• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tool geometry

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A Study I on the Sizing Accuracy of the Characterized Defects of the Reactor Vessel Head Penetrations (원자로헤드 관통관 결함의 검출 정확성 연구)

  • Chung Tae-hoon;Kim Han-Jong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.216-227
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    • 2005
  • The head penetrations for control rod drive mechanism and instrumentation systems are installed at the reactor pressure vessel head of PWRs. Primary coolant water and the operating conditions of PWR plants can cause cracking of these nickel-based alloy through a process called primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC). Inspection of the head penetrations to ensure the integrity of the head penetrations has been interested since reactor coolant leakages were found at U. S. reactors in 2000 and 2001. The complex geometry of the head penetrations and the very low echo amplitude from the fine, multiple flaws due to the nature of the see made it difficult to detect and size the flaws using conventional pulse-echo UT methods. Time-of-flight-diffraction technique, which utilizes the time difference between the flaw tips while pulse-echo does the flaw response amplitude from the flaw, has been selected for this inspection for it's best performance of the detection and sizing of the head penetration see flaws. This study defines the limits of the detectable and accurately sizable minimum flaw size which can be detected by the General TOFD and the Delta TOFD techniques for circumferentially and axially oriented flaws respectively. These results assures the reliability of the inspection techniques to detect and accurately size for various kind of flaws, and will also be utilized for the future development and qualifications of the TOFD techniques to enhance the detecting sensitivity and sizing accuracy of the flaws of the reactor head penetrations in nuclear power plants.

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The Meaning and Practical Uses of Tables in Finland Elementary Mathematics Textbooks and Its Implications for Developing Mathematics Textbooks (핀란드 수학교과서에 나타난 표의 의미와 용도, 그리고 교과서 구성을 위한 시사점)

  • Kim, Soomi
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.73-92
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    • 2017
  • A table as an effective arrangement tool of a set of data has not been focused on as a single research subject despite of the fact that the table has been clearly one of learning and teaching elements of national math curriculum for a long time. I hope this article gets to be a starting point for future studies of tables. For this, the Finland elementary mathematics textbooks which use tables so often for many various purpose are chosen and analysed. As a result, it confirms that tables can be practical tools for developing different mathematical ideas in mathematics textbooks. Its applicable area is not limited on statistics but numbers and operations, geometry, measurement, ratio and rate. In addition, some ideas of the outlook, the size and dimension of tables, and the context of datum and etc are induced from the Finland elementary mathematics textbooks.

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Effect of Deformation Zones on the State of In Situ Stress at a Candidate Site of Geological Repository of Nuclear Waste in Sweden (스웨덴 방사성 폐기물 처분장 후보부지의 사례를 통해 살펴본 대규모 변형대가 암반의 초기응력에 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Ki-Bok
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.134-148
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    • 2008
  • The state of in situ stress is an important factor in considering the suitability of a site as a geological repository for nuclear waste. In this study, three-dimensional distinct numerical analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of deformation zones on the state of stress in the Oskarshamn area, which is one of two candidate sites in Sweden. A discontinuum numerical model was constructed by explicitly representing the numerous deformation zones identified from site investigation and far-field tectonic stress was applied in the constructed model. The numerical model successfully captured the variation of measured stress often observed in the rock mass containing large-scale fractures, which shows that numerical analysis can be an effective tool in improving the understanding of the state of stresses. Discrepancies between measured and modelled stress are attributed to the inconsistent quality of measured stress, uncertainty in geological geometry. and input data for fractures.

PEMFC Optimization Design Using Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 고분자 전해질 연료전지 최적화 설계)

  • Yang, Woo-Joo;Wang, Hong-Yang;Lee, Dae-Hyung;Kim, Young-Bae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.889-897
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a method for finding an optimized result by using a genetic algorithm (GA) based on a PEMFC analysis result. The conventional analysis method designs fuel cells one-by-one, and each result is compared to obtain the best performance. Because the computational burden of the conventional analysis is enormous, the present optimization process provides an inefficient tool by automatically setting the boundary and material properties and mesh generation. As the change can be reflected automatically in the channel geometry with GA, the fuel cell analysis result with various sizes can be obtained easily. Therefore, the global maximum performance can be obtained through a GA optimization procedure.

