• 제목/요약/키워드: Timeseries Classification

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.016초

상관차원에 의한 볼베어링 고장진단 (Fault Diagnosis of Ball Bearing using Correlation Dimension)

  • 김진수;최연선
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2004년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.979-984
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    • 2004
  • The ball bearing having faults generally shows, nonlinear vibration characteristics. For the effective method of fault diagnosis on bail bearing, non-linear diagnostic methods can be used. In this paper, the correlation dimension analysis based on nonlinear timeseries was applied to diagnose the faults of ball bearing. The correlation dimension analysis shows some Intrinsic information of underlying dynamical systems, and clear the classification of the fault of ball bearing.

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Subset selection in multiple linear regression: An improved Tabu search

  • Bae, Jaegug;Kim, Jung-Tae;Kim, Jae-Hwan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.138-145
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes an improved tabu search method for subset selection in multiple linear regression models. Variable selection is a vital combinatorial optimization problem in multivariate statistics. The selection of the optimal subset of variables is necessary in order to reliably construct a multiple linear regression model. Its applications widely range from machine learning, timeseries prediction, and multi-class classification to noise detection. Since this problem has NP-complete nature, it becomes more difficult to find the optimal solution as the number of variables increases. Two typical metaheuristic methods have been developed to tackle the problem: the tabu search algorithm and hybrid genetic and simulated annealing algorithm. However, these two methods have shortcomings. The tabu search method requires a large amount of computing time, and the hybrid algorithm produces a less accurate solution. To overcome the shortcomings of these methods, we propose an improved tabu search algorithm to reduce moves of the neighborhood and to adopt an effective move search strategy. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, comparative studies are performed on small literature data sets and on large simulation data sets. Computational results show that the proposed method outperforms two metaheuristic methods in terms of the computing time and solution quality.

딥러닝 모델 기반의 자동차 배출가스 관련 대기환경 이상 데이터 탐지 연구 (A Study on Detecting Abnormal Air Quality Data Related to Vehicle Emissions Using a Deep Learning Model)

  • 최정무;권장우;이준표;이선우;박정민;신혜정;안찬중;강소영
    • 한국ITS학회 논문지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.261-273
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    • 2024
  • 자동차는 주요 대기 오염원 중 하나로 작용하고 있으며 자동차가 주 오염원인 대기오염물질 데이터의 분석을 통해 전기자동차, 교통량 등과 실제 대기오염의 상관관계를 분석할 수 있으며, 이러한 분석을 위해선 대기오염물질 데이터의 신뢰성 확보가 중요하다. 본 논문은 딥러닝 모델과 동적 시간 와핑, 변화점 탐지 등의 알고리즘을 복합적으로 이용하여 전국 각지의 대기오염물질 측정소에서 측정되는 데이터 중 '베이스라인 이상' 증상이 나타나는 구간을 탐지하는 방법을 제시한다. 기존 연구들은 이전에 없던 패턴이 나타나는 데이터를 탐지하여 이상으로 정의하지만 이는 베이스라인 이상 탐지에는 적합하지 않았다. 본 논문에서는 주로 이미지 분할(Segmentation)에 사용되는 Unet모델을 시계열 데이터에 적합하도록 변형하여 사용하고 있으며 또한 동적 시간 와핑과 변화점 탐지 알고리즘을 적용하여 주변 측정소와 적절한 비교를 진행하고 이를 통해 오탐지를 최소화하였다.