily growing international cooperation in its various dimensions, political, economic, scientific, technological, social and cultural, continuously confronts ICAO with new task.

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A Study on the System of Aircraft Investigation (항공기(航空機) 사고조사제도(事故調査制度)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.9
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    • pp.85-143
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    • 1997
  • The main purpose of the investigation of an accident caused by aircraft is to be prevented the sudden and casual accidents caused by wilful misconduct and fault from pilots, air traffic controllers, hijack, trouble of engine and machinery of aircraft, turbulence during the bad weather, collision between birds and aircraft, near miss flight by aircrafts etc. It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability for offender of aircraft accidents. Accidents to aircraft, especially those involving the general public and their property, are a matter of great concern to the aviation community. The system of international regulation exists to improve safety and minimize, as far as possible, the risk of accidents but when they do occur there is a web of systems and procedures to investigate and respond to them. I would like to trace the general line of regulation from an international source in the Chicago Convention of 1944. Article 26 of the Convention lays down the basic principle for the investigation of the aircraft accident. Where there has been an accident to an aircraft of a contracting state which occurs in the territory of another contracting state and which involves death or serious injury or indicates serious technical defect in the aircraft or air navigation facilities, the state in which the accident occurs must institute an inquiry into the circumstances of the accident. That inquiry will be in accordance, in so far as its law permits, with the procedure which may be recommended from time to time by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO). There are very general provisions but they state two essential principles: first, in certain circumstances there must be an investigation, and second, who is to be responsible for undertaking that investigation. The latter is an important point to establish otherwise there could be at least two states claiming jurisdiction on the inquiry. The Chicago Convention also provides that the state where the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint observers to be present at the inquiry and the state holding the inquiry must communicate the report and findings in the matter to that other state. It is worth noting that the Chicago Convention (Article 25) also makes provision for assisting aircraft in distress. Each contracting state undertakes to provide such measures of assistance to aircraft in distress in its territory as it may find practicable and to permit (subject to control by its own authorities) the owner of the aircraft or authorities of the state in which the aircraft is registered, to provide such measures of assistance as may be necessitated by circumstances. Significantly, the undertaking can only be given by contracting state but the duty to provide assistance is not limited to aircraft registered in another contracting state, but presumably any aircraft in distress in the territory of the contracting state. Finally, the Convention envisages further regulations (normally to be produced under the auspices of ICAO). In this case the Convention provides that each contracting state, when undertaking a search for missing aircraft, will collaborate in co-ordinated measures which may be recommended from time to time pursuant to the Convention. Since 1944 further international regulations relating to safety and investigation of accidents have been made, both pursuant to Chicago Convention and, in particular, through the vehicle of the ICAO which has, for example, set up an accident and reporting system. By requiring the reporting of certain accidents and incidents it is building up an information service for the benefit of member states. However, Chicago Convention provides that each contracting state undertakes collaborate in securing the highest practicable degree of uniformity in regulations, standards, procedures and organization in relation to aircraft, personnel, airways and auxiliary services in all matters in which such uniformity will facilitate and improve air navigation. To this end, ICAO is to adopt and amend from time to time, as may be necessary, international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with, among other things, aircraft in distress and investigation of accidents. Standards and Recommended Practices for Aircraft Accident Injuries were first adopted by the ICAO Council on 11 April 1951 pursuant to Article 37 of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and were designated as Annex 13 to the Convention. The Standards Recommended Practices were based on Recommendations of the Accident Investigation Division at its first Session in February 1946 which were further developed at the Second Session of the Division in February 1947. The 2nd Edition (1966), 3rd Edition, (1973), 4th Edition (1976), 5th Edition (1979), 6th Edition (1981), 7th Edition (1988), 8th Edition (1992) of the Annex 13 (Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation) of the Chicago Convention was amended eight times by the ICAO Council since 1966. Annex 13 sets out in detail the international standards and recommended practices to be adopted by contracting states in dealing with a serious accident to an aircraft of a contracting state occurring in the territory of another contracting state, known as the state of occurrence. It provides, principally, that the state in which the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint an accredited representative to be present at the inquiry conducted by the state in which the serious aircraft accident occurs. Article 26 of the Chicago Convention does not indicate what the accredited representative is to do but Annex 13 amplifies his rights and duties. In particular, the accredited representative participates in the inquiry by visiting the scene of the accident, examining the wreckage, questioning witnesses, having full access to all relevant evidence, receiving copies of all pertinent documents and making submissions in respect of the various elements of the inquiry. The main shortcomings of the present system for aircraft accident investigation are that some contracting sates are not applying Annex 13 within its express terms, although they are contracting states. Further, and much more important in practice, there are many countries which apply the letter of Annex 13 in such a way as to sterilise its spirit. This appears to be due to a number of causes often found in combination. Firstly, the requirements of the local law and of the local procedures are interpreted and applied so as preclude a more efficient investigation under Annex 13 in favour of a legalistic and sterile interpretation of its terms. Sometimes this results from a distrust of the motives of persons and bodies wishing to participate or from commercial or related to matters of liability and bodies. These may be political, commercial or related to matters of liability and insurance. Secondly, there is said to be a conscious desire to conduct the investigation in some contracting states in such a way as to absolve from any possibility of blame the authorities or nationals, whether manufacturers, operators or air traffic controllers, of the country in which the inquiry is held. The EEC has also had an input into accidents and investigations. In particular, a directive was issued in December 1980 encouraging the uniformity of standards within the EEC by means of joint co-operation of accident investigation. The sharing of and assisting with technical facilities and information was considered an important means of achieving these goals. It has since been proposed that a European accident investigation committee should be set up by the EEC (Council Directive 80/1266 of 1 December 1980). After I would like to introduce the summary of the legislation examples and system for aircraft accidents investigation of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Swiss, New Zealand and Japan, and I am going to mention the present system, regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation in Korea. Furthermore I would like to point out the shortcomings of the present system and regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation and then I will suggest my personal opinion on the new and dramatic innovation on the system for aircraft accident investigation in Korea. I propose that it is necessary and desirable for us to make a new legislation or to revise the existing aviation act in order to establish the standing and independent Committee of Aircraft Accident Investigation under the Korean Government.

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Disease, Accident and Health Behavior of in Farmers and Fishermen (농림어업인의 상병실태 및 건강행태 분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ran;Choi, Jeong-Wha
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.279-292
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze agricultural accident and disease using statistical data and materials about National Survey for Health & Nutrition in 2001 and to provide fundamental materials for studies about farmers' health and safety, decision of priority about research and policy. Results: Diagnosed chronic disease prevalence is 72.4% in farmer/fisher group, 49.8% in non farmer/fisher group. The chronic disease prevalence of musculoskeletal disease, circulatory disease, and gastroenteric disease is 46.5%, 18.2%, and 17.9% in farmer/fisher group respectively. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disease in farmer/fisher is 2.4 times higher than non farmer/fisher. This result shows that it need to evaluation for risk factors of musculoskeletal disease preferentially. Lifetime accident/poisoning rate is 18.2% In farmer/fisher group and 13.3% in non farmer/fisher group. The types of accidents were fracture>sprain>contusion and the reasons of accidents were traffic accident>falling/sliding. Conclusions: "Bad or very bad" response of farmer/fisher is almost 2 times higher than non farmer/fisher group. The rate of smoking and no exercising in farmer/fisher group is higher than non farmer/fisher group.

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