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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Thermal-mechanical Fatigue

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Thermal Elasto-Plastic Deformation Analysis of Metal Matrix Composites Considering Residual Stress and Interface Bonding Strength (잔류응력과 계면접합강도를 고려한 금속복합재료의 열탄소성 변형 해석)

  • Kang, Chung-Gil;Seo, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1 s.94
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 1999
  • As the interface bonding phenomenon between the matrix and the reinforcements has a large effect on the mechanical properties of MMCs, a sugestion of the strength analysis technique considering the residual stress and the interface bonding phenomenon is very important for the design of pans and the estimation of fatigue behavior. In this paper the three dimensional finite element anaysis is performed during the elasto-plastic deformation of the particulate reinforced metal matrix composites. It was analyzed with the volume fractions in view of microscale. Bonding strength. interface separation and matrix void growth between the matrix and the reinforcements will be predicted on deformation under tensile loading. An interface seperation is estimated by the fracture criterion which is a critical value of generalized plastic work per unit volume. The shape of the reinforcement is assumed to be a perfect sphere. And the type of the reinforcement distribution is assumed as FCC array. The thermal residual stress in MMCs is induced by the heat treatment. It is included at the simulation as an initial residual stress. The element birth and death method of the ANSYS program is used for the estimation of the interface bonding strength, void generation and propagation. It is assumed that the fracture in the matrix region begin to occur under the external loading when the plastic work per unit volume is equal to the critical value. The fracture strain will be defined. The experimental data of the extruded SiCp>/606l Al composites are compared with the theoretical results.

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Wearing Comfort Evaluation of a Summer Flight Suit to Improve Ventilation (통기성 향상을 위한 하계비행복 설계 및 착용쾌적성 평가)

  • Jeon, Eun-Jin;Park, Sei-Kwon;You, Hee-Cheon;Kim, Hee-Eun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.485-491
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    • 2014
  • This study verified the effect of summer flight ventilation developed in a previous study based on wearing comfort evaluation. Seven healthy males in their twenties volunteered for this experiment conducted in aclimatic chamber. The experiment consisted of three consecutive periods of rest (20 minutes), running on a treadmill (10 minutes) and recovery (20 minutes). A comparative evaluation was conducted on the general flight suit which had no ventilation holes and summer flight suit that use subjective satisfaction measures and objective measures. The subjective satisfaction was evaluated according to the criteria of temperature sensation, wet sensation, thermal comfort and fatigue sensation. The objective satisfaction was measured by skin temperature, microclimate (temperature and humidity), sweat rate and thermography. The comparative wearing evaluation identified the summer flight suit decreased the temperature between skin and suit by 0.42C (upper arm), 0.9C (calf) and the skin temperature by 0.3C (shoulder), 0.4C (upper arm), 0.5C (calf) as compared to the general flight suit. The humidity inside the summer flight suit decreased at head (7.73%), shoulder (5.86%), upper arm (5.26%), and calf (8.73%) compared to the one inside the general flight suit. Thermography showed that the air flowed through ventilation holes (neck and armpit). The design of ventilation holes applied to the summer flight suit can be applicable to overall clothing that requires thermal comfort such as dust-free garments, mechanical clothing and combat uniforms.

Friction Power Loss Reduction for a Marine Diesel Engine Piston (박용엔진 피스톤 스커트 프로파일 변경에 의한 마찰손실(FMEP) 저감 연구)

  • An, Sung Chan;Lee, Sang Don;Son, Jung Ho;Cho, Yong Joo
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.132-139
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    • 2016
  • The piston of a marine diesel engine works under severe conditions, including a combustion pressure of over 180 bar, high thermal load, and high speed. Therefore, the analyses of the fatigue strength, thermal load, clamping (bolting) system and lubrication performance are important in achieving a robust piston design. Designing the surface profile and the skirt ovality carefully is important to prevent severe wear and reduce frictional loss for engine efficiency. This study performs flexible multi-body dynamic and elasto-hydrodynamic (EHD) analyses using AVL/EXCITE/PU are performed to evaluate tribological characteristics. The numerical techniques employed to perform the EHD analysis are as follows: (1) averaged Reynolds equation considering the surface roughness; (2) Greenwood_Tripp model considering the solid_to_solid contact using the statistical values of the summit roughness; and (3) flow factor considering the surface topology. This study also compares two cases of skirt shapes with minimum oil film thickness, peak oil film pressure, asperity contact pressure, wear rate using the Archard model and friction power loss (i.e., frictional loss mean effective pressure (FMEP)). Accordingly, the study compares the calculated wear pattern with the field test result of the piston operating for 12,000h to verify the quantitative integrity of the numerical analysis. The results show that the selected profile and the piston skirt ovality reduce friction power loss and peak oil film pressure by 7% and 57%, respectively. They also increase the minimum oil film thickness by 34%.

