• Title/Summary/Keyword: Traffic Safety Policy

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Elderly Driver-involved Crash Analysis and Crash Data Policy (기계학습을 활용한 고령운전자 교통사고 분석 및 교통사고 데이터 정책 제언)

  • Kim, Seunghoon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.90-102
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    • 2022
  • Currently, in our society with a substantial and increasing fraction of the elderly population, transport safety for elderly drivers is becoming the center of attention. However, deficient data on vehicle crashes in South Korea limits the growth of traffic accident research pertaining to the country. So, we complemented South Korean vehicle crash data by examining USA vehicle crash data, especially the data of Ohio State, and analyzing the influential factors of elderly driver-involved crashes of the State. Subsequently, we suggested a way of improving the South Korean dataset. Notably, our study showed that the influential factors were vehicle speed, posted speed, and following other vehicles too close and provided them in the South Korean dataset.

A Study on the Improvement of Airspace Legislation in Korea (우리나라 공역 법제의 개선방안)

  • Kim, Jong-Dae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.61-114
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    • 2018
  • Recently airspace became a hot issue considering today's international relations. However, there was no data that could be fully explained about a legal system of korean airspace, so I looked at law and practice about korean airspace together. The nation's aviation law sector is comletely separate from those related to civil and military aircraft, at least in legal terms. The Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport shall carry out his/her duties with various authority granted by the "Aviation Safety Act". The nation's aviation-related content is being regulated too much by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport's notice or regulation, and there are many things that are not well known about which clauses of the upper law are associated with. The notice should be clearly described only in detail on delegated matters. As for the airspace system, the airspace system is too complex for the public to understand, and there seems to be a gap between law and practice. Therefore, I think it would be good to reestablish a simple and practical airspace system. Airspace and aviation related tasks in the military need to be clearly understood by distinguishing between those entrusted by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and those inherent in the military. Regarding matters entrusted by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transpor, it is necessary to work closely with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport when preparing related work guidelines, and to clarify who should prepare the guidelines. Regarding airspace control as a military operation, policies or guidelines that are faithful to military doctrine on airspace control are needed.

Legal Approach to the Passage Issues of the Cheju Strait (제주해협 통항문제에 관한 법적 고찰)

  • Kim Hyun Soo
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2003
  • Considering possible legal and policy problems with regard to the Cheju Strait, a central issue is whether the Cheju Strait should be treated as Korean territorial sea or an international strait The claim that the strait is territorial sea has been based on the use of a straight baseline method of dermarcation With the use of straight baseline, Korea claims that the breadth of the Cheju Strait is only 20.7 miles at its narrowest point and therefore the strait becomes the territorial sea of Korea. The consideration cf marine pollution has weighed heavily in claiming the Cheju Strait as territorial sea. Pollution resulting from the accidents cf tankers caused by fire, collision, or stranding in the Cheju Strait and the Korea Strait would be enormous, affecting the entire coastal waters of the south coasts cf Korea's mainland and Japan's Tsushima Islands areas. Catastrophic pollution in the Cheju Strait could also come from the accidents cf large-size oil tankers passing through the Korea Strait from the Malacca Strait Although the Korean government considers the geographic and socioeconomic conditions sufficient to justify Korea's claim of the Cheju Strait as territorial sea, it believes that declaring it so would raise considerable legal conflicts with maritime states. In view of the legal difficulties and the need to meet the problems arising from the growing vessel traffic in the Cheju Strait, the sea lanes and traffic separation schemes may be considered an alternative to the internationalization of the Cheju Strait Even if the Korean government dose not do so, the regime of innocent passage should be applied to vessels passing through the Strait and should not suspend innocent passage through the Strait. Therefore, the Korean government needs to have a more legal, pragmatic, functional and managerial approach than a purely sovereign and selfish approach to the solution of legal matters of the Cheju strait For this purpose, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea would serve as a guide and also self-restraint and cooperative approaches would become norms governing the resolution of the law of the sea issues in the Cheju Strait.

