• Title/Summary/Keyword: Track components

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A Study of New Analytical Models for Railway Track System (철도궤도 시스템의 신해석 모델연구)

  • 김성득;김미룡
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 1991
  • A conventional track structure system of rails ties ballast subballast and subgrade. An adequate engineering analysis require consideration of all major components of track system. This paper briefly reviews existing methods of track analysis and presents a new model based of the examination of the Tallbot Model. The new model has been validated by comparision with settlements from other model.

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Vibration Analysis of Station under Railway Lines with Floating Slab Track (플로팅 슬래브궤도를 적용한 선하역사 구조물 진동해석)

  • Jang, Seung-Yup;Cho, Ho-Hyun;Yang, Sin-Chu
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.1719-1724
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    • 2010
  • In the areas susceptible to vibration and noise induced by railway traffic such as downtown area and stations under railway lines, the vibration and the structure-borne noise can be solved by floating slab track system separating the entire track structure from its sub-structure using anti-vibration mat or springs. In other countries, the core technologies for vibration-proof design and vibration isolator - one of key components - have been developed and many installation experiences have been accumulated. However, in Korea, since the design technology of system and components are not yet developed, the foreign systems are being introduced without any adjustment. Thus, in this study, the vibration isolator has been developed and its performance are investigated by the dynamic analysis of a station structure under railways lines and the floating slab track system. For this purpose, the loads transferred from the vibration isolator of the floating slab track were evaluated by train running simulation considering vehicle-track interaction, and then the dynamic analysis of station structure subjected to these loads was performed. The dynamic analysis results show that the proposed floating slab track can reduce the vibration of structure by about 25dB compared with that in conventional ballast track without floating system.

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Analysis on Factors Affecting the Acceleration of the Ballasted Track in Kyong-Bu High Speed Line

  • Kim, Man-Cheol
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, the correlation between the accelerations measured at the track components and the parameters affecting the acceleration is analyzed. To do it, the accelerations of each track component such as rails, sleepers and ballast are measured in Kyong-Bu high-speed Line. The RMS values of the measured accelerations are calculated and the pad stiffness, the longitudinal irregularity, running velocity and the corrugation, are considered as the parameters affecting the acceleration. By using the linear regression, the correlation coefficients are calculated to analyze the relationship between the acceleration characteristics and the parameters. Also, the 1/3 Octave analysis is calculated to analyze the dominant frequency band of the accelerations of the track components.

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Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Forecast Using Asymmetric 3-Dimensional Bogus Vortex (비축대칭 3차원 모조 소용돌이를 이용한 열대저기압의 진로 및 강도예측)

  • Lee, Jae-Deok;Cheong, Hyeong-Bin;Kang, Hyun-Gyu;Kwon, In-Hyuk
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.207-223
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    • 2014
  • The bogussing method was further developed by incorporating the asymmetric component into the symmetric bogus tropical cyclone of the Structure Adjustable Balanced Vortex (SABV). The asymmetric component is separated from the disturbance field associated with the tropical cyclone by establishing local polar coordinates whose center is the location of the tropical cyclone. The relative importance of wave components in azimuthal direction was evaluated, and only two or three wave components with large amplitude are added to the symmetric components. Using the Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF), initialized with the asymmetric bogus vortex, the track and central pressure of tropical cyclones were predicted. Nine tropical cyclones, which passed over Korean peninsula during 2010~2012 were selected to assess the effect of asymmetric components. Compared to the symmetric bogus tropical cyclone, the track forecast error was reduced by about 18.9% and 17.4% for 48 hours and 72 hours forecast, while the central pressure error was not improved significantly. The results suggest that the inclusion of asymmetric component is necessary to improve the track forecast of tropical cyclones.

Interaction analysis of Continuous Slab Track (CST) on long-span continuous high-speed rail bridges

  • Dai, Gonglian;Ge, Hao;Liu, Wenshuo;Chen, Y. Frank
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.63 no.6
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    • pp.713-723
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    • 2017
  • As a new type of ballastless track, longitudinal continuous slab track (CST) has been widely used in China. It can partly isolate the interaction between the ballastless track and the bridge and thus the rail expansion device would be unnecessary. Compared with the traditional track, CST is composed of multi layers of continuous structures and various connecting components. In order to investigate the performance of CST on a long-span bridge, the spatial finite element model considering each layer of the CST structure, connecting components, bridge, and subgrade is established and verified according to the theory of beam-rail interaction. The nonlinear resistance of materials between multilayer track structures is measured by experiments, while the temperature gradients of the bridge and CST are based on the long-term measured data. This study compares the force distribution rules of ballasted track and CST as respectively applied to a long span bridge. The effects of different damage conditions on CST structures are also discussed. The results show that the additional rail stress is small and the CST structure has a high safety factor under the measured temperature load. The rail expansion device can be cancelled when CST is adopted on the long span bridge. Beam end rotation caused by temperature gradient and vertical load will have a significant effect on the rail stress of CST. The additional flexure stress should be considered with the additional expansion stress simultaneously when the rail stress of CST requires to be checked. Both the maximum sliding friction coefficient of sliding layer and cracking condition of concrete plate should be considered to decide the arrangement of connecting components and the ultimate expansion span of the bridge when adopting CST.