Room-temperature Bonding and Mechanical Characterization of Polymer Substrates using Microwave Heating of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT 마이크로파 가열을 이용한 고분자 기판의 상온 접합 및 기계적 특성평가)

  • Sohn, Minjeong;Kim, Min-Su;Ju, Byeong-Kwon;Lee, Tae-Ik
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2021
  • The mechanical reliability of flexible devices has become a major concern on their commercialization, where the importance of reliable bonding is highlighted. In terms of component materials' properties, it is important to consider thermal damage of polymer substrates that occupy large area of the flexible device. Therefore, room temperature bonding process is highly advantageous for implementing flexible device assemblies with mechanical reliability. Conventional epoxy resins for the bonding still require curing at high temperatures. Even after the curing procedure, the bonding joint loses flexibility and exhibits poor fatigue durability. To solve this problems, low-temperature and adhesive-free bonding are required. In this work, we develop a room temperature bonding process for polymer substrates using carbon nanotube heated by microwave irradiations. After depositing multiple-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) on PET polymer substrates, they are heated locally with by microwave while the entire bonding specimen maintains room temperature and the heating induces mechanical entanglement of CNT-PET. The room temperature bonding was conducted for a PET/CNT/PET specimen at 600 watt of microwave power for 10 seconds. Thickness of the CNT bonding joint was very thin that it obtains flexibility as well. In order to evaluate the mechanical reliability of the joint specimen, we performed lap shear test, three-point bending test, and dynamic bending test, and confirmed excellent joint strength, flexibility, and bending durability from each test.

Hydrogen Compressor Cycle Analysis for the Operating Pressure of 50 MPa and High Charging Capacity (50 MPa급 대용량 수소압축기 사이클 해석)

  • Song, Byung-Hee;Myoung, No-Seuk;Jang, Seon-Jun;Kwon, Jeong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2020
  • In the hydrogen compression cycle, which is currently being developed, hydrogen is compressed to a very high pressure using a compressor, and then stored and used in a high-pressure vessel. This shows that an increase in the temperature of hydrogen in the vessel due to a pressure rise during the filling process and the pressure fatigue due to the repeated cycle may cause problems in the reliability of the vessel. In this paper, for the entire processes in a 50 MPa hydrogen compression system, theoretical and numerical methods were conducted to analyze the following: the temperature increase of hydrogen in the vessel and the time required to reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, the change in temperature of hydrogen passing through the pressure reducing valve, and the required capacity of the heat exchanger for cooling the vessel. The results will be useful for the design and construction of hydrogen compression systems, such as hydrogen charging stations.

Development of Large Superalloy Exhaust Valve Spindle by Dissimilar Inertia Welding Process (이종재료 마찰용접에 의한 초내열합금 대형 배기밸브 스핀들 개발)

  • Park Hee-Cheon;Jeong Ho-Seung;Cho Jong-Rac;Lee Nak-Kyu;Oh Jung-Seok;Han Mvoung-Seoup
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.891-898
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    • 2005
  • Inertia welding is a solid-state welding process in which butt welds in materials are made in bar and in ring form at the joint race, and energy required lot welding is obtained from a rotating flywheel. The stored energy is converted to frictional heat at the interface under axial load. The quality of the welded joint depends on many parameters, including axial force, initial revolution speed and energy amount of upset. working time, and residual stresses in the joint. Inertia welding was conducted to make the large exhaust valve spindle for low speed marine diesel engine. superalloy Nimonic 80A for valve head of 540mm and high alloy SNCrW for valve stem of 115mm. Due to different material characteristics such as, thermal conductivity and flow stress. on the two sides of the weld interface, modeling is crucial in determining the optimal weld geometry and Parameters. FE simulation was performed by the commercial code DEFORM-2D. A good agreement between the Predicted and actual welded shape is observed. It is expected that modeling will significantly reduce the number of experimental trials needed to determine the weld parameters. especially for welds for which are very expensive materials or large shaft. Many kinds of tests, including macro and microstructure observation, chemical composition tensile , hardness and fatigue test , are conducted to evaluate the qualify of welded joints. Based on the results of the tests it can be concluded that the inertia welding joints of the superalloy exhaust valve spindle are better properties than the material specification of SNCrW.

