• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topological group

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An Empirical Study on Quantitative Evaluation of Cognitive Function (인지기능의 정량적 평가를 위한 측정 모델 소프트웨어 개발 및 실험적 검증 연구)

  • Ryu, Wan-Seok;Kim, Hyung-Gun;Chung, Sung-Taek
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2010
  • Imaging studies using MRI, PET, and/or MEG have been primary evaluation methods to quantitatively assess cognitive function. Recent advances in computational technology and information technology may allow a novel evaluation methodology to quantitate cognitive function more cost-effectively. In this study, we developed a software package composed of a series of tests to evaluate cognitive ability combined with a user-friendly touch screen input device. This cognitive assessment tool can quantitate concentration, numeric memory, associative memory, topological memory, visual and muscular reaction, and acoustic reaction over a relatively short testing time. We performed an empirical study on eighty normal subjects aged 20 and 59 years old using the developed evaluation methods. Age-related cognitive deterioration after 40 years old was confirmed. There was no difference in cognitive ability between male and female in the same age group. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a simple but effective evaluation software tool to quantitatively assess cognitive ability. This methodology may provide improved accessibility and reduced costs to perform cognitive function studies to compare between various subject groups.


    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 1979
  • Abelian군(群)의 presheaf에 관한 직적(直積)과 직화(直和)를 Category 입장에서 정의(定義)하고 presheaf $F_{\lambda}\;({\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda})$들의 두 직적(直積)(또는 直和)은 서로 동형적(同型的) 관계(關係)에 있으며, 특히 ${\phi}:X{\rightarrow}Y$가 homeomorphism이라 하고 ${\phi}_*F$를 X상(上)의 presheaf F의 direct image이라 하면 (1) $({\phi}_*F, \;{\phi}_*(f_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$$({\phi}_*F_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}$의 직적(直積)일 때 오직 그때 한하여 $(F,\;(f_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$$(F_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$의 직적(直積)이다. (2) $({\phi}_*F,\;{\phi}_*(l_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$$({\phi}_*F_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}$의 직화(直和)일 때 오직 그때 한하여 $(F,\;(l_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$$(F_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$의 직화(直和)이다. Let $(F_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$ be an indexed set of presheaves of abelian group on topological space X. We can define the cartesian product $$\prod_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}\;F_{\lambda}$$ of $(F_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$ by $$(\prod_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}\;F_{\lambda})(U)=\prod_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}(F_{\lambda}(U))$$ for U open in X $${\rho}_v^u:\;(\prod_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}\;F_{\lambda})(U){\rightarrow}(\prod_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}\;F_{\lambda})(V)((s_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}{\rightarrow}(_{\lambda}{\rho}_v^u(s_{\lambda}))_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}})$$ for $V{\subseteq}U$ open in X where $_{\lambda}{\rho}^U_V$ is a restriction of $F_{\lambda}$, And we have natural presheaf morphisms ${\pi}_{\lambda}$ and ${\iota}_{\lambda}$ such that ${\pi}_{\lambda}(U):\;({\prod}_\;F_{\lambda})(U){\rightarrow}F_{\lambda}(U)((s_{\lambda})_{{\lambda}{\epsilon}{\Lambda}}{\rightarrow}s_{\lambda})$ ${\iota}_{\lambda}(U):\;F_{\lambda}(U){\rightarrow}({\prod}\;F_{\lambda})(U)(s_{\lambda}{\rightarrow}(o,o,{\cdots}\;{\cdots}o,s_{\lambda},o,{\cdots}\;{\cdots}o)$ for $(s_{\lambda}){\epsilon}{\prod}_{\lambda}\;F_{\lambda}(U)$ and $(s_{\lambda}){\epsilon}F_{\lambda}(U)$.

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The Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Winter and Summer Around Wangdol-cho (동해 왕돌초 주변 해역의 동계와 하계 식물플랑크톤 군집 분포)

  • Shim, Jeong-Min;Jin, Hyun-Gook;Sung, Ki-Tack;Hwang, Jae-Dong;Yun, Suk-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Kim, Young-Suk;Kwon, Ki-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.1403-1411
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    • 2008
  • Wangdol-cho, located 23 km offshore of Hupo in southwest of East Sea, is underwater rock floor, called to Wangdol-Am or Wangdol-Jam and has three tops as Mat-Jam, Middle-Jam and Set-Jam. The composition, abundance, diversity and community structure were investigated in winter and summer in 2002 around Wangdol-cho. The temperature around the Northwest and Southeast part of Wangdol-cho was influenced by the North Korea Cold Current (NKCC) and East Korea Warm Current (EKWC), respectively. Nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentration were higher at the top of Wangdol-cho than other area. A total of 41 genera and 78 species of phytoplankton were identified. The average cell abundance of phytoplankton in winter and summer were $286{\times}10^3\;cells/m^3,\;432{\times}10^3\;cells/m^3$ respectively. The largest community was Bacillariophyta containing 52 taxa. The dominant species were Lauderia anulata and Coscinodiscus spp. which preferred cold water in winter. In contrast, warm water species such as Rhizosolenia stolterfothii and Ceratium spp. were dominant in summer. The average species diversity index of phytoplankton in winter was higher than that in summer. According to dominant species and standing crops, phytoplankton community resulted in a clear separation. One group was western area, which showed low density, and the other was eastern area, which showed the higher density. The abundance and species composition of phytoplankton. were affected by topological characteristics around Wangdol-cho.

