• 제목/요약/키워드: Three Dimensional Wind Anemometer (CSAT3)

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.019초

인공 도로협곡 관측 자료를 활용한 전산유체역학모델 검증 (Verification of Computational Fluid Dynamics Model Using Observation Data in Artificial Street Canyon)

  • 김도형;홍선옥;이대근;이영곤;김백조
    • 대기
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2016
  • In this study, performance of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is assessed from analysis on air flow pattern which is observed in the artificial street canyon. Field observations focusing on flows were conducted at an artificial street canyon in Magok region. For the observation of three-dimensional airflow structures, twelve three-dimensional wind anemometers (hereafter, CSAT3) were installed inside the street canyon. The street canyon was composed of two rectangular buildings with 35-m length, 4-m width, and 7-m height. The street width (distance between the buildings) is 7 m, making the street aspect ratio (defined by the ratio of building height to street width) of 1. For the observation of above-building wind, a CSAT3 was installed above the northwest-side building. Southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly were dominant in the street canyon during the observations. Because wind direction is parallel to the street canyon in the southwesterly case, westerly and northwesterly were selected as inflow directions in numerical simulations using a computational fluid dynamics model developed through the collaborative research project between National Institute of Meteorological Sciences and Seoul National University (CFD_NIMR_SNU). The observations showed that a well-structured vortex flow (skimming flow) and an evidence of a small eddy at the corner of the downwind building and ground appeared. The CFD_NIMR_SNU reproduced both the observed flow patterns reasonably well, although wind speeds inside the street canyon were underestimated.