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Development of Roughness-Model for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements in Express Highway (고속도로 줄눈 콘크리트 포장의 평탄성 모델 개발)

  • Park, Young-Hoon;Chon, Beom-Jun;Kim, Young-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Woo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2010
  • Roughness is the most important factor to maintain the road performance, and affects greatly on the design life in Jointed Plain Concrete pavements. Also, the factors the evaluate pavement‘s commonality is the three method such as functionality, safety and structural performance. In evaluating function of road, representative factors is the roughness, which has been used to determine maintenance time as key standard. As research for roughness is absence in pavement design. Applied roughness-model had a low-reliability in Korea. Therefore, it is needed to develop reliable model in road roughness. In this research, uniform specific is applied to distribute them after selecting the concrete pavements. Concrete pavement is divided by sections of 238. Total length of this sections has 281km and account for 16% of total road length in korean concrete pavements for selected sections. Considering the korean roughness-model, the evaluation of roughness is performed for the freezing index, average annual rainfall, condition for the base, the amount of traffic as well as spalling(%), cracking(%), age(year) at the selected section at the selected section. Also, additional sections is selected to evaluate various age which affects on the roughness. As a result of the analysis, it showed that spalling(%), cracking(%), age(year), and the condition of the base affected road roughness. When the correlation with the road roughness was analyzed, the reliable model for road roughness was proposed, and the ratio that can explain road roughness was R2-68.8% and P value-0 which is statistically meaningful.

An Examination on International Lawfullness of P. R. China's Territorial Sea Regime (중국 영해제도의 국제법상 합법성 검토)

  • 최종화
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.45-64
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    • 1993
  • The law of territorial sea is a fundamental law by which the width of sovereign domain of a coastal state is determined. The P.R.China'a regime on the territorial sea was established through the Declaration on China's Ttrritorial Sea of 1958 and the P.R.China's Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Law of 1992. And the P.R.China's consistent policy on the territorial sea can be summarized as follows ; \circled1 The adoption of the straight baseline and 12 nautical miles of the territorial sea width, \circled2 The foreign merchant vessels can enjoy the right of innocent passage, while requesting for prior permission for the foreign military vessels on the entry into territorial sea. \circled3 The Chiungchow Strait and the Bohai Bay are claimed as the internal waters. \circled4 Enlistment of the whole coastal islands including the Taiwan. 12 nautical miles of the territorial sea width can be recognized as lawfull with respect to the 1982 UNLOS Convention. But the P.R.China's Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Law of 1992 contains some problems on the legality viewed in the light of customary international law. Firstly, it can be said that the adoption of simple straight baseline is not reasonable, and it must be investigated closely on the hidden intention of China. Secondly, there involved some possibility of international dispute on making Tung Tao which is 69 nautical miles apart from the mainland of a basepoint and on making the Bohai Bay of a historic bay. And also public notification of all basepoints for the straight baselines is necessary to meet the requirement of customary international law, Thirdly, two military zones established unilaterally in 1950 are illegal with respect to the customary international law, and they must be repealed deservedly. Fourthly, there have a lot of restrictions on the innocent passage even for foreign merchant vessels by the municipal law such as the Maritime Traffic Safety Law. As a conclusion, the P.R.China's territorial sea regime contains some illegal elements such as unilateral expansion of the maritime sovereignty or jurisdiction. In order to meet the general principle of the international law, the P.R.China's territorial sea policy must be modified on the basis of multilateral agreement with the states concerned. And Korea, as a state with opposite, has a definite right to take countermeasure agaist the P.R.China's contiguous zone.

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A Study on the Legal and Institutional Military UAV Rules in Korea (한국의 군용 무인항공기 비행규칙에 관한 법적.제도적 운용 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Seok;Park, Won-Tae;Im, Kwang-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2013
  • The MOLIT is also establishing the flight safety standards for UAV within the current Aviation Law. Accordingly the required flight criteria includes operator location, mission operation limit, equipment, etc. which are the principle and standard applied based on the airspace use for UAV. Also, general flight rules, visual flight rules, instrument flight rules are required to be applied to the actual flight. Besides, an appliance regulation needs to be arranged regarding two-way communication, ATC and communication issue, airspace and area in-flight between UAS(Unmanned Aircraft System) users. An operation of the UAV in the air significantly requires the guarantee of the aircraft's capacity, and also the standardized flight criteria. A safe and smooth use is ensured only if this criteria is applied and understood by the entire airspace users. For the purpose, a standardized military UAV flight operations criteria and a law complementary scheme.