Evaluation of the Railroad Track Life Cycle Based on the Metro Rail Wear Data Regression Analysis (지하철 마모 데이터 회귀분석을 통한 궤도 수명 평가)

  • Jeong, Min-Chul;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Jee-Ha;Kang, Yun-Suk;Kong, Jung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2010
  • The wear of railway track affects loss of rough ride, noise or vibration of train and traveling safety. Moreover as the track is worn away, this promotes destruction of structural mechanism of rail track which can bring about increasing of rail track maintenance cost drastically. For this reason, it is very important and interested research subject to design railway track structure and to analyse train movement mechanism based on systematic analysis of the reasons causing rail wear possible in real field. In this research, for the efficient maintenance, Life Cycle Performance of rail track and maintenance characteristics are computed considering some track components such as track type, contracting type, sleeper type and roadbed type. Time - Wear probabilistic distribution relationship as well as multiple regression analysis based on time, curvature and wear data are computed to predict the service life remainder of railway track and to be adapted to safety assessment.

Design and modelling of pre-cast steel-concrete composites for resilient railway track slabs

  • Mirza, Olivia;Kaewunruen, Sakdirat;Kwok, Kenny;Griffin, Dane W.P.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.537-565
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    • 2016
  • Australian railway networks possess a large amount of aging timber components and need to replace them in excess of 280 thousands $m^3$ per year. The relatively high turnover of timber sleepers (crossties in a plain track), bearers (skeleton ties in a turnout), and transoms (bridge cross beams) is responsible for producing greenhouse gas emissions 6 times greater than an equivalent reinforced concrete counterparts. This paper presents an innovative solution for the replacement of aging timber transoms installed on existing railway bridges along with the incorporation of a continuous walkway platform, which is proven to provide environmental, safety and financial benefits. Recent developments for alternative composite materials to replace timber components in railway infrastructure construction and maintenance demonstrate some compatibility issues with track stiffness as well as structural and geometrical track systems. Structural concrete are generally used for new railway bridges where the comparatively thicker and heavier fixed slab track systems can be accommodated. This study firstly demonstrates a novel and resilient alterative by incorporating steel-concrete composite slab theory and combines the capabilities of being precast and modulated, in order to reduce the depth, weight and required installation time relative to conventional concrete direct-fixation track slab systems. Clear benefits of the new steel-concrete composites are the maintainability and constructability, especially for existing railway bridges (or brown fields). Critical considerations in the design and finite element modelling for performance benchmarking of composite structures and their failure modes are highlighted in this paper, altogether with risks, compatibilities and compliances.

Three Dimensional Buckling Analysis of Continuous Welded Rail Track Under Thermal Load (온도하중을 고려한 장대레일 궤도의 3차원 좌굴 거동)

  • 강준석;임남형;양신추;강영종
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2000
  • For many decades, the railway was constructed using tracks with jointed rails of relatively short lengths. The joints cause many drawbacks in the track and lead to signeficant maintenance cost. so, railroad engineers became interested in eliminating joints. Continuous welded rail(CWR) track has many advantages over the conventional jointed-rail track. but, in the case of the elimination of rail joints, it may cause the track to be suddenly buckled laterally by thermal loads. In this paper, firstly, 3-D CWR track model and CWRB program exactly considering the influence of tie are developed far linear static and buckling analysis using finite element method. Characteristics of CWR track model are using 7-dofs beam element as rail, Offset technic exactly considering centroid axies difference of track components(rail, rail-pad-fastener, tie), and Thermal gradient considering thermal difference of top flange and bottom flange in rail section.. second,, Through the static and linear buckling analysis by CWRB, Influences of various track components (rail, ballast, fastener, tie and so on..) on CWR track behavior and stability was characterized.

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Analysis on Factors Affecting the Vibration of the Ballast Track in Kyeong-Bu High Speed Line (경부고속선 자갈궤도의 진동에 영향을 미치는 인자에 대한 분석)

  • Kim, Man-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.463-472
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, the correlation between the vibration characteristics of the track components and the parameters affecting the vibration is analysed. To do it, the accelerations of each track component such as rails, sleepers and ballast are measured in Kyong-Bu high-speed line. The RMS values of the measured data are calculated and the pad stiffness, the longitudinal irregularity, running velocity and the corrugation, are considered as the parameters in the viewpoint of track. By using the linear regression, the correlation coefficient is calculated to analyse the relationship. Also, the 1/3 Octave analysis is calculated to analyse the dominant frequency band of tile vibrations of the track components.

Development of evaluation method for the railroad track life cycle considering environmental effect factors (환경영향인자를 고려한 궤도수명산정 기법 개발)

  • Kong, Jung-Sik;Jeong, Min-Chul;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Won-Woo
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2011
  • Generally, the analysis of railroad wear data is most effective method for the efficient railway maintenance. The wear of railway track affects loss of rough ride, noise or vibration of train and traveling safety. Moreover as the track is worn away, this promotes destruction of structural mechanism of rail track which can bring about increasing of rail track maintenance cost drastically. For this reason, it is very important and interested research subject to design railway track structure and to analyse train movement mechanism based on systematic analysis of the reasons causing rail wear possible in real field. In this research, for the efficient maintenance, Life Cycle Performance of rail track and maintenance characteristics are computed considering some track components such as track type, contracting type, sleeper type and roadbed type. Time - Wear probabilistic distribution relationship as well as multiple regression analysis based on time, curvature and wear data are computed to predict the service life remainder of railway track and to be adapted to safety assessment.

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