• Title/Summary/Keyword: Time Division Duplex

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63Mbps One-to-One Video Transmission Wireless Scheme in a Single-carrier Modulation with 2×2 Multiple Input Multiple Output (2×2 MIMO를 적용한 63Mbps급 단일 반송파 변조 방식의 일대일 영상전송 무선방식)

  • Paik, Junghoon;Kim, Namho;Kim, Young Woo;Hwang, Yongseong
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1143-1151
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a wireless transmission scheme that maximizes transmission efficiency per frequency bandwidth in a single carrier modulation scheme. The proposed scheme employs a decision directed channel tracking technique to remove both pilot signal and the guard interval signal between symbols in frames. It performs a raised cosine pulse shaping function with an roll-off factor of 0.05. In addition, 2×2 multiple input and multiple output using two polarized antennas is applied and both equalization and signal separation are performed in the frequency domain. The wireless modem with this technology confirms that the transmission speed of up to 63.3Mbps is achieved under the 5MHz frequency bandwidth

Forward Link Performance of Pre-Rake TDD-CDMA systems with Multi-Antenna (복수안테나를 사용하는 Pre-Rake TDD-CDMA 시스템의 순방향 링크 성능)

  • Jeong, In-Cheol;Rhi, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2011
  • The authors have proposed novel TDD-CDMA systems with Pre-Rake transmit diversity schemes (system 1 and system 2) using multiple transmit antennas in [2] and have also evaluated the system performance through the theoretical analysis and computer simulation. However, the performance of system 2 which transmit a signal using all antennas has not been evaluated for multi-user environment. Therefore in this paper, we analyze the performance of system 2 for multi-user environment and compare the performance with that of the already proposed system 1 which chooses only one antenna. From the numerical results, it is found that system 2 outperforms system 1 as the number of users increases while system 1 outperforms system 2 at a small number of users. Therefore in order to achieve the best system performance, the Pre-Rake transmit diversity type should be selected at the base station according to the number of users.

A Novel Distributed Secret Key Extraction Technique for Wireless Network (무선 네트워크를 위한 분산형 비밀 키 추출 방식)

  • Im, Sanghun;Jeon, Hyungsuk;Ha, Jeongseok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39A no.12
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    • pp.708-717
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we present a secret key distribution protocol without resorting to a key management infrastructure targeting at providing a low-complexity distributed solution to wireless network. The proposed scheme extracts a secret key from the random fluctuation of wireless channels. By exploiting time division duplexing transmission, two legitimate users, Alice and Bob can have highly correlated channel gains due to channel reciprocity, and a pair of random bit sequences can be generated by quantizing the channel gains. We propose a novel adaptive quantization scheme that adjusts quantization thresholds according to channel variations and reduces the mismatch probability between generated bit sequences by Alice and Bob. BCH codes, as a low-complexity and pratical approach, are also employed to correct the mismatches between the pair of bit sequences and produce a secret key shared by Alice and Bob. To maximize the secret key extraction rate, the parameters, quantization levels and code rates of BCH codes are jointly optimized.

Development of a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for reliable detection of a novel porcine circovirus 4 with an endogenous internal positive control

  • Kim, Hye-Ryung;Park, Jonghyun;Park, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Jong-Min;Baek, Ji-Su;Kim, Da-Young;Lyoo, Young S.;Park, Choi-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2022
  • A novel porcine circovirus 4 (PCV4) was recently identified in Chinese and Korean pig herds. Although several conventional polymerase chain reaction (cPCR) and real-time PCR (qPCR) assays were used for PCV4 detection, more sensitive and reliable qPCR assay is needed that can simultaneously detect PCV4 and internal positive control (IPC) to avoid false-negative results. In the present study, a duplex qPCR (dqPCR) assay was developed using primers/probe sets targeting the PCV4 Cap gene and pig (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) GAPDH gene as an IPC. The developed dqPCR assay was specifically detected PCV4 but not other PCVs and porcine pathogens, indicating that the newly designed primers/probe set is specific to the PCV4 Cap gene. Furthermore, GAPDH was stably amplified by the dqPCR in all tested viral and clinical samples containing pig cellular materials, indicating the high reliability of the dqPCR assay. The limit of detection of the assay 5 copies of the target PCV4 genes, but the sensitivity of the assay was higher than that of the previously described assays. The assay demonstrated high repeatability and reproducibility, with coefficients of intra-assay and inter-assay variation of less than 1.0%. Clinical evaluation using 102 diseased pig samples from 18 pig farms showed that PCV4 circulated in the Korean pig population. The detection rate of PCV4 obtained using the newly developed dqPCR was 26.5% (27/102), which was higher than that obtained using the previously described cPCR and TaqMan probe-based qPCR and similar to that obtained using the previously described SYBR Green-based qPCR. The dqPCR assay with IPC is highly specific, sensitive, and reliable for detecting PCV4 from clinical samples, and it will be useful for etiological diagnosis, epidemiological study, and control of the PCV4 infections.