Development for Wetland Network Model in Nakdong Basin using a Graph Theory (그래프이론을 이용한 낙동강 유역의 습지네트워크 구축모델 개발)

  • Rho, Paikho
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2013
  • Wetland conservation plan has been established to protect ecologically important wetlands based on vegetation integrity, spatial distribution of endangered species, but recently more demands are concentrated on the landscape ecological approaches such as topological relationship, neighboring area, spatial arrangements between wetlands at the broad scale. Landscape ecological analysis and graph theory are conducted to identify spatial characteristics related to core nodes and weak links of wetland networks in Nakdong basin. Regular planar model, which is selected for wetland networks, is applied in the Nakdong basin. The analysis indicates that 5 regional groups and 4 core wetlands are extracted with 15km threshold distance. The IIC and PC values based on the binary and probability models suggest that the wetland group C composed of main stream of Nakdong river and Geumho river is the most important area for wetland network. Wetland conservation plan, restoration projected of damaged and weak links between wetlands should be proposed through evaluating the node, links, and networks from wetlands at the local to the regional scale in Nakdong basin.

Social Network Analysis for the Effective Adoption of Recommender Systems (추천시스템의 효과적 도입을 위한 소셜네트워크 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Hak;Cho, Yoon-Ho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.305-316
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    • 2011
  • Recommender system is the system which, by using automated information filtering technology, recommends products or services to the customers who are likely to be interested in. Those systems are widely used in many different Web retailers such as Amazon.com, Netfix.com, and CDNow.com. Various recommender systems have been developed. Among them, Collaborative Filtering (CF) has been known as the most successful and commonly used approach. CF identifies customers whose tastes are similar to those of a given customer, and recommends items those customers have liked in the past. Numerous CF algorithms have been developed to increase the performance of recommender systems. However, the relative performances of CF algorithms are known to be domain and data dependent. It is very time-consuming and expensive to implement and launce a CF recommender system, and also the system unsuited for the given domain provides customers with poor quality recommendations that make them easily annoyed. Therefore, predicting in advance whether the performance of CF recommender system is acceptable or not is practically important and needed. In this study, we propose a decision making guideline which helps decide whether CF is adoptable for a given application with certain transaction data characteristics. Several previous studies reported that sparsity, gray sheep, cold-start, coverage, and serendipity could affect the performance of CF, but the theoretical and empirical justification of such factors is lacking. Recently there are many studies paying attention to Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a method to analyze social relationships among people. SNA is a method to measure and visualize the linkage structure and status focusing on interaction among objects within communication group. CF analyzes the similarity among previous ratings or purchases of each customer, finds the relationships among the customers who have similarities, and then uses the relationships for recommendations. Thus CF can be modeled as a social network in which customers are nodes and purchase relationships between customers are links. Under the assumption that SNA could facilitate an exploration of the topological properties of the network structure that are implicit in transaction data for CF recommendations, we focus on density, clustering coefficient, and centralization which are ones of the most commonly used measures to capture topological properties of the social network structure. While network density, expressed as a proportion of the maximum possible number of links, captures the density of the whole network, the clustering coefficient captures the degree to which the overall network contains localized pockets of dense connectivity. Centralization reflects the extent to which connections are concentrated in a small number of nodes rather than distributed equally among all nodes. We explore how these SNA measures affect the performance of CF performance and how they interact to each other. Our experiments used sales transaction data from H department store, one of the well?known department stores in Korea. Total 396 data set were sampled to construct various types of social networks. The dependant variable measuring process consists of three steps; analysis of customer similarities, construction of a social network, and analysis of social network patterns. We used UCINET 6.0 for SNA. The experiments conducted the 3-way ANOVA which employs three SNA measures as dependant variables, and the recommendation accuracy measured by F1-measure as an independent variable. The experiments report that 1) each of three SNA measures affects the recommendation accuracy, 2) the density's effect to the performance overrides those of clustering coefficient and centralization (i.e., CF adoption is not a good decision if the density is low), and 3) however though the density is low, the performance of CF is comparatively good when the clustering coefficient is low. We expect that these experiment results help firms decide whether CF recommender system is adoptable for their business domain with certain transaction data characteristics.