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Accident Conversion Effect Analysis of Installing Median Barriers (중앙분리대 설치에 따른 사고전환효과 분석)

  • Park, Min-Ho;Park, Gyu-Yeong;Jang, Il-Jun;Lee, Su-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.2 s.88
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2006
  • Among tile traffic safety facilities, median barriers are installed above 4-lane national roads due to the awareness of haying an effect on preventing the front collision. Studies about the installation effect analysis of median harrier have been carried out through both at home and outside, mainly indicating total accident reduction effect on pertinent sections. In sum, study about how the accident occurrence form is changed at the point classified by the accident type or severity is insignificant. In the case of outside the country, calculating the accident reduction effect according to the type of median barriers is main research and in domestic, though there is a part of researches assessing reduction effect by accident types, it is not reliable in the view or statistics because of using only 1year's before-aftev data installing the facility, So in this Paper. it is the main purpose to presume the accident conversion effect. For this, we conduct an investigation and collect data about 7-year's accident data containing before-after Project, safety facilities foundation records and index of road alignment on the subject of 4-1ane national roads(108.6km) existing median barrier. Next. using the empirical bayes method, we estimate a model construction and accident conversion effect of accident type severity. We expect the result or this Paper will be applied for a policy execution and Presentation of facility standard related to median barrier from now on.

The effects of PM driving direction and alert sound type on risk perception and awareness of PM driver of pedestrians (개인형 이동장치(PM)의 주행 방향과 경고방식의 차이가 보행자의 위험 지각과 주행자에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Yoon-Hyun;Lee, Soo-Ji;Kang, Hyunmin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2021
  • The use of personal mobility(PM) is increasing because of preading shared mobility, but, it causes risk of accidents and fear to pedestrians because of lack of sound. The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of the alert sound in PM and driving direction on risk perception of pedestrians, awareness on PM driver, and allowance for driving on each road. The 8 videos were produced from a pedestrian perspective, depending on the alert sound type(silent, vess, bell, voice) and direction of driving(front, back). After watching each video, participants completed surveys. There was a non-effect on the driving direction. Regardless of the alert sound type, all of the sounds reduced the risk perception. Also, the awareness of PM drivers and allowance for driving on each road were positive. This study found that PM needed an alert sound for pedestrian safety. We expect the results of the study to help improve awareness of PM and make policies and regulations.

'Open Skies' Agreements and Access to the 'Single' European Sky;Legal and Economic Problems with the European Court of Justice's Judgment in 'Commission v. Germany'(2002) Striking Down the 'Nationality Clause' in the U.S.-German Agreement (항공(航空) 자유화(自由化)와 '단일(單一)' 유럽항공시장(航空市場) 접근(接近);유럽사법재판소(司法裁判所)의 미(美) ${\cdot}$ 독(獨) 항공운수협정(航空運輸協定)상 '국적요건(國籍要件)' 조항(條項)의 공동체법(共同體法)상 '내국민대우(內國民待遇)' 규정 위반(違反) 관련 '집행위원회(執行委員會) 대(對) 독일연방(獨逸聯邦)' 사건 판결(判決)(2002)의 문제점을 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.38-53
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    • 2007
  • In a seminal judgment of November 2002 (Case C-476/98) relating to the compatibility with Community laws of the 'nationality clause' in the 1996 amending protocol to the 1955 U.S.-German Air Services Agreement, the European Court of Justice(ECJ) decided that the provision constituted a measure of an intrinsically discriminatory nature and was thus contrary to the principle of national treatment established under Art. 52 of the EC Treaty. The Court, rejecting bluntly the German government' submissions relying on public policy grounds(Art. 56, EC Treaty), seemed content to declare and rule that the protocol provision requiring a contracting state party to ensure substantial ownership and effective control by its nationals of its designated airlines had violated the requirement of national treatment reserved for other Community Members under the salient Treaty provision. The German counterclaims against the Commission, although tantalizing not only from the perusal of the judgment but from the perspective of international air law, were nonetheless invariably correct and to the point. For such a clause has been justified to defend the 'fundamental interests of society from a serious threat' that may result from granting operating licenses or necessary technical authorizations to an airline company of a third country. Indeed, the nationality clause has been inserted in most of the liberal bilaterals to allow the parties to enforce their own national laws and regulations governing aviation safety and security. Such a clause is not targeted as a device for discriminating against the nationals of any third State. It simply acts as the minimum legal safeguards against aviation risk empowering a party to take legal control of the designated airlines. Unfortunately, the German call for the review of such a foremost objective and rationale underlying the nationality clause landed on the deaf ears of the Court which appeared quite happy not to take stock of the potential implications and consequences in its absence and of the legality under international law of the 'national treatment' requirement of Community laws. Again, while US law limits foreign shareholders to 24.9% of its airlines, the European Community limits non-EC ownership to 49%, precluding any ownership and effective control by foreign nationals of EC airlines, let alone any foreign takeover and merger. Given this, it appears inconsistent and unreasonable for the EC to demand, $vis-{\grave{a}}-vis$ a non-EC third State, national treatment for all of its Member States. The ECJ's decision was also wrongly premised on the precedence of Community laws over international law, and in particular, international air law. It simply is another form of asserting and enforcing de facto extraterritorial application of Community laws to a non-EC third country. Again, the ruling runs counter to an established rule of international law that a treaty does not, as a matter of principle, create either obligations or rights for a third State. Aside from the legal problems, the 'national treatment' may not be economically justified either, in light of the free-rider problem and resulting externalities or inefficiency. On the strength of international law and economics, therefore, airlines of Community Members other than the designated German and U.S. air carriers are neither eligible for traffic rights, nor entitled to operate between or 'free-ride' on the U.S. and German points. All in all and in all fairness, the European Court's ruling was nothing short of an outright condemnation of established rules and principles of international law and international air law. Nor is the national treatment requirement justified by the economic logic of deregulation or liberalization of aviation markets. Nor has the requirement much to do with fair competition and increased efficiency.

