• 제목/요약/키워드: Total mercuty

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동물원 사육동물의 총수은함량 조사 (Contents of Total Mercury in Zoo Animals)

  • 이강문;김성원;박석기;이용욱
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 1996
  • In order to investigate the contents of total mercury in zoo animal located near in Seoul, we measured the contents of total mercury in fur and feather collected in zoo animal by the Mercury Analyzer. The contents of total mercury in mammals was $61.56\pm 20.32 \mu g/kg$, but in birds $659.49\pm 162.73 \mu g/kg$. Compared with feeding pattern, the contents of total mercury of omniverous and carniverous were detected higher than those of herbiverous in mammals, and also same as in birds. The contents of total mercury of Cuculidae and Ciconidae were detected highestly among classification of family in zoo animal, but those of Camelidae and Cervidae were detected lowestly. Of carniverous, 30.5% was higher than $1000 \mu g/kg$, but the ratio of omniverous detected less than $100 \mu g/kg$ was 45.5%, and in herbiverous 95.4%.

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