Studies of Molecular Breeding Technique Using Genome Information on Edible Mushrooms

  • Kong, Won-Sik;Woo, Sung-I;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Shin, Pyung-Gyun;Oh, Youn-Lee;Kim, Eun-sun;Oh, Min-Jee;Park, Young-Jin;Lee, Chang-Soo;Kim, Jong-Guk
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.53-53
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    • 2015
  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation(ATMT) of Flammulina velutipes was used to produce a diverse number of transformants to discover the functions of gene that is vital for its variation color, spore pattern and cellulolytic activity. Futhermore, the transformant pool will be used as a good genetic resource for studying gene functions. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was conducted in order to generate intentional mutants of F. velutipes strain KACC42777. Then Agrobacterium tumefaciens AGL-1 harboring pBGgHg was transformed into F. velutipes. This method is use to determine the functional gene of F. velutipes. Inverse PCR was used to insert T-DNA into the tagged chromosomal DNA segments and conducting sequence analysis of the F. velutipes. But this experiment had trouble in diverse morphological mutants because of dikaryotic nature of mushroom. It needed to make monokaryotic fruiting varients which introduced genes of compatible mating types. In this study, next generation sequencing data was generated from 28 strains of Flammulina velutipes with different phenotypes using Illumina Hiseq platform. Filtered short reads were initially aligned to the reference genome (KACC42780) to construct a SNP matrix. And then we built a phylogenetic tree based on the validated SNPs. The inferred tree represented that white- and brown- fruitbody forming strains were generally separated although three brown strains, 4103, 4028, and 4195, were grouped with white ones. This topological relationship was consistently reappeared even when we used randomly selected SNPs. Group I containing 4062, 4148, and 4195 strains and group II containing 4188, 4190, and 4194 strains formed early-divergent lineages with robust nodal supports, suggesting that they are independent groups from the members in main clades. To elucidate the distinction between white-fruitbody forming strains isolated from Korea and Japan, phylogenetic analysis was performed using their SNP data with group I members as outgroup. However, no significant genetic variation was noticed in this study. A total of 28 strains of Flammulina velutipes were analyzed to identify the genomic regions responsible for producing white-fruiting body. NGS data was yielded by using Illumina Hiseq platform. Short reads were filtered by quality score and read length were mapped on the reference genome (KACC42780). Between the white- and brown fruitbody forming strains. There is a high possibility that SNPs can be detected among the white strains as homozygous because white phenotype is recessive in F. velutipes. Thus, we constructed SNP matrix within 8 white strains. SNPs discovered between mono3 and mono19, the parental monokaryotic strains of 4210 strain (white), were excluded from the candidate. If the genotypes of SNPs detected between white and brown strains were identical with those in mono3 and mono19 strains, they were included in candidate as a priority. As a result, if more than 5 candidates SNPs were localized in single gene, we regarded as they are possibly related to the white color. In F. velutipes genome, chr01, chr04, chr07,chr11 regions were identified to be associated with white fruitbody forming. White and Brown Fruitbody strains can be used as an identification marker for F. veluipes. We can develop some molecular markers to identify colored strains and discriminate national white varieties against Japanese ones.

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Predicting the Performance of Recommender Systems through Social Network Analysis and Artificial Neural Network (사회연결망분석과 인공신경망을 이용한 추천시스템 성능 예측)