Automatic Mesh Generation System for FE Analysis of 3D Crack (3차원 균열의 유한요소해석을 위한 자동요소분할 시스템)

  • Lee, Ho-Jeong;Lee, Joon-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.2183-2188
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes an automatic mesh generation system for finite element analysis of three-dimensional cracks. It is consisting of fuzzy knowledge processing, bubble meshing and solid geometry modeler. This novel mesh generation process consists of three sub-processes: (a) definition of geometric model, i.e. analysis model, (b) generation of bubbles, and (c) generation of elements. One of commercial solid modelers is employed for three-dimensional crack structures. Bubble is generated if its distance from existing bubble points is similar to the bubble spacing function at the point. The bubble spacing function is well controlled by the fuzzy knowledge processing. The Delaunay method is introduced as a basic tool for element generation. Practical performances of the present system are demonstrated through several mesh generations for 3D cracks.

Comparison of root canal preparation by three Ni-Ti instruments

  • Shibutani, Takuya;Ozaki, Kazumi;Matsuo, Takashi
    • Proceedings of the KACD Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.547-547
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this study was to compare the effects of three Ni-Ti instruments on leaning ability by evaluating the volumetric and morphological changes in the apical 6mm of the root canals before and after preparation, using three-dimensionally reconstructed root canals of extracted human teeth. Forty-five teeth were used in this study. They were opened the chambers and removed the all pulp remnants ultrasonically. Subsequently, the canal wall was coated with silver paste and prepared using ProTaper, ProFile and GT rotary files according to the manufacturers instructions. Before and after root canal preparation, all the specimens were scanned with micro computed tomography and examined the differences in dentine volume removed, canal straightening, the proportion of the unchanged area and canal transportation. Quantitative analysis revealed that instrumentation increased in canal volume ranging between 0.081 and $1.866{\;}\textrm{mm}^3$. On average, the large apical preparation produced by ProTaper demonstrated smaller proportions of unchanged surface areas compared to the two other instruments in small canals. But in large canals like maxillary central incisor, the preparation of ProTaper instruments was not enough. ProTaper instrument was tended to increase more in canal volume as compared with the other two instruments but unchanged area was no significant difference. These results showed that three instruments had similar preparation ability and micro computed tomography in combination with the coated wall of root canal using silver paste is a nondestructive and valuable tool to study root canal geometry and changes after preparations in detail.

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Nature and Prospect of Complexity Paradigm (복잡계 패러다임의 특성과 전망)

  • Kim Mun-Cho
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2003
  • Complexity paradigm is a scientific amalgam that aims to unite a range of theoretical perspectives and research agendas across natural and social sciences. Proponents of complexity paradigm lay claims to an increasing number of areas of study, including artificial life, interpersonal networks, internal/international patterning of organizations, mapping of cyberspace, etc. All of those can be subsumed under the title, 'complexity turn.' Owing to the idea of open system, complexity paradigm has developed a number of new concepts/themes/perspectives that help to account for the complex mechanism of living and non-living creatures. A complex system comprises a number of properties such as disequilibrium, nonlinearity, dissipative structure, self-organization fractal geometry, autopoiesis, coevolution. Following a brief introduction to theoretical development, those properties are succinctly discussed. The complexity turn has provided a wealth of insights that enable to analyze system operations of any kind. It contributes a lot to illuminating the working of social system as well. The most remarkable attempt may be Niklas Luhmann's 'neofunctional system theory.' Merits and shortcomings of complexity paradigm were examined and its future prospect were assessed with the conclusion that complexity paradigm would continue to be useful both as effective transdisciplinary framework and powerful analytical tool.

