• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tillering Maize Hybrid

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Investigation on Korean Local Maize Lines V. Variabilities of Plant Characters of Multi-eared and Tillered Lines(MET) (재래종 옥수수 수집종에 대한 특성조사 제5보 다수다벽 재래종 옥수수계통의 특성변이)

  • Choe, B.H.;Park, J.S.;Kim, Y.R.;Park, K.Y.
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.56-68
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    • 1981
  • A maize line was selected in 1979 among 1000 Korean local maize lines collected in 1977. The selected maize line was characterized by having three to four tillers and eight to 10 ears on each individual plant. The line was assumed to have a great potential as a silage crop. The investigation was conducted as one of the serial studies on the Korean maize collected lines to provide basic information on the genetic variabilities of the multi-eared and tillered (MET) line and on other agronomic characters, prior to use the line as material for future breeding works for silage crop. The MET line and Suwon #19, single cross hybrid, as check variety were planted on May 1, 15 and 30, in three different levels of plant populations. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The genetic variabilities of multi-ear and tillering habits were greater than environmental variabilities. 2. Total dry leaf weight of individual plant of MET line was also significantly higher than that of Suwon #19. 3. The mean number of tillers and ears bearing on the individual plant of MET line varied greatly with plant densities. The number of tillers and ears was on the average 2.9 and 7.0, respectively, when planted in 60cm. by 60cm. 4. The total dry matter and dried stem weight of the individual plant on MET line were comparable to those of Suwon #19. 5. The kernel weight from the individual plant of MET line was 5 to 40% less than that of Suwon #19, depending upon the plant densities. 6. The Kernel to stover ratio was higher for Suwon #19 than for the MET line. (41% to 35%). 7. The MET line had shown first tiller two weeks after planted on May 1. The second and third tillers appeared three to five days after the appearance of the first tiller. 8. The MET line was very specific in tillering habits. All the tillers were borne on the first few nodes of main stem below the soil surface. 9. The tillering habits of MET line were vigorous in the early part of the growing season, but less vigorous in the later part of the growing season. The number of efficient tillers bearing useable ears, was around two to three, when planted in 60cm. by 60cm. 10. The difference of plant height between main stem and first few tillers was around 10cm. 11. The ear size of MET line was around one-third of the major corn belt hybrids. The shape of ear of MET line was conical, with different diameter. 12. The kernel of the MET line was flinty with small soft starch patches on the endosperm part. 13. The 100 kernel weight was around 15gr., which is about one half of the major high yielding hybrids. 14. The ear height of MET line was comparatively higher than that of Suwon #19. 15. Significantly high and positive phenotypic correlation coefficients were obtained among major plant characters. 16. The growth rate of MET line was slower than that of Suwon #19. 17. MET line and Suwon #19 were both heavily infected with black streaked mosaic virus.

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Growth Analysis of Maize with Tillers (분얼형 옥수수의 생장분석)

  • Kang, Kwon-Kyu;Lee, Hee-Bong;Lee, Won-Ku;Choe, Bong-Ho
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.280-287
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    • 1989
  • In order to know growing habit of the maize bearing tillers, IK//IRI/B68 with tillers was grown and compared with Jinjoo Ok which is not tillering, and several parameters were measured for analysis. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The plant height and fresh weight of IK//IRI/B68 were lower than those of Jinjoo Ok until the tasseling stage of IK/ /IRI/B68, while then plant height and fresh weight of IK//IRI/B68 were higher than those of Jinjoo Ok after the tasseling stage of IK//IRI/B68. 2. The average number of tillers per plant of IK//IRI/B68 at maturity was 3.7 and the average tiller height of IK//IRI/B68 was almost the same as the height of the main stem. 3. The dry weight of IK//IRI/B68 at the early growing stage was lower than the check hybrid Jinjoo Ok, while it was higher than Jinjoo Ok at the later growing stage. 4. The LAI of IK//IRI/B68 after full expansion of the leaves was greater than that of Jinjoo Ok The LAIs of IK//IRI/B68 and Jinjoo Ok were 12.6 and 5.8, respectively. 5. The CGR of Jinjoo Ok was greater than that of IK//IRI/B68 until earey July while the CGR of Jinjoo Ok was lower than that of IK//IRI/B68 as the tillers of IK//IRI/B68 were fully developed. 6. The LAR and RGR of IK//IRI/B68 were greater than those of Jinjoo Ok until mid-July. The RGR of IK//IRI/B68 seemed to be affected by both NAR and LAR. The RGR of Jinjoo Ok seemed to be affected by LAR.

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Yielding Ability and Competitive Influence of Tillering Maize(Zea mays L.) when Mixed with Uniculm Hybrid (형태적(形態的)으로 다른 두 옥수수 (Zea mays L.)의 혼작(混作)이 청예(靑刈)및 종실수량(種實收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Choe, Bong Ho;Choi, Chang Yeol;Park, Jong Seong;Lee, Hee Bong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 1988
  • This study was done to investigate the interplanting effects of corn, when a corn hybrid with tillers (IK derivaties) was interplanted with a corn hybrid without tillers(Jinjoo Ok). The interplanting ratios of two hybrids, IK and Jinjoo Ok, were 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3, 2 to 1, and 3 to 1. The interp1anting effects were compared with monoculture for major agronomic characteristics. 1. The plant height was increased when interplanted regardless of the interplanting ratios of the two hybrids. The general growth of IK hybrid was a little hindered when the interplanting ratio of Jinjoo Ok hybrid increased. 2. The number of tillers produced by the IK hybrid increased until 40 days after emergence and appeared to increase as the interplanting ratio of IK hybrid increased. 3. When monocultured, the fresh weight of IK hybrid per 10a was 8,096kg and and 6,677kg at silking and dough stages, respectively and these were 77%, 53% over the fresh weight of Jinjoo Ok at the sarne stages. When IK and Jinjoo Ok hybrids were interplanted in 1 to 1 ratio, the fresh weight of IK was 20% higher than that of Jinjoo Ok monocultured. 4. The highest grain yield per 10a was obtained from the Jinjoo Ok hybrid monocultured and the yield was 434kg. Even the interplanting ratios between IK and Jinjoo Ok were 1 to 1 and 1 to 3, the grain yield of Jinjoo Ok was 16% and 13% over the IK, respectively. 5. Root and stalk lodging of IK hybrid was 29% when monocultured and seemed to increase as the interplanting ratio of Jinjoo Ok increased. The lowest lodging was found when the interplanting ratio of IK and Jinjoo Ok was 1 to 1. 6. Stem diameter of IK hybrid was also decreased as the interplanting ratio of Jinjoo Ok increased. The ear height of IK was lowered as the interplanting ratio of IK was increased. The two hybrids tested seemed to have tolerance to the black streaked dwarf virus(BSDV).

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