  • Cho, Yoon-Ho;Kim, In-Hwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 2010
  • The recommender system is one of the possible solutions to assist customers in finding the items they would like to purchase. To date, a variety of recommendation techniques have been developed. One of the most successful recommendation techniques is Collaborative Filtering (CF) that has been used in a number of different applications such as recommending Web pages, movies, music, articles and products. CF identifies customers whose tastes are similar to those of a given customer, and recommends items those customers have liked in the past. Numerous CF algorithms have been developed to increase the performance of recommender systems. Broadly, there are memory-based CF algorithms, model-based CF algorithms, and hybrid CF algorithms which combine CF with content-based techniques or other recommender systems. While many researchers have focused their efforts in improving CF performance, the theoretical justification of CF algorithms is lacking. That is, we do not know many things about how CF is done. Furthermore, the relative performances of CF algorithms are known to be domain and data dependent. It is very time-consuming and expensive to implement and launce a CF recommender system, and also the system unsuited for the given domain provides customers with poor quality recommendations that make them easily annoyed. Therefore, predicting the performances of CF algorithms in advance is practically important and needed. In this study, we propose an efficient approach to predict the performance of CF. Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are applied to develop our prediction model. CF can be modeled as a social network in which customers are nodes and purchase relationships between customers are links. SNA facilitates an exploration of the topological properties of the network structure that are implicit in data for CF recommendations. An ANN model is developed through an analysis of network topology, such as network density, inclusiveness, clustering coefficient, network centralization, and Krackhardt's efficiency. While network density, expressed as a proportion of the maximum possible number of links, captures the density of the whole network, the clustering coefficient captures the degree to which the overall network contains localized pockets of dense connectivity. Inclusiveness refers to the number of nodes which are included within the various connected parts of the social network. Centralization reflects the extent to which connections are concentrated in a small number of nodes rather than distributed equally among all nodes. Krackhardt's efficiency characterizes how dense the social network is beyond that barely needed to keep the social group even indirectly connected to one another. We use these social network measures as input variables of the ANN model. As an output variable, we use the recommendation accuracy measured by F1-measure. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the ANN model, sales transaction data from H department store, one of the well-known department stores in Korea, was used. Total 396 experimental samples were gathered, and we used 40%, 40%, and 20% of them, for training, test, and validation, respectively. The 5-fold cross validation was also conducted to enhance the reliability of our experiments. The input variable measuring process consists of following three steps; analysis of customer similarities, construction of a social network, and analysis of social network patterns. We used Net Miner 3 and UCINET 6.0 for SNA, and Clementine 11.1 for ANN modeling. The experiments reported that the ANN model has 92.61% estimated accuracy and 0.0049 RMSE. Thus, we can know that our prediction model helps decide whether CF is useful for a given application with certain data characteristics.

The Pattern Analysis of Financial Distress for Non-audited Firms using Data Mining (데이터마이닝 기법을 활용한 비외감기업의 부실화 유형 분석)

  • Lee, Su Hyun;Park, Jung Min;Lee, Hyoung Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.111-131
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    • 2015
  • There are only a handful number of research conducted on pattern analysis of corporate distress as compared with research for bankruptcy prediction. The few that exists mainly focus on audited firms because financial data collection is easier for these firms. But in reality, corporate financial distress is a far more common and critical phenomenon for non-audited firms which are mainly comprised of small and medium sized firms. The purpose of this paper is to classify non-audited firms under distress according to their financial ratio using data mining; Self-Organizing Map (SOM). SOM is a type of artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a lower dimensional discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map. SOM is different from other artificial neural networks as it applies competitive learning as opposed to error-correction learning such as backpropagation with gradient descent, and in the sense that it uses a neighborhood function to preserve the topological properties of the input space. It is one of the popular and successful clustering algorithm. In this study, we classify types of financial distress firms, specially, non-audited firms. In the empirical test, we collect 10 financial ratios of 100 non-audited firms under distress in 2004 for the previous two years (2002 and 2003). Using these financial ratios and the SOM algorithm, five distinct patterns were distinguished. In pattern 1, financial distress was very serious in almost all financial ratios. 12% of the firms are included in these patterns. In pattern 2, financial distress was weak in almost financial ratios. 14% of the firms are included in pattern 2. In pattern 3, growth ratio was the worst among all patterns. It is speculated that the firms of this pattern may be under distress due to severe competition in their industries. Approximately 30% of the firms fell into this group. In pattern 4, the growth ratio was higher than any other pattern but the cash ratio and profitability ratio were not at the level of the growth ratio. It is concluded that the firms of this pattern were under distress in pursuit of expanding their business. About 25% of the firms were in this pattern. Last, pattern 5 encompassed very solvent firms. Perhaps firms of this pattern were distressed due to a bad short-term strategic decision or due to problems with the enterpriser of the firms. Approximately 18% of the firms were under this pattern. This study has the academic and empirical contribution. In the perspectives of the academic contribution, non-audited companies that tend to be easily bankrupt and have the unstructured or easily manipulated financial data are classified by the data mining technology (Self-Organizing Map) rather than big sized audited firms that have the well prepared and reliable financial data. In the perspectives of the empirical one, even though the financial data of the non-audited firms are conducted to analyze, it is useful for find out the first order symptom of financial distress, which makes us to forecast the prediction of bankruptcy of the firms and to manage the early warning and alert signal. These are the academic and empirical contribution of this study. The limitation of this research is to analyze only 100 corporates due to the difficulty of collecting the financial data of the non-audited firms, which make us to be hard to proceed to the analysis by the category or size difference. Also, non-financial qualitative data is crucial for the analysis of bankruptcy. Thus, the non-financial qualitative factor is taken into account for the next study. This study sheds some light on the non-audited small and medium sized firms' distress prediction in the future.