• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tool edge roughness

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The Comparison of Cutting Characteristics of PCD and MCD Tools in the Ultraprecision Turning of Aluminum Alloy (알루미늄 합금의 초정밀 선삭 가공에 있어서 PCD와 MCD 공구의 절삭 특성 비교)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Cheol;Ham, Seung-Deok;Hong, U-Pyo;Park, Yeong-U;Kim, Gi-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents the construction of an ultra-precision machining system and machining experiments using the developed system. The system is composed of air bearing system, granite bed, air pad, and linear feeding mechanism. The cutting conditions have great effect on the surface quality in ultra-precision machining. the ultra-precision machining is mainly processed by several ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ depth of cut and feed rate. For this, tools with sharper cutting edge and less tool wear are needed. To satisfy these requirement, diamond is generally used as a tool material for ultra-precision machining. In order to evaluate the cutting characteristics of the PCD and MCD tools on the aluminum alloy, the machining experiments performed using the developed system.

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Automated measurement and analysis of sidewall roughness using three-dimensional atomic force microscopy

  • Su‑Been Yoo;Seong‑Hun Yun;Ah‑Jin Jo;Sang‑Joon Cho;Haneol Cho;Jun‑Ho Lee;Byoung‑Woon Ahn
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.52
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    • pp.1.1-1.8
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    • 2022
  • As semiconductor device architecture develops, from planar field-effect transistors (FET) to FinFET and gate-all-around (GAA), there is an increased need to measure 3D structure sidewalls precisely. Here, we present a 3-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscope (3D-AFM), a powerful 3D metrology tool to measure the sidewall roughness (SWR) of vertical and undercut structures. First, we measured three different dies repeatedly to calculate reproducibility in die level. Reproducible results were derived with a relative standard deviation under 2%. Second, we measured 13 different dies, including the center and edge of the wafer, to analyze SWR distribution in wafer level and reliable results were measured. All analysis was performed using a novel algorithm, including auto fattening, sidewall detection, and SWR calculation. In addition, SWR automatic analysis software was implemented to reduce analysis time and to provide standard analysis. The results suggest that our 3D-AFM, based on the tilted Z scanner, will enable an advanced methodology for automated 3D measurement and analysis.

Mirror Finishing of Co-Cr-Mo Alloy by Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Cutting Method (초음파타원진동절삭가공법에 의한 Co-Cr-Mo 합금의 경면가공)

  • Song, Young-Chan;Tanaka, Kenichi;Moriwaki, Toshinmichi
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2008
  • The biocompatibility and the fatigue strength of Co-Cr-Mo alloy are excellent, so it is used well for the material of artificial joints. The head of artificial joint needs mirror surface for reduction of abrasive resistance. Mirror finishing of Co-Cr-Mo alloy with geometrically defined single crystal diamond cutting tools is handicapped by micro chipping of tool edge. In general, it is said that the micro chipping of diamond tool is caused by work hardening of Co-Cr-Mo alloy for the cut. In the present research, mirror finishing of Co-Cr-Mo alloy by applying ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting was carried out. The experimental results show that the micro chipping of diamond tool was suppressed and the tool wear was remarkably reduced as compared with the ordinary diamond cutting without elliptical vibration motion. It was confirmed that the good mirror surface of maximum surface roughness of 25 nmP-V was obtained for the cutting length of about 14 m. It is expected that mirror finishing of Co-Cr-Mo alloy can be achieved by applying ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting practically.

자동회귀-이동평균(ARMA) 모델에의한 초음파 진동 절삭 공정의 해석

  • 최인휴;김정두
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1993.04b
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    • pp.160-165
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    • 1993
  • The cutting mechanism of ultrasonic vibration machining is characterized as two phases, that is an impact at the cutting edge and a reduction of cutting force due to non-contact interval between tool and workpiece. In this paper, in order to identfy cutting dynamics of a system with ultrasonically vibrated cutting tool, an ARMA modelling is performed on experimental cutting force signals which have a dominant effect on cutting dynamics. The aim of this study is, through Dynamic Data System methodology, to find the inherent characteristics of an ultrasonic vibration cutting process by considering natural frequencyand damping coefficient. Surface roughness and stability of cutting process under ultrasonic vibration are also considered

An analysis of cutting process with ultrasonic vibration by ARMA model (자동회귀-이동평균(ARMA) 모델에 의한 초음파 진동 절삭 공정의 해석)

  • I.H. Choe;Kim, J.D.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 1994
  • The cutting mechanism of ultrasonic vibration machining is characterized as two phases, that is, an impact at the cutting edge and a reduction of cutting force due to non-contact interval between tool and workpiece. In this paper, in order to identify cutting dynamics of a system with ultrasonically vibrated cutting tool, an ARMA modeling is performed on experimental cutting force signals which have a dominant effect on cutting dynamics. The aim of this study is, through Dynamic Date System methodology, to find the inherent characteristics of an ultrasonic vibration cutting process by considering natural frequency and damping coefficient. Surface roughness and stability of cutting process under ultrasonic vibration are also considered

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The Characteristics of Ultra Precision Machining of Optical Crystals for Infrared Rays (적외선용 광학소자의 초정밀 절삭특성)