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A Study Security Measures for Protection of VIP in the G20 Summit (G20 정상회의 시 주(主)행사장에서의 VIP 안전대책 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Ki;Lee, Choong-Soo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.24
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    • pp.91-123
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    • 2010
  • The threat factors available for occurrence given G20 Summit Meeting are expected leader terrorism, hostage terrorism, bomb terrorism, public facilities terrorism, and aircraft terrorism. As for the threat groups, which are expected in Korea, the North Korea, Islam extremist group, and the group such as NGO organization of being opposed to international meeting are regarded as having possibility of causing hazard. Thus, the purpose of this study is to suggest VIP Security-measure plans in the main site in preparation for G20 Summit Meeting. Accordingly, each country in the world is adopting 'the principle of Triple Ring' in common. Thus, it elicited a coping plan by 1st line(inner ring) 2nd line(middle ring) 3rd line(outer ring) based on this principle, and proposed even an opinion together that will need to be reflected in light of policy for the VIP security measures. In conclusion, as for the VIP Security-measure plans in the main site in preparation for G20 Summit Meeting, In the inner ring(safety sector), first, an intercepting measure needs to be devised for a spot of getting into and out of vehicles given the Straight Street. Second, the Walking Formation needs to be reinforced boldly in the exposed area. In the middle ring(security sector), first, the control plan needs to be devised by considering particularity of the main site. Second, there is necessity for adopting the efficient security badge operation plan that is included RFID function within security badge. In the outer ring(aid protective sector), first, there is necessity of preparing for several VIP terrorisms, of collecting information and intelligence, and of reinforcing the information collection system against terrorism under the cooperation with the overseas information agency. Second, the urgent measure training in time of emergency needs to be carried out toward security agent event manpower. Third, to maintain the certain pace in VIP motorcade, the efficient traffic control system needs to be operated. Finally, as for what will need to be reflected in light of policy for VIP security measures, first, there is necessity for allowing VIP residence to be efficiently dispersed to be distributed and controlled. Second, there is necessity for allowing impure element to misjudge or attack to be failed by utilizing diverse deception operations. Third, according to the reorganization in North Korea's Organization of the South Directed Operations, the powerful 'military-support measure' needs to be driven from this G20 Summit Meeting. For this, the necessity was proposed for further reinforcing the front back defense posture under the supervision of the Ministry of National Defense and for positively coping even with detecting and removing poison in preparation for CBR (chemical, biological, and radio-logical) terrorism.

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