Multiplex PCR method for environmental monitoring of approved LM cotton events in Korea (국내 승인 LM면화의 자연환경 모니터링을 위한 multiplex PCR 개발)

  • Jo, Beom-Ho;Seol, Min-A;Shin, Su Young;Kim, Il Ryong;Choi, Wonkyun;Eum, Soon-Jae;Song, Hae-Ryong;Lee, Jung Ro
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2016
  • The growth area of living modified (LM) cotton has steadily increased every year, since its first commercialization in 1996. Development of environmental risk assessment tools and techniques for LM cotton is required for ecosystem safety. We therefore developed multiplex PCR assays for simultaneous detection of two (MON15985, MON531) and four (GHB614, LLCOTTON25, MON88913 and MON1445) LM cotton events approved in Korea, with event specific primer pairs. The PCR reactions were optimized by using event specific primers of six LM cottons at various concentrations. The reactions allows amplification of estimated amplicons of MON15985 (214 bp), MON531 (270 bp), GHB614 (119 bp), LLCOTTON25 (164 bp), MON88913 (276 bp), and MON1445 (389 bp) from multiplex PCR reactions. The multiplex PCR assay developed allowed that two annealing steps (15 cycles at $55^{\circ}C$ and 25 cycles at $60^{\circ}C$) were performed for amplification of distinguished two LM cottons, and only one annealing step (50 cycles at $60^{\circ}C$) was necessary for tetraplex PCR. Primer extension step of all PCR reactions was skipped for time-effective amplification. Our methods suggest that two multiplex PCR assays can be cost-effective and a rapid diagnostic tool for environmental LMO monitoring of six LM cottons.

MAC Scheduling Algorithm for Efficient Management of Wireless Resources in Bluetooth Systems (블루투스 시스템에서의 효율적 무선자원관리를 위한 MAC 스케쥴링 기법)

  • 주양익;권오석;오종수;김용석;이태진;엄두섭;차균현
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.9A
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    • pp.702-709
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient and QoS-aware MAC scheduling algorithm for Bluetooth, which considers both throughput and delay performance of each Master-Slave pair in scheduling decisions, and thus, attempts to maximize overall performance. The proposed algorithm, MTDPP (Modified Throughput-Delay Priority Policy), makes up for the drawbacks of T-D PP (Throughput-Delay Priority Policy) proposed in [6] and improves the performance. Since Bluetooth employs a master-driven TDD based scheduling algorithm, which is basically operated with the Round Robin policy, many slots may be wasted by POLL or NULL packets when there is no data waiting for transmission in queues. To overcome this link wastage problem, several algorithms have been proposed. Among them, queue state-based priority policy and low power mode-based algorithm can perform with high throughput and reasonable fairness. However, their performances may depend on traffic characteristics, i.e., static or dynamic, and they require additional computational and signaling overheads. In order to tackle such problems, we propose a new scheduling algorithm. Performance of our proposed algorithm is evaluated with respect to throughput and delay. Simulation results show that overall performances can be improved by selecting suitable parameters of our algorithm.

Validation of Stem-loop RT-qPCR Method on the Pharmacokinetic Analysis of siRNA Therapeutics (Stem-loop RT-qPCR 분석법을 이용한 siRNA 치료제의 생체시료 분석법 검증 및 약물 동태학적 분석)

  • Kim, Hye Jeong;Kim, Taek Min;Kim, Hong Joong;Jung, Hun Soon;Lee, Seung Ho
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.653-661
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    • 2019
  • The first small interfering RNA (siRNA) therapeutics have recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S., and the demand for a new RNA therapeutics bioanalysis method-which is essential for pharmacokinetics, including the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of siRNA therapeutics-is rapidly increasing. The stem-loop real-time qPCR (RT-qPCR) assay is a useful molecular technique for the identification and quantification of small RNA (e.g., micro RNA and siRNA) and can be applied for the bioanalysis of siRNA therapeutics. When the anti-HPV E6/E7 siRNA therapeutic was used in preclinical trials, the established stem-loop RT-qPCR assay was validated. The limit of detection was sensitive up to 10 fM and the lower limit of quantification up to 100 fM. In fact, the reliability of the established test method was further validated in three intra assays. Here, the correlation coefficient of $R^2$>0.99, the slope of -3.10 ~ -3.40, and the recovery rate within ${\pm}20%$ of the siRNA standard curve confirm its excellent robustness. Finally, the circulation profiles of siRNAs were demonstrated in rat serum, and the pharmacokinetic properties of the anti-HPV E6/E7 siRNA therapeutic were characterized using a stem-loop RT-qPCR assay. Therefore, the stemloop RT-qPCR assay enables accurate, precise, and sensitive siRNA duplex quantification and is suitable for the quantification of small RNA therapeutics using small volumes of biological samples.