  • Won, Jong-Ho;Park, Won-Kyoo;Kim, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Geon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2003
  • Machining technique for optical crystals with single point diamond turning tool is reported in tills paper. The main factors influencing the machined surface quality are discovered and regularities of machining process are drawn. Optical crystals have found more and more important applications in the field of modern optics. Optical crystals are mostly brittle materials of poor machinability The traditional machining method is polishing which has many shortcomings such as low production efficiency, poor ability to be automatically controlled and edge effect of the workpiece. SPDT has been widely used in manufacturing optical reflectors of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum and copper which are easy to be machined for their proper ductility. But optical crystals being discussed here are characterized by their high brittleness which makes it difficult to obtain high quality optical surfaces on them. The purpose of our research is to find the optimum machining conditions for ductile cutting of optical crystals and apply the SPDT technique to the manufacturing of ultra precision optical components of brittle materials. As a result, the cutting force is steady, the cutting force range is 0.05-0.08N. The surface roughness is good when spindle is above 1400rpm, and feed rate is small. The influence of depth of cut is very small.

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Effect on Axial Rake Angle of Cutting Edge for Machinable Ceramics (절삭 선단의 축 방향 경사각이 가공성 세라믹에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Sung-Min;Yun, Yeo-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2009
  • The machining process of ceramics can be characterized by cracking and brittle fracture. In the machining of ceramics, edge chipping and crack propagation are the principal reasons to cause surface integrity deterioration. Such phenomenon can cause not only poor dimensional and geometric accuracy, but also possible failure of the ceramic parts. Thus, traditional ceramics are very difficult-to-cut materials. Generally, ceramics are machined using conventional method such as grinding and polishing. However these processes are generally costly and have low MRR(material removal rate). To overcome such problems, in this paper, h-BN powder, which gives good cutting property, is added for the fabrication of machinable ceramics by volume of 10 and 15%. The purpose of this study is an analysis of endmill's rake angle for appropriate tools design and manufacturing for the machinable ceramics. In this study, Experimental works are executed to measure cutting force, surface roughness, tool fracture, on different axial rake angle of endmills. Cutting parameters, namely, feed, cutting speed and depth of cut are used to accomplish purpose of this paper. Required experiments are performed, and the results are investigated.

A Study of Micro Machining Using Ultra Precision Machine (초정밀 가공기 제작을 통한 미세가공에 관한 연구)

  • 김석원;김상기;정우섭;이채문;이득우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2004
  • In recent years, a demand for micro-structure machining is increasing by the development of information and optics industries. Micro machining technology is in general well known in the field of lithograghy. However, the requirement of producing micro machine and/or micro mechanism with metal materials will be increased since a variety of workpiece configurations can be easily made. In this paper, ultra precision machine is developed to obtain micro groove and mirror surface using single crystal diamond tool. According to the cutting experiment, no burr was found at the edge of V-grooves, and the surface roughness of copper is about 1~3nm Ra. It is verified that ultra precision machine is effective to high precision machining.

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A Study on Standard of Performance Evaluation for Paper Shredder (문서세단기 성능평가방법의 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • 이동규;유송민;이위로;노대호;김민호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce the standard of the durability and evaluation method for paper shredder. The major evaluation criteria include shredding capability, shredding blade (or cutter) hardness and edge roughness, and durability. Due to the difficulties in assessing the durability directly, performance deterioration of the shredder was assessed by measuring the torque variation along with the variation in shredded chip size and load, thereby proposing the indirect method of assessing the paper shredder durability.

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An Experimental Study on New Type Chip Brakeer(Part 1) (신形 칩折斷具에 관한 實驗的 硏究 (제1보))

  • 손명환;이호철
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1121-1140
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    • 1992
  • In metal cutting the shape of generated chip varies according to cutting conditions, characteristics of workpiece and geometry of cutting tool. The best surface roughness of machined workpiece is obtained when generating flow type contrinuous chip. If the generated chip is not broken, that is not only tangled workpiece and cutting tool, but also may give damage on the machined surface of workpiece or danger for a operator. The flow type continuous chip may bring the low productivity in high speed any heavy cutting, automatic machining process and non-human factory. There are two type of chip break process ; controlling cutting condition and using chip breaker. In present study we carried out the experiment on new type chip breaker compared with conventional type and proved the efficiency of a new type and showed the chip break condition to be applied in actual metal cutting. In the experiment SM 20 C as a workpiece material and WC as a tool material were used and cutting speed of 30-150m/min, feed of 0.071-0.210mm/rev and depth of cut of 1mm were applied as cutting condition. The results of the experiment are as follows : (1) The mechanism of chip curl can be explained more clearly by plastic flow of workpiece material and moment of shearing force. (2) The most effective radius of curled chip and flat distance from cutting edge is 2.0-2.5mm and 1.5mm in both types. (3) The effective inclination angle of chip break surface and side cutting edge angle are 30.deg.- 45.deg. and 20.deg. in conventional type, while the radius of arc surface, lower arc angle A, upper arc angle B and side cutting edge angle are 3mm, 20.deg.- 45.deg., 0.deg.- 45.deg. and 10.deg.- 20.deg. in new type. (4) The probability to be obtained 100% chip breaking ratio is much higher in new type than in conventional type.