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Derivation of Channel and Floodplain Width Regression Reflecting Korean Channel Shapes in SWAT Model (국내 하천 형상을 반영한 SWAT 모형 내 하천폭 및 홍수터폭 산정 회귀식 도출)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Gu;Han, Jeongho;Lee, Dongjun;Lim, Kyoung-Jae;Kim, Jonggun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the channel and floodplain widths are indirectly measured for three different watersheds using satellite images to reflect the shape of Korean channels in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. For measuring the channel and floodplain widths, multiple satellite images were referred to ensure the widest width of certain points. In the single channel, the widths at the multiple points were measured. Based on the measured data, the regression equations were derived to estimate the channel and floodplain widths according to watershed areas. Applying these developed equations, this study evaluated the effect of the change of channel and floodplain widths on the SWAT simulation by comparing to the measured streamflow data. The developed equations estimated larger channel width and smaller floodplain compared with those calculated in the current SWAT model. As shown in the results, there was no considerable changes in the predicted streamflow using the current and developed equations. However, the flow velocity and channel depth calculated from the developed equations were smaller than those of the current equations. The differences were caused by the effect of different channel geometries used for calculating the hydraulic characteristics. The channel geometries also affected the water quality simulation in channels because the hydraulic characteristics calculated by the channel geometries are directly related to the water quality simulation. Therefore, application of the river cross-sectional regression equation reflecting the domestic stream shape is necessary for accurate water quantity / quality and water ecosystem simulation using hydrological model.

Shear behavior of non-persistent joints in concrete and gypsum specimens using combined experimental and numerical approaches

  • Haeri, Hadi;Sarfarazi, V.;Zhu, Zheming;Hokmabadi, N. Nohekhan;Moshrefifar, MR.;Hedayat, A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.69 no.2
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, shear behavior of non-persistent joint surrounded in concrete and gypsum layers has been investigated using experimental test and numerical simulation. Two types of mixture were prepared for this study. The first type consists of water and gypsum that were mixed with a ratio of water/gypsum of 0.6. The second type of mixture, water, sand and cement were mixed with a ratio of 27%, 33% and 40% by weight. Shear behavior of a non-persistent joint embedded in these specimens is studied. Physical models consisting of two edge concrete layers with dimensions of 160 mm by 130 mm by 60 mm and one internal gypsum layer with the dimension of 16 mm by 13 mm by 6 mm were made. Two horizontal edge joints were embedded in concrete beams and one angled joint was created in gypsum layer. Several analyses with joints with angles of $0^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$, and $60^{\circ}$ degree were conducted. The central fault places in 3 different positions. Along the edge joints, 1.5 cm vertically far from the edge joint face and 3 cm vertically far from the edge joint face. All samples were tested in compression using a universal loading machine and the shear load was induced because of the specimen geometry. Concurrent with the experiments, the extended finite element method (XFEM) was employed to analyze the fracture processes occurring in a non-persistent joint embedded in concrete and gypsum layers using Abaqus, a finite element software platform. The failure pattern of non-persistent cracks (faults) was found to be affected mostly by the central crack and its configuration and the shear strength was found to be related to the failure pattern. Comparison between experimental and corresponding numerical results showed a great agreement. XFEM was found as a capable tool for investigating the fracturing mechanism of rock specimens with non-persistent joint.

Evaluation of Horizontal Load and Moment Capacities of Bucket-Type Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation (버켓형식 해상풍력기초의 수평 하중과 모멘트 저항력 평가)

  • Bagheri, Pouyan;Yoon, Jong Chan;Son, Su Won;Kim, Jin Man
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2021
  • Owing to economically efficient and easy installation, bucket foundation is a promising solution for offshore wind turbines. This paper aims at finding the behavior of suction caissons and soil surrounding the foundation by using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Under various loading conditions, a wide range of foundation geometries installed in dense and medium dense sandy soil was considered to evaluate ultimate horizontal load and overturning moment capacity. The results show that the rotation and displacement of the bucket due to monotonic loading are largely dependent on the foundation geometry, soil density and load eccentricity. Normalized diagrams and equations for the ultimate horizontal load and overturning moment capacities are presented that are useful tool for the preliminary design of such foundation type.