Simulations of fluidelastic forces and fretting wear in U-bend tube bundles of steam generators: Effect of tube-support conditions

  • Hassan, Marwan;Mohany, Atef
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2016
  • The structural integrity of tube bundles represents a major concern when dealing with high risk industries, such as nuclear steam generators, where the rupture of a tube or tubes will lead to the undesired mixing of the primary and secondary fluids. Flow-induced vibration is one of the major concerns that could compromise the structural integrity. The vibration is caused by fluid flow excitation. While there are several excitation mechanisms that could contribute to these vibrations, fluidelastic instability is generally regarded as the most severe. When this mechanism prevails, it could cause serious damage to tube arrays in a very short period of time. The tubes are therefore stiffened by means of supports to avoid these vibrations. To accommodate the thermal expansion of the tube, as well as to facilitate the installation of these tube bundles, clearances are allowed between the tubes and their supports. Progressive tube wear and chemical cleaning gradually increases the clearances between the tubes and their supports, which can lead to more frequent and severe tube/support impact and rubbing. These increased impacts can lead to tube damage due to fatigue and/or wear at the support locations. This paper presents simulations of a loosely supported multi-span U-bend tube subjected to turbulence and fluidelastic instability forces. The mathematical model for the loosely-supported tubes and the fluidelastic instability model is presented. The model is then utilized to simulate the nonlinear response of a U-bend tube with flat bar supports subjected to cross-flow. The effect of the support clearance as well as the support offset are investigated. Special attention is given to the tube/support interaction parameters that affect wear, such as impact and normal work rate.

Electro-fatigue Characteristic of Shape Memory Alloy Applied to the Electrosurgical Knee Wand of Variation of Wand Head Angle in Electrosurgical Knee Surgeries (헤드각이 변화하는 Electrosurgical Knee Wand에 적용된 형상기억합금 스프링의 전기적 피로특성)

  • An, Jae-Uk;Kim, Cheol-Woong;Lee, Ho-Sang;Wang, Joon-Ho;Oh, Dong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1547-1552
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    • 2008
  • The tip of these catheter with straight needles is not able to reach in the vicinity of the disc bulging, which are the cause of the low back pain and because the far indirect radio-frequency treatment results in the decompression, the nucleoplasty has the limit. Many incurable diseases has not been solved due to the unexistence of the advanced technique for the MIS human body catheter device. To increase the possibility of nucleoplasty, the needle tip should be located at the closest area of the lesion. For this reason, the best way to increase the success rate of the operation is that the needle tip should access 3-dimensionally to the operating field as soon as possible. To achieve this aim, our studies are restricted as follows: 1) the SMA catheter design to control the 3-dimensional direction, 2) the security of the immediate response by the positive control of the SMA element thermal distribution using Peltier thermoelectric elements, 3) the aquisition of the control data by monitoring the relationship between the temperature of SMA element and the displacement, and 4) the design of the controller to guarantee the accurate location.

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A study on the shape optimization of ship's bellows using DOE (실험계획법을 이용한 선박용 벨로우즈의 형상최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim J.P.;Kim H.J.;Kim H.S.;Cho U.S.;Jeo S.B.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.637-640
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    • 2005
  • The mechanical properties of bellows, such as the extensibility and the strength can be changed depending on the shape. For the shipbuilding material, it is favorable that the fatigue lift is long due to the elastic property and the reduction of thermal stress in piping system. Nowadays, the domestic production and design of bellows are based on the E.J.M.A Code. Therefore, the design standard is in need because of much errors and lack of detailed analysis. In this study, it is attempted to find out the optimal shape of U-type ship's bellows that is applied to design of experiment using the finite element method. The effective factors, mountain height, length, thickness, and number of mountains and the length of joint are considered and the proper values are chosen for the simulation. The number of mountains are increased, the volume increases above the standard volume and the stress obviously increases. In addition, the effect of the thickness of bellows on the stress is very large. Both of the volume and stress are decreasing at a certain lower value region.

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A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Gas Pressure Welded Splices of Deformed Reinforcing Bar (가스압접 이형철근의 기계적 강도 특성 연구)

  • Jeon, Juntai
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.520-526
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    • 2015
  • Reinforcing bar splices are inevitable in reinforced concrete structure. In these days, there are three main types of splices used in reinforced concrete construction site - lapped splice, mechanical splice and welded splice. Low cost, practicality in construction site, less time consuming and high performance make gas pressure welding become a favorable splice method. However, reinforcing bar splice experiences thermal loading history during the welding procedure. This may lead to the presence of residual stress in the vicinity of the splice which affects the fatigue life of the reinforcing bar. Therefore, residual stress analysis and tensile test of the gas pressure welded splice are carried out in order to verify the load bearing capacity of the gas pressure welded splice. The reinforcing bar used in this work is SD400, which is manufactured in accordance with KS D 3504. The results show that the residual stresses in welded splice is relatively small, thus not affecting the performance of the reinforcing bar. Moreover, the strength of the gas pressure welded splice is high enough for the development of yielding in the bar. As such, the reinforcing bar with gas pressure welded splice has enough capacity to behave as continuous bar.